Oct 25, 2017
I enjoyed this season just as much as I enjoyed the first. To me, it had a ton of great character work and portrayed every character pretty realistically in terms of conflict, mistakes, and generally just showcasing that people are pretty awful all around. This isn't a show about a superhero for people to look up to. These are all thoroughly damaged people struggling to navigate a very, very messed up world. In that sense, I feel like JJ has remained the most street-level of all the Marvel shows. It's not heroic street level as much as just regular people street level. And I can appreciate and enjoy that.

I didn't enjoy it as much as the first season, but I mostly agree with this. People keep pointing out how Jessica and Trish are awful like it's a slight on the show even though them fucking up and making bad choices is the point. Like you're not supposed to look at Trish and think she's in the right. She's clearly making huge mistakes. It's more personal then it is plot based and some people really didn't want that.

Wein Cruz

Oct 27, 2017
Well if the intention is to write characters that make decisions like they are braindead the writers succeeded in spectacular fashion. Malcolm deserves better than this shit.
Oct 30, 2017
Finished. Hmm.

I admire the decision to not have an outright villain this season, but it just didn't work and, as much as I hate how this is becoming the criticism for every Marvel Netflix show, the season length was the reason behind it - it was excessive for the story they wanted to tell. My previous post in this thread was done before the end of episode 7, and I was getting majorly frustrated because I couldn't see the point in delving into Jessica's past. However, with the reveal that Alisa was Jessica's mom (which I should have probably seen coming) the show did gain some much-needed focus. But getting to that point just took an unnecessary amount of time. Especially all the time spent on boring, unneeded subplots like Trish's boyfriend.

And speaking of Trish, fuck me I do not see how they are going to repair that relationship if they do a season 3. Her quest to get powers was bad enough in the damage it caused, but literally killing Jessica's mom, not in self defence, is an action I can't begin to understand. If they continue this shades of grey approach in the 3rd season, I can see Trish continuing on the path of antagonist thanks to her new powers, doubling down on her weird delusions about superheros and justifying what she did.
Oct 25, 2017
Well if the intention is to write characters that make decisions like they are braindead the writers succeeded in spectacular fashion. Malcolm deserves better than this shit.

This is the kind of stuff I'm talking about it. Characters giving into their demons does not make them stupid. Boiling it down to this is missing the entire point of their character arcs. Trish is behaving exactly how a relapsed addict would be bahaving. She's a human, she's messing up.
Oct 25, 2017
Quoting myself from another thread:

Man I just watched the season finale of Jessica Jones s2 thinking it was the first episode

Im sitting here like "wow this is an interesting choice for a premiere, I guess they really want the audience to get context clues"

Damn I'm not sure if I want to see characters getting to this point, considering I thought it was a fairly interesting "start" lol. The idea of
Hogarth still being a thing and even Trish being annoying enough to consider shooting Jess' mom at the end
doesn't sound thrilling, but I guess it wont hurt to try actually watching the first episode..

Deleted member 1476

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Malcolm's arc made everyone else look bad. He acted with impulse, made mistakes, but still made believable choices.
Messing up is not the problem, the writing is. If every arc had the depth of his, it would've been a better season.
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Oct 28, 2017
Santa Monica, LA
Up to EP 13. Enjoying it the same way I imagine wrestling fans enjoy the WWE. Like most Marvel shows.

But man once the Punisher actually starts doing some real punishing that show is amazing.


Oct 25, 2017
Finished Episode 8. I liked it but it wasn't quite as interesting as the seven episodes prior.

Nice mention of the Raft!
And that was one Hellcat move by Trish lol.

I didn't like what Trish offered her friend there.
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Chris McQueen

Self-requested ban
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Only on episode 2, but I already feel like the series needs a change up. The sub-plots and characters are treated with such filler garbage material, I feel embarrassed for the actors. I can only hope it gets better from here on out...

blame space

Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
I'm on the last episode. it's pretty good. better than the other marvel shows at least.

it gets better after the first few episodes. there's a lot of head scratching moments and character motivations don't always make sense, but it's entertaining.

