
Oct 25, 2017
I don't think they're "good" as a set. Maybe you could argue 3 is good and maybe 1 is good? 2 is really just regular awful. I am not even necessarily talking about whatever canon Lucas revised in the movies themselves...but the actual composition of each shot, the plotting, the pacing, etc., are just not great.


Dec 12, 2017
The prequels are complete garbage. Terrible stories, worse acting, and the CG has aged extremely poorly, even compared to older effects-driven films.
Oct 28, 2017
The prequels have always been fun movies with varying levels of dopeness.

Phantom Menace is solid

Attack of the Clones...well everything after Geonosis is ok.

Revenge of the Sith is flat out dope.


Oct 30, 2017
The Prequels are bad but I think that George Lucas' incredibly stupid vision is a more interesting failure than the sequels. Also, the discourse surrounding them never quite seemed to reach the peaks of obnoxiousness that TLJ discourse has (that Film Critic Hulk piece where he compares not liking TLJ to supporting ICE lmao).


user requested ban
Oct 28, 2017
Prequels were made only to sell more toys.

No, they were genuine attempts at filmmaking by Lucas. If all he wanted to do was market and sell toys he could have done that long before he made the prequels.

The problem is that when Lucas made the prequels, he was in a position where he had complete and absolute creative authority and nobody to challenge him at any level. He is also notoriously bad with actors and has admitted he doesn't much like working with them, which is very problematic for obvious reasons.

When you really consider and deconstruct the prequels, there's plenty of quality therein but where things fall apart are dialogue and the stilted acting. Had Lucas simply hired somebody to revise his scripts (like Kasdan) they could have done away with the cringey dialogue and the clunkier aspects of the storytelling, modified Jar Jar into something less shrill and one note and placed a bit more gravitas into Anakin and Padme's burgeoning relationship.

Lucas should have also hired a second director to handle all the filming in regards to the actors, given that Lucas seems to have little appreciation for the craft of acting and doesn't allow his actors to modify dialogue or improvise. Liam Neeson once spoke of how he had to fight Lucas just to place his hand on Shimi's shoulder when she discovers her son is leaving Tatooine.

It's actually astounding how easily the prequels could have been fixed had Lucas simply been willing to defer to somebody other than himself.

Deleted member 13628

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
The whole point of Star Wars is watching space wizards having epic fights with lightsabers in exotic locations. The prequels nailed that. They're not supposed to be deep. They're supposed to be entertaining. Don't try to pretend otherwise. The sequels have delivered nothing so far other than try to score stupid nostalgia points. "Hey, remember those tie fighters from a new hope? Yeah, we remember...". You can say they have better dialogue or more competently "shot" than the prequels. But that doesn't stop TFA and TLJ from being utterly vacuous and devoid of entertainment. Peel away the Star Wars skin and there is no fantasy or adventure.

And smh at all these "you guys were just children and didn't know any better!" posts. Yeah, I was a teenager when the prequels were out. My friends and I were all laughing with the rest of the theater at all the stupid lines Anakin would deliver. It wasn't just you awoken adults who noticed that.


Oct 27, 2017
Can't say I ever really hated the prequel movies, although the AoTC can be physically painful to watch at times.

The star of these movies will always be Palpatine for me. RoTS was on television yesterday and I found myself sucked in so easily. He steals the show in every scene he's in and is easily the best antagonists out of all the films. Snoke, Vader, Kylo Ren, none of them come close.


Oct 25, 2017
It really bothers me when people don't think the prequels were good and forget about General Grievous, the greatest character in Star Wars. He alone automatically negates whatever "criticism" you have of the prequels.


What about the fact this great charcter showing up in third movie with no build up and being injured in an explanation only shown in a great but no longer canon spin off cartoon movie and then just getting murdered?

Deleted member 7051

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I was like 11 when The Phantom Menace came out and I remember quite enjoying it. Obviously I had seen the older Star Wars movies at some point but they were like old seasons of Doctor Who, the sort of thing you watch because your dad wanted to.

I wasn't quite as interested in Doctor Who or Star Wars as I was other stuff like The Princess Bride (still the best movie ever made) and Back to the Future (still the best trilogy ever made), but then 2005 happened and that year changed my opinion on both quite significantly.

