
May 18, 2018
So as with so, so many things, they play a sleight of hand to pretend the statement from before related to the question about Rowling which, of course, the interview went to pains to make it clear that she was referring to the worst responses Rowling gets.

Thus what Norton actually said to these people is 'rape threats are accountability.' Which is a completely disgracefully misconstrued from what he said.

We can even see the exact same tactic used by Rowling in her responses to Billy Bragg.



Jan 5, 2022
No but the gist is

"If anyone tells you JK has nothing to do with the game they're lying, she personally approves a huge amount of everything and insists on "her people" having approval of just about everything else. Also she makes money from every copy. You know who doesn't? The developers.".


Oct 27, 2017
Aren't the transes the ones with all the power, all in charge policing our language???

... Good god damn lord the reality news media lives in is absurd, meanwhile they're constantly pushing anti-trans garbage on the daily. Where the hell is our power? Like Graham Norton literally *just* got harassed off Twitter by the GC mob for making an incredibly tame statement that his voice means little and people should try talking to trans folks about trans issues.

"I thought I was being more subtle" lmao of course your clown ass did.
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Dragon Girl Supremacy
Oct 25, 2017
God I wish the world was just like these GC's describe it. Preferably with them also gone. "Woke", more like crusty shitheads can't keep up with the times.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
The BBC is fucking obsessed with trans people.


Good response from Elton. He'd probably get dogpiled like Norton but I don't think he's very online.

Such a joke to get so triggered by the word 'binary' that you hard pivot into whining about trans people and cancel culture.

Once again, Kyuuji creates another masterful statement illuminating the direness of a human rights situation and I thank her for it and her kind words.
Thanks Scrappy 💛


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017


Jan 5, 2022
I know it's easy to get sucked into conspiracies on this but I can't help but think having the NHS alienate a lot of people who are in the demographics that would normally 100% support it is really, really helpful for the Tory plan to abolish it.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
I know it's easy to get sucked into conspiracies on this but I can't help but think having the NHS alienate a lot of people who are in the demographics that would normally 100% support it is really, really helpful for the Tory plan to abolish it.
People said the same thing about the BBC when they turned against us and leaned into making the climate for us in this country worse.

Except in this case many trans people haven't had free healthcare in this country for our own healthcare for awhile. The waiting list between initial referral and first appointment is around 5 years in places, and that's people who signed up 5 years ago. People signing up today can expect wait times of double to triple that (and that's me sanitising the actual data to make it sound less absurd).

Trans women (and this will run true for other identities, I'm just speaking to examples I know from others or directly) have to prove ourselves to doctors to be allowed access to the healthcare we need. Being told they're concerned you're not serious enough about everything because you didn't wear a dress, or aren't feminine enough in your approach. The most common advice I've heard around going to an NHS appointment for hormones is to tick all the stereotypes of femininity when you do, to avoid any chance you have of falling foul of a transphobic (or just generally ignorant) doctor.

Being trans is needing to know the ins and outs of our healthcare because often our doctor won't. It's going to appointments completely unrelated to gender affirming care with anxieties of life threatening illnesses and instead being asked which public toilet you use, and being told they are going to call a GIC to find out if you followed the correct path because they feel it was too easy for you to have become a woman.

So when it comes to the NHS and alienating trans people it's not a journey that's at risk of being taken, it's a well trodden path.

Half the fight is hoping that future generations aren't facing medical transition as an economic choice as well as a personal one, where only the most well off of us — a demographic where 1/3 of employers admit to it being less likely that they would hire us, and only 8% of that third believe we should have the same rights as others do in the workplace — can afford to do so. Which is how it currently stands.

I'm sorry you have to make updates such as these for this thread.
It's alright. It might be depressing but it's not surprising. I'd rather have my eyes open to the situation so I can best prepare as it progresses.
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Jan 5, 2022
I kinda wish we just had a like button because now I'm taking up a post to say "Thank you, that was incredibly useful".

And frankly I've been on the internet long enough that sounds sarcastic.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
I kinda wish we just had a like button because now I'm taking up a post to say "Thank you, that was incredibly useful".

