
Oct 25, 2017
Right, right, right. And Microsoft's games and third party AAA stuff on GP, Origin and Uplay just fall out of the sky.
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Oct 27, 2017
The quote from Games Industry is more interesting, if it wasn't shared already.

"We have had this conversation before -- we are not going to go down the road of putting new releases titles into a subscription model. These games cost many millions of dollars, well over $100 million, to develop. We just don't see that as sustainable.

"We want to make the games bigger and better, and hopefully at some stage more persistent. So putting those into a subscription model on day one, for us, just doesn't make any sense. For others in a different situation, it might well make sense, but for us it doesn't. We want to expand and grow our existing ecosystem , and putting new games into a subscription model just doesn't sit with that."
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Jan 5, 2019
Depends on the length. Last of Us 2 = around 25 hours of gameplay. Which is longer than than 12 movie tickets and 4-5 Ultra HD movies.
You know this will only convince them to make their games longer somehow, please, for all that is holy don't give them more ideas.
It's not a matter of lenght, an piece of entertainment has an inherit value as a whole. A movie ticket for say "The Hobbit" doesn't cost twice than "Inside Out".
My question is rather, if the 80€ price tag is justified by the game offering an experience with the "look and feel" of a movie than why the "entry fee" is so unproportioned compared to the medium they're trying to mimick?


Oct 25, 2017
Tel Aviv
I think there's still going to room in the industry for games like The Last of Us, Ghost of Tsushima, God of War to coexist with Gaas games and indies. They'll all succeed, they'll all continue to get made. It's not just about developing a game for as cheap as possible to turn around as much profit as possible. It's also about devs making the magnum opus of their dreams.
I'm sure that's the dream some devs have, though as a dev - everything I hear about working on games the size of TLoU, GoW etc. just sounds horrible and I would never want to do that. In general I think these magnum opus are more the dreams of gamers than devs (there's a reason a lot of dev quit AAA to work on their indie magnum opus)
Of course there's a place for the "blockbuster" type experience - But I think we need to rethink what a blockbuster means in gaming these days. I just think we need to stop pushing these studios to make small graphical gains for an amazing amount of effort in an ever increasing scale. Games kind of look good enough and are way too big already - Add some RT on top of it, reduce team sizes, make dev time longer, eliminate crunch.


Oct 28, 2017
At the end of the day if you have say 50m people giving you $15 a month that's $750m a month, guaranteed.

This doesn't remove your other income streams either. Netflix has 4 times as many subscribers.

This is where MS are trying to get to. Where they can have billions every month or two to buy up or make content.


Feb 17, 2019
I said it from the start. Gamepass is a great deal but I think it's losing microsoft a lot of money. You can't develop all these games and put them on a subscription service with your only source of income. At least not until you get higher subscriber numbers.


Two Pieces
Apr 16, 2018
or you know, diversify your game lineup like what Nintendo are doing

Nintendo would be the last pub to put their games on a sub service

And look at the launch titles: Demon's Souls, Spider-Man, Destruction Allstars, Sackboy and Astro's Playroom. What's not diverse about it?


Oct 25, 2017
Just because a business model works for MS doesn't mean it'll work for Sony, and vice versa. This shouldn't be particularly controversial.

Sony continued to release PS1 and PS2 games after their successors had launched, hell even the PS3 got Gran Turismo 6 after the PS4 released. Supporting their old platforms for at least another year or so isn't really new for them.


Slayer of the Eternal Voidslurper
Aug 28, 2018
If Sony wants to classify its games as "blockbusters", than I'm inevitably drawn to make comparisons with comparable Blockbuster experiences.
With 80€ I can a single Ps5 game, or I can buy about 12 movie tickets, 4-5 ultra HD blu ray movies, 5 months of 4K Netflix family subscription...which offers more value ?

While I'm not defending Sony here, I have to say this really depends on what you personally value. Some of these games I played and replayed and got insane value out of them. Some even hundreds of hours. 12 movie tickets is around 25 hours, and if I don't like these movies, it's 25 wasted hours.