I really, really liked Revenge of the Sith. I thought - and still do think - that Ewan McGregor was brilliant, that Hayden Christensen finally got Anakin Skywalker and that it was fascinating how this society that lived in peace for a thousand years came crashing down around everyone's feet because of one guy that made the two warring factions in the galaxy think they were playing chess when he was really playing both sides.

As far as I've ever been concerned, all the missteps and fumbles of the prequel trilogy are forgiven on the strength of Revenge of the Sith alone. In fact the only thing I've never forgiven Revenge of the Sith for is sidelining Padme and then making her die of a broken heart, but it's not like you can expect much better from such a male-dominated genre back then. I was more hurt and disappointed than angry.


Oct 31, 2017
The prequels as a film series were poor, the prequels as a setting was honestly pretty ace and fair better than what we have now. The later seasons of the clone wars are still some of the best Star Wars content you'll find.


Oct 28, 2017
Lausanne, Switzerland
It doesn't bother me if people praise whatever they like.

What's bothers me if people jumping at your throat if you say you don't like this or this movie, because most people here are extremely polarized.

Say that you find the last Jedi plot stupid, and it eventually ends up in a Godwin. It's really annoying.

Deleted member 249

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
It's certainly polarizing. Many love it. Some hate it. The difference between it and the prequels is that many people actually love TLJ. Nobody loves the prequels. At best people accept them and "like" "parts" of them.
I love Episode 3. Tell me how I don't actually love it, and I just at best accept it like parts of it.


Oct 31, 2017
Not watching it, but I'll take your word for it. I'm very happy with my success in erasing the memory of the prequels from my head over the last 15 years or so. Never saw them again after seeing them in the theater. Never watching a clip (outside of some RLM stuff some years ago) and never even acknowledging them outside of conversations like this. They will never be part of my SW collections.

But if you like em, don't let me stop ya. I just have no interest in reliving that degree of disappointment again.


It's certainly polarizing. Many love it. Some hate it. The difference between it and the prequels is that many people actually love TLJ. Nobody loves the prequels. At best people accept them and "like" "parts" of them.
This is false I didn't care for them but there's plenty of kids that loved the prequels.

Deleted member 5596

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I think the worst is how badly and shoddily directed they are, RLM perfectly shows this as much you can claim how nitpicky are.

At least the new ones has some competency behind the cameras.

Deleted member 249

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
The best part in this thread is people saying that I am apparently a misogynist, sexist, racist person who trolls and harasses people, because I like the prequels, and the mods letting it slide. You go, ResetEra, and your fantastic level of discourse.


Legendary Duelist
Oct 25, 2017
Costa Rica
What about the fact this great charcter showing up in third movie with no build up and being injured in an explanation only shown in a great but no longer canon spin off cartoon movie and then just getting murdered?

If people praise fucking Snoke because his lack of absolutely everything makes him "mysterious". I will totally praise Grievous.

Regulus Tera

Oct 25, 2017
Kids born when The Phantom Menace came out are 19 today. It's natural that defence forces for such bad films would come out of nowhere.

BTW only episode three is a "workable" film.


Oct 29, 2017
I've heard people praise them in comparison to the last jedi. Tlj makes the prequel movies look good. That's pretty sad


Oct 27, 2017
Funny thing is I like Phantom Menace more as I grow older and ROTS less (Palpatine is still the best thing ever doe).

AOTC will probably always stay at a steady level of garbage for me.


Oct 26, 2017
I feel like the only person that hated Palpatine in Revenge. The only thing I can appreciate is McDiarmid obviously having the time of his life.


Oct 27, 2017
i don't think the movies were ever godawful, they were just low hanging fruit for nerd rage culture and after so long the movies' problems metastasized into being a way bigger deal than actuality

now we have a mediocre star wars movie free of PT era Lucas, issues with the PT are more idiosyncratic and naturally with the passage of time people are less prone to getting wound up about them


Oct 25, 2017
If people praise fucking Snoke because his lack of absolutely everything makes him "mysterious". I will totally praise Grievous.

