
Oct 25, 2017
I remember watching it for the first time with someone, who correctly guessed the twist, and I was so adamant that couldn't be the twist, cause it was so obvious. Still enjoyed the movie overall though.


Oct 25, 2017
Before Shutter Island we'd already had, to name a few:

Fight Club
Secret Window
Hide and Seek
The Number 23

So this one had me rolling my eyes for like the 4th time or so.


Oct 26, 2017
I know there's the final twist at the end where it's up in the air if he's pretending or not but tbh I think the movie should've ended with us wondering if Leo was really a federal Marshall or if he was being tricked, like at the least the flashback of him shooting his wife should've been the end.

But yes that white board I think legit ruins the whole movie. They should've had scenes in the film that let you see the names, like on badges or intake paper...I don't think you ever do so the names being rearranged loses its impact since you can't really figure that out especially as some of the names aren't really easy to figure out the spelling by sound alone. That way then they could've just said "you rearranged the letters of each name" and the audience would go "oh" and those who realized it would pat themselves on the back.

Instead you get a whiteboard which basically is pointed towards the audience lol. I also saw it mentioned that the wife's name isn't even mentioned till shortly before that scene, and it's also weird that not only does he rearrange his wife's name to make the fake name of the patient, it also happens to be the name of his daughter too.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Nov 2, 2017
I really enjoyed it. I think the movie has a great vibe to it. I was taken aback by the "twist". Like, I could kind of see it coming, but I still think it was well executed. It's not my favorite Scorsese, but it's not my least favorite either.


Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 27, 2017
The book is pretty hammy and silly too to be fair, the twists are pretty obvious after a while


Oct 25, 2017
I don't get it. The twist is fun to me. I like these bendy type films tho. It was a ride the whole way through


Oct 25, 2017
I feel like the movie bends over backward to explain the twist before the twist.

This character literally exists to explain the movie, and it happens about halfway through the movie.


Oct 26, 2017
Shutter Island is a deeply weird experience for me. The first time I watched it, I was extremely sleep deprived. I think I'd been up for about 50 hours straight. I got to the end and somehow couldn't remember 80% of it, everything outside the start and the end. The whole middle part was a gray blob to me. And yet it gave me the most surreal sense of deja vu. It felt like I had watched this movie, in this exact state, a dozen times before. I somehow knew everything about it and even what was about to happen a minute before it happened. Down to the exact words used. It was such a disturbing experience, that each time I watch the movie now I get the exact same broken, weird, alien feeling. Somehow the impression that experience left is burned into me. It is profoundly uncomfortable.


Oct 26, 2017
It's an entertaining pulpy thriller with good acting and directing and some slightly questionable special effects. I enjoyed it both times I've watched it.
Dec 16, 2017
Very early in the movie I turned to my wife and said "if it turns out… I'll be so mad" and I was. Still, I thought the execution was well done, and the full story was heartbreaking in a way I hadn't predicted.

Darren Lamb

Dec 1, 2017
Mystic River was better, I think

I thought Shutter Island was fine, but I might not have watched it if it wasn't filmed a few minutes from my house.


Oct 26, 2017
Probably should've watched Mystic River sober because I kind of blanked out on it.


Oct 26, 2017
But yeah this movie came out long after Batman Begins...I remember seeing the trailer in theaters so if you can figure out what movie I saw it with that would be awesome.


Oct 26, 2017
Gonna make a joke about ME watching Mystic Pizza instead of Mystic River but probably too obscure
Oct 29, 2017
Good twists should always be at least a little predictable. The worst ones come out of nowhere.

Also, I absolutely hate the ambiguous endings where you don't know if they're crazy or not. Movies like that are a dime a dozen.
Yeah this is sort of my stance on the matter. If twists cannot be predicted by paying attention, then chances are the movie has plot holes or contradictions in it.


Dec 18, 2017
They actually don't let him freely wander the island and so on. The storm interferes and shit gets out of control completely. It was supposed to be much more controlled than it ended up being. Chuck walks away from several situations because he's aware how dangerous Teddy can be and he's alone.
Thank you. They definitely didn't intend n letting him run wild. The whole asylum wasn't bending to his will, for the most part they were carrying on business as usual but he was supposed to be being monitored by his doctor/partner.

