Handicapped Duck

▲ Legend ▲
May 20, 2018
if the neck snap don't get you it jams you under a log until you drown
Yeah, put in that situation, I would hope I would be dead within 15 seconds of it suffocating me and making me.
Hippos also would be a good contender, but something about open water with sharks and crocodiles/alligators near perfect evolution make them scary. Still, I wouldn't fuck with a hippo either.


▲ Legend ▲
Nov 17, 2017
I'd go with something like an alligator. They're just not as cute.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, put in that situation, I would hope I would be dead within 15 seconds of it suffocating me and making me.

Hippos also would be a good contender, but something about open water with sharks and crocodiles/alligators near perfect evolution make them scary. Still, I wouldn't fuck with a hippo either.
Crocs don't even mess with hippos.


Oct 25, 2017


Let's see other animals do that.

We are also single handily causing an extinction level event.


Oct 28, 2017
Hippos aren't predators. If we're just talking fighting capability then African elephants are easily the most dangerous land animal, comparing only unarmed animals.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
North Carolina
I never come face to face with a big cat so I can't comment on how scary they are but as far as land animals go, yeah they seem like the scariest.
Holy shit the reflex and precision. Snatched him up clean.


One Winged Slayer
May 22, 2018
There's a lot of freaky shit underwater, much of which we probably don't even know about


Oct 28, 2017
fucking insane! you could barely see it moving until it pounced, it jumped at least 10 feet in the air, destroyed that guy's arm by barely touching it, and they had guns too.

The surprising thing about that was how it was like "Fuck your elephant.". I know it's an Asian elephant, but I would have expected at least some level of respect for any adult elephant.

Nigel Tufnel

Mar 5, 2019
Emerald Cockroach Wasp

From wiki:

"Female wasps of this species were reported to sting a cockroach (specifically a Periplaneta americana, Periplaneta australasiae, or Nauphoeta rhombifolia) twice, delivering venom. Researchers using radioactive labeling demonstrated that the wasp stings precisely into specific ganglia of the roach. It delivers an initial sting to a thoracic ganglion and injects venom to mildly and reversibly paralyze the front legs of its victim. A biochemically-induced transient paralysis takes over the cockroach, where the temporary loss of mobility facilitates the second venomous sting at a precise spot in the victim's head ganglia (brain), in the section that controls the escape reflex. As a result of this sting, the roach will first groom extensively, and then become sluggish and fail to show normal escape responses. The venom is reported to block receptors for the neurotransmitter octopamine.

Once the host is incapacitated, the wasp proceeds to chew off half of each of the roach's antennae, after which it carefully feeds from exuding hemolymph. The wasp, which is too small to carry the roach, then leads the victim to the wasp's burrow, by pulling one of the roach's antennae in a manner similar to a leash. In the burrow, the wasp will lay one or two white eggs, about 2 mm long, between the roach's legs. It then exits and proceeds to fill in the burrow entrance with any surrounding debris, more to keep other predators and competitors out than to keep the roach in.

With its escape reflex disabled, the stung roach simply rests in the burrow as the wasp's egg hatches after about 3 days. The hatched larva lives and feeds for 4–5 days on the roach, then chews its way into its abdomen and proceeds to live as an endoparasitoid. Over a period of 8 days, the final-instar larva will consume the roach's internal organs, finally killing its host, and enters the pupal stage inside a cocoon in the roach's body. Eventually, the fully grown wasp emerges from the roach's body to begin its adult life. Development is faster in the warm season.

Adults live for several months. Mating takes about a minute, and only one mating is necessary for a female wasp to successfully parasitize several dozen roaches.

While a number of venomous animals paralyze prey as live food for their young, A. compressa is different in that it initially leaves the roach mobile and modifies its behavior in a unique way. Several other species of the genus Ampulex show a similar behavior of preying on cockroaches. The wasp's predation appears only to affect the cockroach's escape responses. While a stung roach exhibits drastically reduced survival instincts (such as swimming, or avoiding pain) for about 72 hours, motor abilities such as flight or flipping over are unimpaired."


Oct 25, 2017
Pretty sure any animal the size of a pitbull could fuck people up and that's enough for me. Even smaller ones, like snakes.

Forget going straight to the big cats.


Oct 8, 2018
To anyone not picking big cats, when was the last time you handled an angry house cat that missed its last claw trimming?

They are nature's blenders



has a title.
Oct 25, 2017
Crocs are 100% evil. Big Cats do what they have to do to survive but I feel like crocs evolved to simply be the most evil, violent living things possible.

