
Oct 27, 2017
I'm more inclined to hear someone out when they've actually demonstrated personal growth and apologise unprompted, not when the entire world calls them out and their career is threatened.

Video Kojima

Apr 5, 2020
The problem with Rogan is that he consistently platforms right wing nutjobs like Shapiro and his ilk. So this apology, no matter how sincere, is useless.
Pledge to not platform racists and bigots, then we'll talk.
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Oct 25, 2017
Does it matter that the largest streaming platform pays someone $100m to spread racism, transphobia, psuedoscience, right-wing conspiracy theories and other misinformation? Yes, surprisingly, it does. Especially when that backing is afforded to his guests, who frequently include other right-wing bigots, racists and members of violent fringe groups.

Who gives a fuck whether they look at him as a martyr. They think someone is a martyr for the smallest of pushbacks, so the idea that we should treat things with kid-gloves and concern ourselves with what alt-right chuds might think is ludicrous. His influence won't only get bigger if his currently centralised platform that's touted and advertised as among the largest in the world is splintered across various platforms, his funding from each diminished as a result and the potential for audience bleed increased if such action gains traction with even a single other platform.

The notion that we should worry about when chuds cry censorship to the extent that we allow it to prohibit platforms from removing harmful bigots from positions of significant power and influence is fucking stupid.
Well said. I think people who don't follow closely far right, neo nazi, and other extremists are unaware of how splintering their audience works or have seen how effective deplatforming can be. Look at Milo Y, and other neo nazis. Once their social media platform was taken away from them, they moved to other less known bigoted places. Once their main donation sources banned them, their resources dwindled. Audiences won't follow the figures for years in this constant deplatforming and moving cycle. Then they start losing money and become bankrupt.

Milo Y. reveals just how effective deplatforming is

Apparently his Telegram group is tanking now too. I don't even know what Telegram, Gab and Parler are.

Similar things can happen to Joe Rogan. If he gets banned from Spotify, YouTube, Patreon, Kickstarter, Gofundme, and other sponsors, millions of his captive audience won't be captive anymore. They'll start questioning why he's getting banned and if there's any value to such actions. People who think that's impossible are just not following the history of how these things go.


One Winged Slayer
Why bother apologizing? This forum and others have demonstrated that no one gets redemption, and apologies are never believed.
First of all, this was nowhere close to an apology. This was 100% him finally feeling a little pressure from Spotify and being forced to say something about it to try and staunch the bleeding of actual talent from the service.

Come on. You really, seriously think he's sorry for saying racist shit? Just last week the dude said the only people who were truly black were "naked-in-the-jungle black". He's no better now than he was when he said the things that got him in hot water in the first place.

Aside from that, it had the usual trappings of a disingenuous apology. "Not who I am", "Taken out of context", "I'm not racist because I say so", etc. Unlike Spotify, it was playing all the greatest hits.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
It's kinda wild to me how it's both a horrible apology and yet also one of the better apologies I've read from a celebrity. Fuck off Rogan, the word has never been ok


Oct 29, 2017
Why bother apologizing? This forum and others have demonstrated that no one gets redemption, and apologies are never believed.

You don't get to call a black neighborhood the planet of the apes and apologize and be redeemed.

Last week he said real black people are the darkest skin in the heart of the jungle naked wearing no clothes.

He's a fucking racist.

Video Kojima

Apr 5, 2020
Why bother apologizing? This forum and others have demonstrated that no one gets redemption, and apologies are never believed.
You're generalizing. We all have different reasons for not accepting his apology. His apology even seems genuine, but the problem is that it's useless if he doesn't change the people he brings on.


Oct 25, 2017
Why bother apologizing? This forum and others have demonstrated that no one gets redemption, and apologies are never believed.
You dropped a blistering take and bailed, having called out this forum in what amounts to some bullshit shadowboxing with people giving a shit, which gets under your skin for some reason.

In light of that, how about you stop being a coward and reply to just one person that quoted you?


Oct 28, 2017
I'm not a podcast person to begin with. The most I'll listen to is PBS NewsHour. But I was looking through iheartradio's podcasts, and they seem to be highlighting Ben Shapiro. Ugh.
iheartradio's parent company is iheartmedia, which used to be known as Clear Channel. Of course they're right wing.


Jan 10, 2018
Redemption isn't something that's done through some "I'm sorry" post. That's the first little baby step if he wants to go that path.

Platforming the very people you hurt, accepting their view on you, supporting and donating to movements like BLM, calling out racism and bigotry over years will get you there.

Using your platform and energy you used to hurt people to actually help and support them goes a long way.
Oct 25, 2017
"I never used it to be racist, because I'm not racist."

Any white person saying this just tells me they lack self-reflection and are ignorant about just how deep subconscious racism runs. Every white person who grew up around other white people in a mainstream society is almost by definition racist. The question is what you're going to do about it. Ignoring the fact doesn't accomplish much.
Nov 21, 2017
How did this turd get such a large audience? I don't get it.