Wein Cruz

Oct 27, 2017
Only on episode 2, but I already feel like the series needs a change up. The sub-plots and characters are treated with such filler garbage material, I feel embarrassed for the actors. I can only hope it gets better from here on out...

There are only two characters with fulfilling arcs (malcolm and hogarth) the rest are straight trash. They should give malcolm and jeri there own show so they can get away from the rest of this trash heap.


Oct 28, 2017
Malcolm's arc made everyone else look bad. He acted with impulse, made mistakes, but still made believable choices.
Messing up is not the problem, the writing is. If every arc had the depth of his, it would've been a better season.

There's nothing about Malcolm's arc that is more "believable" than others.

It especially isn't deep. His character progresses professionally but nowhere else is he ever presented with a problem that he needs to overcome, nor is he forced to change anything more than his job as a result of the actions of others. He's, quite literally, the only flat morally good character thoughout and the only "mistakes" he makes are trusting people he should trust. The show mentions his transition to sex addiction but only uses it to make Jessica look like an asshole when she's wields it as a weapon. The show also makes him completely immune to the addictive nature of the inhaler despite the fact that he's also a recovering addict whose sobriety is far younger than Trish's. Given everything that's happening to the other main characters this isn't necessarily a problem however pointing out his character arc as if it has more depth, detail, or is in any way better than others just doesn't make sense.

The impression that some of the negative posts gives me is that people were expecting or at the very least wanted more of a traditional hero story than what we were given with this show. That's perfectly fine but the sentiment appears to be expressed inaccurately.

Soupman Prime

The Fallen
Nov 8, 2017
Boston, MA
Decided to start watching it yesterday after work and when I stopped I was at episode 9. Possibly finishing the series now and I think JJ is the fucking worst. Like a worst villain than Killmonger bad lol.

It's alright, think I definitely enjoyed season 1 more.


Oct 30, 2017
i skimmed thru episode 7...its so bad especially trish walker...worst character ever. So fuckin annoying and cringe watchin
her go "vigilante" mode

Soupman Prime

The Fallen
Nov 8, 2017
Boston, MA
Finished season 2.
Yeah, I despise Jessica Jones. I knew she was an jackass it just went too far this season. She murders someone in their own home and makes it look like a suicide yet you'd think she was an angel the way she talks to people. Hides literally everything from her friends but expects to know everything they do.

Her psycho mom kills the detective and in the end still wants to run away with her. Shits on Malcolm for being a playboy yet she's fucking random dudes in bathroom stalls.

Like I know she isn't supposed to be perfect but they really made her easy to dislike.


Oct 31, 2017
Finished season 2, really liked it.
- It's not without flaws but I really appreciate the story decisions they took (no big villains, the slow burner, morally grey area for everyone). That type of take on addiction, relation to heroism, sickness and abuse isnt what you're used to see in superhero shows.
- Man all those characters are so easy to despise.
- Season climax were at like episode 10/11. During the last 2 episodes I was in cruise mode.
- Killgrave is definitely the best mcu villain, even after his death.
- Hogarth was thirsty
- Inconsistent use of the voice off (you dont hear it for 2 episodes and then it's explain every feeling Jessica has) which sometimes seems lazy.
- I just wish the series would give more time to filler investigations.


Oct 25, 2017
On last episode.
Patsy is annoying as fuck.

Finished season 2.
Yeah, I despise Jessica Jones. I knew she was an jackass it just went too far this season. She murders someone in their own home and makes it look like a suicide yet you'd think she was an angel the way she talks to people. Hides literally everything from her friends but expects to know everything they do.

Her psycho mom kills the detective and in the end still wants to run away with her. Shits on Malcolm for being a playboy yet she's fucking random dudes in bathroom stalls.

Like I know she isn't supposed to be perfect but they really made her easy to dislike.
I mean...
She killed a sadistic serial killer in self defense.
The detective was an idiot who was killed by her own idiocy.

