
Oct 25, 2017
Long Island
I booted up Gamepass the other day all ready to download scarlet nexus, I haven't been keeping up with the news that Bandai Namco shut down those rumors a month ago…..I just assumed it would be there.

Low and behold it wasn't……yet I couldn't pull the trigger to actually buy the game. It's not the type of game I would normally play but was interested, but not interested to pay full price for a game. Gamepass had me so accustomed to risk free gaming.

that's when I realized a trend…..I found myself in the Microsoft store and there was quite a few games I didn't even know existed because if it's not in Gamepass it's not on my radar. Yet I couldn't bring myself to buy them either because I just assumed one day they will end up in Gamepass.

I don't expect to go back into the Microsoft store to purchase a game until Battlefield releases, otherwise my gaming on Xbox is dictated by whether or not a game is on the service.

Was this frame of mind I adopted the intentional result of Gamepass? I have streaming services but haven't purchased a movie in over 10 years? Is this just my personality?

anyone experience something similar?


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
Games are starting to have that gamepass feel.


Oct 27, 2017
It's 100% intended.

Happened with PS+ and Games With Gold in the past as well.


Oct 27, 2017
I mean it's obvious that the MS end game. It's also visible in sales splits.


It's Pronounced "Aerith"
Oct 26, 2017
Intended by Microsoft? Yes. Healthy for the industry? Jury's out.

Man God

Oct 25, 2017
I'm not buying anything on the PS5 or XBSX until its clear it will never hit Gamepass.


alt account
May 13, 2021
obviously the desire to buy content is going to depend from person to person, but broadly speaking yes.

Personally Scarlet Nexus was a game that was on my radar, but it was never going to be a day 1 buy, so the notion of me even buying it for 60 was never really something I entertained.

When the rumors of it coming to gamepass started to pop up I hoped they would be true, and once they were denied by Bamco, I was disappointed but nothing really changed for me?

I'll play it when it drops in price to a point where I'm willing to bite, or when it drops to gamepass. Those have been my purchasing habits going on a decade at this point. I buy maybe 1 to 2 games a year day 1, and everything else waits until it goes on sale.

The notion of anything I'm remotely interested in dropping into GP, makes me even more likely to wait on sales nowadays, and that's part of why I love GP as much as I do.


Oct 25, 2017
Long Island
If it's on gamepass how would you buy it? :p
I mean I have bought games leaving Gamepass because I just assume (wrongly) they will be there forever. For example I put off finishing Devil May Cry 5 for like a year because that's how long it felt like it was on there. That last week it was leaving the service life through my a curve ball and couldn't finish the last 5 hours of the game and bought it with the Gamepass discount.


Oct 25, 2017
The only game I plan on purchasing in 2021 is BF2042 and I am 2,000 rewards points away from being able to preorder the gold edition for free. I'm basically all Gamepass now.

Deleted member 11008

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I want the game on digital, so I'm just waiting for a sale. Game Pass is cool but I still like buy games.


Nov 17, 2017
I actually buy the games I want to play, I don't want a subscription service to decide for me.


Oct 27, 2017
It's such a bummer the Scarlet Nexus to Game Pass rumors didn't come into fruition. But yeah, it's hard to justify buying any game on my PC (don't have XSX) since subbing to Game Pass. I just assume it'll land there eventually.


Oct 25, 2017
No, Xbox isn't intentionally attempting to crater Xbox game revenue with the goal of having all their users subscribing to Game Pass and spending nothing outside of their monthly subscription. That would be asinine, and absolutely not what they're trying to do.
Oct 25, 2017
The last few third party xbox games I bought all ended up on Gamepass, which was kind of frustrating. Now I just don't buy any games on Xbox.


Linked the Fire
May 9, 2020
I was going to make a thread exactly like this but I thought that would be too mean to scarlett nexus.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
For me, games like this would sit on my wishlist for 5 years and I'd never end up buying it no matter how deeply it was discounted. Now, if that game comes to gamepass I end up playing it and if I like it, I buy it. Descenders was the perfect example of this, I had it on my wishlist for a long time, but never pulled the trigger. Then I played it on PC gamepass and now own it on Steam.

Mugen X

Oct 27, 2017
Its definitely made me hesitant to buy games I'm unsure about, GP has been stellar in terms of me being able to try a game and delete it if I'm not feeling it with zero consequence.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Was this frame of mind I adopted the intentional result of Gamepass?
I don't know if it was intentional but it was definitely a result of GamePass. Before GamePass you didn't have that expectation of a game just being there when you browsed the catalog as you described in the OP when you assumed Scarlet Nexus would've been there from the rumors.

But you're not alone. I have a few buddies on Xbox and have seen it elsewhere that their gaming on Xbox is pretty much exclusive to whatever is in GamePass. Outside of a heavy hitter like BF2042 that they're really excited for, they don't look outside of what's in GamePass. I'm guilty of it myself in that I don't plan on paying full price for an Xbox 1st party game on PC going forward, I'll just use my GamePass PC for it.


