Do you agree with Jason?

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One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
"We know that Final Fantasy VII Remake has been highly anticipated and continues to look more excellent by the day.....but what if we decided to take a massive shit on your expectations for an equal amount of time?"



Oct 27, 2017
You have to be a special kind of hermit to get to the end of Midgar and realize that it's the end of the game. I can't imagine any Final Fantasy VII fan wouldn't know. The news cycle has been everywhere.


Oct 27, 2017
Well then God Of War should also had "Part 1" somewhere on the boxart.
GOW is not a remake. Dosent matter how many sequels it gets, its a new game. Just saying FF7 Remake implies to be a remake of the full story of FF7 and its not. Its the remake os the 1st part of FF7 and that should be mentioned in the title by adding Vol1, Part 1, Episone Midgar, etc.

Not everyone follow gaming news closely but they might have played FF7 back then, and if they see the FF7 Remake, specially with a cover box that looks just like the original FF7 one, they will buy it thinking its the full story, just to end felling cheated when they see the credits roll when they get out of Midgar.


Dec 23, 2017
But this is exactly what people here are saying. Yes 'we' know it's not the full story and are fine with that as yes it's supposed to be a lengthy game but there are plenty of people out there that will think it's the whole of the Final Fantasy 7 story and that is what the issue is and what people in this thread are complaining about.
I meant moreso, post being misled, what happens then. Say you didn't know, you've bought the game, sank hours into it. What then? I'm trying to think objectively how I personally would feel of I had bought the title not knowing and aside from maybe being upset I'd have to wait, it wouldn't have harmed my experience with what I did play.

I mean like, yeah, I voted Yes for 'its misleading'. Because it is, but I feel like this late in the game its unlikely to change. Maybe square will notice the backlash, that'd be a nice thing tbh.


May 31, 2018
If were counting FFVII ending at Midgar is incomplete then so is Mass Effect. Both end with what you thought was the main threat being killed only to find out there's a much larger threat out there.

Stories being incomplete is more than just having a sequel hook. It's when the story leaves multiple character arcs unfinished, many of the story''s mysteries unresolved and many of the story's villains seen-yet-undefeated. AFAIK Mass Effect and God of War don't do that even if they do leave room for a sequel; you're still very much getting the 'complete' story which I just can't see happening here unless they intend for this to be a radically different remake in terms of story development.
They also exist in a series of movies known for picking up where previous movies left off, even if months later and with different characters. People knew what to expect.

That and Endgame came out a year after Infinity War instead of the 3+ years we're likely going to have to wait for Part 2 of this.


self-requested ban
Oct 28, 2017
There should be some sort of information pertaining to the fact that this isn't the only and complete FFVII remake/experience that there will be. It's definitely disingenuous when compared to something like Resident Evil Remake/Remake 2.


Sep 16, 2018
Nah, I'm not buying "misleading." I can't imagine there are many people who played the original FFVII and are excited to buy this remake are completely unaware of the splitting up into chapters thing.

How is it false advertising? "Remake" doesn't mean "faithful replication of the original with updated visuals."

So if I was developing a Final Fantasy 9 remake and the game finished the moment you arrived at Lindblum, you'd call that a Final Fantasy 9 remake? Just stop please.

They already said they're remaking the FULL game and it will be episodic. So not informing customers that it's an episodic title IS misleading.

Some of the people posting in here really need to stop defending publishers/developers like they're not doing anything wrong. Lol


"This guy are sick"
Dec 16, 2017
But it is? If you read the title "Final Fantasy: Remake", are you expecting a remake of the original game or just one part of it?
I expect a remake that in literally every single piece of information about it, aside from the front cover itself (the only part of the box we've seen so far), is one part of a whole.

We can disagree, that's fine. It's called having opinions.


Oct 28, 2017
It's not a stretch. It's the literal definition of "episodic". A story told in episodes. The original story of FFVII is told in episodes here. Storylines set up in part 1 won't get answered until the later parts of the whole remake project as a whole.

And how this doesn't applies to The Witcher? Every game is a episode in Geralt's life.

You can't use the term episode in a objective light like that lol

The Last One

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
FFVIIR is very much episodic though. It's one story told in several smaller parts. It's just on a much bigger scale, but it's the literal definition of an episodic title.
The Witcher 1 to 3 don't tell just one story but three different, with each game meeting an end that resolves the storyline proper to that game.

This will also happen here though. They are clearly making a storyline that will conclude in part 1.


May 30, 2019
Not having "part 1" or something similar on the cover is deception. Simple as that.


Oct 27, 2017
Watertown, NY
Including a "Part 1" would imply they're committing to further parts, something they probably don't want to do just yet. Who knows if the next game(s) will follow the same structure as this one.

Seeing the high reactions, high preordering of the first installment, I would argue that I think they know this is their money maker for the next couple years.