And anyway, it makes it pretty clear that Jessica Jones is fully aware she's an asshole.

Edit: Okay finished. Trish is the worst.
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"This guy are sick"
The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
I'm enjoying it so far. Not sure how how I feel on the added backstory though. Especially
the whole flashback episode with her mom killing her boyfriend etc


Oct 25, 2017
Just finished. On the whole, I liked it.

They really seem determined to make Trish as shitty a character as possible. I hope the last scene leads to an attempt in season 3 to give Jessica a more fulfilled personal life.

Violence Jack

Drive-in Mutant
Oct 25, 2017
I'm only on episode 3, and I can barely pay attention to what's going on. So far, it's really missing a distinct threat, and I just don't give a damn about anyone this season except for Malcolm. Hell, Iron Fist was better than this at this point.

I'm also noticing a lack of an underlying theme that was prevalent throughout JJ season 1. The interaction between Kilgrave and Jessica was a situation many female victims of sexual harassment, abuse, and rape could identify with. There's nothing like that right now. I hope it picks up soon.
Oct 28, 2017
I'm only on episode 3, and I can barely pay attention to what's going on. So far, it's really missing a distinct threat, and I just don't give a damn about anyone this season except for Malcolm. Hell, Iron Fist was better than this at this point.

I'm also noticing a lack of an underlying theme that was prevalent throughout JJ season 1. The interaction between Kilgrave and Jessica was a situation many female victims of sexual harassment, abuse, and rape could identify with. There's nothing like that right now. I hope it picks up soon.

There were a lot of themes at play this season with a lot of contrast in how various characters deal with them.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm only on episode 3, and I can barely pay attention to what's going on. So far, it's really missing a distinct threat, and I just don't give a damn about anyone this season except for Malcolm. Hell, Iron Fist was better than this at this point.

I'm also noticing a lack of an underlying theme that was prevalent throughout JJ season 1. The interaction between Kilgrave and Jessica was a situation many female victims of sexual harassment, abuse, and rape could identify with. There's nothing like that right now. I hope it picks up soon.

The theme of Season 2 is
family and what we do with it.

The theme can also be about past demons and how it affects people as they grow older.

Also, I agree with the sentiments that the season is generally good, but I still stand by my assertion that the show still paces like any other Marvel Netflix show.

Chie Satonaka

Oct 25, 2017
I really enjoyed the season. Finished a couple of hours ago.

After the shitshows that were Iron Fist and Defenders, I'm glad that Punisher and JJ brought it back.

What's next on the timeline? Luke Cage season 2?


Oct 26, 2017
The Netherlands
Trish really is the worst, and Malcolm is a complete tool as well. Everyone sucks. That might be the point, but I don't think it's very entertaining. 3 episodes to go. Shoot me.


Oct 27, 2017
Finished the season this morning... I don't know how to feel about it.
Trish, good god. I loved her relationshop with Jessica during S1 but she was unbearable since the first episode this time. Her decisions were a awful and grating.They wasted Hogarth, again. Her plot felt shoehorned and I just didn't care about her at all. IDK what can they do to make her interesting.

I'm feel mixed about Jessica's mom. I would have liked to see the focus on a real villian.
I liked Malcolm for the most part this season except for the last couple of episodes when he got tangled in the Trish nonsense.
I found Jessica more interesting this season. Krysten Ritter had a lot of material to work with and she knocked it out of the park (except the last episode... I found some acting off but it might have been the directing tbh). I also liked her relationship with Oscar and Vido and I'm glad they made it out OK in the end.
So yeah... I didn't like it as much as the first season but it had some good things.

Deleted member 3058

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Is it good or bad I don't understand you guys anymore.if I really enjoyed S1 will I like this?
If the only reason you liked S1 was because of Kilgrave you might not like this. If you liked the character drama in S1 then you will enjoy this season.