But Snoke is one of the most hated parts of the new film series, and at very least he serves as a misleading of your expectations and then a deconstruction of them...


Oct 27, 2017
I don't really care how important those movies are. :D
What I'm saying is that some things require a certain perspective to be fully appreciated. You don't think they're anything special because you take for granted all the decades of (often great) copycats that have greatly diminished the novelty of the original Star Wars trilogy.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
The Sequel Trilogy, especially TFA, feels utterly small by comparison. It makes the entire conflict between the Resistance and The First Order feel like a minor spat and not a galaxy spanning war. We don't even get a look at the New Republic before it's blown to bits.

Exactly. Blowing up the New Republic felt like a deliberate fuck you to fans who care about worldbuilding. It wasn't needed to tell the story they want to tell. Indeed, it would be more interesting if the Resistance vs the First Order was just a fight happening out on the fringes, similar to the war against ISIS in the Middle East which was fought mostly by partisans because the major world powers didn't want to get involved. The New Republic could be there but be hesitant to do more than provide financial backing over an outer-rim border despute.

The fact that the New Republic was completely destroyed just because its capital was blown up is also just goofy. Sure an unexpected nuclear strike on DC or London would be crippling, but the UK or the USA would live on despite that.


Oct 27, 2017
Exactly. Blowing up the New Republic felt like a deliberate fuck you to fans who care about worldbuilding. It wasn't needed to tell the story they want to tell. Indeed, it would be more interesting if the Resistance vs the First Order was just a fight happening out on the fringes, similar to the war against ISIS in the Middle East which was fought mostly by partisans because the major world powers didn't want to get involved. The New Republic could be there but be hesitant to do more than provide financial backing over an outer-rim border despute.

The fact that the New Republic was completely destroyed just because its capital was blown up is also just goofy. Sure an unexpected nuclear strike on DC or London would be crippling, but the UK or the USA would live on despite that.

It's why I've repeatedly stated how safe and afraid The Force Awakens is, it's afraid of politics of any sort. It just wants to recreate ANH and jettison everything that isn't "the core" SW hero story. TFA badly needed a simple scene like this:



Oct 30, 2017
I feel like the only person that hated Palpatine in Revenge. The only thing I can appreciate is McDiarmid obviously having the time of his life.

I enjoyed it until he melted. The terrible makeup on a flabby McDiarmid just looked awful and the transformation itself made no sense, the performance went too far over the top. Sidious was quietly menacing in the first two prequels but he becomes a cartoon in ROTS.

They should have stuck with the original idea of him slowly withering over time. In AOTC they gave him some light prosthetics and makeup that made him look decrepit but George abandoned that for the easy nostalgia of having him randomly transform.


Mar 18, 2018
So with that in mind, is really baffling to see suddenly people praising the movies for a lot of weird reasons that for the most part, feel like desperate excuses to try to shit on the Disney era movies, like, where were all of you guys on the last 15 years when people weere claiming that George Lucas LITERALLY raped their childhood with those movies?.

I'm very willing to bet that most of the people saying they love the prequel trilogy (including me) were kids for the majority of those last 15 years. And now they're older, be it teens or young adults, and seeing love being shared for a film they liked and getting into it.

They're not the best films ever, but no one gets hurt or other films don't become worse by someone saying "Yeah, I loved these films when I was younger!"


Oct 25, 2017
Who cares? People can like what they like. Shit, people ca dislike what they dislike (so long as they aren't attacking or hurting anyone in the process of doing so). Shit, people who disagree on whether they like or dislike on something can argue about it. What you shouldn't do is criticize the ability of someone to like something.

Just because the prequels were shit on more in the past (pretty subjective thing IMO) doesn't mean that even though it's not being attacked as much now people are being contrarians, or lying. There are a million reasons the supposed public perception of a film can change over time. For one, those that liked the film may not want to engage in a conversation with people claiming a film literally "raped their childhood" as you said. With less hyperbolic statements being made, there's a greater chance of those who were positive of the film to come out and say so. That's just one possibility, there were dozens others, all probably playing a small part in the change in public perception.

Flame Lord

Oct 26, 2017
If people praise fucking Snoke because his lack of absolutely everything makes him "mysterious". I will totally praise Grievous.

