
Avalanche's One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
Metroid Zero Mission and Samus Returns makes the original games pointless.

the Pokemon Remakes of Gen 1 and 2 make the originals totally pointless too.

as others pointed out, Link's Awakening also fits. nothing was lost in the upgrade. Fire Emblem Shadows of Valentia seems to count but i haven't played either game so i can't say for sure.
Nov 2, 2017
I don't really think any game truly ever becomes obsolete.

I see people citing Link's Awakening as a game where nothing was lost and the game was generally enhanced. While I totally agree, I don't think that makes the original obsolete at all? There's still a lot to do and see, and the game does feel and look dramatically different overall. Just because it's not the most convenient version overall doesn't make it obsolete.


Oct 25, 2017
Metroid Zero Mission and Resident Evil are the definitive two that replace the originals. The 2D Pokemon remakes as well as the PSP remakes of Final Fantasy I, II and IV would be the second tier.


Alt Account
Apr 16, 2020
Is it this article? I'm not casting aspersions on what core did, and back in the 1990s, I really dug the games, even if I was absolutely no good at them. I'm just saying that nowadays, I cannot replay them, at all, because of the very deliberate design of them. You're right that it doesn't feel the same... it's just I fall on the opposite end of the coin as to what feels better.
Can't recall if it was this very one, but thanks for sharing. Will enjoynit regardless :)

I just wish they could recapture that vibe of the originals, with all the modern technology at hand today. Much like how RE2 and RE3 have done it.


Alt Account
Mar 26, 2020
I've never understood the love for HGSS over Crystal, something about HGSS feels wrong

I felt the same way when I played it. But to be honest, I think a lot of my love for the original Gold is nostalgia. Of course Heart Gold couldn't live up to that.

But take everything I say about Pokemon with a grain of salt. I haven't been able to get that into any of the games post Gold. I always play them for a bit, but then inevitably lose interest.


Mar 23, 2020
Can't recall if it was this very one, but thanks for sharing. Will enjoynit regardless :)

I just wish they could recapture that vibe of the originals, with all the modern technology at hand today. Much like how RE2 and RE3 have done it.

As someone who loved the remakes... them's fightin' words to some RE fans. :P

But I agree... I really prefer the old style of a big sprawling adventure across the globe, dual wielding pistols and fighting dinosaurs and mummies and dragons... to "oh, Lara has to start with a bow and a dream. And hide in cover. And fight samurai. And to refurbish the barrel shroud on her AK-47 she needs ten snow leopard pelts".


Alt Account
Apr 16, 2020
As someone who loved the remakes... them's fightin' words to some RE fans. :P

But I agree... I really prefer the old style of a big sprawling adventure across the globe, dual wielding pistols and fighting dinosaurs and mummies and dragons... to "oh, Lara has to start with a bow and a dream. And hide in cover. And fight samurai. And to refurbish the barrel shroud on her AK-47 she needs ten snow leopard pelts".
Ah the modern games are Uncharted clones. Look I love Uncharted. Some say they've even out-Uncharted Uncharted, but that's "not my Tomb Raider".

Have you played Shadow of the Tomb Raider? Apparently that has more of the classic TR vibes, but I'm still cautious of playing it. Feels like a trap lol.
Oct 25, 2017
the onus is the same. a remake or a late sequel or prequel doesnt make the original media or the feelings you had for it disappear... that nostalgia you get.
Except a sequel can literally hurt the original story if it's directly tied to previous plots. A remake actually can't.
I'm not validating anyone saying the sequel ruined my childhood, but to say it can't effect those feelings is untrue.


Feb 11, 2019
Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver.

I love GSC, they were my favorite games of all time, but HG/SS surpasses them in literally every way. They're the peak of the series and include everything that was already improved upon in Crystal.


Oct 29, 2017
What about Final Fantasy XIV:ARR? Does that count? Definitely made the original release pointless


Oct 27, 2017
As far as Shadow of the colossus goes, I never found Wander's face to be the problem. The thing that I prefer from the PS2/3 version is the atmosphere and how the world is depicted:


The sky isn't as bright and overbearing in the Remake, and the bloom that I felt was essential to the game's aesthetic is gone. Now, I enjoyed both versions immensely, but if I had to choose which one to keep, it would be the original version.


