Do you agree with Jason?

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Dec 23, 2017
will remain skeptical until we find a single person in the world who buys this game solely based on the box, thinking the game will be longer than it is and is disappointed.
I do imagine it'll happen, probably en masse, if they don't alter it between now and March. Though I'm still wondering what the broader implications will be. If it hurts sales of part 2 onward, if the game lives in infamy for being misleading, etc. Or it just lives on as a memory of games media articles and tweets


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
The people claiming they don't see the slightest sign of misleading scare me, the people bringing up God of War and TLoU as examples to back up their arguments downright terrify me.


Oct 25, 2017
There's no promise of a remake hitting all of the same beats of an original. I mean, they are fleshing out Midgard a whole lot. There's going to be a ton in the game that was not present in the original FFVII for better or worse. It's already not a faithful beat-for-beat remake.
There is a difference between hitting different beats and the game just ending at the opening part, but calling that a full remake.


Oct 28, 2017
What video game remakes are you guys defending this playing that only cover 1/4 of the original games content?

Fuck comparisons to the Witcher or other games that are not remakes. You see the name remake in the name of a game, you are expecting it doesn't cover the full game? We aren't talking alterations. We are talking fucking characters missing, no world map, and Aerith still fucking alive lol.

Like some of these arguments are such trash.


Oct 27, 2017
People are being pedantic on the internet as always.

Were people upset because Link's Awakening doesn't have Remake on the title?
Or Lion KIng doesn't have Live Action on the title.

I think putting Part I would have been better, but it's not a big deal either way.
Not remotely the same thing.

I'd be fine with calling it Final Fantasy VII Remake: Midgar...but the current title is clearly misleading the general game-buying public.


Nov 27, 2017
Like imagine if they remade like a Star Wars movie. A New Hope for example. And it just ends up covering less half of the original movie and then the credits say some shit like "to be continued in Star Wars Episode IV-2 (and possibly Episode IV-3 cause we're not sure how many parts we're gonna make this)". Like people would be PISSED. And saying "well, the trailers only showed stuff from the beginning of the movie, so even though the trailers didn't outright say it was just part 1, you should've just assumed" or "the description of the movie on the Star Wars website mentions it's just part one at the very bottom" or "they added new scenes to drag shit out, so it's now a complete movie on its own" would not fucking cut it.


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
"We know that Final Fantasy VII Remake has been highly anticipated and continues to look more excellent by the day.....but what if we decided to take a massive shit on your expectations for an equal amount of time?"

How on earth is this an attack on your excitement? It's just a comment on the box, I thought the same thing when I saw it lol


Oct 25, 2017
misleading to who?

everyone knows its a remake of the first 1/3rd of the original. I don't see the issue here.


May 31, 2018
Oh, and since I haven't posted a general opinion, I do agree with Jason here.

But then again I fundamentally disagree with them committing to a multiple-game remake of a game anyway so that's not exactly surprising lol

Deleted member 1635

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
There is a difference between hitting different beats and the game just ending at the opening part, but calling that a full remake.

If that's honestly what they do, then they deserve the criticism, but we do not know if there isn't going to be a fully fleshed out story arc in this Remake. We only really know Midgar in the context of the original game, in which it very much was the starting point of the game.


Oct 30, 2017
I... thought it was the full game. Do you get the next parts for free or will they be released like FF VII-2 etc.? Imo definitely misleading.

Edit: Not for free. They should give it a subtitle at least.


Into the Woods
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Parts Unknown
Imagine being a retail employee at GameStop or something and having to explain that, no, this game:

is actually not a complete remake of this game:


This thread is peak Era bubble


Oct 25, 2017
Selling it as Episode 1 of x makes it incredibly harder to sell and certainly does not have the same pop if the title of the game is FF7R: E1 of unknown

In most cases sure, but if it's called Final Fantasy VII Remake: Part 1, I don't think they'll have trouble selling it.

Deleted member 5129

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I disagree. So what if it only covers a part of the original if its still a full length game? Hardly misleading, you pay 60 bucks and get a full game - the end. It's not like they're selling a 5 hour game and pretending its the whole thing.


Oct 26, 2017
I expect people who played it for the first time will be immensely satisfied.

Even those that have played it already will be the same.

This is an enthusiast problem.

Future Gazer

▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
There will probably be a few people who will pick this game up and dumbfounded when the credits starts rolling.

For a few seconds maybe, and then they will reflect that they have just played through a full game's worth of content and realize there is nothing to get mad about.


Oct 25, 2017
I disagree. So what if it only covers a part of the original if its still a full length game? Hardly misleading, you pay 60 bucks and get a full game - the end. It's not like they're selling a 5 hour game and pretending its the whole thing.
Because the title says its a remake of the full game.