It might seem impossible now, and it certainly is unfortunate, but his podcast has been slowly building up over the years. For Rogan, it was the timing ( he was among the first to really deep dive into podcasting ), his "I am a man's man - someone who can ask stupid questions and has no agenda" -vibe, the fact that he used to have interesting guests ( YEARS ago ), and his celebrity standing as a shouting comedian slash UFC host. I mean - you can still think "but why this turd?", and you are right, it shouldn't be possible. But this is the world we live in, and here we are.


alt account
Jul 27, 2021
Bet money with his next guest he is whining about people digging up old shit, "out of context" clips to cancel and deplatform him. And his guest tells him if cracker is a "slur" people are allowed to use, Joe should be able to say the n word while Joe solemnly agrees.
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Nov 8, 2017
User Banned (Permanent): Concern Trolling; Downplaying Racism and Prior Severe Bans for the Same
Why bother apologizing? This forum and others have demonstrated that no one gets redemption, and apologies are never believed.
I'd go further and suggest that there's nothing he could do or say that would get redemption from this forum. But then his message probably wasn't aimed at this forum.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017

And if your immediate response is "well actually he did push back" I'm going to ask in return why the fuck is he giving white supremacists a platform to spout pseudoscience in the first place. And why is his only "push back" to politely disagree with them?


Oct 29, 2017
Insanely funny situation.

He started the podcast like what, 2010? When he was in his mid forties? And he's like "I had no idea I couldn't use that word"


Guess being an iconoclast about vaccines got a little too real for Spotifys bottom line and they gave him a call


Oct 25, 2017
I'd go further and suggest that there's nothing he could do or say that would get redemption from this forum. But then his message probably wasn't aimed at this forum.
Lets be honest, that apology was only for people who didnt think an apology was needed in the first place.

The words" I am sorry" do not just magically cancel out racism. If they did, one could go on a racist rant daily, as long as they added the words I am sorry at the end.

If I went on a racist rant in this forum, got called out, then later followed up with gee I am sorry that wasnt me, my ass will still get banned because the damage is done.

It is amazing how it is only racism that needs to just be forgiven immediately with shallow words. Because I bet you anything if somebody steals money from your wallet, says they are sorry, you aint leaving your wallet around them again for a long ass time.

Palette Swap

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017

And if you're immediate response is "well actually he did push back" I'm going to ask in return why the fuck is he giving white supremacists a platform to spout pseudoscience in the first place. And why is his only "push back" to politely disagree with them?

I remember that one, we had a thread about it.
What's spectacular in the timeline here (besides the obvious use of slurs) is that Rogan has :
- platformed this dude and his overt nineteenth century pseudoscientific racist shit, replying "OMG that's so interesting"
- said mixed race people had the best of both worlds with the body of a black man and the brain of a white man
- said last week white and black people didn't really exist, so all that shit about white people made no sense, while giving a friendly platform to far right piece of shit Peterson (shame Peterson's daughter never finished what she started)
- apologized days later for his continued public use of the n word

That guy is all over the map of racism. Which makes that nuclear take upthread incredibly bad. Yeah, thetrin the problem is how this forum doesn't accept insincere half assed apologies, not how you're doing backflips for a huge racist.

I'd go further and suggest that there's nothing he could do or say that would get redemption from this forum. But then his message probably wasn't aimed at this forum.
You're right, it was aimed at dumb shit moderates who are intuitively okay with racism and who were always gonna accept the weakest possible apology.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Why bother apologizing? This forum and others have demonstrated that no one gets redemption, and apologies are never believed.

I'm going to repost what I said earlier; actions speak louder than words. It's not enough to simply throw out an apology and get instantly let off the hook; you actively need to change your behavior. Going "woopsies, I accidentally said some slurs in the past, that's not the type of person I am" only to continue to platform rightwing white supremacists on his platform who spout their bullshit pseudo-science, doesn't sound like someone who is actually sorry.

And even then, apologizing doesn't mean you actually deserve to be forgiven by the people you hurt either. It's up to them to determine if they feel your apology was actually sincere and warrant forgiveness.

Deleted member 4353

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Why bother apologizing? This forum and others have demonstrated that no one gets redemption, and apologies are never believed.

lol damn. I agree with you and this statement... but not in this regards. Joe Rogan don't give a shit. He's just feeling the heat. But I do agree with your statement and the way it pertains to this forum.


Oct 25, 2017
I know I might be blowing some minds here, but, Racism doesn't just accidentally happen. You don't just accidentally say the N word repeatedly. You don't just accidentally say White brains are superior. You don't just accidentally say Black people aren't Black enough. If you say shit like that, yep, you are a racist.

Yet, people come in here trying to shame others for not forgiving Rogan for being a racist. Maybe it is because Rogan is not apologizing for being a racist? Rogan is trying to sell that he accidentally does racism and feels bad about it. That is not how racism works lol.

Makes me wonder if people are telling on themselves a bit. Like if you think saying racist shit is something that can just accidentally happen, I got to wonder how many times they might have let slip some accidental racism.