Oct 25, 2017
If someone really thinks Shadow of the Colossus remake is worse just because some facial animations you're not even supposed to see while climbing a 100 METER GIANT, that person has their priorities completely busted.
It's ugly, distracting, and ruins the character. Zombie doughboy doesn't have the same desperation to him the real version showed.

Also the game loses the abstract style the original limitations used to creatively. PS3 version remains the best, followed by PS2.


Mar 23, 2020
Ah the modern games are Uncharted clones. Look I love Uncharted. Some say they've even out-Uncharted Uncharted, but that's "not my Tomb Raider".

Have you played Shadow of the Tomb Raider? Apparently that has more of the classic TR vibes, but I'm still cautious of playing it. Feels like a trap lol.

Eh... it kinda felt to me like Rise's less ambitious kid sister, going through the same "start with nothing" plot structure, with the same (albeit slightly different) "Oh, the modern day badguys got fucked up by some ancient bad guys" moments. There's a lot less cover shooting (a lot less combat in general) in favor of a bit more platforming (and some of the Tombs are a lot more complex and overengineered than Rise's, sorta like the originals), but it didn't really give me the vibes of the older games so much as "a slightly different flavor to Rise". For minor spoilers:
The plot does have a "stop the Badguy from getting the artifact to destroy the world" vibe that the Classic games had, and the final boss is a bit more amped up and mystical than "really big samurai" from 2013 or "guy in a tactical vest and carrying a rifle" in Rise, but by and large it feels more like them than not, and I honestly felt Rise was a little bit better at getting me some classic vibes


Alt Account
Apr 16, 2020
Eh... it kinda felt to me like Rise's less ambitious kid sister, going through the same "start with nothing" plot structure, with the same (albeit slightly different) "Oh, the modern day badguys got fucked up by some ancient bad guys" moments. There's a lot less cover shooting (a lot less combat in general) in favor of a bit more platforming (and some of the Tombs are a lot more complex and overengineered than Rise's, sorta like the originals), but it didn't really give me the vibes of the older games so much as "a slightly different flavor to Rise". For minor spoilers:
The plot does have a "stop the Badguy from getting the artifact to destroy the world" vibe that the Classic games had, and the final boss is a bit more amped up and mystical than "really big samurai" from 2013 or "guy in a tactical vest and carrying a rifle" in Rise, but by and large it feels more like them than not, and I honestly felt Rise was a little bit better at getting me some classic vibes
Thanks for your summary.

It shall remain in firmly in the "Eh maybe later" list :P

Deleted member 17388

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
as laughable as Tomb Raider Anniversary replacing Tomb Raider 1.

It comes to personal preference, and that's OK.

But one was born as a brilliant idea when there was no solid answer on how to approach platforming in a 3D space, and provided a solution in the form of a traversal puzzle with precise movements. Established a franchise, and set a gaming icon.

The other is a trend-follower of the times it was released, long descendant of the Super Mario 64-school, more a reinvention of Legacy of Kain, and was hard-rebooted after the following entry.

If anything, the reimagining of Tomb Raider I, in the form of Anniversary, only brought to the table how far-thinking and all-encompassing Core Design were back in the 90's. And a hard testament of why EIDOS / Square-Enix have failed to put the Tomb Raider franchise anywhere on the map the last two decades.

They didn't realize that before the adventure setting, and before of Lara Croft herself, there was a beautifully complex set of game mechanics that gave foundation to the rest, that contextualized every thematical decision in the game.


Oct 25, 2017
Even though I'm a huge Resident Evil fan, I wouldn't mind if the first game gets PT'd. REmake is just better in every single way. The only thing it loses is its infamous voice acting but that shit will be preserved forever by memes.

Although I think the original SotC shouldn't be erased despite the remake being a better version. Bluepoint did a brilliant job but they didn't get the artstyle 100% so the original should never be erased.


