
Oct 25, 2017
I remember that person on This Morning was also on BBC peddling the same BS.

I really don't get how they are allowed to misinform so much with these talking points, every single time. It's like nobody has read the facts or willing it even say anything regardless if someone doesn't get invited on. Absolutely bizarre. Well am I surprised seeing what else passes for news media, probably not. It just seems ludicrous, you could nip this in the bud if you actually told the truth anytime it comes up but it's nodding dogs. I get there is obviously transphobia but are are people genuinely scared of telling the truth?

It already exists in countries, UK respects that. Anyone can walk into a women only space or wherever. GRC doesn't change the equality act or suddenly allow trans people to enter these spaces which they already do before this, women or mens, do you get ID'd going to the toilet etc.? Men don't need it to assault etc. women. If you feel afraid, suspicious, in danger generally in life, you do what everyone does regardless of who it is.

Because the media and political class women are dominated by TERFs. Middle class, well educated, white women from a particular background. Hugely, hugely overrepresented in our media and politics, and thus have a massive oversized say in this "debate" by peddling their bigotry constantly. Even FRank Luntz is advising the conservatives that if they run on trans issues they will lose badly. The general public just doesn't care, and generally thinks trans people should be treated better.


Oct 26, 2017
I saw a commercial for this today and there's a lady who sends out an owl to recruit the player that Rowling's voice?

Bill Gaitas

Oct 25, 2017
I currently only going outside when I have to. I have a job interview coming up in person and even though they know I'm trans going into the interview I'm still really scared to be seen outside of my coworkers. There's no lowering my guard for me
That's awful :( It's really sad how things are over there, everytime I enter this thread I only get angry with every update. I hope everything works out in the end for you, good luck on the interview <3


Oct 25, 2017
It's infuriating how much the UK has regressed in such a small amount of time, and I really hope people in other countries are watching and making sure it doesn't happen to your home too.

Earlier in this thread I believe it was said (search isn't giving results) it comes down to "Leave if you can, or hide if you can't", which is just tragic that an apparent first world country has come down to that in 2023.

I'm so tired.

Deleted member 21411

Account closed at user request
Oct 28, 2017

Under West Virginia bills, exposing minors to transgender people could be a crime

The bills primarily target sexually explicit performances but would also ban schools from exposing students to any materials that include transgender people.

Not just JK Rowling but here's what I want to empathize. I, a trans woman live about 2 blocks from a school. I'm currently having conversations about either an emergency move OR I end up in prison for existing. When people can't even give up fuckin Harry Potter just remember like this is what my tomorrow looks like.

Youll get there, just need to get you out of your current situation but we e talked about that. I guess it's just sometimes I feel spoiled in MA because even people that hate you will still tolerate you in silence lest someone goes starts looking at them too closely. I've said it before I'll say it again, NE isn't super liberal due to just progressive shit though there are a lot of us, but an undeniable regional attitude of if you leave me alone aill leave you alone and authority can mostly fuck off.
There's a very real chance if this passes I'm gonna have to just drive and move. Idk whats going to happen but I hope a doors still open if I need it

Deleted member 25606

User requested account closure
Oct 29, 2017

Under West Virginia bills, exposing minors to transgender people could be a crime

The bills primarily target sexually explicit performances but would also ban schools from exposing students to any materials that include transgender people.

Not just JK Rowling but here's what I want to empathize. I, a trans woman live about 2 blocks from a school. I'm currently having conversations about either an emergency move OR I end up in prison for existing. When people can't even give up fuckin Harry Potter just remember like this is what my tomorrow looks like.

There's a very real chance if this passes I'm gonna have to just drive and move. Idk whats going to happen but I hope a doors still open if I need it
I always got you you know that.
Dec 2, 2017
I wonder what kind of panel they'll get for this

Dec 2, 2017
I had a quick glance at it, and there was 4 people on it.

President of NUS in Scotland Ellie Gomersall
Ella Whelan who I've seen writing for the telegraph and the times before
Hera Hussain founder of Chayn, which fights against gender based violence and marginalised genders facing abuse (according to their twitter)
Debbie Hayton.


Oct 25, 2017
Well at least one of those people is a trans ally. Chain, like most of the domestic violence / violence against women and girls sector, believe trans women to be women and have been acting that way for years.

Whenever someone raises women's refuges as an issue for trans women, it's a huge red flag because it means they don't actually speak to the orgs running those centres. It was solved *years* ago - we treat people as the gender they present, and everyone regardless of background gets risk assessed. The biggest threat to refuges is letting partners know where they are, and that remains true to this day.


May 18, 2018
JK Rowling whipping up the hatred of the SNP and Nicola Sturgeon. And I am not kidding when I say hatred. Sturgeon really is getting the brunt of the attacks on this on twitter. Looks like she phrased an answer about the drinking age wrongly and is now getting skewered over that as well.


The MP already addressed this:


Last edited:


Jan 6, 2018
United Kingdom
It shouldn't be surprising, but when I went to get a vape pen this morning, I caught a glimpse of the front page of the Daily Heil. They're claiming to have an "exclusive" story about how Keir Starmer is dragging J.K Rowling into "his" trans war.

A headline so wrong on every single level.

It's clear this week that the anti-trans hysteria is all the Tories have, and they are leaning on it hard.

It would be nice if Labour were half as pro-trans rights as the media claim them to be.


Oct 25, 2017
Good. Best case scenario for any discussion of the game would've never been above drive-bys about the game that pretends like there's absolutely no broader cultural conversation going on at all. Best that we don't give JK and this game any sunlight at all.

Preparing to brace for impact for accounts that have been open for years with 2 posts to their name coming in for one last blaze of glory however.


Oct 27, 2017
That's actually not the outcome I expected, but a welcome one.

Preparing to brace for impact for accounts that have been open for years with 2 posts to their name coming in for one last blaze of glory however.
Every time I see more 2017 accounts throwing themselves under the ban hammer I always wonder just how many accounts trolls stashed away for "a rainy day", the supply never seems to dry up.


That's some catch, that catch-22
General Manager
Oct 25, 2017
To make it clear:

As a reminder, we do not allow for advocating or metacommentary on content ban decisions, which are decided by the mod team. Any that we see, whether for or against, will be met with threadbans at a minimum.

So leave it at this. Ok? We don't want any "let us have x negative thread" stuff. We aren't doing any threads at all. And that goes for discussing it in here as well.

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
I haven't been following the thread, but I did want to pop in to say that I think the staff made a good call here.


Don't dream it, be it
May 2, 2018
<33333 glad to do it folks. If anyone barges in here to complain report their ass

heathen earth

Mar 21, 2020
Thank you, staff. I mean that sincerely. I realize that even posting that probably violates the rule and I'll accept the warning/ban, but I still wanted to say it. Thanks.


Dragon Girl Supremacy
Oct 25, 2017
I was hopeful and expected it to be banned, but it's still a sigh of relief to see the announcement.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
Just saw the thread, and posted in the feedback thread, but will extend another thank you here for staff browsing. It genuinely means a lot to have you continue in your stance and in support of the trans community. A strong heartfelt thank you your way ❤️🌷


Oct 25, 2017
So leave it at this. Ok? We don't want any "let us have x negative thread" stuff. We aren't doing any threads at all. And that goes for discussing it in here as well.

This will get a little "walking on eggshells" when she invevitably starts tweeting about how the sales of the game means everyone is transphobic like her