
Oct 26, 2017
Depends on your country. In many countries the called "center" is to the left of the US mainstream Democrats


Oct 25, 2017
Most centrists are just lazy. They tend to not be very into politics, and they don't do a whole lot of research onto who might support issues they want tackled.

That said, they aren't above sticking their nose into topics they have no knowledge on and then giving the "but we should all just meet in the middle!"

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
Most centrists are just lazy. They tend to not be very into politics, and they don't do a whole lot of research onto who might support issues they want tackled.

That said, they aren't above sticking their nose into topics they have no knowledge on and then giving the "but we should all just meet in the middle!"


Oct 26, 2017
Most centrists are just lazy. They tend to not be very into politics, and they don't do a whole lot of research onto who might support issues they want tackled.

That said, they aren't above sticking their nose into topics they have no knowledge on and then giving the "but we should all just meet in the middle!"

From my experience, centrists tend to be more informed than most. They may just be using that information to come to what others would consider the wrong conclusions.


Dec 7, 2017
Centrism in this forum is more of a boogeyman, with leftists passive-aggressively calling other leftists that when there's a disagreement.


Oct 27, 2017
If you're a centrist in terms of actual policy? That's perfectly fine.

If you're a centrist in terms of actual politics? Fuck you now and forever.

Deleted member 46429

Self-requested ban
Aug 4, 2018
Naive at best. I'll hasten to add I'm talking about centrism as it applies to America.

Most centrists I've met are people whose personal lives are minimally impacted by politics. They can believe both Clinton and Trump were comparably bad because, by the end of the day, they'd be able to survive the Trump era. And, yes, you can't really can't divorce centrism from racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, misogyny, etc. because privilege really is what allows folks (esp. wealthy white able-bodied allocishet men) to ignore politics, to regard it as some sort of game no more important than a sports season. Furthermore, centrism really has roots in trying to avoid confrontation; having to regard nearly half of voters as *wrong* makes people uncomfortable, so they'd rather say both sides have good points lest they feel they have invalidated anyone. And you can only worry about making people feel good if you first consider not hurting their feelings, irrespective of whether they deserved it, more important than others' safety.

Obviously parallels to "civility" and both-sideisms exists, as it's one giant package.

I went with naivete, because the hurdle that seems to break people is realizing politics *matters*, that it's not some distant thing but a ubiquitous force that shapes society all the time. And, hopefully, when they realize people they care about are being harmed, they take it imupin themselves to become better informed. And, yes, this often leads to the inevitable conclusion that most of the GOP offer bad faith arguments in a bid for power and the Dems, well, aren't that. And when you can't take the GOP seriously, centrism isn't tenable.

Anyway, that went a bit longer than expected so please excuse my tendency to ramble.


Oct 25, 2017
From my experience, centrists tend to be more informed than most. They may just be using that information to come to what others would consider the wrong conclusions.
Absolutely the opposite of what I've seen in my experience... They know very little, tend to not start political conversations, and when forced to engage in one they will almost always take points from both sides they are listening on and propose the magic 'middle ground'.


Oct 11, 2018
Centrism in this forum is more of a boogeyman, with leftists passive-aggressively calling other leftists that when there's a disagreement.

Nah. In the United States the window is so far to the right that most of the "left" are just conservatives who are liberal on social issues.
Oct 26, 2017
I'd say a big part of the problem especially in America is that we don't have a left wing, Democrats are mostly just centrist, so when your "center" is just being right wing instead of far right it's not really moderating anything, it's just pushing things right at a slower pace


Jan 11, 2018
Nope nothing wrong with being in the center. That's where I sit personally on allot of issues.

Deleted member 29464

Account closed at user request
Nov 1, 2017
Centrists seem to hate context, hence many "both sides" crap gets spouted. A lot of people here are finding it harder to be centrist if they're from the US or UK as it becomes harder and harder to deny the context of the right's actions and how they actually harm people, especially in America (e.g seeing neo-nazis actually kill a woman, multiple racist incidents, kids in cages, threatening the rights of transgender people, and now mail bombs).

Also, fiscal conservatism is just a way of indirectly harming people and especially minority groups as opposed to doing it directly.

Deleted member 30681

user requested account closure
Nov 4, 2017
Centrism really depends on the country and it's best viewed as a case by case. In the U.S. Centrism is bullshit largely because the overton window is so far shifted to the right, that the definition of being a centrist now basically means being a 1980s style Republican.


Oct 25, 2017
It speaks of being dumb.

Centrism, in American context, is a conservative position. How's that center?


Nov 6, 2017
Huge difference between the US and the rest of the western world. The scale of left-centrist-right in the US is busted big time. That's why the US is so screwed up right now. Whatever Americans think about their centrists is significantly different compared to the rest of the world because they don't have a middle ground.

Considering that the most stable and successful democracies in the western world have long been based on centrist governments, it seems to work just fine outside the US. But the massive divide in the US has burned all bridges to the middle ground. It is not looking good for the US, and I have no idea how they can fix it.


Oct 26, 2017

Centrists are not Moderates

Blue Dog Democrats are Moderates, Red Tories are Moderates, but a Centrist an affirmed centrist is not a moderate.


Oct 26, 2017
from a Canadian perspective, I'm a hardliner Centrist and Liberal Party voter.
I don't believe in comprimises with the fuckin' Conservative Party or the Bloc Quebecois. Fuck'em all.

Canada is tried and true a Centrist country


Oct 11, 2018
Centrism really depends on the country and it's best viewed as a case by case. In the U.S. Centrism is bullshit largely because the overton window is so far shifted to the right, that the definition of being a centrist now basically means being a 1980s style Republican.

Bingo. The best thing the democratic party has going for it is being able to set what the limit is considered "left" in the US by being the only "opposition" to the republicans.