Rogan is a grown ass man and has proven to be a racist. If he actually is sincere he would acknowledge he has a problem he needs to work on and not try to sell it as him just making a whoopsie daisy sometimes.


Oct 25, 2017
What's this about people saying he's apologized twice?
Did I miss something, he apologized for his antivaxx shit?

I will never fucking understand this white person mentality that the moment a white person just says "I'm sorry" that they should IMMEDIATELY be forgiven for any and all transgressions, no exceptions.
"Because if you don't forgive and forget this white dude, it means you might not forgive my white ass for all the shit I said and did, and how is that fair?!"

Of course, doesn't apply to non-white people. PoC's bad actions are unforgivable.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
Find it funny those who think people not forgiving someone for a decade of being openly and unashamedly bigoted while spreading right-wing conspiracies because of a single insincere apology is somehow unique to this forum.

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
I wish I could turn this post into toothpaste. I'd make my teeth SUPER white. Christ.
If I recall correctly, Trin isn't white.

Which doesn't make the statement any better, but is a reminder that racism is pervasive. It's been in our environment from the time we're born and will almost certainly still be there when we're gone, so we need to be aware of it around us and make efforts to be rid of it, not just take for granted that we're somehow immune.


Oct 27, 2017
I just saw what he said.... last fucking week....

So he's like, I'm sorry for saying the N word, but that shit I said like week is fine?


Last time I checked, being racist is more than just saying the N word.

I know I might be blowing some minds here, but, Racism doesn't just accidentally happen. You don't just accidentally say the N word repeatedly. You don't just accidentally say White brains are superior. You don't just accidentally say Black people aren't Black enough. If you say shit like that, yep, you are a racist.

Yet, people come in here trying to shame others for not forgiving Rogan for being a racist. Maybe it is because Rogan is not apologizing for being a racist? Rogan is trying to sell that he accidentally does racism and feels bad about it. That is not how racism works lol.

Makes me wonder if people are telling on themselves a bit. Like if you think saying racist shit is something that can just accidentally happen, I got to wonder how many times they might have let slip some accidental racism.

Rogan is a grown ass man and has proven to be a racist. If he actually is sincere he would acknowledge he has a problem he needs to work on and not try to sell it as him just making a whoopsie daisy sometimes.
Thank you. Also he's sorry for ppl finding out. Because recent shit from him is just as bad. is he even allowed to say that wild shit he's been saying recently? Who the fuck is his audience?

Why bother apologizing? This forum and others have demonstrated that no one gets redemption, and apologies are never believed.
This is one hell of a take on the situation.


Oct 25, 2017
Lmao Spotify is so dumb. There's no way they didn't know about fucking 70, seven zero instances of him using the n word.

Spotify deserves everything that's happening and will happen to them over this

Mammoth Jones

Oct 25, 2017
New York
If I recall correctly, Trin isn't white.

Which doesn't make the statement any better, but is a reminder that racism is pervasive. It's been in our environment from the time we're born and will almost certainly still be there when we're gone, so we need to be aware of it around us and make efforts to be rid of it, not just take for granted that we're somehow immune.

Doesn't matter if they're "not white". Plenty of "not white" people don't give a single shit about Black people and will go to any length to excuse racism against black people.

Shit, there are some Black people that will do the same due to a misguided need to prove to white people that they "one of the good ones".

So yea, dude may not be white but he could make some incredibly effective toothpaste with the bullshit they spewing….

Gonna make a wild comment like that then dip out the thread? Nah, they might not be white but god damn they doing their best impression.


Oct 27, 2017
Find it funny those who think people not forgiving someone for a decade of being openly and unashamedly bigoted while spreading right-wing conspiracies because of a single insincere apology is somehow unique to this forum.
"Men don't change. We only pretend to" is a piece of wisdom that everyone has to learn at a point in their life. If resetera members forgive so easily, they are going to be in for some bad experiences in theirs.


Oct 25, 2017
Here's Rogan himself saying that black/white relationships are unique because the kid gets to have the body of a black and and the mind of a white man and that black people "have different brains"



Attempted to circumvent ban with alt-account
Oct 28, 2017
I'm genuinely surprised he didn't pull a "it was a different time back then" lol. What a piece of shit.


Oct 25, 2017
Dude is trending about COVID shit, then brings this up likely to deflect.. is the Streisand effect emerging though? He somehow managed to fly under the radar w/ this crap but now I'm seeing a ton of "holy shit look at this Rogan clip" going around.


Oct 27, 2017
Dude is trending about COVID shit, then brings this up likely to deflect.. is the Streisand effect emerging though? He somehow managed to fly under the radar w/ this crap but now I'm seeing a ton of "holy shit look at this Rogan clip" going around.
Definitely. As someone who has never watched his show, I had no idea that he was the type to say slurs casually before this.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
"He's really sorry that he might lose money over this." He ain't sorry for covid-19 misinformation, racism, transphobia or anything. Throwing out slurs so casually.