Deleted member 224

Oct 25, 2017
Yup, a Part 1 subtitle would probably make some people want to wait for the "full game", ignorant to the fact that this is a full game and that it's gonna take forever for the the entire story to be covered.

SE would obviously want to avoid that situation, and hence the misleading title.
Lol that's intentionally misleading people though. Anyone who sees "part 1" and decides to wait for the "full game" would be waiting for the full FF7 story to be told before jumping in! SE can add as much high quality fluff and added story beats as they want, the game releasing next year is still only covering a small portion of the story that released decades ago.

You hit the nail on the head though. Square knows people would be less likely to buy part 1 knowing that it'll be a while and multiple future game releases before they get the conclusion to the story that they remembered from the ps1 days. But that doesn't make this any less slimy
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This guy are sick of the unshakeable slayer
Nov 11, 2017
Except it wasn't a remake but rather an adaptation of a long running series.

It was initially announced as two parts but then they decided to give Endgame it's own title because the story had changed considerably. And because Infinity War the movie can definitely work as a standalone title just like Age of Ultron can. You definitely should watch Endgame though.

Audiences either knew that Infinity War was the first part of a saga because Disney and Marvel were stressing that information out everywhere or the audiences had no knowledge of comics in general so they came in expecting to see something called Infinity War.

Similarly, people with no prior knowledge of Final Fantasy will see the climax at the end of Midgar as a satisfying conclusion with obvious sequel hooks.

I just cannot envision this theoretical angry person people are talking about in this thread.


Jun 13, 2018
Reading this thread has been funny just because it shows what a bubble some here live in.

Here's a small news flash folks. The vast majority of people who buy video games do not follow any sort of gaming news. The closest they get to it are commercials, a few trailers that get recommended to them on Youtube, and maybe the few seconds of crossover time we get on the mainstream news for big events like a new console being announced or E3.

These people will have no clue that this is an episodic release. Why would they? What other remake only remakes the first 10% of something? What precedent is there for this? I'm not saying Square can't, or even shouldn't release it this way. They need to communicate what they're doing though and titling it what they have with no other context is terribly deceiving. That's even more true when you use the same box art from the original game. That heavily implies you're getting a remake of that game. Not of part of it. People talking about the Last of Us and comparing it to its sequels are in another universe. The Last of Us was a full game, that later got a sequel. That's not at all the same. This would be like if a Last of Us remake only gave us the prologue to that game. No matter how much you flesh out that prologue, you'd sure better let people know that's what you're doing.

As for the idea that it could be on the back of the box, that's meaningless. Most consumers don't even bother to look at the back of the box. I can't recall ever doing so before buying a game unless I felt unsure about what I was buying. The nature of how they're presenting this game will leave people thinking they know what they're getting though. That doesn't account for how many people buy online and don't have the back of the box to look at, and how many buy digital where there is no box. It should be on the front cover, preferably in the title.


Oct 26, 2017
Brooklyn, NY
Nah, I'm not buying "misleading." I can't imagine there are many people who played the original FFVII and are excited to buy this remake are completely unaware of the splitting up into chapters thing.

How is it false advertising? "Remake" doesn't mean "faithful replication of the original with updated visuals."

lol literally all 4 of my friends in my text chain that I have thought this was the full game

Future Gazer

▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
You have to be a special kind of hermit to get to the end of Midgar and realize that it's the end of the game. I can't imagine any Final Fantasy VII fan wouldn't know. The news cycle has been everywhere.

Yep. I think people are massively overestimating the group of fans that supposedly love the original but somehow know nothing about this remake.

Deleted member 925

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Wasting their time and money? What are you even talking about.

You don't think people who are unaware will be upset they spent $60 on a game that is only Midgar and not the full game because of misleading marketing? I could see some people upset that they wasted $60 and also their time, even if the game is 30 hours of Midgar.

That's what I'm talking about.
Oct 27, 2017
United States
Aside from putting a direct disclaimer on the box, I feel like Nomura and Kitase have been 100% transparent about this.
You think most people who played ff7 even know who those people are? Come on, ff7 is mass media cultural phenomenon levels. I know people where ff7 was the only game they ever even played. This shit is misleading to the common populace and anyone saying otherwise is being disingenuous.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 28, 2017
If this is how the part 1 is going to look like, I wonder if part 2 is gonna have any visual indicator? It's gonna get confusing otherwsie.


Oct 25, 2017
"We know that Final Fantasy VII Remake has been highly anticipated and continues to look more excellent by the day.....but what if we decided to take a massive shit on your expectations for an equal amount of time?"


It's telling how this thread is getting a ton of replies but the others aren't. People love their negative topics.
Jan 2, 2018
You have to be a special kind of hermit to get to the end of Midgar and realize that it's the end of the game. I can't imagine any Final Fantasy VII fan wouldn't know. The news cycle has been everywhere.