And frankly I've been on the internet long enough that sounds sarcastic.
Don't worry, it doesn't come off as sarcastic. Posts are free and it means a lot that you found it useful, so I appreciate it.


Dragon Girl Supremacy
Oct 25, 2017
People said the same thing about the BBC when they turned against us and leaned into making the climate for us in this country worse.

Except in this case many trans people haven't had free healthcare in this country for our own healthcare for awhile. The waiting list between initial referral and first appointment is around 5 years in places, and that's people who signed up 5 years ago. People signing up today can expect wait times of double to triple that (and that's me sanitising the actual data to make it sound less absurd).

Trans women (and this will run true for other identities, I'm just speaking to examples I know from others or directly) have to prove ourselves to doctors to be allowed access to the healthcare we need. Being told they're concerned you're not serious enough about everything because you didn't wear a dress, or aren't feminine enough in your approach. The most common advice I've heard around going to an NHS appointment for hormones is to tick all the stereotypes of femininity when you do, to avoid any chance you have of falling foul of a transphobic (or just generally ignorant) doctor.

Being trans is needing to know the ins and outs of our healthcare because often our doctor won't. It's going to appointments completely unrelated to gender affirming care with anxieties of life threatening illnesses and instead being asked which public toilet you use, and being told they are going to call a GIC to find out if you followed the correct path because they feel it was too easy for you to have become a woman.

So when it comes to the NHS and alienating trans people it's not a journey that's at risk of being taken, it's a well trodden path.

Half the fight is hoping that future generations aren't facing medical transition as an economic choice as well as a personal one, where only the most well off of us — a demographic where 1/3 of employers admit to it being less likely that they would hire us, and only 8% of that third believe we should have the same rights as others do in the workplace — can afford to do so. Which is how it currently stands.

It's alright. It might be depressing but it's not surprising. I'd rather have my eyes open to the situation so I can best prepare as it progresses.
God, it's absolutely criminal that Informed Consent isn't widespread. It was such an easy process for me that makes me infuriated how bad it is elsewhere, there's absolutely zero reason for it to be such a hellscape to navigate when there's so much clear evidence that Informed Consent has lead to so many happier trans lives.

And then transphobes have the gall to use suicide rates against us.


Ugly, Queer, Gender-Fluid, Drive-In Mutant, yes?
Apr 22, 2018
Tampa, Fl
It's so weird how fast it can change. A few years ago I felt like I could actually come out.

Now thanks to Joanne and her influence I will stay firmly in the closet about my gender.

And I'm starting to get nervous that I'm out about my sexuality.


Oct 25, 2017
The new NHS England GIDS service spec seems to buck the guidance set by major health organisations and international standards.
Yeah sadly there is systemic discrimination from NHS. There is also no training as far as I know. Which there should be. Trans folks deserve to have more informed healthcare professionals. There seem to be similar issues in Canada.

I've worked with the NHS for the last three years. Maybe I can push for our organisation to have mandatory training on it, because right now we only have diversity and inclusion training which is not enough. I'm sure there are still admin issues in the systems too, like about not having deadnames, I still don't think there is a dedicated pronoun section on a patient's file, although now working in IAPT, there does seem to be more gender options on the files. It's still systemically so backwards and infuriating on a large scale.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
Well said. But going through the whole painful ordeal is also about more than just "getting a body we would like" for some of us, just saying.
Yeh, it's an over simplification in service of making the broader point that such decisions aren't done on a whim and the idea that the process is an attractive prospect for cis people is laughable. I don't think she meant to try and encapsulate the experience of all trans people in half a tweet. I just like the dry mocking form of highlighting the absurdity of GC arguments, intercut with some trans humour.