Oct 27, 2017
I agree with the idea that even a remarkable remake doesn't make the original release "pointless," but I know I'd never play the old Resident Evil games after REmake, the RE2 remake and the RE3 remake came out. As much as I like REmake (it's my favorite game in the franchise) if they made it 3D like they did for RE2 or RE3 I doubt I'd ever play it again either.


Oct 25, 2017
Link Between Worlds make LTTP obsolete.
IMO nothing can ever make LTTP obsolete. It is pretty close to a perfect game.

My pick would be Metal Gear Solid. Going from the NES games to that is just an amazing leap in pretty much every single way and probably close to what the Kojima always wanted the series to be from the start.

lvl 99 Pixel

Oct 25, 2017
Spyro Reignited. Literally, had they ported the original games to current gen, it would be a pointless (albeit very charming and lovely remake). But they didn't and Reignited simultaneous is ultra nostalgic and and graphically feels incredibly contemporary.

Probably this, specifically the first game.


Nov 4, 2017
Super Mario Bros. Deluxe invalidates SMB1 and its SNES remake to me, but I can totally already hear why others would say otherwise!

Ditto for the PS1 Lunar 1/2 remakes. Some will argue for the Sega CD originals but w/e the remakes are great and even invalidate the remakes that came after 'em!

Dead or Alive 1/2 remake on XBOX (especially 1) are plenty good replacements for original DOA1/2.

I've seen MGS3:S mentioned in this thread so I'll toss in DMC3:SE on that same note. Not really seeing any reason ta go back to vanilla DMC3.

Double Dragon Advance is way better than the original.

The Ace Attorney 1-3 DS remakes clearly blow the GBA originals outta the water.

Secret of Mana remake totally replaces the original for me. Same mediocre game, but the small improvements the remake added would make going back to the original pointless/needlessly painful.

Yakuza Kiwami makes the first Yakuza PS2 pointless somewhat.

Unless you don't mind a clunky gameplay, stiff controls that make your wrists hurts, and/or atrocious English dub of the original.
Very disagree with this. Its a very mixed bag remake with some things better an other things much much worse.


Oct 28, 2017
Having read some of this topic, I'm gonna say there isn't.

Take Link's Awakening - the remake is almost identical to the original, just with 3D graphics and redone soundtrack, but I don't think those are objectively better than the 2D graphics and the chiptune music.


Feb 28, 2018
Most remakes are of games that are already pretty good. You just need to remake a not so good game RE1 and then boom your remake is better.


Sep 18, 2018
I'm not sure if Link's Awakening counts. The art style for the original holds up really well (I think) so while the new one is great they're distinctive enough that I don't think it entirely supplants the original.

Metroid 2 specifically definitely counts. I could not make heads or tales of that game's VC release. First Metroid is still fun even if I have no idea where I'm supposed to be going.


May 29, 2019
realMyst (preferably Masterpiece Edition which looks nicer)

It's actual 3D instead of prerendered cards. They added a new world and improved a few puzzles too.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 29, 2017
Resident Evil Remake because the original kind of sucks
Oct 27, 2017
However re: old TR games I give no quarter though. The controls are designed a specific way for a specific logical reason. Lara's moveset and the level design are based on tiles. Modern games with their fancy walking over the place animations, the auto animations and auto grappling/climblng etc., just don't feel the same. I feel like I have less direct dedicated control of the character. There's an article and a clip from a Youtuber that explains the original TR design perfectly but I couldn't find it just now.
Is it this article? I'm not casting aspersions on what core did, and back in the 1990s, I really dug the games, even if I was absolutely no good at them. I'm just saying that nowadays, I cannot replay them, at all, because of the very deliberate design of them. You're right that it doesn't feel the same... it's just I fall on the opposite end of the coin as to what feels better.
Can't recall if it was this very one, but thanks for sharing. Will enjoynit regardless :)

More_Badass had a great thread on this subject, some time back (the Gamasutra article by Hamish Todd in his OP could be the one you have in mind): LTTP: Tomb Raider (1996) remains an innovative platformer and I wish there were more games like it

Some older posts on the subject: one / two / three / four / five.

Always enjoy reading Semfry's takes on this subject, as well.