
Dec 22, 2017
EDIT: Pretty much what was posted last:

You don't even have to go as far back as mythology.
In 1999, American author Nancy Kathleen Stouffer alleged copyright and trademark infringement by Rowling of her 1984 works The Legend of Rah and the Muggles (ISBN 1-58989-400-6) and Larry Potter and His Best Friend Lilly.[1] The primary basis for Stouffer's case rested in her own purported invention of the word "Muggles", the name of a race of mutant humanoids in The Legend of Rah and the Muggles, and Larry Potter, the title character of a series of activity booklets for children. Larry Potter, like Harry Potter, is a bespectacled boy with dark hair,[10] though he is not a character in The Legend of Rah and the Muggles.

Remember kids: Stealing is ok as long as you're richer than the people you steal from.
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Dec 2, 2017
I can't believe you are casting aspersions on the writer who came up with the name *checks notes* Cho Chang for one of the very few asian characters in her books.


Jan 5, 2022
Dear god I'd forgotten it was as fucking obvious as "Larry Potter".

Mesus H Christ! (Original name, do not steal)

EDIT : Oh god Larry's friend is Lilly, the name of Harry's mother in the TerfyJo books.


Oct 27, 2017
There's plenty to hate her for without going into the lawsuit, which as far as I can tell, wasn't very strong.

The Harry Potter Books are very derivative, full of issues both 'problematic' and in terms of poor writing, but if she wasn't a bigot I wouldn't care too much. I don't like her because she is a hateful bigot.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
I can't believe you are casting aspersions on the writer who came up with the name *checks notes* Cho Chang for one of the very few asian characters in her books.

The first Fantastic Beasts movie had Gemma Chan in a bit part. Her name was credited to be Ya Zhou. Apparently in the simplified screenplay her name was written to be 亚(Ya) 洲(Zhou).

Guess what 亚洲means?

Asia. It's the name of the continent.


Oct 25, 2017
PS5 subreddit put out a statement overnight which I skim read initially and thought they were banning discussion of the game but no, they're just banning discussing JKR in posts about the game.

Violet Wren

Oct 25, 2017
PS5 subreddit put out a statement overnight which I skim read initially and thought they were banning discussion of the game but no, they're just banning discussing JKR in posts about the game.
I just read this statement and it's such trash. Giving in to the Gamers TM who "just want to play a video game" as screamed by many a chud in the comments. Completely shutting down discussion as to why people shouldn't buy the game and allowing all discussion and platforming of the game which they've admitted they know is "controversial". Token "trans rights" at the bottom of a post which concedes to bigots. Trash.


Oct 16, 2018
On a more heartwarming note, a r/GamingCirclejerk found this in Dublin.



The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
Not too long ago I posted about where I could see transphobia in the UK progressing insofar as it affecting law. Saying that the misalignment between what people were being told around Self-ID and spaces and what they were actually being worked up about, like GRC's and GRA reform, made it easy to think that once reform had been struck down we would see movement on elements that do allow for Self-ID and access to spaces (changing ID and the Equality Act).


Early rumblings but this is the type of headline I expect to start seeing more of as the focus shifts to existing legislation allowing for it.


One Winged Slayer
Jan 10, 2018
Difficult to not take note of which outlets were unwilling to even breifly acknowledge Joanne's hated for trans folk tonight; more than one notable name on that list. A lot that do are the most basic form of lip service too (come off as trying to absolve themselves of guilt before going on to give it an 8 or 9; only one or two i've seen go as far as linking charities like Mermaids, which you'd think would be a bare minimum), and I don't think there's a single review that discusses the anti-semitism in any regard.

Very disappointed in games media tonight, but I guess that should be expected by now.


Jan 5, 2022
I note while PS Access are currently streaming the game, once again neither the semi-official twitter account nor any of the presenters have mentioned it.

Totally a corporate order.
Jan 27, 2019
Fuck off
The press has been even more unbearable than usual, every fucking day following the prisoner situation nearly the Fail/Hiel. Express or Sun and often all three have had some blatantly anti-trans bullshit headlines.

As for the TERF Queen herself, she's been even more vocal than normal with the hate. As for anyone playing the Hogwarts games, they make the shitlist.


