
Oct 30, 2017
tbh I think that disney most likely mandated that Kylo had to be redeemed and he couldn't be the big bad, I want to believe that JJ isn't so stupid to think that bringing back Palpatine for the last film was a great idea.

We are talking about the same guy who cast Benedict Cumberbatch as Khan. Another asinine rehash of a legendary villain. JJ is simply a hack.


Oct 25, 2017
This! The root of the problem is the top executive at Lucasfilm not having a plan for a trilogy. They announced a trilogy since the beginning, they should've plan for one!

HOWEVER, There is no denying that The Last Jedi undid a lot of things that were setup for the trilogy. Whether they were good or bad is another story, but what Rian Johnson did was consciously and on propose for the sake of expectation diversion!

HOWEVER, JJ Abrams was stubborn and still wanted to do what he was planning since the beginning regardless of how much Rian Johnson had broken, and that was also a big mistake. He can blame all he wants that Rian destroyed, and in part he is right (in part because it was the job of the top executives to stop him), but he HAD to adapt to what Rian left. It didn't matter if he liked it or not.

In conclusion, both were at fault: Rian had an ego and tried to leave his mark sacrificing continuity and JJ had an ego and wanted to tell his story even though it was mostly destroyed resulting in much nonsense like the return of the Emperor.

The biggest fault, is LucasFilm for not having proper direction and leadership!
The top executive at Lucasfilm (his name is right there in the company logo) did have a plan for the trilogy. He said something about "Whills" and the "Force Microverse" and was talking about redeeming himself and proving everyone wrong about that much-maligned thing he once said about "Midiclorians", and then Disney pressed him out the door while saying "OK boomer."


And then we got Rise of Skywalker.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
Rey's twist in TLJ doesn't fit with her visions in TFA with the lightsaber, or explain how she just 'knows' how to use force abilities that Jedi take years training to use.
Uh no it doesn't. Literal babies are able to move things with the force in this franchise. Baby Yoda straight up choked somebody. A baby. The reason Luke struggled was because he didn't believe in himself or the force. Rey did. How did she use a mind trick? Because Kylo taught her. How did she learn to move things with the force? Because Kylo taught her. Everything she does is something explicitly shown to her first and she inadvertently follows Yoda's mantra. "Do or do not."

Snoke may as well have been a random Stormtropper for all we discover about him in TLJ, where the hell this powerful Sith Lord came from when is a rule of two would have been nice, what's with those scars on the face that look like a lightsaber slashed it, looks like a story there? Nope, he dead and you get no answers to anything.
Which character in the narrative is curious about who Snoke is? For exposition to not feel like the author talking to you and revealing all of the background lore so that a wiki entry can neatly be filled out, characters themselves have to be invested in the information being given. Because those characters are surrogates for the audience. It's the difference between learning about the clone wars and Vader falling to darkness, something Luke inquired about, and, well, literally every single character backstory in Death Stranding.

Second, this trilogy was about Kylo. Kylo was more interesting than Snoke based on the premise of his character alone. RJ knew that. Hence we learn way more about Kylo over the course of two films then we ever did Vader, Yoda, the emperor, combined.


Oct 27, 2017
The top executive at Lucasfilm (his name is right there in the company logo) did have a plan for the trilogy. He said something about "Whills" and the "Force Microverse" and was talking about redeeming himself and proving everyone wrong about that much-maligned thing he once said about "Midiclorians", and then Disney pressed him out the door while saying "OK boomer."


And then we got Rise of Skywalker.
Lucas would have just shitposted the entire ST.

And it would have been glorious.

El Bombastico

Oct 25, 2017
The top executive at Lucasfilm (his name is right there in the company logo) did have a plan for the trilogy. He said something about "Whills" and the "Force Microverse" and was talking about redeeming himself and proving everyone wrong about that much-maligned thing he once said about "Midiclorians", and then Disney pressed him out the door while saying "OK boomer."


And then we got Rise of Skywalker.

Lucas would've fucked it up, let's not kid ourselves...


Oct 27, 2017
TLJ and TRoS were dog shit. Both damaged the OT, wish the ST wasn't made.

Counterpoint: TLJ is the best film in the entire series and TROS is the worst.

I really tried to continue to believe AOTC is the worst one. I did. It's not. TROS is the worst SW movie. JJ's editor doesn't know jack shit about anything.


