Deleted member 6730

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Oct 25, 2017
Netflix basically changed the way we watched television. High quality shows with all the season's episodes released at once. While "binge watching" isn't new, Netflix made it not only easier but encouraged it. Add that to a massive back catalog along with the service being available on all kinds of devices and you had a service that was worth every penny.

Lately however I've begun to notice some subtle changes into how Netflix handles their content for the worse.
-Most of their original programs are boring. Despite a few bright spots, shows like 13 Reasons Why and Altered Carbon are hard to watch beyond the first episode because they do a poor job grabbing my attention. Even their existing shows like Stranger Things and House of Cards are noticeably worse than when they first started.

-They do a poor job maintaining a high quality back catalog of pre-existing movies and TV shows. Most of their good stuff is minimal and after scrolling down a even a couple of rows, you start to see really obscure and crappy stuff. They also don't keep some stuff for very long which is inconvenient if there's a movie you were planning on watching later.

-Their handling of anime is atrocious, not only is the selection super tiny but they do a poor job with the licenses they exclusively got especially since they don't simulcast. Stuff like Little Witch Academia comes out months after it airs in Japan and by then all interest is lost since the show was more relevant earlier.

-They've been acquiring movies studios don't want like The Cloverfield Paradox as sort of a replacement for going straight-to-video but since those movies tend to suck it dampens the perception of Netflix from having high-quality originals to being a dumping ground for crappy stuff.

-The competition has gotten way better. Hulu and Amazon not only keeps movies and TV in their back catalog longer but are catching up in original programming add that to HBO and eventually Disney with their massive amounts of content and Netflix starts to pales in comparison.

I'll still keep my subscription for Bojack and the odd gem but if it gets to the point I subscribe to another streaming service, Netflix will be dropped. Is anybody else feeling like Netflix has gotten worse?


Sausage Tycoon
Oct 25, 2017
I disagree, I have really enjoyed recent shows like Wormwood, Mindhunter and The Unabomber. I think they are getting stronger as time goes on.


Oct 25, 2017
War? Just because you don't like their shows doesn't mean they are declining

Even still Mindhunter and American Vandal were great new additions last year

Hollywood Duo

Oct 25, 2017
Not really. I still have quite a large backlog. Can you give an example of content that was great that you feel isn't there anymore?


Oct 25, 2017
They have a really good selection of original stuff.

Hulu has my network shit covered

Amazon Video comes with Prime so its a freebie.

Combine that with a once a year HBO subscription to binge on and basically my TV trifecta is covered.

The Cellar Letters

Oct 25, 2017
Yeah I definitely disagree. I've liked all of the originals I've seen so far.
Minus Open House. That was terrible.


Oct 27, 2017
To me yea.
All their original shows that I've watched dropped in quality a lot.
I think their Anime selection is okay though.


Oct 25, 2017
There are more things on there that I want to watch than I have time to watch them.


Oct 27, 2017
It's definitely changing into something that people only use for the exclusives, which I, like you, find underwhelming. I hope more people turn to online rentals and make that market more competitive. Rentals are more convenient and have far better selection, but are currently overpriced.


Oct 28, 2017
I don't think so. They have some shows I enjoy and some I don't. I'm currently really enjoying Altered Carbon and think the critics are way off btw lol. I hear great things about Mindhunter. I like Daredevil but haven't enjoyed the other Marvel shows on the service. There is good and but that's gonna happen.

Deleted member 29676

User Requested Account Closure
Nov 1, 2017
As they've ramped up the amount of content the overall quality has definitely suffered. There are still gems int here but you have to dig for them. Mudbound was a fantastic original film, Dirty Money has been really great in a "Fuck capitalism" sort of way and Mindhunter was slow to start but grabbed me by the end. They are also over relying on marvel shows I think and the last few seasons in the universe have been really weak compared to dare devil season 1 and JJ

They are lacking a marque show like HBO has/had. I think they were hoping Altered Carbon would it but the show was a huge let down for me.


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017
they cycle a lot of good stuff

just when i was in the mood all the sudden they have the Godfather trilogy and Goodfellas


Oct 25, 2017
altered carbon...boring?

a lot of their content is great, sounds like you just don't like it. get amazon instead?


Oct 25, 2017
I don't think so, though that's at least partially because I compare where they are now to where they were when they first started their streaming service.

They're in a different universe now.


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
They don't want to have other people's content, they want it to be their own and are moving in that direction (and so is everyone else). In 7 years they will not have any library of other people's content I bet. Their anime seems to have the same problem Hulu does so it might not be their fault, but they want their own anime to be center stage anyways. If you are mad about the decline of that sort of content, it's only going to get worse by design.


Oct 25, 2017
Phoenix, AZ
I think it's more that their original shows have declined. OITNB, HoC, ST all fell off in terms of quality/originality

The Crown is still excellent though
Nov 2, 2017
I agree that their quality control is bad. Been needing to cancel for a while, but not before Season 5 of Arrested Development drops.