Dec 25, 2017
Except in this case many trans people haven't had free healthcare in this country for our own healthcare for awhile. The waiting list between initial referral and first appointment is around 5 years in places, and that's people who signed up 5 years ago. People signing up today can expect wait times of double to triple that (and that's me sanitising the actual data to make it sound less absurd).
When I came out in 2011 it took 2 years for the entire pathway via the NHS, I came out to my gp in the October and had a first appointment that January, 3rd appointment was in July the same year (for hormones + T blocker). It's like every year that passes another 18 months is added on to the wait time.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
When I came out in 2011 it took 2 years for the entire pathway via the NHS, I came out to my gp in the October and had a first appointment that January, 3rd appointment was in July the same year (for hormones + T blocker). It's like every year that passes another 18 months is added on to the wait time.
Yup, it's super depressing. I'm glad you managed to get ahead of where it is now though!


Jan 14, 2021
You know, I think that's something that a good deal of people "on the outside" (so to speak) don't quite comprehend, or choose not to comprehend. Being trans is a beautiful thing, but in addition to the known "macro" threats to the community, society winds up causing a lot of, for lack of a better term, mundane and avoidable issues that can wear on a person's soul.
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The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
Ah, yes, Mexico. That known bastion of safety for trans women.

She's also become fond of referring to us as 'the right side of history' in that sardonic tone, which is chilling when you take a moment to understand what she's really saying is her 'correct' version of the future is one where trans people don't exist (either visibly or at all).
Feb 24, 2018
Didn't know where else to post this but what do you do when you think someone or a group are claiming to support trans rights but you suspect are being insincere or are only saying to be performative or justify liking or wanting to buy something? Do you say nothing, risk calling/pointing it out and risk looking like a fool?

This is something I've had issues with for the past few years but the past few weeks online and in real life has made me wonder more.


Mar 17, 2018
Has anyone who proclaimed a marginalised group to be "on the wrong side of history" ever not looked like a bigoted ghoul in retrospect?


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
Every now and again I'll sometimes take a look at her wall just to see what horrible stuff she's coming out with now, and of course only ten hours ago she wants again likes to try remind everybody that trans women are sexual predators. She is horrid.


Shock, horror, etc.


Deleted member 3208

Oct 25, 2017
Latin America is already hostile enough toward the LGTBQ+ community. Joanne's tweets will make the situation even worse.


Oct 25, 2017


Fiennes went on to acknowledge he could "understand a viewpoint that might be angry about what [Rowling] says about women" but insisted the author was not "some obscene, über-right-wing fascist."
Fiennes concluded, "It's just a woman saying, 'I'm a woman and I feel I'm a woman and I want to be able to say that I'm a woman.' And I understand where she's coming from. Even though I'm not a woman."

good for the article for pointing out the inconsistencies with what he said, tho


Mar 17, 2018
Really had it with media types goading celebrities to comment on trans people.
As with the whole Graham Norton thing, the interviewers are not hiding the fact they're doing it maliciously. If not for the click bait culture war headlines, then actively lining up targets for the CG cult to either love bomb or chase off.


Jan 14, 2021
Has anyone who proclaimed a marginalised group to be "on the wrong side of history" ever not looked like a bigoted ghoul in retrospect?
I can't think of any real examples. Also, the smug "right side of history" comment makes Rowling's mask slip off. She's supposed to look "merely concerned," after all.

Also, this is small potatoes next to literally all of the other human suffering being discussed in this thread, but her behavior is probably starting to have a negative effect on her (former) professional colleagues. Imagine being an actor 11 or more years removed from the end of the Harry Potter film franchise and having to deal with media types trying to bait you into either jumping on a grenade for Rowling or pushing back against her and suffering the wrath of a bunch of transphobes online. Fiennes specifically was wrong for saying what he said, but in a general sense, a lot of actors and celebrities are being put on the spot to weigh in on something that isn't really in a lot of their purviews. And even genuinely well-meaning people who answer may wind up spreading misinformation by mistake, which doesn't help anyone. Graham Norton seemingly had the common sense to recommend deferring to trans women on trans women's issues.
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Dragon Girl Supremacy
Oct 25, 2017
I can't think of any real examples. Also, the smug "right side of history" comment makes Rowling's mask slip off. She's supposed to look "merely concerned," after all.