Oct 27, 2017
I liked TLJ but at the end of the day, this trilogy should have been directed entirely by JJ or with JJ as a strong behind the scenes influence.
The idea of having these top name directors come in to a 'sandbox' in the middle of the trilogy was a mistake.

It's fascinating watching nerdom turn into the worst kind of gossip rag with recriminations and finger pointing, when I don't think the behidn the scenes drama between JJ and Rian is probably all that interesting and this could all have been solved if JJ was immediately given half a billion dollars to helm #8 and 9 after TFA.

As much as I hate to say it, LucasFilm dropped the ball.


Oct 25, 2017
The top executive at Lucasfilm (his name is right there in the company logo) did have a plan for the trilogy. He said something about "Whills" and the "Force Microverse" and was talking about redeeming himself and proving everyone wrong about that much-maligned thing he once said about "Midiclorians", and then Disney pressed him out the door while saying "OK boomer."


And then we got Rise of Skywalker.
I absolutely love The Last Jedi, but with 1 out of 3, the ST we got is pretty lame.
I doubt Lucas would have been able to make a single good movie, but letting him go totally crazy on the Whills shit might have made for some really crazy sci-fi flicks. Hell, keep Lucas away from writing the dialogue, and it could have been halfway decent.


Oct 25, 2017
Lucas would've fucked it up, let's not kid ourselves...
Yes, but it would have been planned garbage. It would've had some sense of consistency.

And hey, theoretically speaking, with talented directors and screenwriters providing a filter for George's creative madness, it might have actually been good, and it might have actually redeemed the Prequels.


Oct 28, 2017
I finally saw the shitfest that was Rise of Skywalker recently when it became available to rent. I refused to watch it in the theater or buy it on demand. What a steaming pile of garbage it was. I hated TLJ but it was Citizen Kane compared to Rise of Skywalker. When factoring in the ip, budget, cast of what used to be likeable characters, it is one of the worst failures I have ever seen.

It was boring muddled and frankly annoying to watch. It was dreadful and the worst movie I have seen in a really long time. I know this isn't a review thread but I never weighed in and I just recently saw it.

Deleted member 35631

User requested account closure
Dec 8, 2017
The top executive at Lucasfilm (his name is right there in the company logo) did have a plan for the trilogy. He said something about "Whills" and the "Force Microverse" and was talking about redeeming himself and proving everyone wrong about that much-maligned thing he once said about "Midiclorians", and then Disney pressed him out the door while saying "OK boomer."


And then we got Rise of Skywalker.

Nobody cares about George Lucas. LucasFilm after it was purchased by Disney, announced a new trilogy. They didn't plan the trilogy at all! The result was three movies that are in conflict with each other!


Oct 27, 2017
TLJ feels the most Lucas-y of all the movies to me, with the humour and the weird aliens (in a good way). The deleted scene with the island nuns partying particularly feels very Lucas to me.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
TLJ feels the most Lucas-y of all the movies to me, with the humour and the weird aliens (in a good way). The deleted scene with the island nuns partying particularly feels very Lucas to me.
The only way TLJ undoes stuff in TFA is if you wanted a film as woefully derivative as TROS was. TLJ not answering the fan theories crafted over two years with the "right" answers always seems to be the "flaw" at the end of the day. RJ got SW because SW has always been at it's best when it's not predictable. No one expected Empire Strikes Back's plotline and reveals. No one expected TLJ. The best part of ROTJ is the part that they didn't advertise, i.e., the part where Luke redeems Vader compared to us knowing about bikini Leia and rescuing Han. And arguably the best bit of TROS is the force dyad as everyone expected that the door would be closed, now that Kylo and Rey could literally fight across time and space.


Oct 27, 2017
So many things went wrong, shortened work schedules, actor death, no overall vision or top creative calling shots. Threw out the script outlines made by the only source of canon. ST are bad movies made by a committee of execs on a tough schedule.


Oct 28, 2017
The things The Last Jedi "undid" were some of TFA's biggest flaws, though. Like how TFA set up the expectation that Rey's parentage would be a big reveal, because in Star Wars everybody is secretly related to someone. TLJ masterfully played with defying that audience expectation and said, no, the Force is bigger than that, this universe is bigger than that, Rey's not special just because of who she's related to. And then TROS was all, "nope! It's not and she is."

Fucking this.


