
Oct 25, 2017
Looks like they didn't read the staff post.
A jail's actual practice falling short of official procedures isn't much evidence of a conspiracy unless the jail meticulously followed those procedures for other inmates. If it's common for checks to happen less often than they should because the place is chronically understaffed or w/e, this is just a high-profile incident exposing the status quo.

Hey Please

Oct 31, 2017
Not America

Please see STAFF POST


Nov 6, 2017
Epstein saw that he wasn't going to get away with his pedophilia anymore and he offed himself instead of facing responsibility. Sometimes the simplest explanation is the best one.

Yup. The conspiracy theories are not surprising and yet still disappointing. I like to think era is above that but the overwhelming majority immediately cried conspiracy. I mean I saw people calling out Russia for doing this... Cmon. Either way the big give away is the previous suicide attempt. If you believe this is a cover up then you also must believe he didn't attempt suicide before.


Aug 22, 2018

yes? The people I was addressing had posted that there literally should have been a guard sat in with him 24/7, not periodic checks. Skipping those checks in a perennially understaffed industry geared towards treating crims like shit is also routine.

People are going "how convenient" as if guards not doing their jobs was some out of left-field extreme coincidence to be scoffed at, or saying "but if it wasn't a conspiracy that must mean the prison must be rife with neglect and incompetence and completely unfit for purpose" as if it were some shocking revelation no one could realistically conceive of.


Oct 26, 2017
A jail's actual practice falling short of official procedures isn't much evidence of a conspiracy unless the jail meticulously followed those procedures for other inmates. If it's common for checks to happen less often than they should because the place is chronically understaffed or w/e, this is just a high-profile incident exposing the status quo.
It was a joke about the worst staff post and thread lock I've seen here.

Powdered Egg

Oct 27, 2017
Sometimes the world can be such a dark and cruel place that people make conspiracy theories to make life easier, instead of accepting that the universe is so chaotic.

Did I get it right?


Oct 30, 2017
So they weren't doing their rounds. It's one of the easiest parts of the job and what gets officers in trouble with the most. Leadership always harps on doing your rounds. You pretty much just have to walk around the entire unit and make sure everyone is ok. During the day and evening shifts I can understand them not happening on time. You have a ton of other responsibilities and it gets hectic. However, on the morning shift (when this happened), there is no excuse not to do them on time. All the inmates are locked down in their cells. All you have to do are rounds and counts (there is little admin stuff, but not much).

He died because

Probably shouldn't have been taken off suicide watch yet.
Should have had a cellie.
Officer weren't doing rounds on time.


Oct 25, 2017
Compared to the cost of every other aspect of this case paying a guard to watch him 24/7 would be a negligible cost.

This is inexcusable!


Oct 27, 2017
The one question I have here is this: If a lot of the beloved political figures of Era end up wrapped in all this, then what? I'm not sitting here worried about if they're Left or Right; I want justice for these children and young people.
I don't give a shit who it is. They need to pay the price for what they've done to these innocent children.


Jun 14, 2019
Yup. The conspiracy theories are not surprising and yet still disappointing. I like to think era is above that but the overwhelming majority immediately cried conspiracy. I mean I saw people calling out Russia for doing this... Cmon. Either way the big give away is the previous suicide attempt. If you believe this is a cover up then you also must believe he didn't attempt suicide before.
You think Epstein was the only dude in prison who wanted to off himself? Why isn't this happening daily?

There's a massive chasm between "rUssIa asSasSiNAted HiM!" and officials just happening to look away at the right moment.


Oct 25, 2017
Why do we still not know identity of 2 guards who were on duty during Epstein's death yet?

I'm not sure if the identity of two non famous prisoner suicides would be revealed normally.

