Further details.
  • AntiMacro

    Oct 27, 2017
    My understanding is there were a couple of different gameplans being talked about and one that was even a little lower on the Series S pricing. Given the way everything is labeled ERP, maybe they're still allowing some wiggle room.
    Jeffrrey Grubb on sonys pricing.
  • JeffGubb

    Giant Bomb
    Oct 25, 2017
    So JEFFREY GRUBB have you heard anything regarding the ps5 prices? Are sony willing to take simmilar losses to compete?

    Sony is absolutely willing to take a similar loss. It knows that is part of launching a new generation. But I don't think it wants to lose a dollar more than it has to, and I'm sure there are some at Sony who believe it can get away with a higher price. I'm on the edge of my seat.