Vertigo Gaming Inc.
Oct 25, 2017
Difficult to not take note of which outlets were unwilling to even breifly acknowledge Joanne's hated for trans folk tonight; more than one notable name on that list. A lot that do are the most basic form of lip service too (come off as trying to absolve themselves of guilt before going on to give it an 8 or 9; only one or two i've seen go as far as linking charities like Mermaids, which you'd think would be a bare minimum), and I don't think there's a single review that discusses the anti-semitism in any regard.

Very disappointed in games media tonight, but I guess that should be expected by now.
It's on track to not only be the biggest selling game of the year but one of the highest rated as well. There's no way major corporate media would have allowed a ban to slide, unfortunately.

This is going to be such an ugly release. I hate hate hate Rowling so fucking much.

Deleted member 3208

Oct 25, 2017
Gaming media continues being trash as always. Not surprising.

That IGN post reminded me of the bullshit defenders use: "but think of the developers".

I mean, I wasn't expecting anything good from them, or from the GamersTM, but they still manage to disappoint so much.


Oct 25, 2017
I think it's important to remember re:games media that there are outlets who have chosen not to cover the game - reviews are naturally going to be even more skewed towards positivity than normal, especially pre-release. I imagine there will be more nuanced discussion in the coming weeks about the many, many issues with the harry potter brand.

This popped up on my Firefox, thought it might be of interest here - JKR and Atwood are mentioned in it.:

This 1998 Advice From Ursula K. Le Guin About Gender-Neutral Language Is Still Relevant.

Le Guin discusses her regrets about not using gender-neutral language. “English has a truly ungendered pronoun only in the plural. He, she, and it are gendered, they is not.”
I think I read something like this somewhere before, but I appreciate any and all trans positivity on a day like today. ❤️

Edit: SPEAKING OF POSITIVITY, just came across this, it's very cool imo:
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Oct 25, 2017
It's on track to not only be the biggest selling game of the year but one of the highest rated as well. There's no way major corporate media would have allowed a ban to slide, unfortunately.

This is going to be such an ugly release. I hate hate hate Rowling so fucking much.
Yeah, one of the major German outlets even mentioned how many views their coverage of the game got in comparison to most other games. There is no way the big sites aren't going to cover it and I do wonder how much of it is enforced from the top (not that it makes in any better).
I think it's important to remember re:games media that there are outlets who have chosen not to cover the game - reviews are naturally going to be even more skewed towards positivity than normal, especially pre-release. I imagine there will be more nuanced discussion in the coming weeks about the many, many issues with the harry potter brand.
I think that's a good point. I hope those takes can be linked and/or discussed here. Kyuuji always does a great job highlighting that stuff, lot of reporting about these issues I may have otherwise missed.

Wallace Wells

May 24, 2019
The forum got mentioned again on a Sky News article about people boycotting the game

Hogwarts Legacy: Why are people boycotting one of the biggest games of the year?

Excitement is high among fans of JK Rowling's wizarding world for Hogwarts Legacy, with pre-order charts suggesting that it's going to be one of the most successful games of the year. But the decision to buy it isn't simple for everyone, and some are speaking out against it.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 27, 2017
ign not giving a shit. Not that anyone ever supposed they did but still.


This is less than not giving a shit. This is making an effort to obfuscate and diminish the issue by referring to Rowling's crusade to harm trans people as "comments about transgender people." And to provide excuses, a false deniability of wrongdoing to those who opt to dismiss the damage she's causing by pretending like supporting this game does not support anti-trans bigotry, because while it undeniably does do that through Rowling being paid royalties...think of all this other stuff that doesn't change that, and think of the devs!

And then they have the gall to claim to be allies.



The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
Outlets covering it or paying lip service while covering it is expected. Focus on the ones who aren't and who are open about why. They're the ones worth the attention imo.


Feb 9, 2021

It's worth noting the image of Nicola Sturgeon in that news story. I don't know if anyone here keeps pulse of Scottish politics beyond the recent passing of the Gender Recognition Reform Bill but the last few weeks have been horrendous.

Between the bill and the Isla Bryson case, the amount of shit the British media, Joanne's crew and the Tories are stirring up here is sickening. Just Google Sturgeon's name and see the recent headlines - "time's running out for Nicola Sturgeon", "poll ratings plummet after trans rapist case".

They're pushing her to resign and using trans people as the boogeyman. I'm finding it fucking exhausting and I'm not trans. My heart goes out to everyone dealing with this relentless slew of transphobic shit right now.