Oct 25, 2017
Long Island
When people talk about subscription services devaluing games, this is pretty much it.
Is it though? I'm not into anime, but the game looked cool enough to download and play. It's not like they are losing out on a sale, they weren't going to get the sale to begin with. But if I played it risk free on Gamepass and enjoyed it? I would probably see if they have other games I would like and the chance to buy increases imo


Oct 27, 2017
I have all 3 consoles and now I don't buy games that I know will ultimately will appear on gamepass. Namco is an example of a publisher that will most likely put their games on the service. Now I'm considering waiting on any Yakuza/judgement to come to gamepass too. I bought Yakuza 7 on PS5 and months later it's on gamepass. I buy every Yakuza game and now every single game is on gamepass. Kinda of annoys me that Sega is riding off the backs of people who buy the game fully then months later drop it on gamepass. Could have a negative effect on publishers but we'll see.


Oct 28, 2017
There's definitely a slice of AA games where I feel like I'll wait to try it on gamepass.

But not smaller indie games, I usually just try those out on steam and refund if I don't like them.

Iori Fuyusaka

Oct 26, 2017
You're missing out on a good game, but maybe Microsoft will tell you that you can play it eventually.

(This way of thinking is baffling)


One Winged Slayer
Mar 26, 2019
If I had gamepass I too would have waited for it to hit the service. I noticed Code Vain and Jump Force hit the service from Bandi Namco, so I would naturally wait it out and play other games on gamepass until it either hit the service or went on sale for super super cheap. That's just how my mind works for subscription-type things, it's very hard to get me out of that mindset.
Oct 28, 2017
I could see that being a common practice, and Microsoft probably won't mind it being that.

For me I spend about the same, it's just that the $60 I would have put into the next Halo or Forza are going to more off-the-beaten path games instead.


Jan 27, 2018
I wouldn't have bought it at full price anyway so it's not like the developers are losing anything.

In fact they might be losing a decent cash injection from MS by not putting it on Game Pass, but either way these kinds of economics are going to be different from game to game.
Oct 25, 2017
I like Gamepass and everything but the only games I have this feeling with are Microsoft 1st party games, if it's a 3rd party I am probably still buying it, even if it actually is on GP let alone if it isn't. I guess if I gobbled up games on GP like some people do then maybe it would be different.
Oct 25, 2017
Is it though? I'm not into anime, but the game looked cool enough to download and play. It's not like they are losing out on a sale, they weren't going to get the sale to begin with. But if I played it risk free on Gamepass and enjoyed it? I would probably see if they have other games I would like and the chance to buy increases imo

Maybe not specifically with Scarlett Nexus if you think you would have never have bought it, but it's the value judgement we all make when looking at a game we could buy but then compare it to the price of game pass or other subscription services.

It started for me with PS+, they went hard on indie games at the start of the PS4 generation and I had such a backlog of indie games I wanted to play it became hard to justify buying new indie games, I couldn't justify the cost and assumed they would be part of the service eventually anyway.

With Gamepass, if any game has a marketing deal with Xbox even if it's not day 1 game pass I'm like 90% sure it's coming eventually and I'll just wait.

Dr. Mario

Oct 27, 2017
Yeah I started noticing it as well. I never really had it with PS+ and Games with Gold, the chance was so slim and the games so old I'd never considered it a real possibility. So then I'd buy the game anyway, leading to the "free games" never being interesting. With Gamepass though, that definitely changes. There are so many games I'm interested in, it's starting to drown out the games I might have gotten otherwise, or has me waiting for the much more likely chance that it's coming sooner or later anyway. Scarlet Nexus is the latest one, though admittedly, €60 was a too high ask anyway.


Jan 29, 2019
Honestly, yep. Exact same reason I haven't bought the game and why for A/AA Japanese games that are multiplat I won't buy and will just wait for the inevitable gamepass addition.


Nov 18, 2017
I buy games I want to play - and I'm not saying that in a twatty way, just stating that subscription services don't deter me from purchasing what I fancy.


Oct 26, 2017
I honestly think it'll get to a point where the only way for third party games to have the assumption its not going to be on gamepass is to simply not release it on Xbox at all.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Not for me, I wasn't gonna buy Scarlet Nexus at launch no matter what, at least on Gamepass I would have tried it.


Oct 27, 2017
I have all 3 consoles and now I don't buy games that I know will ultimately will appear on gamepass. Namco is an example of a publisher that will most likely put their games on the service. Now I'm considering waiting on any Yakuza/judgement to come to gamepass too. I bought Yakuza 7 on PS5 and months later it's on gamepass. I buy every Yakuza game and now every single game is on gamepass. Kinda of annoys me that Sega is riding off the backs of people who buy the game fully then months later drop it on gamepass. Could have a negative effect on publishers but we'll see.
Will you do that with Lost Judgment? I don't think I can wait... lol.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
So glad this hasn't happened to me, can't imagine limiting my picks that way, especially now that I have all 3 consoles. And yeah, I have like 3 years of GPU left.


Oct 25, 2017
Game sales seem to be fine and in fact many games seem to have gotten more attention on people buying them because they were on gamepass. A few people might feel this way but it's unlikely many do.

Kind of similar to how people won't buy things unless it's on sale on Steam, yet you see games selling at full price just fine.