What is still outlandish though is the AG of the United States chiming in before the body is cool to declare it was suicide and that he was "appalled" this definite suicide had been allowed to definitely happen --without a clear cause of death having been established.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
The current NYC's Chief Medical Examiner is Barbara Sampson. Epstein's lawyers hired a former NYC ME (and now Fox News contributor) to observe the autopsy examination. Some info on the hire:

Josh Gerstein @joshgerstein

All we needed was OJ's pathologist to make this story complete …

Devlin Barrett @DevlinBarrett​

key point: Epstein's lawyers have enlisted Dr. Baden as their private expert - a former NYC ME who has disputed that office's findings before, including in one of the most high-profile 9/11-related illnesses

7:16 PM - Aug 11, 2019

8:37 PM - Aug 11, 2019

Alex Weprin @alexweprin

He was also the "death correspondent" for the Fox News late night show "Red Eye."

A couple of others things about Dr. Baden: he served on the Congresional Select Committees that investigated the assasinarions of JFK and MLK Jr. and he served as an expert for OJ Simpson's defense team.

7:39 PM - Aug 11, 2019

Cow Mengde

Oct 26, 2017
So apparently a redacted version of Epstein's black book has been released. I'm not linking it since I don't know if the source can be trusted.


Oct 25, 2017
NYT said:
In addition, because Mr. Epstein may have tried to commit suicide three weeks earlier, he was supposed to have had another inmate in his cell, three officials said. But the jail had recently transferred his cellmate and allowed Mr. Epstein to be housed alone, a decision that also violated the jail's procedures, the two officials said.
How the fuck do we still not know for sure whether or not Epstein tried to commit suicide the first time around, or really ANY details from that night. Also super fucking suspicious that they don't have records of a cellmate in with Epstein the night of the "suicide".


Oct 25, 2017
You're confusing concern about prison suicide in general and this example specifically with skepticism that he committed suicide or that someone helped it happen in some way. They're not the same thing and one doesn't lead to the other.

There is no evidence whatsoever to suggest this was done to him or intentionally allowed or made to happen. Furthermore the prison system makes it very, very clear that no such intervention by anyone is required to give us this result. It's not rare.
Wait, what's "not rare"?


Oct 25, 2017

Rawstory said:
Lewis Kasman, a former mobster and top associated of John Gotti Sr., told the Post that Barr made a secret visit to Metropolitan Correctional Center two weeks ago "about the time Epstein was found in his cell with bruises around his neck."

Rawstory said:
"When does that happen?" Kasman asked. "The attorney general never visits jails. Something's not right there."

Rawstory said:
Kasman also speculated that Epstein could have paid for help to assist him in carrying out the suicide.

"There are cameras going 24/7 and they're watching 24/7. Someone had to give [Epstein] the equipment to kill himself and he had to pay for it dearly," Kasman claimed. "That facility for years had issues of corruption, with correction officers bringing in food or cellphones for wealthy people."


Oct 25, 2017
Guards on duty and the warden should have to serve the time he would have.
sure, let's sentence some guards to life in prison because a convicted serial child molester killed himself. good grief.

this guy, who has a history of making shit up, is repeating some rumor he said he heard. his connection to the jail is... he visited it a couple of times in the early 90s. why is this dude trustworthy?

You cannot make this shit up if those Medical Examiner NYT & Barr RawStory pieces have any truth to them.
rawstory is a trash outlet that routinely sensationalizes pieces and it's sourced to an ex-con gossiping to a fucking tabloid


Oct 25, 2017
sure, let's sentence some guards to life in prison because a convicted serial child molester killed himself. good grief.

this guy, who has a history of making shit up, is repeating some rumor he said he heard. his connection to the jail is... he visited it a couple of times in the early 90s. why is this dude trustworthy?

Not sure. I don't totally believe the Barr thing but the insight on the prison conditions and corruption are probably accurate.

Also I though raw story was supposed to be a trusted source. Kinda surprised they'd run this knowing the guy is a rumor machine


Alt account
Apr 18, 2019
I'm starting to doubt the veracity of one of the alleged victims. Well, maybe I'm not there yet. But these emails are troubling. These quotes are from documents released this week. It sounds like the interviewer is saying "Hey! You've probably seen Dershowitz during your time with Epstein. Don't forget to add him as well! We all think he's a pedo too."