Oct 27, 2017
I used to be in the 'LFL screwed up by not planning ahead' camp, but having recently rewatched TFA and TLJ... honestly, a great Episode IX was still very much possible. There's a ton of promising unresolved stuff left to riff on, and the characters are still interesting and fun. I also don't think TLJ feels all that inconsistent with TFA, except maybe in the vague sense that it rightly abandons a few threads that were going nowhere. But it creates plenty of new ones, chief among them Kylo's rise as supreme leader and the 'democratization' of the Force.

Of course, JJ couldn't let go of his preconceived notions and therefore may well have been the worst possible choice for IX (even if the Trevorrow draft isn't great either).


Mar 31, 2020
Not Johnson's fault even if you believe this guy. The top brass at Lucasfilm needed to have coherent vision of the whole arc and they clearly did not.
Yep. And I like Johnson's other works. He isn't completely to blame. He was in over his head. He's better with low budget character pieces. Sw was a bit too much for him

Gay Bowser

Oct 30, 2017
I used to be in the 'LFL screwed up by not planning ahead' camp, but having recently rewatched TFA and TLJ... honestly, a great Episode IX was still very much possible. There's a ton of promising unresolved stuff left to riff on, and the characters are still interesting and fun. I also don't think TLJ feels all that inconsistent with TFA, except maybe in the vague sense that it rightly abandons a few threads that were going nowhere. But it creates plenty of new ones, chief among them Kylo's rise as supreme leader and the 'democratization' of the Force.

This, so much this.

Regarding the bolded: I kept on expecting this to become the theme of the new trilogy, and TLJ was even teeing it up, but it just never happened. Like, the title of the first installment even sets up that expectation! "The Force Awakens" makes it sound like something new is happening in the Force. The title was not The Force Is Awakening In This One Specific Person Who Is Secretly Related To Known Force-User Palpatine.


Oct 27, 2017
This, so much this.

Regarding the bolded: I kept on expecting this to become the theme of the new trilogy, and TLJ was even teeing it up, but it just never happened. Like, the title of the first installment even sets up that expectation! "The Force Awakens" makes it sound like something new is happening in the Force. The title was not The Force Is Awakening In This One Specific Person Who Is Secretly Related To Known Force-User Palpatine.
Exactly. I remember thinking that after seeing TLJ: "Oh that's what The Force Awakens must mean! That's kind of genius!" Very disappointing how that turned out, perhaps my single biggest gripe with TROS.


Oct 28, 2017
I always said TLJ was the ME3 of the star wars movies. It's so polarising that whatever discussion around it's strength and weaknesses will devolve into either militant bashing or verhmently worshipping it.

Can we just agree that the entire trilogy was a waste of time and move on?


Oct 25, 2017
Totally agree. TLJ was garbage. Rise of Skywalker wasn't any better but TLJ threw all of Force Awakens' setups and mysteries in the trash.

The Silver

Oct 28, 2017
I always said TLJ was the ME3 of the star wars movies. It's so polarising that whatever discussion around it's strength and weaknesses will devolve into either militant bashing or verhmently worshipping it.

Can we just agree that the entire trilogy was a waste of time and move on?
who vehemently worships ME3? That game is far more weighted to everyone bashing it.

but yes as a whole I don't like the trilogy and don't care to see anything from it ever again. If they tried to do something set atfer TROS I know that the second I hear the words Rey Skywalker again I'm gonna quit.


Oct 31, 2017
Uh no it doesn't. Literal babies are able to move things with the force in this franchise. Baby Yoda straight up choked somebody. A baby. The reason Luke struggled was because he didn't believe in himself or the force. Rey did. How did she use a mind trick? Because Kylo taught her. How did she learn to move things with the force? Because Kylo taught her. Everything she does is something explicitly shown to her first and she inadvertently follows Yoda's mantra. "Do or do not."

Which character in the narrative is curious about who Snoke is? For exposition to not feel like the author talking to you and revealing all of the background lore so that a wiki entry can neatly be filled out, characters themselves have to be invested in the information being given. Because those characters are surrogates for the audience. It's the difference between learning about the clone wars and Vader falling to darkness, something Luke inquired about, and, well, literally every single character backstory in Death Stranding.

Second, this trilogy was about Kylo. Kylo was more interesting than Snoke based on the premise of his character alone. RJ knew that. Hence we learn way more about Kylo over the course of two films then we ever did Vader, Yoda, the emperor, combined.