As it's been said in this thread, the real twist isn't even that he was actually a patient, it's that the treatment worked and he is willingly going to get a lobotomy so that he can live without the pain. This is why it's important they spell out the experiment to him and us. His being a patient isn't supposed to be ambiguous by the end. In the end is not supposed to be a "gotcha" it's supposed to be a tragedy.


Oct 27, 2017
As it's been said in this thread, the real twist isn't even that he was actually a patient, it's that the treatment worked and he is willingly going to get a lobotomy so that he can live without the pain. This is why it's important they spell out the experiment to him and us. His being a patient isn't supposed to be ambiguous by the end. In the end is not supposed to be a "gotcha" it's supposed to be a tragedy.
Thank you! Wanting this film to be about ambiguity over whether he's really a patient or not is weird as hell. It's not a whodunnit, it's a hedidit and he wants to forget that he did.


Alt account
Nov 24, 2020
I never saw it as though they were pushing the whole 'he's in the inmate' narrative. Instead, the last segment of the film is about spelling everything out to both you and him, yet he still takes the lobotomy simply to get away from his past.

Everything is spelt out to him and yet he reverts back. Damn.


Oct 30, 2017
Well the twist is generally thought to be "he's a mental patient" which is fine.

The real twist is him playing the part of the marshall again at the end and it being up to the viewer to decide if he's genuinely crazy, had a mental break and regressed due to the trauma of his memories, or putting it on because now he remembers what he did he doesn't believe he should be free.


Oct 27, 2017
I think the twist is missing a twist, that he wasn't crazy and they are duping him.
Oct 26, 2017
I read the book first and remember thinking I preferred the way they handled the ending in the movie, specifically with the lobotomy.

Cosmo Kramer

Prophet of Regret - Chicken Chaser
Oct 28, 2017
I love the movie, i think Leo and Ruffalo are great together and i didn't mind the twist at all.

Deleted member 171

Oct 25, 2017
I actually liked the final twist with the desire to escape reality, and it's interesting the parallels to Leo's later Inception character ending.


Oct 27, 2017
Knoxville, TN
I enjoyed the movie, but it is the only time in my life I 100% correctly guessed a twist by watching the trailer. Even this...

so you guessed a twist.
that isn't really the twist of the movie.

everyone being in on it and letting him do his thing to trying to get him to snap out of it is.

For the one twist to work one or two other things have to be certain way, so the twist of everyone being in on it was a pretty obvious guess.
Dec 6, 2017
Thank you. They definitely didn't intend n letting him run wild. The whole asylum wasn't bending to his will, for the most part they were carrying on business as usual but he was supposed to be being monitored by his doctor/partner.

As it's been said in this thread, the real twist isn't even that he was actually a patient, it's that the treatment worked and he is willingly going to get a lobotomy so that he can live without the pain. This is why it's important they spell out the experiment to him and us. His being a patient isn't supposed to be ambiguous by the end. In the end is not supposed to be a "gotcha" it's supposed to be a tragedy.

This is why I find the story and overall tone so tragic and compelling, the idea that he knowingly chooses the lobotomy because he didn't want to be 'better' and actually have to face his memories. On subsequent viewings especially you realize just how traumatized he is between being there when the camps were freed and the horrific personal tragedy. I think DiCaprio does a great job with the character and I find the ultimate scene with his wife and kids heartbreaking.


Oct 25, 2017
Finally got to see it for the first time. Not knowing what it's about or ever seeing a trailer. Just knowing it being a psychological thriller set in the 60s. Which, by definition, I think, tells you there's going to be some twist sooner or later.

I liked it. I genuinely liked it. Leo being originally from the island was predictable the moment he got the migraine. However the story of the drowned children originating from him came as a surprise to me. But one of the fun things with these movies is 'catching' the hints they give you early on ('Chuck' fumbling taking off his gun, the staff seemingly making up the story how they 'didn't' catch Rachel escaping, etc), collecting them and trying to piece them together as the movie goes.

In the end it isn't really about the twist, nor is it trying to go for an "haha! gotcha" moment, clearly. Instead, the movie tells a tragic story that all leads up to Andrew willingly accepting the lobotomy, ultimately forgetting his horrible past, his wife and his children, his inescapable guilt and the truth.

Sorry for the dig.
Oct 27, 2017
It's a brilliant film, not sure what's so 'mediocre' about it.
Yep. Full of great visual references, just Scorsese having mad fun with a superficially silly story that gets actually deeper in the final seconds (after the twist, not during the twist).

As always with movies, Resetera gets stupid takes.