Is Quiet the worst character design this gem?

  • Yes

  • Unfortunately not

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Aug 22, 2018
Remember when the only time they put clothes on Quiet post-infection was so that they could be ripped off during a rape scene?
Oct 25, 2017
can some japanologist or anime scholar explain to me the popularity of the inverted triangle silhouette among these monstrosities? So many narrow torsos and baggy ass thighs (lingerie style cutouts optional).


Jun 22, 2018
She also appears in a game that doesn't have a single female party member (though you do have one NPC briefly join your crew) because the creators didn't believe that men can be friends with women and act naturally around them. Also, the idea of having a female party member, but not have her be scantly clad, was apparently an idea that made no sense to the creators. FFXV's creators simply had some problematic views on women.

Cindy is weird but Aranea kinda makes up for it for being pretty fucking awesome. They even changed her versus13 design and gave her pants!

Too bad her dlc got cancelled


Oct 28, 2017
It's a real shame about Quiet. She was my bro. Always got my back. Once I unlocked clothes for her then on they went. She's been with me for 100+ hours.


Oct 25, 2017
Remember when the only time they put clothes on Quiet post-infection was so that they could be ripped off during a rape scene?

Like how Quiet's butt and breasts were framed during the torture scene?

Yeah, thanks Kojima, let's continue the creepy sexualization while a woman is being tortured and nearly raped.

The Artisan

"Angels are singing in monasteries..."
Oct 27, 2017
Digimon Story doesn't even stop there (which is already bad enough). The only female character in that game to not wear revealing clothes (although she is still somewhat sexualized), goes through this:

The game never confirms her age, but her portrayal heavily suggests she is not an adult. And this sucks because I would just like to enjoy a Digimon game without sick shit like this. I felt kind of bad for even supporting this game after this.

Their ages aren't confirmed but I'm pretty sure it was confirmed that they are all teenagers. Date's design wasn't terrible, but still impractical for a police officer.



Oct 25, 2017
Tel Aviv
This is something that's more prominent in Japanese games due to cultural differences and different views on sex/sexuality. I don't think it makes sense to view Japanese games through a western lens. It's not going to change unless there's a cultural change in Japan, which isn't going to happen any time soon.
Yeah, the difference in culture is that Japan is stuck in the 50's when it comes to women liberation & rights. Maybe if Japanese men realized this shit does not fly anywhere else, that might be a big incentive for them to accept some cultural changes. Not to mention, it would probably help women liberation activists in Japan.

The Artisan

"Angels are singing in monasteries..."
Oct 27, 2017
Oh, yeah, I had forgotten about Date. Not as bad as the other ones, but pants would've been much better than a skirt.
It wouldn't only be much better, it would be the only sensible option. It's NONsensical for a police officer to dress like that in any situation.


Nov 2, 2017
I think it's bad in context. If it was in some random low budget anime game nobody would have cared


Oct 28, 2017
Xenoblade 2 the thread. Were they forced to make this game? Forget about the character designs, UI is horrendous and will absolutely scar your eyes.


I like the chili style
Oct 26, 2017
I'll be completely honest,

I forgot how much Quiet would pose/turn around in the helicopter, probably because I immediately would start the mission or so, because I didn't want to see that. -_- it was so cringey


Oct 25, 2017
It wouldn't only be much better, it would be the only sensible option. It's NONsensical for a police officer to dress like that in any situation.
Indeed. Coming to think of it, I remember a lot of female police officers wearing skirts in Japanese media (the first one to immediately come to mind was Officer Jenny from Pokémon). It's like women can only wear pants if they're skin-tight (like Yuuko's).

Deleted member 44122

please educate me with the interviews so i can stop being a dick about sexualization hehe

Is Quiet the worst character design this gen?

You know what, here's all the shitty Xenoblade 2 designs. Judge for yourself: Yes, there are three Blades in the game that use the "1,000 year old dragon" archetype. Honestly, Praxis and Theory are even worse than Dahlia as they're clearly intended to be loli bait. By the...


Self-requested ban
Apr 21, 2020
A character design is more than just an outfit. It's also how it fits into the setting.