Deleted member 76797

Aug 1, 2020
Crocs are 100% evil. Big Cats do what they have to do to survive but I feel like crocs evolved to simply be the most evil, violent living things possible.

That's what I'm saying tho. In reality crocs are just surviving too. They are just dumb and not social like mammals. If big cats looked like reptiles they would be 100x scarier to us.
Oct 26, 2017
Emerald Cockroach Wasp

From wiki:

"Female wasps of this species were reported to sting a cockroach (specifically a Periplaneta americana, Periplaneta australasiae, or Nauphoeta rhombifolia) twice, delivering venom. Researchers using radioactive labeling demonstrated that the wasp stings precisely into specific ganglia of the roach. It delivers an initial sting to a thoracic ganglion and injects venom to mildly and reversibly paralyze the front legs of its victim. A biochemically-induced transient paralysis takes over the cockroach, where the temporary loss of mobility facilitates the second venomous sting at a precise spot in the victim's head ganglia (brain), in the section that controls the escape reflex. As a result of this sting, the roach will first groom extensively, and then become sluggish and fail to show normal escape responses. The venom is reported to block receptors for the neurotransmitter octopamine.

Once the host is incapacitated, the wasp proceeds to chew off half of each of the roach's antennae, after which it carefully feeds from exuding hemolymph. The wasp, which is too small to carry the roach, then leads the victim to the wasp's burrow, by pulling one of the roach's antennae in a manner similar to a leash. In the burrow, the wasp will lay one or two white eggs, about 2 mm long, between the roach's legs. It then exits and proceeds to fill in the burrow entrance with any surrounding debris, more to keep other predators and competitors out than to keep the roach in.

With its escape reflex disabled, the stung roach simply rests in the burrow as the wasp's egg hatches after about 3 days. The hatched larva lives and feeds for 4–5 days on the roach, then chews its way into its abdomen and proceeds to live as an endoparasitoid. Over a period of 8 days, the final-instar larva will consume the roach's internal organs, finally killing its host, and enters the pupal stage inside a cocoon in the roach's body. Eventually, the fully grown wasp emerges from the roach's body to begin its adult life. Development is faster in the warm season.

Adults live for several months. Mating takes about a minute, and only one mating is necessary for a female wasp to successfully parasitize several dozen roaches.

While a number of venomous animals paralyze prey as live food for their young, A. compressa is different in that it initially leaves the roach mobile and modifies its behavior in a unique way. Several other species of the genus Ampulex show a similar behavior of preying on cockroaches. The wasp's predation appears only to affect the cockroach's escape responses. While a stung roach exhibits drastically reduced survival instincts (such as swimming, or avoiding pain) for about 72 hours, motor abilities such as flight or flipping over are unimpaired."
why is it that every time I learn about a new parasitic reproduction process, shit gets worse and worse. what the fuck nature.

I take some solace in believing that stuff took an ungodly amount of time to develop, so we're pretty safe. still...


Oct 28, 2017
Crocs are 100% evil. Big Cats do what they have to do to survive but I feel like crocs evolved to simply be the most evil, violent living things possible.

I don't know about that. Crocs just react.
I heard a story about a guy tracking a jaguar for hours and then turning around to find it standing behind him. It just stared at him for a while and then walked past him. That makes my skin crawl.


Oct 27, 2017
It's the only thing that lives in my city and has been seen more and more in neighborhoods as of late, so yes.


Nov 11, 2017
Cat's for sure.

Cause above all else, cats are fucking crazy. Anybody with a fiesty house cat can tell you this. My cat LOVES me, but before you know it she can lose your shit.

So that in a big cat body? fuck nah.


Aug 18, 2018
Maybe not the scariest on earth, but I dont think I ever emotionally recovered from that video of a pelican just casually scooping up a pigeon and swallowing it whole.
Nov 2, 2017
super venomous snakes


Big cats




Brown Recluse spiders

if Im choosing the worst situation to be in its either in a dark no moon ocean with Jaws under me or in a jungle at night with a big cat stalking me followed by a big angry Gorilla standing in front of me followed by a body of water and Gators


Aug 18, 2018
Cat's for sure.

Cause above all else, cats are fucking crazy. Anybody with a fiesty house cat can tell you this. My cat LOVES me, but before you know it she can lose your shit.

So that in a big cat body? fuck nah.
I'll never forget the day my sister cat, who is super chill and friendly with people, got spooked while I was holding him and decided he didnt want to be held anymore. In a split-second he turned into a whirling dervish of claws and fur and suddenly he was in the next room and I just had blood running down my arms. It really let me that our relationship was basically predicated on how much he was willing to put up with my shit.