But Dershowitz claims one document in particular also poses a problem for Giuffre: a 2011 email exchange between her and a British tabloid reporter who had interviewed her about her years under Epstein's sway.
In the email, Giuffre told the Mail on Sunday reporter, Sharon Churcher, she was racing to meet a deadline for a draft of what she would later describe as a "fictionalized account" of what happened to her.
"Just wondering if you have any information on you from when you and I were doing interviews about the J.E. story," Giuffre wrote Churcher.
"I wanted to put the names of some of the assholes, oops, I meant to say, pedo's, that J.E. sent me to. With everything going on, my brain feels like mush and it would be a great deal of help!" Giuffre added.
The emails in the court file shows Churcher responded: "Don't forget Alan Dershowitz… J.E.'s buddy and lawyer...good name for your pitch as he repped Claus von Bulow and a movie was made about that case… title was Reversal of Fortune. We all suspect Alan is a pedo and tho no proof of that, you probably met him when he was hanging out with JE."

Does anyone have any comment on this? I found this article troubling
Oct 26, 2017
South Carolina
I'm not sure if the identity of two non famous prisoner suicides would be revealed normally.

What is still outlandish though is the AG of the United States chiming in before the body is cool to declare it was suicide and that he was "appalled" this definite suicide had been allowed to definitely happen --without a clear cause of death having been established.

Barr has this way of burning integrity for the most inflammatory conspiracy churning yet never running out. Like, he nearly assuredly knew nothing at the time but what iffffffff


Oct 27, 2017
The disturbingly reliable TMZ are reporting that no cameras were pointing in the cell.

Yes, "people forgot to do their rounds", "there was a malfunction of surveillance", "The prisoner still somehow had access to materials through which he could harm himself"....

Just think of the confluence of events that all had to take place for this to happen.

Look, I'm not a conspiracy nut. But we're talking about *multiple* levels of systemic failure that had to happen for this to go down the way it did. What are the odds?


Oct 29, 2017
are cameras filming in a cell allowed? do prisoners have a right to privacy when changing, going to the bathroom, etc?


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
This has to be like the #1 botched up case this year. And thats sad considering the shear # of botched up national cases.
Like the stars must have aligned for him to commit suicide successfully OR some other part of the story has not been elucidated. Thankfully there is so much attention, we can hope some investigative journalist can get the scoop


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
They let it happen. They denied justice to his victims and countless other co-conspirators. Fuck em

The guards responsible are definitely in deep shit. If video recordings show that they didn't do their rounds as instructed they'll definitely be canned. But sending them to prison for life over it? That's crazy.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017


Oct 29, 2017
This has to be like the #1 botched up case this year. And thats sad considering the shear # of botched up national cases.
Like the stars must have aligned for him to commit suicide successfully OR some other part of the story has not been elucidated. Thankfully there is so much attention, we can hope some investigative journalist can get the scoop

The thing I can't get my head around is how anybody working in this facility dared to cut a single corner with this guy.

I can understand the perspective that these places might be poorly run and understaffed but holy shit this guy is maybe the most high profile criminal in the world and already allegedly tried to kill himself once you are putting yourself in a world of shit not crossing every T and dotting every I.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Yes, "people forgot to do their rounds", "there was a malfunction of surveillance", "The prisoner still somehow had access to materials through which he could harm himself"....

Just think of the confluence of events that all had to take place for this to happen.

Look, I'm not a conspiracy nut. But we're talking about *multiple* levels of systemic failure that had to happen for this to go down the way it did. What are the odds?

Not only that, but Epstein was a high profile, VIP prisoner. If it was Joe Shmo already several years into his time, sure I could see it. Guys have fallen through cracks in the system before. But a guy like Epstein? I find that very hard to believe. You can bet everyone in the building knew who he was and where his cell was.