All the designs in MGSV follow a unified design except her. She is the one that sorely sticks out.

I'm not sure I agree completely with this, as her outfit is at least somewhat similar to the Skulls. Of the main characters she stands out differently, sure, but none of them are like her either and, to be fair, that's the point - for most of the game everyone but Snake (and even he says twice that he'd kill her without hesitation and, of course, stands by and watches her brutal torture scene) and arguably Ocelot despises her based on how she looks, what she's capable of and her uncanny silence, despite the help she ends up providing, not to mention that she surrenders to Mother Base in the first place by disobeying her orders completely. The better things to point out, I think, are that, of the main characters, she's the only woman and a semi-secret cutscene, some animations in the ACC, some of the camera work elsewhere and a certain scene towards the end where she's almost raped undermines Kojima's intentions.

That being said, of the few memorable things that have been written about the game (and probably the only one written about Quiet specifically), one thing I sometimes continue to chew over is this bit from Leigh Alexander's short review of the game, even whilst she admits that this is something she could be reading into too much:

With Quiet, intentionally or otherwise, he [Kojima] created the fascinating circumstance whereby a slew of editorial, some of it published long before the game's actual launch, self-righteously dissected the body, sexuality and purpose of a woman who had no literal voice; no means of reply or self-explication. As a long-suffering feminist in video games, the experience of being bombarded online by men eager to cover this woman up – and then to explain to me, unsolicited, what "objectification" meant and why it was bad – has been uniquely disconcerting. People wanted to know more about why Quiet was naked than why she was silent, which is fascinating when it occurs to you that its well-documented culture of silence is what allows labour abuses in game development to go unchecked.

Personally, as a character, I came out the game feeling pretty good about her. Of all the significant characters in the game, she's the only one who does something selfless multiple times and isn't ultimately condemned in pursuing revenge at any cost. As for the way she's designed, I neither think she's perfect nor terrible. Since I started writing this, for example, someone pointed out that most complaints about her would be remedied had she been wearing a t-shirt and/or shorts instead. As it stands, she's wearing a strange clash of military gear, a bikini and tights and there's so few instances where she's overtly ogled by the camera that I can't say she's even close to worse than a number of other examples in this thread; and many of those designs that have been shared are also far more sexual in nature to begin with. Even in the Metal Gear series she isn't the worst, I don't think. That dishonour would have to go the B&B unit, surely...


Oct 25, 2017
We shall not forget that Nier Automata is basically "meta : the game" and as such the android is a human-object or a human reduced to the state of an object. The game is about the different ways 9s and 2b gains independance and appropriare their life, spirit and body ! (think at the whole narrative with adam and eve in tje first chapters of the game)
I know you're just postings your thoughts on the game but this just reads like the ProZD sketch and I can't help but chuckle reading it in his voice.

I'm crying laughing here, ProZD's video perfectly fits Nier Automata 🤣

The Artisan

"Angels are singing in monasteries..."
Oct 27, 2017
Indeed. Coming to think of it, I remember a lot of female police officers wearing skirts in Japanese media (the first one to immediately come to mind was Officer Jenny from Pokémon). It's like women can only wear pants if they're skin-tight (like Yuuko's).
I just went back to watch the full video you posted. I remember having a blast with the game back then and being so disappointed with the female character designs and remembering that some sort of explanation for it back then was that it was geared towards teen if we're suppose to encourage teen boys to look at life with perversion as much as possible


Oct 26, 2017
I don't think she's the worst, per-se, as we have lower-brow/less thoughtful/more template-based designs in plenty of other titles.

But I honestly think she's the most embarrassing example of a dev sticking out their "whole ass" in terms of claiming a greater rationale/vision, and just revealing for the whole world to see how deeply, deeply broken they are in their perception and attitudes about women. Kojima, on a personal level, should have been "ashamed," and taken the time to reflect on the failure of his work in that regard.

