
"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Jun 17, 2018
I've called the FBI and they are going to talk to the OP about this anti American sentiment garbage they're trying to drum up.
Jun 23, 2019
Keep rolling!


Holy shit I spit out my juice I was drinking LOL


Dec 4, 2017
Why not a system of different animations that respond to environmental and combat feedback? Sometimes, you really DO need to roll to get out of the way, but sometimes you can just step to the side. I say add more stuff in there, not to replace the roll entirely.

This here.

I think everyone's being too hard on OP when they should have just taken it as "rolling is an overused animation set for dodging and I wish devs would be more creative". While I think there are a lot of games that don't use rolling, and instead use sliding or "phasing" (where they turn into a holigram or whatever, ala FF 15) it could still be good for these concepts to be re-thunk in a way that's appealing and dynamic.

It's a new gen so time for some enhancements to tired old systems!

Baron Von Beans

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
We need to add rolling to first person games as well. Keep the view from your character's eyes through the roll.
GTAV and Red Dead 2 do this. It's crazy in GTA...barreling down the highway at 130 on a sport bike, a car cuts in front of you (as gta citizens tend to do), and you get launched and slide all over the road. All in first person. It's pretty neat, if not disorienting


Aug 21, 2020
The key thing about rolling is that it clearly changes the silhouette of the character, giving a visual tell to a gameplay state change.

I'm pretty sure this is why dodge rolls are so prominent, despite arguably harming verisimilitude. I do prefer dashes and sidesteps unless the character is built around large, flashy moves, like Bayonetta, but I don't think rolls are going away any time soon.


Feb 28, 2019
With rolling, new players think they have to roll completely out of the way to not get hit, usually resulting in players who constantly roll backwards or sideways and getting punished for it; instead of moving through the enemies attack and countering. And I don't blame them because who thinks 'I'm gonna roll my body through the axe!'?
I am 34 and played video games for 30 years.
I discovered the fact rolling means invisibility 4 years ago...
I definitively prefer dodging.


Jan 14, 2018
When I've just been hit in the face 5 times with a sword it's really not rolling that breaks the "immersion".


Apr 19, 2020


Oct 25, 2017
Well, yes and no i guess? Like i don't care if the game isn't going for a grounded approach in the first place. But i'd love to see games trying to tackle combat in a more interesting manner when going for a more grounded look, like souls games. Yes it's fantasy, but the player combat still has a very grounded presentation that vibes well against the fantastical bosses and enemies in the series. I just wish that approach could also be mixed with more knowledge of historial swordfighting and the like. As much of a mess Kingdom Come generally is, it's approach to historical combat was super cool and made the times the combat flowed really well look amazing. I just want more of that.

But i guess what im trying to say is that roll dodging is idiotic and even sidestepping is something you generally want to avoid if you have the ability to simply backtrack. Just let games take more ideas from historical elements, like making the character try to maintain space between enemies with their weapon. You never see something like that, its just a binary "block" "not blocking" element while it was mostly a mix of both, and working from that kind of picture of reference and then stylizing that would be something really cool to see.


Oct 28, 2017
Hard not to feel for the OP when so many people straight up didn't read their post at all.

Everything else aside, I think side-stepping is just a cooler, more fun type of dodge compared to a roll.

When internet posters try to rope in everyone on their pet peeve parade.

Scratching my head at this post. There is literally no better forum on the internet for this kind of discussion. This is what we do here.


Jul 14, 2020
The only thing that 3 did well was change the dash to a slide that actually hits the opponents and stun them, allowing you to open them up and start combos
Loved how in Razor's Edge specifically, you could utilize the slide to punish an enemy attempting to grab you, yeet them in the air, and perform a SOB technique in one swift motion. Honestly, that game has some of the best gameplay in the modern NG games, outside of the recovery frames being a tad too long for me.

On topic though: I say the rolling is fine, and that it shouldn't be outright banished from future games just because it's "overused". It's a core pillar to countless titles at this point.


Oct 28, 2017
Definitely agree, it makes no sense. It's very clunky and not very practical, I'm sure they can come up with better animations like Bloodborne's sidestep or DMC jump/dash.

No Depth

Oct 27, 2017
I have wanted such a change for awhile, not so much because its goofy, but its so utterly broken in most titles.

Kind of ruined Horizon: ZD for me as an example. The combat was a good time using the different traps and tools, but spamming roll just kind of became such a crux for encounters that I started to sour on the game and its balance for not attempting to hinder its abuse, especially as I reached the endgame and just kind of lost interest in the same fights and rolling a billion times to dodge. Just one example, but its a shared problem among many games.


Oct 28, 2017
In your post you cite Bloodborne and how it's quick step isn't immersion breaking but...1) You roll in the game when you're not locked on and 2) you're fighting otherworldly eldritch beings but a fucking roll breaks immersion? The "my immersion!" crowd have really lost the plot.

So basically, no.


Oct 30, 2017
Ninja Gaiden Black was hella fun chaining rolls into jumps. You were like Samus in ball mode just cruising along. It worked well because you felt agile like a ninja and flowed great into different animations like wall climbs.


I liked how Witcher 3 had 2 different dodges. The first was the roll which covered a large distance and had more invulnerability I think, and the second was a short pirouette or short step for quickly dodging enemy strikes so you can quickly counter attack.



Oct 29, 2017
Which is why I like the quick step in Bloodborne. It fits the aesthetic and it communicates with the player that you're untouchable for a brief moment as your character turns into smoke and back again.

That's not the regular quick step, though.

You're thinking of the Old Hunter Bone tool. The normal dodge doesn't result in the player doing this -
