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Deleted member 179

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
The only reason I can come up with is they're avoiding it so they can come back at the "They're milking us for 180 bucks for one game!!!111!" crowd with "Well, does it say Part 1? No? Because it is its own whole game."


Oct 27, 2017
When I read "____ Remake" I assume it's a full remake of ____, so yes the title is misleading.

I'm confident this release will deliver a full game's worth of value, and I'll probably love the shit out of it, but I don't see how that relates to whether or not I find the title misleading. Two different topics that people seem to have twisted together.


Oct 27, 2017
Hard to fathom how so many people feel it's OK to release the first third of a game and then falsely advertise that it's the remake of the full game. It doesn't matter how much extra content you add, or how many people should already know this. Add a subtitle at least - 'FF7 Remake: Midgar' or something.


GOTY Tracking Thread Master
Oct 26, 2017
Its simple.
*Back of the box*
"The First of Part of the Epic Story that Change the World"
"Remastered for a new generation..." and so on.


Feb 7, 2018
I don't care about false advertising or whatever, I'm just mad that the titles are gonna be inconsistent when all the parts are out.

Now it'll be:
- Final Fantasy VII Remake
- Final Fantasy VII Remake Ch. 2
- Final Fantasy VII Remake Ch. 3

which is just annoying.
Regardless of the controversy that this thread is about, I doubt they'd use "chapter" tbh. They haven't been very good (shocking) at the marketing of it (starting from the initial perception that these games would be episodes like LiS or so, which was out of them using "episodes"), but they'd want to make these feel like they're full games (which, well, they are).

It's probably going to be like TLOU (Final Fantasy VII Remake: Part 2) or straight out Final Fantasy VII Remake 2, so not too different from other series.

Mars People

Comics Council 2020
Oct 25, 2017
I voiced this exact concern in an older thread and everyone jumped on me and said I was talking shit.


Oct 26, 2017
I feel like those listing stuff like God of War and The Last of Us are missing the "Remake" part of FF7, that doesn't imply that it's actually just a (fairly small) part of FF7. Square are just setting themselves up for backlash, there's no harm in having part 1 or a subtitle to tell people it's not all of FF7. Only outcome is people being a lot more wary of Part 2, which will have to add something to the title anyway.


Nov 2, 2018
Unless we are witness to one of the most legendary misleads in video game history and they've finished the whole game, I agree it should have a part one on it somewhere.

Deleted member 57990

User requested account closure
Jun 18, 2019
Looking at the cover you'd be forgiven for thinking you're getting a remake of Final Fantasy VII, the entire thing, not just the first part. I absolutely agree that SE should clarify.


Oct 28, 2017
I don't find it any different than playing a game that ends on a cliffhanger and gets a sequel that just tacks a 2 on to the title.

Its different because you would have had to actually play the game to know it ended on a cliffhanger. We all know how FF7 ends. FF7 remake isn't going to end like that. That's the issue with the name.


Oct 25, 2017
I can imagine people playing it and being wowed like "Midgard is a lot longer than I remember it, this game must be huge!". And then as soon as you leave the city the credits roll and the player looks confused and starts searching for a second disc lol.


Oct 27, 2017
There are definitely people who will buy the game thinking it's a complete remake.

It's going to be interesting...
Oct 27, 2017
United States
I get the criticism, but I really doubt that this will be a 4 hour experience.

The sheer amount of work being put into this certainly warrants a $60 price tag. It looks magnitudes more difficult to produce than the static backgrounds approach.
Nobody is arguing the pricing or amount of work that went into this, or at least most aren't. It's about misleading people who played ff7 over 20 years ago not knowing what they are buying because the cover facing out on store shelves isnt clear at best, purposefully misleading at worst.


Oct 25, 2017
What if ND remakes TLOU in 20 years, but it's split up. They just remake and expand the opening section from 20 minutes to 5 hours, and it ends when sarah is killed, bit the title is just The last of us remake.

Future Gazer

▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
You don't think people who are unaware will be upset they spent $60 on a game that is only Midgar and not the full game because of misleading marketing? I could see some people upset that they wasted $60 and also their time, even if the game is 30 hours of Midgar.

That's what I'm talking about.

I think if it's someone who loved the original game they're going to be happy that they got $60 worth of content and still have future parts to look forward to. The remake looks excellent by every metric. No fan of FFVII is going to play through it and think "what a waste of time" just because there is more to come.


Oct 27, 2017
Square Enix is definitely hoodwinking a lot of people and I think they should be more upfront about it.
They've been upfront about this being split into parts for, like, nearly 4 years now. It's in the description of the game on PSN (will probably be mentioned on the back of the physical version's cover) and they've mentioned the multi-part nature of the game at every turn of the way since then. It's really not on them if someone spends 60$ without doing any reading beforehand, not even the description of the game.
The only way this works for me is if the ball bustingly huge sales that this game generates results in the rest being "digital downloads" for like 30 bucks or the price of a Season pass to get the next parts added onto the original game. Other than that the fact that no one knows "how many parts" and the fact that instead of just fleshing out the existing game they're changing/adding stuff and padding out the Midgar section to fill a whole game has me completely unsure of where I stand on any of it.

The story changes already are enough to get me raising an eyebrow but we'll see how they handle this. I don't think even Square knows at this point what they're going to do after this.
They've already said that each release will be like a full game of its own. They aren't doing subsequent releases as DLC.