Ummm even you must be aware how awful this argument is, baby yoda is estimated to be decades old within the show. If your going use that argument at least use something other than that.


Oct 25, 2017
The Last Jedi actuaally made me excited for the Sequel Trilogy after the borefest that was TFA.


Oct 31, 2017
who vehemently worships ME3? That game is far more weighted to everyone bashing it.

but yes as a whole I don't like the trilogy and don't care to see anything from it ever again. If they tried to do something set atfer TROS I know that the second I hear the words Rey Skywalker again I'm gonna quit.
Well the multiplayer is A+, so it has my axe on that.

Deleted member 48897

User requested account closure
Oct 22, 2018
Dammit, such a shame that he didn't get a chance to reveal that the Snoke Monster was actually 17th century philosopher John Locke. Rian, look what blessed storytelling bounties you have taken from us, you befowled hellion


Oct 27, 2017
So at no point did he undo anything. None of those are things being undone.
Okay, so maybe "undoing" is a wrong way to put it, but I feel like TLJ has very contrarian and pretentious attitude towards it's predecessor that kinda rubs me in the wrong way. In a way it feels like a teenager calling his younger brother a twerp for watching Power Rangers or something.

"Enough of this kiddy shit, It's time to put big boy pants and talk about Military Industrial Complex, animal abuse, classism and dozen other things!" says the movie, while being completely disinterested in any mythological aspects of the franchise, and treating setups from TFA as something it has to deal with out of obligation. And I know that lots of people like it particulary because of that atitude, but for me TLJ feels kinda ashamed about being about space wizards with laser swords, and in particular ashamed about being a sequel to TFA.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Okay, so maybe "undoing" is a wrong way to put it, but I feel like TLJ has very contrarian and pretentious attitude towards it's predecessor that kinda rubs me in the wrong way. In a way it feels like a teenager calling his younger brother a twerp for watching Power Rangers or something.

"Enough of this kiddy shit, It's time to put big boy pants and talk about Military Industrial Complex, animal abuse, classism and dozen other things!" says the movie, while being completely disinterested in any mythological aspects of the franchise, and treating setups from TFA as something it has to deal with out of obligation. And I know that lots of people like it particulary because of that atitude, but for me TLJ feels kinda ashamed about being about space wizards with laser swords, and in particular ashamed about being a sequel to TFA.

I think the problem is that JJ's take on Star Wars is incredibly childish. It's basically just JJ going "this is the sequel I wanted to see when I was 12" despite the fact that he's a grown man.


Oct 25, 2017
It's really impressive that TRoS and the final season of GoT came out the same year. Truly a banner year for not knowing how to end a story.


Legendary Duelist
Oct 25, 2017
Costa Rica
Okay, so maybe "undoing" is a wrong way to put it, but I feel like TLJ has very contrarian and pretentious attitude towards it's predecessor that kinda rubs me in the wrong way. In a way it feels like a teenager calling his younger brother a twerp for watching Power Rangers or something.

"Enough of this kiddy shit, It's time to put big boy pants and talk about Military Industrial Complex, animal abuse, classism and dozen other things!" says the movie, while being completely disinterested in any mythological aspects of the franchise, and treating setups from TFA as something it has to deal with out of obligation. And I know that lots of people like it particulary because of that atitude, but for me TLJ feels kinda ashamed about being about space wizards with laser swords, and in particular ashamed about being a sequel to TFA.

What? TLJ had the most visually and narritvely interesting scenes regarding the force in live action. It was full of mistycism.
Oct 8, 2019
The problem is that ultimately all those "Mystery Boxes" where just there to say "well isn't this mysterious"

Anakin's Skywalker? What answer makes any sense? Was Maz Kanata just hanging out at Cloud City and it bonked her on the head? The force somehow moved the lightsaber to Maz Kanata?

Snoke? A dramatic reveal only works if the reveal means something to the audience. Revealing that Snoke was some Sith being from the unknown regions means nothing, and only a few people have seen the spinoff animated series like Clone Wars and Rebels.

Luke's disappearance? Rian Johnson answered this in a way that makes sense. Simply having Luke be Yoda makes no sense for the character, Having Rey be Luke's daughter is lazy and once again brings up why Luke would have left his daughter behind.

When you create a mystery box the creator has to know what's in the box or chances are people are going to be disappointed by what the answer eventually becomes.