Again, not defending Sony, especially after learning the 80e bullshit (just a few posts above). But just saying that I personally prefer quality over quantity, so if Sony really makes these amazing games like they did this gen, I will still prefer them instead of 10 lower-quality games for the same price (and I'll still be pissed they are charging me 80 fucking euros, but I will buy them).


Jun 13, 2018

Nope, Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order wasn't available day one. It was added like 6 months after launch and only for the higher tier. I suspect that will be true for other EA games that don't make money from mtx.

Edit: I was wrong, it was available day one on PC Origin Access Premier
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Dec 13, 2018
Eh... he might be lying ... he might be telling the truth ... Either way, Sony makes the games I like and whatever they got to do to keep it coming I'm for. Gaming is a relatively cheap hobby at the end of the day.

also, gamepass is fine, but to be honest after subscribing for 6 months now, I really don't play that many games... I try a shit ton out, but now a days it's the big blockbusters that get me playing every now and then, and there just isn't that much that appeals to me from the Xbox side. Hopeful that'll all change in 3 years when MS acquisitions bear fruit.

MS flight sim is god tier though and I'm hoping age of empires 4 turns out as good.


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt-account
Feb 21, 2020
Subscription services will be the norm?
They're increasing the price of games form $60 to $70 and you think they'd willing go down to $15 a month? A value they have to share with everyone else on the service?

Gamepass is great for GaaS but I'm not so sure it's good for one and done cinematic single player games Sony is defining the Playstation brand as.


Oct 25, 2017
Hey, he would know better, he the one looking at the P&L at the end of the month, so cant call him a liar.


Oct 25, 2017
Game Pass is why I'm getting a Series X at launch and waiting on the PS5. The complete opposite to how I was when the PS4 and Xbox One launched. Game Pass is to Microsoft what PS+ was to Sony when launching the PS4. The value preposition is through the roof especially now that games are going to launch at $70.


Aug 20, 2018
we have a new release date and pricing and launch titles for the PS5 and instead of focusing of what sony's doing, people were hung up why sony can't be like microsoft.

remind me why i am a hermit again.


Oct 25, 2017
That is why that day one PS+ Collection is a smart move from Jim Ryan, creates immense value on day one for subscribers but especially for people new to the PS ecosystem. Now they can enjoy highlights from the PS4 generation, which really helps their value proposition against their competitors. Especially considering the quality of those titles.


Oct 25, 2017
Right, right, right. And Microsoft's games and third party AAA stuff on GP just fall out of the sky.

Microsoft can afford to have far lower profit margins or even operate at a loss because gaming isn't their main source of profits.

So yes, they can probably create AAA blockbusters and safely make far less money and not have it affect them one tiny iota.

Hell the whole Xbox brand could crater non stop financially and they'll still be top of the pack in terms of overall business revenue from things like windows.

Sony couldn't take those kind of losses though, their gaming division is too valuable.


Slayer of the Eternal Voidslurper
Aug 28, 2018
1€ is not > 1USD in the context of this price since european prices already include VAT, which ranges from 17% to 27% (the average is around 21-22%).
I would personally be ok with 70$-75€ (I mean, I would love them being cheaper, but if the baseline is the 70$ there's not much to do) like it was ok for Switch to be 300$/330€.

Yeah, forgot about VAT. But since 1e is 1.18 USD, even with VAT doesn't that mean the price should be 70 euro? I mean, the old prices were 60 USD game = 60 euro game, so I still see no reason to make it 80 euros.

Deleted member 11421

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Nope, Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order wasn't available day one. It was added like 6 months after launch and only for the higher tier. I suspect that will be true for other EA games that don't make money from mtx.

PC is the only platform with a higher tier and it has always given the deluxe edition on Day 1.


Sep 3, 2020
IMO, this is the wrong move. Blockbuster games are becoming un-sustainable in the amount of people it takes to make them, the toll making these games have on these people and the price the user has to pay to play them. And on top of all that, you have huge successes (both in sales and in quality) in games like Fall Guys and various indie games that are made by teams and budgets fraction of the size of blockbuster games.
I think we'll see Sony changing this tune somewhat as the gen progresses and the reality of recession becoming clearer.