So the 10+ million people who will probably buy this all are following those news cycles?

Are you also believing that all 15+ million Pokémon fans that will buy Sword/Shield will know about the Pokédex issue? Completely different story, of course. But you are naive if you believe everyone is up-to-date on video game news stories.

Deleted member 2791

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
And how this doesn't applies to The Witcher? Every game is a episode in Geralt's life.

You can't use the term episode in a objective light like that lol

Because the storyline of the first game ends with the first game. The storyline set in the second game ends with the conclusion of the second game. How is that difficult to comprehend?

This will also happen here though. They are clearly making a storyline that will conclude in part 1.

They can't possibly follow the original if they modify this remake so much that they're somehow ending stuff at Midgar. It's precisely the moment where the bigger story is set up.


Jun 1, 2018
I agree with the criticism. They should just name it FF7 Part 1, cant expect everyone to be as nerdy as us and follow gaming news.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Mar 22, 2018
West Blue
I don't care about false advertising or whatever, I'm just mad that the titles are gonna be inconsistent when all the parts are out.

Now it'll be:
- Final Fantasy VII Remake
- Final Fantasy VII Remake Ch. 2
- Final Fantasy VII Remake Ch. 3

which is just annoying.


Keeper of the White Materia
Oct 27, 2017
This game is in a unique situation. SE call it a remake but it looks more like a reimagining.

Therefore I've gone with the not misleading option.
The games industry is odd with remake / remaster / reimagining. Like Spyro 123 was rebuilt from the ground up with all new assets but Activision called it a remaster.


Jan 27, 2018
This is a SE marketing/sales play. "Are we gonna sell as many copies if we slap Part 1 on it?" If they see a risk of loosing revenue then they won't do it. I think there's a small % of people that would actually skip it if it did. The kind of person that don't hang on video game boards or read gaming news all that much.


Alt Account
Aug 17, 2018
People are boring and annoying.
As long as it's in the back of the case, it's all good...
If people can't read that, I'm sorry for them...

Also, most of the fans know about the episode thing already, and for those not being fans, the part 1 will have it's end still...

Gold Arsene

Oct 27, 2017
Most people who already knew IT knew IT from the Television series instead of the book. It's like saying most people are going to see the Shining sequel because they read the book instead of because they watched the classic critically-acclaimed film.
I feel like this grossly underestimates book sales.


Into the Woods
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Parts Unknown
You have to be a special kind of hermit to get to the end of Midgar and realize that it's the end of the game. I can't imagine any Final Fantasy VII fan wouldn't know. The news cycle has been everywhere.
This game would not exist if this was anywhere close to true
Modern day AAA games wouldn't be profitable if only hardcore fans who follow the news cycles for a given game bought them


Shamed a mod for a tag
Oct 27, 2017
BRB, gonna sue the Tolkien Estate for not clearly labeling my copy of Fellowship of the Ring as Part 1. How dare they!

What a daft thing to get upset about.

Deleted member 4037

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Final Fantasy VII sold 11 million copies, and more recently Final Fantasy XV sold nearly 9 million. Those are Mario numbers, and even if they were half that I think you're still severely overestimating how many people "should" know about a relatively obscure piece of knowledge about this game.
It literally says its only the first part in the official description on storefronts and I dont think we have even seen the back cover yet either. I really dont think this is a huge issue where people are completely in the dark
Oct 25, 2017
I research all purchases beforehand, but I know several people who would see that box at a store and think it's a remake of the entire game.

Gold Arsene

Oct 27, 2017
So do we know what it says on the back of the box?

Would it be ok if that says "the first part" or something like that there?


Oct 25, 2017
I don't get it...are all of the people making these posts just purposely being obtuse?

The game was obviously cut to 2 or 3 pieces, there's even some places that you can see but can't go to because of that.

FFVII being a remake is different? yep it is but not in a big way they are just treating it a different way, think of it as a book story that segmented to 3 movies.

I wasn't aware that God of War on PS2 also included God of War PS4 in it's entirety. Almost like those games were actual sequels and not parts of one game remade.

I'm just talking about the segmenting part.

GOW is not a remake. Dosent matter how many sequels it gets, its a new game. Just saying FF7 Remake implies to be a remake of the full story of FF7 and its not. Its the remake os the 1st part of FF7 and that should be mentioned in the title by adding Vol1, Part 1, Episone Midgar, etc.

Not everyone follow gaming news closely but they might have played FF7 back then, and if they see the FF7 Remake, specially with a cover box that looks just like the original FF7 one, they will buy it thinking its the full story, just to be fell cheated when they see the credits roll when they get out of Midgar.

It's not about having a sequel or having a cliff hanger, it's about clear segmenting.

I agree with you on adding a subtitle will be best suited to this situation.
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