Gold Arsene

Oct 27, 2017
At what point is properly labeling a product the impetus of the person trying to sell you shit? You know there are laws against misleading people about their purchase, right?

It just seems like you lay a lot of responsibility on the consumer, yet none on the company making said product. Why is that? Why can someone be held responsible for not inspecting a box for info but a company is not for making their product unidentifiable as a portion of a previously released game?
They've done nothing to hide the fact that it's episodic. If the only thing that matter is the front of the box then that's stupid.

Deleted member 32018

User requested account closure
Nov 8, 2017
I disagree. So what if it only covers a part of the original if its still a full length game? Hardly misleading, you pay 60 bucks and get a full game - the end. It's not like they're selling a 5 hour game and pretending its the whole thing.

The title says that it's a remake of Final Fantasy 7, it's not. It's a Remake of the Midgar section of Final Fantasy 7.


Oct 27, 2017
Regardless of the controversy that this thread is about, I doubt they'd use "chapter" tbh. They haven't been very good (shocking) at the marketing of it (starting from the initial perception that these games would be episodes like LiS or so, which was out of them using "episodes"), but they'd want to make these feel like they're full games (which, well, they are).

It's probably going to be like TLOU (Final Fantasy VII Remake: Part 2) or straight out Final Fantasy VII Remake 2, so not too different from other series.
From what I've understood, they never said "episodic". Or they did, but it was in Japanese and I think I remember someone saying that the Japanese term they used is used for, like, everything that is released in/divided into more than one part/episode/chapter. I don't think they've ever claimed that this is "episodic" in English, but were quick to correct that they meant dividing this into more than one "full" game.

The Last One

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
"Final Fantasy VII Remake" isn't a full story, it's a remake of the opening of an old game.

Never said it was.

They can't possibly follow the original if they modify this remake so much that they're somehow ending stuff at Midgar. It's precisely the moment where the bigger story is set up.

They are adding a storyline for the Midgar section that will conclude in part 1 while also creating the cliffhanger for the rest of the remake. That's my take on this.


Oct 26, 2017
I've had this concern ever since they decided to make this into a multipart project and asked myself how do they intend to market part 2 when they're calling this first part a remake. It's misleading absolutely.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 29, 2017
Yeah its misleading. Its a great box and I would have for a shitty subtitle to ruin it. But I get it.


May 31, 2018
Hitman tanked so hard IO had to let go half the staff and Square Enix sold off the whole studio.

Hitman is a brilliant game, but not a great business model.
S-E willing to part with the IP for free, that says alot about how much sold.

Yeah, you are right and I did forget about that. Though it didn't 'tank hard' imo, it did fail at what both companies expected but no game with a fully-fledged sequel can be that much of a failure.

But I can't agree that it failed due to the simple fact that they advertised it was episodic, especially if that argument is then used to explain why FFVIIr of all things can't advertise that it's Part 1. The episodic model just didn't fit Hitman and the fact that Hitman 2 came out and is itself doing OK shows that.


Jan 11, 2018
I disagree. So what if it only covers a part of the original if its still a full length game? Hardly misleading, you pay 60 bucks and get a full game - the end. It's not like they're selling a 5 hour game and pretending its the whole thing.

What an absurd argument. So a fan sees a remake of a beloved classic and then sees the credits roll while knowing there's more because he/she played the original. Maybe they're still satisfied, but maybe they would've rather waited for the complete story to be out. Getting a full game doesn't make it any less misleading because the original is the whole story while the remake is a quarter of it.

Deleted member 2802

Community Resetter
Oct 25, 2017
In most cases sure, but if it's called Final Fantasy VII Remake: Part 1, I don't think they'll have trouble selling it.
I imagine it will have the same bell curve of initial hardcores versus the people who will wait for the full compilation on sale in 20XX.
I'm kinda on the fence about what to do. It might be in 8k on PS6 by the final chapter, but I might be dead/underwater/defending my territory for clean water.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm pretty much with Jason on this. Sure, the gaming enthusiasts and fans know this isn't a full remake, but not the rest of the audience.
There's no harm on call this "Part 1" or "Episode 1", I have no idea why Squenix is being like this.


Aug 1, 2019
How can people be so pedantic about the supposed incomplete story of a game we know so little about? For all we know they probably intend to write the story in a way that feels mostly self-contained with some plot threads to tease the rest for future games instead of it being a 1:1 rethread of how it was told in the original, and that's why it's not indicating a "part 1" in the title.

It's entirely too soon to call this false advertising or whatever.


Oct 25, 2017
It's obviously misleading. Deliberately so. Do the right thing and change it, Squeenix. Not everybody visits Era and r/gaming.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 27, 2017
I didn't know this was the case until just now, so yes, I would agree.
Based on the title of the game, it is very reasonable to assume that this is going to be a remake of the whole game.
They should've affixed a "Part One" to this.
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