If you come in expecting an action show then you might end up enjoying Iron Fist more. lol. If you hated the first season and knew you were going to hate this one then you'll hate this one. lol

At least that's what I gather reading this thread. I only just finished Ep 5. I'm enjoying it so far.
I'm liking it so far. That anger/depression depiction is so fucking real
Yeap. It's painful watching characters make self-destructive choices whenever they are emotionally overwhelmed
(thinking Trish at the end of Episode 5)
but that's part of depression as well.


Thanked By SGM
Oct 25, 2017
finally finished season 2. Really dissapointed with the overall story they decided to tell this season. It felt like they heard people complaining about the seasons having 2 arcs usually and decided to focus on one instead, but chose the B plot lol. I havent read the Alias comic, so im not familar with any of her villains or plot lines so I didnt have any prior notions. Was just expecting something different.

Btw, have they announced a Daredevil season 3 yet?


Oct 25, 2017
Greater Vancouver
finally finished season 2. Really dissapointed with the overall story they decided to tell this season. It felt like they heard people complaining about the seasons having 2 arcs usually and decided to focus on one instead, but chose the B plot lol. I havent read the Alias comic, so im not familar with any of her villains or plot lines so I didnt have any prior notions. Was just expecting something different.

Btw, have they announced a Daredevil season 3 yet?
Yes. Late this year or sometime next year. They started filming in November.


Oct 25, 2017
I actually enjoyed this. It wasn't perfect (dragged sometimes), but I really like
Jessica, Malcolm, and even the really fucked up person that is Trish.

I need to ask a question concerning the season finale.
What has Trish become? Is she turning into a known superhero/villain from the comics, or is this a brand new storyline for that chatacter?


Layout Designer
Oct 25, 2017
Bothell WA
I actually enjoyed this. It wasn't perfect (dragged sometimes), but I really like
Jessica, Malcolm, and even the really fucked up person that is Trish.

I need to ask a question concerning the season finale.
What has Trish become? Is she turning into a known superhero/villain from the comics, or is this a brand new storyline for that chatacter?


Oct 25, 2017
San Francisco
Just finished it.

I'd probably rank it above Iron Fist and Luke Cage, but below Daredevil, Punisher, and Jessica Jones season 1.

Just felt like they tried to stretch out like 5-6 episodes of material into 13.


Oct 26, 2017
just finished it, IMO they fillered the first half a little too much.
it's okay season, very uneven . But not horrible.

these series have too much filler episodes, they could seriously nuke out 2 episodes and nobody would notice
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Oct 25, 2017
I'm enjoying it so far. Not sure how how I feel on the added backstory though. Especially
the whole flashback episode with her mom killing her boyfriend etc
That flashback is important to show how Jessica reacts when isolated or dependant on someone else. She gets emotionally used and abused and cannot make the right choices for herself.


Don't F5!
Oct 25, 2017
Hamburg, Germany
I loved this season, and I also loved the first one. In terms of storytelling it's by far my favorite Marvel Netflix show, and it doesn't feel too long at all to me. That said, I didn't have any huge issues with the other Netflix Marvels as well, I thought parts of the internet were way too critical about all of them.


"This guy are sick"
The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
That flashback is important to show how Jessica reacts when isolated or dependant on someone else. She gets emotionally used and abused and cannot make the right choices for herself.

sure, maybe. Episode gets ruined anyway when we learn everything about Jessica she got from this random new love interest. Stirling is all of a sudden her uncle Ben moment.


Oct 27, 2017
I quite liked it. It's obviously not as good as season one, as Kilgrave was so central to what made the previous season work and had such an omnious presence throughout that story. I was worried this would be as bad as some of the other marvel netflixes, as their quality dropped of a cliff halfway through Cage (the punisher was good, admittedly). Fortunately this was a decent followup to what I still think is the best of the netlix output.


Oct 25, 2017
I just want to add that
Whizzer running
might be the most hilarious thing I've seen on Netflix.
That $4.99 budget.