And while they say they don't know how many parts this will be, I seriously doubt they don't have ANY plans past the first release. They just aren't committing to a specific number because things change during development. Maybe they do have a three-game plan but then Part 2 might take too long for whatever reason if they try to follow that plan (maybe they expand it a bit more than they have currently planned, maybe it's just a lot more work than they anticipated) and they'd rather to one additional release than spend a lot more time developing a single part.

The Unsent

Oct 25, 2017
I personally don't care that much if the game is good and all of Midgar's sectors are expandable and visatable... but it is misleading advertising when it's not a remake of FF VII, just a remake of the first act (or half the first act) and criticism of it is fine.

I could see EA getting fairly criticised if they remade Knight of the Old Republic and it released just an expanded Taris at full price. Or a Mass Effect remake with just the Citadel.


Oct 25, 2017
Lol I clearly haven't been following this closely but I was surprised to see "Remake" on the actual cover. Like that's the game's actual title. LOL.

Is it a little misleading? Yeah, probably.


Nov 2, 2017
The title is misleading IMO. Even if it's a full game it's not remaking the complete original story

Red Liquorice

Oct 27, 2017
They've taken a game, split it in 3(?) to remake it and this is the first part, ergo.... It definately needs to mention 'Part 1' on the cover.

Flame Lord

Oct 26, 2017
Yeah, the fact that they used the cover art from the original game makes it even more egregious, that probably should have been saved for an all-in-one package down the line.


Oct 29, 2017
Just call it "Final Fantasy VII-1: The Midgar Chronicles - A New Remakening; Part 1" or something, people love Japanese sounding titles anyway.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Mar 22, 2018
West Blue
Regardless of the controversy that this thread is about, I doubt they'd use "chapter" tbh. They haven't been very good (shocking) at the marketing of it (starting from the initial perception that these games would be episodes like LiS or so, which was out of them using "episodes"), but they'd want to make these feel like they're full games (which, well, they are).

It's probably going to be like TLOU (Final Fantasy VII Remake: Part 2) or straight out Final Fantasy VII Remake 2, so not too different from other series.
Final Fantasy VII Remake
Final Fantasy VII-2 Remake
Cloud Returns: Final Fantasy VII Remake


Oct 28, 2017
Regardless of the controversy that this thread is about, I doubt they'd use "chapter" tbh. They haven't been very good (shocking) at the marketing of it (starting from the initial perception that these games would be episodes like LiS or so, which was out of them using "episodes"), but they'd want to make these feel like they're full games (which, well, they are).
Hitman and Life is Strange 2 tanked hard due to the Part/Episode/Chapter in the title. I'm not surprised they want to do away with it.


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt account
Feb 2, 2018
Yeah, if I wasnt on resetera I wouldnt expect this to only be part 1.


Oct 27, 2017
To be fair, the PS store does have this in the description:

"The first entry in a multi-part saga, delivering a level of depth inconceivable for the original. Mind-blowing story, unforgettable characters, epic battles and technical excellence collide."

But I am sure people don't read descriptions of games when they go digital either.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Seems like they're afraid, perhaps rightfully so, that slapping a subtitle like part 1 or Midgar on it might turn some people off. I still think they'd be better off in the long run being more upfront about it. Unless they think there's a chance part 2 will never come out so they want to maximize profits while they can lol. It does feel dangerously close to being false advertising though.


Nov 9, 2017
Reading this thread has been funny just because it shows what a bubble some here live in.

Here's a small news flash folks. The vast majority of people who buy video games do not follow any sort of gaming news. The closest they get to it are commercials, a few trailers that get recommended to them on Youtube, and maybe the few seconds of crossover time we get on the mainstream news for big events like a new console being announced or E3.

These people will have no clue that this is an episodic release. Why would they? What other remake only remakes the first 10% of something? What precedent is there for this? I'm not saying Square can't, or even shouldn't release it this way. They need to communicate what they're doing though and titling it what they have with no other context is terribly deceiving. That's even more true when you use the same box art from the original game. That heavily implies you're getting a remake of that game. Not of part of it. People talking about the Last of Us and comparing it to its sequels are in another universe. The Last of Us was a full game, that later got a sequel. That's not at all the same. This would be like if a Last of Us remake only gave us the prologue to that game. No matter how much you flesh out that prologue, you'd sure better let people know that's what you're doing.

As for the idea that it could be on the back of the box, that's meaningless. Most consumers don't even bother to look at the back of the box. I can't recall ever doing so before buying a game unless I felt unsure about what I was buying. The nature of how they're presenting this game will leave people thinking they know what they're getting though. That doesn't account for how many people buy online and don't have the back of the box to look at, and how many buy digital where there is no box. It should be on the front cover, preferably in the title.


Plus, two things:
-The cover, at least in North America, is the exact same cover of the original game.
-Not even people that follow gaming news know where this project is going. 3 parts? 5? 2? Are they remaking only the beginning?


Oct 27, 2017
The games industry is odd with remake / remaster / reimagining. Like Spyro 123 was rebuilt from the ground up with all new assets but Activision called it a remaster.

Yep, Crash & Spyro current-gen trilogies should be considered as remakes. Remastered software is usually limited to upgraded ports that feature QOL, resolution and sound improvements.
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