Dec 2, 2020
Just finished Valhalla. What a slog at 70 hours. So much unnecessary bloat, bad uninteresting content with mobile aspects to boot. Same with Origins and Odyssey. Origins was my favourite of the three.

I feel like the Valhalla story would have made a great separate, linear 30 hour vikings game. The visuals were great. They really captured the English country. Character models and animation not so much.

I have no further interest in the series unless they were to go back to single cities with 15-20 hour campaigns you don't have to grind to get to.


Oct 25, 2017
Just finished Valhalla. What a slog at 70 hours. So much unnecessary bloat, bad uninteresting content with mobile aspects to boot. Same with Origins and Odyssey. Origins was my favourite of the three.
I liked Origins a lot, and it topped out at just shy of 90 hours for me with the platinum trophy and all of the DLC. Odyssey was closer to 200, and Valhalla I didn't bother. I think I'm too burnt out on the series now, and the GaaS future of the series has me completely uninterested.

I think what Ubisoft should have done was instead of trying to push out AC and Far Cry games annually, they should have alternated AC, Far Cry, and Watch Dogs, so only one gets released per year.