Also, this is small potatoes next to literally all of the other human suffering being discussed in this thread, but her behavior is probably starting to have a negative on her (former) professional colleagues. Imagine being an actor 11 or more years removed from the end of the Harry Potter film franchise and having to deal with media types trying to bait you into either jumping on a grenade for Rowling or pushing back against her and suffering the wrath of a bunch of transphobes online. Fiennes specifically was wrong for saying what he did, but in a general sense, a lot of actors and celebrities are being put on the spot to weigh in on something that isn't really in a lot of their purviews. And even genuinely well-meaning people who answer may wind up spreading misinformation by mistake, which doesn't help anyone. Graham Norton seemingly had the common sense to recommend deferring to trans women on trans women's issues.
Their tactic is to drag in anyone that they can to put them on the spot, then force an answer that no matter which they pick, is going to end up in outrage and harassment, and hurt trans people. Graham Norton gave the right answer, to not take part, which made GC's MAD for not taking their bait and harassed him and called him a pedophile anyways. They feed on fear, and need to make sure people are scared to defend us, or are grossly misinformed by not allowing anyone else to speak good about trans people. It's a full-on fascist cult.


Jan 14, 2021
Didn't know where else to post this but what do you do when you think someone or a group are claiming to support trans rights but you suspect are being insincere or are only saying to be performative or justify liking or wanting to buy something? Do you say nothing, risk calling/pointing it out and risk looking like a fool?

This is something I've had issues with for the past few years but the past few weeks online and in real life has made me wonder more.
If you'd like my two cents (and please don't let this be the only two cents you take from someone in this thread): sometimes, the only option is to wait it out and see how they react to an issue. Unfortunately, life provides many opportunities to suss out bad-faith actors. Many people will drop all pretenses pretty quickly when it's convenient for them. When it comes to games and dealing with transphobic elements in or around them specifically, I can imagine "Think of the devs" will pop up whether it's sincere or not. I'm not you, but I would maybe say to these hypothetical people that continuing to engage with X problematic material can be done quietly and doesn't require public declarative statements to be made, especially not in threads specifically talking about the problematic nature of the material in question.

Their tactic is to drag in anyone that they can to put them on the spot, then force an answer that no matter which they pick, is going to end up in outrage and harassment, and hurt trans people. Graham Norton gave the right answer, to not take part, which made GC's MAD for not taking their bait and harassed him and called him a pedophile anyways. They feed on fear, and need to make sure people are scared to defend us, or are grossly misinformed by not allowing anyone else to speak good about trans people. It's a full-on fascist cult.
Yeah, that figures.


Oct 25, 2017
What did Draco say? I must have missed it.
He's the definition of a white cis-male using their privilege to not care about social issues.

Tom Felton Weighs In On J.K. Rowling And Sets The Record Straight On Her Involvement In The Movies

The Draco Malfoy star was asked about the Harry Potter author.
First of all, I don't know enough about the specifics of what anyone said. My dog takes up far too much time for me to go into such matters. I mean, the obvious things to say are that I'm pro-choice, pro-discussion, pro-human rights across the board, and pro-love. And anything that is not those things, I don't really have much time for.​
Honestly, with my friends, we all have differing opinions on various matters, and we celebrate our own choices. We certainly don't take any pleasure in putting crosshairs on people that may have said things that we disagree with.​


Jan 5, 2022
Yeah the usual "It's an opinion" and "don't bring politics into my lovely existence"

Pro-human rights and pro-love so long as they look exactly like me.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017

New laws to criminalise incitement to hatred against transgender people

Ministers told list of ‘protected characteristics’ are being expanded based on best practice internationally

Just some good news, for Ireland not the UK. But I wanted to share something nice.
Good start and nice to see actual forward movement. The article makes clear there's a lot of scope for transphobia as we often see it, but progress is rarely fast and some codification of it is a positive.
Nov 4, 2017
"Anti-cistamines" is the funniest thing I have encountered in quite a while. The whole list is comedy gold, but that was the cherry on top for me.

Thanks for another excellent write up, Kyuuji . It's always a good learning experience for me (even if it's morbidly depressing).

Seriously though, I hope you write a book.