Jan 23, 2018
Annoying that Metacritic are pushing its high scores - yes, it's reviewing well as the game that Potter fans have waited for, but it does not need to be top of the front page.
Dec 2, 2017
I have very strong feelings towards anyone or any outlet that claims 'Rowling isn't involved with Hogwarts Legacy'. Of course she's involved! It's her characters and her universe! Contrary to those memes, Harry Potter wasn't written by someone else, you cannot separate the two and the notion they you can I just find insulting and absurd.


I’m seeing double here!
Oct 25, 2017
Didn't we see similar types of dismissals on the web in defence of Cyberpunk 2077 because it had a trans woman character in a minor role, thus in their eyes absolving Projekt Red?

Hell, wasn't that the same logic Gamergate used when creating their mascot (the red headed woman)?
The funniest thing about the Gamergate mascot was they didn't have any prominent women speaking on their behalf, so they had to make up a stupid anime girl to represent their movement, and there was Rule 34 shit of her within the hour.

I have very strong feelings towards anyone or any outlet that claims 'Rowling isn't involved with Hogwarts Legacy'. Of course she's involved! It's her characters and her universe! Contrary to those memes, Harry Potter wasn't written by someone else, you cannot separate the two and the notion they you can I just find insulting and absurd.
Other people have made this point before, so I'm not saying anything original here, but I think the biggest problem with Harry Potter expanded universe stuff is that Rowling is still alive and actively working on the franchise. If they made a new Lord of the Rings game, it's not like Tolkien has any involvement. Or with Star Wars, George Lucas is still alive, but Disney bought him out - if he made himself a social pariah now, it wouldn't really reflect on Star Wars in the same way. Rowling, for now, is inseparable from the IP.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
It's on track to not only be the biggest selling game of the year but one of the highest rated as well. There's no way major corporate media would have allowed a ban to slide, unfortunately.

This is going to be such an ugly release. I hate hate hate Rowling so fucking much.
Yeah, expecting big websites and streamers not to cover he game is unrealistic, I would say that even small websites and streamers may feel compelled to cover it given the traffic it may bring.

It's the medium, small-medium websites and streamers, with dozens of subscribers/readers and not on the hundred or thousands or millions that will probably have no trouble ignoring it.

I doubt that everyone on the team of their websites and streamers just doesn't give a shit but they are just part of a corporation or a small group who are following orders from corporate or from just one guy who wants to make money and that's it.

It's very shitty for the trans people working there but no one should blame or judge them for the decision taken by corporate or the top guys.


Oct 27, 2017
It's unfortunate her shitty books resonated with a generation filled with broken homes, social withdrawal and neglect. The theme of the HP books is literally how dumb it is to have compassion for others and that the status quo should be upheld.


Jan 5, 2022
And honestly chances are despite the book content themselves, if she wasn't such a ghoul chances I'd be downloading a game right now.

Which I'm not sure is entirely defensible but it's realistic.


Oct 25, 2017
And honestly chances are despite the book content themselves, if she wasn't such a ghoul chances I'd be downloading a game right now.

Which I'm not sure is entirely defensible but it's realistic.
Very sympathetic to this framing myself.
I've certainly played games that are probably textually worse politically than Hogwarts Legacy, it's just they didn't have a visible figurehead of a transphobic movement behind them.

That said, that caveat is important, I think, even beyond the whole "funding TERF stuff" angle. There's a certain amount of goodwill I'm personally willing to give media that make even egregious mistakes (maybe the writers just didn't do their research, maybe this is thematically going somewhere later on, maybe they'll learn next time) that I won't give Harry Potter, because I simply don't believe it's a mistake at this point.


Oct 30, 2017
I'm trying not to stray off-topic here, but I'm trying hard as fuck to explain the difference between biological traits and gender to a friend... We've been growing more and more apart but I'm still trying to enlighten his ass. I just want to shake the goddamn bigotry out of him.

I found this... It feels fairly comprehensive but I'd like to make sure before I send it to him.

Biological Sex and Gender in the United States | Embryo Project Encyclopedia

In the United States, most people are assigned both a biological sex and gender at birth based on their chromosomes and reproductive organs. However, there is an important distinction between biological sex and gender. Biological sex, such as male or female, commonly refers to physical...


Oct 27, 2017
Very sympathetic to this framing myself.
I've certainly played games that are probably textually worse politically than Hogwarts Legacy, it's just they didn't have a visible figurehead of a transphobic movement behind them.