Anything that pushes left against that gets hit with "purity test" complaints.
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Oct 25, 2017
Personal anecdotes and all but.. in my experience, people who claim to be centrists, and even liberal end up being right wingers who are too afraid to share what they really think about people. This is especially true with my experiences via dating

I don't see what compromising on values that help people actually accomplishes. Especially when the right doesn't play that way at all.


Oct 25, 2017
The best joke I've heard about the typical "socially liberal, fiscally conservative" centrist is "I like black people, but I also like the fiscal policies that oppress them." Political beliefs and ideologies are interconnected and most people don't just pick and choose their beliefs in a vacuum. Supporting civil rights for black people is correlated to supporting civil rights for gay people which is correlated to fixing the prison/justice system which is correlated to the ending the war on drugs which is correlated to supporting more affordable health insurance, etc. So if you only support some of those things but not others, it suggests a gap in your logic that makes you susceptible to eventually dropping your support for all of those things (because your beliefs are only as strong as their weakest link).


Oct 25, 2017
A lot of people here seem to think being a centrist means you listen to Trump's insane desire to define gender as male/female only and give it equal weighting to the view that trans folks deserve the same rights as non-trans.

I'd consider myself a centrist on a few issues, mainly international stuff where everything is so complicated and every option seems bad.


Oct 25, 2017
The best joke I've heard about the typical "socially liberal, fiscally conservative" centrist is "I like black people, but I also like the fiscal policies that oppress them." Political beliefs and ideologies are interconnected and most people don't just pick and choose their beliefs in a vacuum. Supporting civil rights for black people is correlated to supporting civil rights for gay people which is correlated to fixing the prison/justice system which is correlated to the ending the war on drugs which is correlated to supporting more affordable health insurance, etc. So if you only support some of those things but not others, it suggests a gap in your logic that makes you susceptible to eventually dropping your support for all of those things (because your beliefs are only as strong as their weakest link).
The last person I met who claimed this ended up saying she's not like her "sign totting liberal sister who protests" (referring to the women's march).

90% the time it's softening the blow of "I'm a fucking asshole".


Oct 28, 2017
A true centrist right now has only the option to vote Democrat. The Republican party right now is in a vague, incompetent nationalist binge. The Democratic party is center left of traditional American politics.


Jun 9, 2018
Is "Centrist" taken to mean "I hold various left and right values and don't toe the line" or "I take a half measure compromise stance on everything"?

Would someone who's anti-immigration, pro-welfare, anti-abortion and pro-regulation be a moderate?


Oct 25, 2017
I recall it being insinuated that I was a centrist in my thread about trying to weed out more extreme Republican candidates by switching your party affiliation to Republican. I found this odd, considering the fact that I don't support Republicans, yet I realize that they're one of two parties that could be in power at any given time. It seems irresponsible to me to allow a "bad" party to continue being bad, especially when it's unlikely that the pipe dream of another party "replacing" the Republican party will ever happen.

That said, I probably do come off as centrist, but that's more so because I have less interest in passing laws to prevent X or protect Y and more interest in people taking real action to fix those issues. For example, you can't just look the other way on illegal immigration with one administration and suddenly be surprised when your inaction has allowed the next administration to wreak havoc on the lives of illegal immigrants. People seem to be content with the simple implementation of laws with the logic that they'll be in place forever, and they're not actually permanently solving any problems. Gun violence? Sure, go ahead and push for gun control, but you should also be doing everything possible on a local level to prevent shootings from happening or to at least minimize their impact. I think it's more important to throw money at some of these issues to make permanent changes that'll eventually get us where we want to be, rather than continually pleading to bunch of politicians who simply don't care.


Oct 27, 2017
Just wondering, everyone who call centrist people, dumb, uninformed and polite facist and what not, you mean in the US politics or globally?


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
I don't have any time for anyone who would proclaim themselves a centrist in our current political landscape.


50¢ - "This guy are sick"
Oct 27, 2017
I always thought they were similar to conspiracy theorists.

Only they are able to rise above all of the partisan bickering and see the objective greater good of the nation. They've cracked the code. They're special.


Oct 26, 2017
I get it, many of you Americans in a two party system between a Far-Right party (Republicans) and a Centre-Right party (Democrats) are kicking each other in the head on your definitions of Left / Centre / Right

But outside of the US, in other countries, there is political diversity where true centrist parties exist and have hardcore centrist ideologies.

a moderate is a waffler inside his own party affiliation like a Red Tory or a Blue Dog Democrat.

a centrist however is someone who has firm centrist beliefs, like Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and President Emmanuel Macron.

Trudeau and Macron are not "dumb"
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Deleted member 44129

User requested account closure
May 29, 2018
Being a centrist is starting to mean less as the right pushes further right. I don't buy this "Let's hear them out" any more. You're listening to people justify racism, withdrawal of human rights, destruction of the free press and worse.


Oct 11, 2018
I get it, many of you Americans in a two party system between a Far-Right party (Republicans) and a Centre-Right party (Democrats) are kicking each other in the head on your definitions of Left / Centre / Right

But outside of the US, in other countries, there is political diversity where true centrist parties exist and have hardcore centrist ideologies.

a moderate is a waffler inside his own party affiliation like a Red Tory or a Blue Dog Democrat.

a centrist however is someone who has firm centrist beliefs, like Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and President Emmanuel Macron.

Trudeau and Macron are not fucktards

Those folks are no different than our third-way/neoliberal democrats here.


Oct 25, 2017
In US if you don't vote D you are stupid, idiotic and least uncaring for you fellow humans at worst NEO nazi. So if you are a centrist
And don't vote D you are above.

In many other places in the world, centrist view is good, and usually the best way of progressing.