They are plenty sustainable, Sony has been making them and selling them in the millions and making profit.

You think the industry is going to be pulled down to only cheap and indie games? Never happens, if it did you would lose a huge amount of gamers.


Oct 25, 2017
Edinburgh, UK
It makes sense, we already see Microsoft properties turning into live services that capitalise on long-term subscriptions and microtransactions to make money. With Gamepass, money doesn't come from selling copies, so games aren't full-blown packages like the Sony tentpoles. I much prefer Sony's strategy to be honest, it's better for the types of games I want to play.


Oct 30, 2017
We don't have to like it, but it makes sense from a business perspective, they want to make as much money as possible, so of course they will continue to sell their games directly on not through a subscription service. Wait, but why does MS do it? Well I'm sure they sell a lot less of their exclusives, maybe aside from Halo/Forza. If they had major AAA exclusives I'm not so sure they would have come up with something like Gamepass. Don't get me wrong, it is really cool, especially with Ultimate where you get games on Xbox and PC (and Xbox Live Gold, though I still think they should get rid of paying for online gaming on console...that's just so annoying as a (also) PC player).

Microsoft heavily pushed Gamepass, not just by adding great games, but also by giving subs away nearly for free (1 Euro), special deals for 12 months, etc. It's not wonder people love it, because you didn't have to pay a lot for it at this state. People would love Netflix more if they would give away subs at high discounts all the time even more ;)

I don't like the 80 Euro price tag, especially compared with US pricing (taxes I know, but still), that's really not a cool thing. On the other hand, I still prefer paying 80 Euro once and getting an awesome singleplayer experience for more than 10/20 hours rather than having to pay 60-70 Euro, than 10 Euro again for next gen upgrade or 40 Euro a year for a season pass and additional DLC, etc. Still hope retailers will end up selling most games for 60-70 Euro, maybe not all the time or at launch, but over time.

Bigger issues for me are stuff like Devil May Cry, where you are supposed to pay like 40-50 Euro again for a game that doesn't have many improvements, where I would expect a free update or a 10 Euro update or something like that. I mean Raytraying at up to 4K/30 or 1080/60 on PS5? and I should dish out another 40-50 Euro for that? No thanks!

Some goes for NBA 2K21, you want to get the next gen version? sure go ahead, but you need to buy the digital deluxe edition for 100 Euro to get the STANDARD ps5 version upgrade, oh you need in-game currency to progress and have fun? well just go ahead and pay another 50 Euro for it then, because you only get the Standard version upgrading for the deluxe version for PS4, because well we can make more money for doing nothing that way.

These are points that are really bad and annoying way more for me then having to pay maybe 10 Euro more for some games, which still isn't great, 80 Euro is just too much in Europe.


Slayer of the Eternal Voidslurper
Aug 28, 2018
The quote from Games Industry is more interesting, if it wasn't shared already.

"We have had this conversation before -- we are not going to go down the road of putting new releases titles into a subscription model. These games cost many millions of dollars, well over $100 million, to develop. We just don't see that as sustainable.

"We want to make the games bigger and better, and hopefully at some stage more persistent. So putting those into a subscription model on day one, for us, just doesn't make any sense. For others in a different situation, it might well make sense, but for us it doesn't. We want to expand and grow our existing ecosystem."

So, basically, he said "not on day one" (meaning "some day - possibly") and when they decide to do it after a while people will still call them liars.

I honestly don't care, but people love to hate, don't they? :)


Feb 5, 2018
Those games were captured on PS5 though.
Yeah, and FF trailer yesterday was captured on PC and yet they still showed that it was coming to ps5, all multiplatforms or crossplay games are showed running on one machine, that doesn't mean you have to hide the other platforms where it's releasing.
Apr 4, 2018
Vancouver, BC
Let's be honest here,
Sony releases maybe 2-3 Blockbusters a year, and I doubt the rest of the game listed outside of that have huge budget or sales (MLB sell about 1 million a year?).