What could you possibly praise about Grievous? The only time he was cool was in the animated series (not the CG one), in the movie all he did was job to Obi-Wan. I remember being pretty pissed about it.

Deleted member 4262

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I loved them as a kid but consider them trash today. AotC is easily the worst of the bunch. I can't even hate watch that crap.

They're still a comedy goldmine though.


Feb 19, 2018
I was like 11 when The Phantom Menace came out and I remember quite enjoying it. Obviously I had seen the older Star Wars movies at some point but they were like old seasons of Doctor Who, the sort of thing you watch because your dad wanted to.

I wasn't quite as interested in Doctor Who or Star Wars as I was other stuff like The Princess Bride (still the best movie ever made) and Back to the Future (still the best trilogy ever made), but then 2005 happened and that year changed my opinion on both quite significantly.

I really, really liked Revenge of the Sith. I thought - and still do think - that Ewan McGregor was brilliant, that Hayden Christensen finally got Anakin Skywalker and that it was fascinating how this society that lived in peace for a thousand years came crashing down around everyone's feet because of one guy that made the two warring factions in the galaxy think they were playing chess when he was really playing both sides.

As far as I've ever been concerned, all the missteps and fumbles of the prequel trilogy are forgiven on the strength of Revenge of the Sith alone. In fact the only thing I've never forgiven Revenge of the Sith for is sidelining Padme and then making her die of a broken heart, but it's not like you can expect much better from such a male-dominated genre back then. I was more hurt and disappointed than angry.

I was more hard on death by broken heart until My great uncle pretty much died of the same thing after his wife died a few years back.

My great aunt died of cancer and after that, in a few months my uncle just kinda wasted away and died in his sleep. He was healthy and was living with my family but he was somber alot of the time but we took him to the doctors and said he was as healthy as he possibly could be for a 75 year old man. So maybe it was a bit hamfisted that it happened like that ( I would have like Padme to have had been with Leia for a few months before wasting away) but now that I've seen it in real life, it just makes it just sadder to me.

Flame Lord

Oct 26, 2017
He looks cool. See Bobba Fett

I just don't get that. He walked around like a hunchback the whole movie, while coughing. In the fight with Obi-Wan he stood in place swinging his light sabers, almost immediately got his hands cut off, and then he ran away. Besides his design Grievous isn't even slightly cool (except in the cartoon).


Legendary Duelist
Oct 25, 2017
Costa Rica
I just don't get that. He walked around like a hunchback the whole movie, while coughing. In the fight with Obi-Wan he stood in place swinging his light sabers, almost immediately got his hands cut off, and then he ran away. Besides his design Grievous isn't even slightly cool (except in the cartoon).

Bobba Fett was killed by a blind dude who didn't even knew he was there. And he's a Star Wars icon.

Phasma was thrown into a hole...twice, but that chrome armor sure looks cool huh?

That's just how Star Wars work man, you look cool and you can get away with being a fucking jobber


Oct 27, 2017
The whole point of Star Wars is watching space wizards having epic fights with lightsabers in exotic locations. The prequels nailed that.
Maybe this is the disconnect. I don't agree with this at all. Seeing Yoda flipping around with a lightsaber Is one of the worst things about the prequels.


I’m seeing double here!
Oct 25, 2017
I actually thought Episode 1 was ok. I like it when viewed through the lens of a campy children's movie, same way I look at something like Hook.

2 sucked. 3 isn't much better, its only entertainment value comes from actually having plot happen. You could cut 1 and 2 from the prequel trilogy and not miss much.

I feel like there's been a lot of retroactive prequel praise so fanboys can shove down our throats how bad they think the new movies are. Some of the critiques (that have popped up in this thread) don't even make sense - "at least the prequels were original!" Yes, the prequels where 90% of the action happens on Coruscant and Tatooine and they go for the most literal interpretation possible of the bits and pieces we get about the Clone Wars. As if the nostalgia pandering everyone blasts the new ones for wasn't there in the prequels:



(can anyone give me one solid reason for why Jango/Boba Fett are in the prequels at all?)

But, you know, opinions.