That said, that caveat is important, I think, even beyond the whole "funding TERF stuff" angle. There's a certain amount of goodwill I'm personally willing to give media that make even egregious mistakes (maybe the writers just didn't do their research, maybe this is thematically going somewhere later on, maybe they'll learn next time) that I won't give Harry Potter, because I simply don't believe it's a mistake at this point.

Adding my voice to the choir here.

I think the closest comparable bad person/notable work that I've wrestled with in the past is Orson Scott Card and Ender's Game. Dude was (possibly still is?) a raging homophobe. But that was on such a lower scale. Pre-social media, less of a "personality" where folks are following everything he says, etc. And even then, the work itself, as I recall, didn't echo those negative sentiments in the text.

With HP and Rowling, you can really go back and look at her ideology throughout the text. As a kid, maybe you don't notice it as much? But as an adult, it's much clearer.

Anyways, all this to say, fuck TERFs. Doesn't matter if Hoggy Legacy is game of the generation, I can just not buy it and be fine.


▲ Legend ▲
May 1, 2018
I'm trying not to stray off-topic here, but I'm trying hard as fuck to explain the difference between biological traits and gender to a friend... We've been growing more and more apart but I'm still trying to enlighten his ass. I just want to shake the goddamn bigotry out of him.

I found this... It feels fairly comprehensive but I'd like to make sure before I send it to him.

Biological Sex and Gender in the United States | Embryo Project Encyclopedia

In the United States, most people are assigned both a biological sex and gender at birth based on their chromosomes and reproductive organs. However, there is an important distinction between biological sex and gender. Biological sex, such as male or female, commonly refers to physical...
Is he generally good faith? Like will he actually read through it and be opened to having his mind changed?


Oct 30, 2017
Is he generally good faith? Like will he actually read through it and be opened to having his mind changed?
He hasn't been in quite some time... But at least I'd know that I've done my part. If he dissmises it, that's just another step further apart.

It's easy to ignore troublesome celebs etc., it's harder not to at least try to enlighten someone you've know for 25 years. He moved away quite some time ago and that's when I started to notice changes, even politically.


Oct 28, 2017
Bismarck, ND
Just saw the IGN review pop up on Facebook with a big fat 9 and decided to see how they addressed the TERF in the room. It, of course, was underwhelming.

I hate how people are addressing "her opinions on trans people" and not her financial support of anti-lgbtq groups.


Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
Oct 25, 2017
Houston, TX
Just saw the IGN review pop up on Facebook with a big fat 9 and decided to see how they addressed the TERF in the room. It, of course, was underwhelming.

I hate how people are addressing "her opinions on trans people" and not her financial support of anti-lgbtq groups.
The bolded is what bothers me the most (outside of the obvious regarding her literally funding the suffering of trans folks), it's basically burying the lead.


Oct 25, 2017
Just saw the IGN review pop up on Facebook with a big fat 9 and decided to see how they addressed the TERF in the room. It, of course, was underwhelming.

I hate how people are addressing "her opinions on trans people" and not her financial support of anti-lgbtq groups.
The former allows them to justify to themselves that it's not that bad. If it's "just" stuff said on twitter or in interviews then they don't have to accept the reality of what she's doing.


Oct 27, 2017
Such a bummer to see big name outlets happily plug reviews and spam coverage of that game with basically a disclaimer that says "hey we're gonna say we support trans folks but also here's our gigantic review of media created from a publicly outed monster"

Like I get it, your boots on the ground writer definitely doesn't have a say in that but man fuck the ads reps/editorial c-suite that approve this garbage


Jan 10, 2018
I'm happily surprised about Gamekult, (formerly?) one of the biggest French gaming website, not reviewing the game.


MTL of their message
There will be no #HogwartsLegacy review on Gamekult, and it's not a scheduling issue.

We refuse to give a voice to a brand whose economic and media weight benefits a woman who is the figurehead of a hate movement. A woman whose activism is aimed at rolling back the rights of trans people who are already constantly dehumanised.

The impact of video games on reality is also this. And it is precisely because it does not concern the game directly that it cannot be discussed in a test, which is a key moment in the media life of a title, and a key moment for the sites.

Let's take the time to discuss these issues, Hogwarts and Avalanche will get over it with or without us. This is not a call for a boycott, just a reminder that, no, it's never "just a game".

Especially surprising considering the state of that site


As an aside, I'll wait for the release date to be sure, but I'm glad that a lot of the major streamers I follow are seemingly not going to play this game at all.
It's stupid and it's kind of the bare minimum, but it feels good you know?