Assuming Sony had to make all thier money on a Game Pass type service, I'd loosely estimate they need to be grossing north of 6-7 Billion per year to do just as good as they do now (15 million sales each for blockbuster titles @$60, plus over 1 billion to cover sales of thier other games, and 41,500,000 PS+ subscribers @ $60/year.

7 Billion ÷ 180 (12 x $15/month) = 38,888,888 subscribers.

That is a huge number, but I tink Sony cpuld get there. PS plus subscriptions likepy don't even need to be included, since people would subscribe regardless of whether they subscribe to this service or not. Also, thier games would still sell at retail and on thier store, so I doubt they'd need close to that many subscribers. The Service would be complimentary to thier sales and services.

List of Games they released in 2019/2020.

- Dreams (Blockbuster)
- The Last of Us 2 (Blockbuster)
- Ghost of Tsushima (Blockbuster)
- Predator Hunting Grounds
- MLB The Show 20
- Patapon 2 Remastered
- Iron Man VR

- Death Stranding (Blockbuster)
- Blood and Truth VR
- MLB The Show 19
- Medievil
- Concrete Genie
- Firewall Zero Operation Heartland /nightfall VR
- Erica
- Everybody's Golf VR
- Days Gone (Blockbuster)
- Kingdom Hearts VR Experience
- Melbits world
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Nov 27, 2017
I'm going to guess a full priced game that sells millions at launch is more financially beneficial for Sony than someone subbing to a Game Pass type subscription on their service where the cost of the sub has to be spread among ALL the games.

But thanks to PLAYSTATION CEO JIM RYAN literally saying that VERY thing in this OP... I now know that to be the case.

I'm assuming he has looked at what will make more money and thus continue to allow them to produce the titles I adore so I'll take his word for it.
No, i asked bc the statement was that it would impact the games.


Feb 2, 2018
a Socialist Utopia
€80 for a game doesn't make financial sense to me, so no PS5 or games for me for a good while. No more day one purchases and I've probably bought 30+ new, full priced PS4 games this gen. Enough is enough, I can afford €80, but I refuse to pay that much for "release broken, patch later" video games on principle. Fuck off with €80 games, jim.


Oct 27, 2017
The Milky Way
Nope, Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order wasn't available day one. It was added like 6 months after launch and only for the higher tier. I suspect that will be true for other EA games that don't make money from mtx.

Edit: I was wrong, it was available day one on PC Origin Access Premier
Yeah it was actually a cool way to play the game day one.

The problem is that I didn't continue to sub to Origin Premiere (EA Play Pro now) because they have no constant stream of new content. So it backfired on them. EA's releases are too sporadic and far apart. The same can be said for Uplay+.

Compare this to MS, who has managed to constantly deliver brand new day one games - both first party and indie - every month throughout the year. And that's what you need to make a subscription service like this work - a constant slew of brand new content. And it's why I continue to subscribe to Game Pass but not the other services.


Oct 27, 2017
I'd say it's implied in the sentence that when it does make financial sense Sony will do it. So don't come at him with pitchforks when it happens.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 29, 2017
Jim Ryan should probably just shut up. He has no idea where things might be in 5 years time.


Jun 12, 2018
The quote from Games Industry is more interesting, if it wasn't shared already.

"We have had this conversation before -- we are not going to go down the road of putting new releases titles into a subscription model. These games cost many millions of dollars, well over $100 million, to develop. We just don't see that as sustainable.

"We want to make the games bigger and better, and hopefully at some stage more persistent. So putting those into a subscription model on day one, for us, just doesn't make any sense. For others in a different situation, it might well make sense, but for us it doesn't. We want to expand and grow our existing ecosystem."
Yeah, sure, titles as Forza Horizon 4, Gears 5, Halo: Infinite, Hellblade 2, Avowed, Fable, Forza Next and others were probably done by 10 people in a garage for like 1.000 dollars each