I'm admittedly not their target demographic though. I don't watch a lot of television.


Oct 25, 2017
Toscana, Italy
No way. They've got tons of great stuff. Big name stuff like The Crown and Stranger Things, but also stuff like The Last Kingdom.

Plus they've still got Friends, Frasier and Arrested Development when I feel like binging on back catalog stuff.


Oct 26, 2017
Isn't it kinda on the verge of being the biggest platform/studio on the planet and they're funding hundreds of shows from every major entertainment market ...?


Oct 27, 2017
Vice City
i don't know about their shows, but too many movies/documentaries and such i looked for told me they were only available for DVD, not streaming


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017
its gonna be a bit rough when disney content eventually drops and their streaming service starts up

but right now im using it more than ever


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
They have more good content than they've ever had though


Oct 27, 2017
shows like 13 Reasons Why and Altered Carbon are hard to watch beyond the first episode because they do a poor job grabbing my attention. Even their existing shows like Stranger Things and House of Cards are noticeably worse than when they first started.

And this right here is why I disagree with you. I had the complete opposite opinion of you with those shows (except for House of Cards, which I can't actually agree with you since I never got far into the show to gauge the quality over time) Don't get me wrong, I am not a fan of all their original programming, however they're doing just enough to give me a reason to stay as a subscriber.


Oct 25, 2017
Netflix seems to be going from strength to strength. They go through a lot of experimental phases with regards to how they deal with content, but it's probably better than ever at this point. Every month there's new stuff to watch, both from acquisition of existing shows and from Originals. They constantly have more and more diverse offerings from different countries, and I'm certainly enjoying my subscription now more than ever. Worth noting that Netflix is expanding very rapidly towards overseas audiences. What's split between a lot of networks in the US like AMC, CW, CBS, etc are in fact exclusive to Netflix in most places in the world now. Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, Black Lightning, Riverdale, Supergirl, The Expanse, Star Trek Discovery, all of Star Trek (every movie, series, episode, etc). It's good stuff. They are also getting more Asian content than before, Korean dramas that stream weekly with South Korea broadcasts, anime like Violet Evergarden is streaming weekly dubbed and subbed in a bunch of languages, and they have strong partnerships for Netflix Original Animation with major studios like Production IG and BONES now.

Stranger Things, Little Witch Academia, Okja, Mindhunter, Gantz 0, Blade of the Immortal, Star Trek Discovery, Devilman Crybaby, Altered Carbon, A Korean Odyssey, Erased, Black Mirror, Punisher, Fate/Apocrypha, the list just goes on. There's so much to watch in the last six months or so I can't even watch them all. At the price of a movie ticket a month, Netflix is the best entertainment investment out of everything I pay for in terms of value.


Oct 26, 2017
They're a very small player compared to Disney who owns an insane amount of tv stations, movie studios etc.
That's probably true but God is a small player compared to Disney these days :P

Still Netflix is massive and getting more massive. They expanded globally to dozens of countries a year ago.


Oct 25, 2017
They aren't in decline, they've just been shifting away from licensed stuff. There's no future in that for them.

My main complaint is that their UI is terrible for discovery. It seems intentionally bad.


Nov 11, 2017
You lie!

Only problem with netflix is its abysmal horror selection, bigfoot content, and UFO material.


Dec 13, 2017
Frontier, Travelers, The 3%, The Expanse (outside of NA), Star Trek Discovery (outside of NA), etc.

Plus, the stock market disagrees with you OP.


Oct 25, 2017
They seem to be betting the farm on original movies when they should be going all in on original TV. They should be a direct competitor to HBO with the occasional arthouse drama like Mudbound or Beasts of No Nation. Doing this Adam Sandler and sci-fi shit makes them look low-rent.


Oct 27, 2017
They release a lot of original content, so there must be at least one or two things that interest you.

But yeah, their back catalog of films is really shrinking. If you want to watch any classics, you gotta go with Filmstruck or something like that.


Oct 25, 2017
Has been for years. I really miss the days of tons of streaming B, C, and Z tier movies.


Oct 25, 2017
hulu and hbo isn't even available in most places outside USA.
Hulu yes, HBO nah. HBO is available in most places in the world, with actual local offices in many regions. The problem is that HBO outside of the US operates by totally outdated rules of customer engagement. HBO Asia here does a great job of getting the content out at the same time, but their pricing and the fact that they have to meet censorship guidelines for the entire region here due to being a broadcaster makes the content worthless to people who want a lot of the content. On the other hand Netflix circumvents all the regulation guideline laws because they are specifically an on-demand only streaming service and can implement direct parental controls to not be subjected to broadcast guidelines. Lmao.


Oct 27, 2017
I really really really..

..Really hate their new rating system. Its beyond useless.