Liking sexy designs and wanting attractive characters in games is fine, but the nuance to how terrible Quiet was in the exact ways Kojima challenged audiences about made him look contemptible. Even without that meta-layer, we'd unfortunately still be left with a character having their abuse actively framed as titillating [for the audience], being degraded generally in animations [for the audience], and a patently reductive role in the game's script. The text of the game relishes in all of this, as does the creator.
Last edited:

Deleted member 8579

Oct 26, 2017
Kojima needs to be honest like the Nier guy when talking about his design but that honestly doesn't save him, it's beyond the outfit.


Oct 25, 2017
I just went back to watch the full video you posted. I remember having a blast with the game back then and being so disappointed with the female character designs and remembering that some sort of explanation for it back then was that it was geared towards teen if we're suppose to encourage teen boys to look at life with perversion as much as possible
Right? Cyber Sleuth is obviously an attempt at a Persona-style Digimon game and I'm glad it was successful enough to show there are people interested in the games of the franchise, but I wish they would get rid of the incessant pandering and objectification.
But knowing there is a scene in Hacker's Memory that is even more gross than that one, I have no faith in them.

Deleted member 12352

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Quiet looked great.

You can roll your eyes at the lack of clothing and the storyline reasoning for it for sure, but if nothing else... it's definitely 100% consistent with the rest of the MGS universe, haha.

Double 0

Nov 5, 2017
This thread made me realize that most of my disdain for JRPGS come from character design, especially female characters.

It's also why I stopped playing MGS games by Revengence.


Oct 28, 2017
Santa Monica, LA
I mean it depends what you mean by bad. They're designing to appeal to a male fantasy. They're sexualized designs *by* design.

If being problematic means bad, then sure. Her costume is preposterous given her role.


Nov 17, 2017
Remember when the only time they put clothes on Quiet post-infection was so that they could be ripped off during a rape scene?

Probably the worst scene I've seen in a game.

Quiet may not have the absolute worst design on paper, but in-game the voyeurism and exploitative elements that constantly frame and surround her are absolutely fuckin gross.

That Kojima thought his dumb words and deeds bullshit was gonna be some gotcha moment is actually infuriating.


Oct 28, 2017
I'm not sure I agree completely with this, as her outfit is at least somewhat similar to the Skulls. Of the main characters she stands out differently, sure, but none of them are like her either and, to be fair, that's the point - for most of the game everyone but Snake (and even he says twice that he'd kill her without hesitation and, of course, stands by and watches her brutal torture scene) and arguably Ocelot despises her based on how she looks, what she's capable of and her uncanny silence, despite the help she ends up providing, not to mention that she surrenders to Mother Base in the first place by disobeying her orders completely. The better things to point out, I think, are that, of the main characters, she's the only woman and a semi-secret cutscene, some animations in the ACC, some of the camera work elsewhere and a certain scene towards the end where she's almost raped undermines Kojima's intentions.

That being said, of the few memorable things that have been written about the game (and probably the only one written about Quiet specifically), one thing I sometimes continue to chew over is this bit from Leigh Alexander's short review of the game, even whilst she admits that this is something she could be reading into too much:

Personally, as a character, I came out the game feeling pretty good about her. Of all the significant characters in the game, she's the only one who does something selfless multiple times and isn't ultimately condemned in pursuing revenge at any cost. As for the way she's designed, I neither think she's perfect nor terrible. Since I started writing this, for example, someone pointed out that most complaints about her would be remedied had she been wearing a t-shirt and/or shorts instead. As it stands, she's wearing a strange clash of military gear, a bikini and tights and there's so few instances where she's overtly ogled by the camera that I can't say she's even close to worse than a number of other examples in this thread; and many of those designs that have been shared are also far more sexual in nature to begin with. Even in the Metal Gear series she isn't the worst, I don't think. That dishonour would have to go the B&B unit, surely...
She seems like a fascinating character for sure. Except for the almost-rape bit - female characters designed by men should not have a rape backstory.

And you are sort of working against your own argument. All the parts you like about her make her outfit even worse in context.

Also I'm not sure why you presented that quote. That is her personal experience with mansplainers. It's an issue among female feminists sure, but it is irrelevant to Quiet's character design.