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Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Dave says the only NXT segment this week that beat AEW head-to-head was the Ciampa promo with Austin Theory beating the Shanna/Stat match and the Nyla interview
Oct 25, 2017
Nyla Rose was awesome on Jericho's podcast. He also noted that he edited some stuff off the podcast with the shitstain President's son which is a bit surprising. Nyla did a great job explaining and educating in regards to being transgender, I definitely came away with a way better understanding.


Mar 24, 2018
New Brunswick, Canada
Modern WWE's Goldberg boner is absolutely bewildering to me.

He's another late 90's nostalgia act they can cart out to get a pop in the ratings and maybe sell some more tickets. Unlike a lot of them he still looks pretty good physically, and they haven't totally run him into the ground yet. Just another example of trotting out the old ponies for a quick buck, and not even using them to (usually) make the young ponies look good.

I wouldn't call it bewildering myself. I'd just call it the WWE standard at this point.


Oct 25, 2017
He's another late 90's nostalgia act they can cart out to get a pop in the ratings and maybe sell some more tickets. Unlike a lot of them he still looks pretty good physically, and they haven't totally run him into the ground yet. Just another example of trotting out the old ponies for a quick buck, and not even using them to (usually) make the young ponies look good.

I wouldn't call it bewildering myself. I'd just call it the WWE standard at this point.
Deep down, I knew this

I just can't get behind derailing another modern title run leading into mania for Oldberger, even when I'm not invested I still feel the sting of the decision.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Deep down, I knew this

I just can't get behind derailing another modern title run leading into mania for Oldberger, even when I'm not invested I still feel the sting of the decision.

At least this one is probably in service of a newer guy in Roman as opposed to the last Goldberg push which was all for Brock

Flammable D

Oct 30, 2017
On my way to a really surprisingly stacked PROGRESS card, as much of it as I can see before I have to leave for Babymetal

Cara Noir (c) vs Mark Andrews - PROGRESS title
Paul Robinson (c) vs Kyle Fletcher - Proteus title
Jordan Devlin & Scotty Davis (c) vs The Workhorsemen - Tag title
Jinny & Toni Storm vs Medusa Complex
Anti Fun Police & WALTER vs More Than Hype
Chakara vs Giselle Shaw
Malik vs Ilja Dragunov


The Million Post Man
Oct 25, 2017
tweet was deleted but discord saved the receipts

happy sunday



Oct 25, 2017
I turned on The Fiend/Bray character long before most did; the lighting was awful, the matches outside of one Bryan match have been below average at best, and he's WAY overexposed. With that said, they have invested all this time building him into an unstoppable monster and if that is only to have him fall at the hands of a 53 year old Goldberg, that will be the most Vince thing ever.

Henry Hank

Jul 25, 2019
I turned on The Fiend character long before most did; the lighting was awful, the matches outside of one Bryan match have been below average at best, and he's WAY overexposed. With that said, they have invested all this time building him into an unstoppable monster and if that is only to have him fall at the hands of a 53 year old Goldberg, that will be the most Vince thing ever.

It's up there with "Summer of Punk paying off with a Triple H vs Kevin Nash match in 2011" levels of bafflement to me. Like, I had no doubt whatsoever that they were going to botch Wyatt's new character, but they still somehow find a surprisingly bad way of doing it.


Oct 25, 2017
I saw a screencap of this yesterday and thought it was fake to make Jericho look bad. Turns out...


Flammable D

Oct 30, 2017
Rocky Mac(!) beats Josef Kafka in the pre show match, expected antics from these two, surprisingly got a completely straight match that was p.good

Flammable D

Oct 30, 2017
At the top of the show, they announced that Devlin and Chevans were out with injury. Davis picks a partner, and the women's tag is now Millie vs Toni.

Scotty Davis and Eddie Kingston (!) beat the Workhorsemen. Replacing Devlin with Kingston meant this had a totally different dynamic, Scotty being worked over and Kingston and Drake bumping meat. Really good tag opener.

Gisele Shaw beat Chakara in a not great match, with a crowd not super familiar with either for the most part. But they did achieve two things: misdirecting and turning Gisele heel with just one mean shot too many, and simultaneously getting Chakara over as a face to some degree. Assume Jinny vs Gisele is up next.

WALTER and the Anti Fun Police beat More Than Hype in an antics six man with the meaty WALTER chops I've not enjoyed in a while. WALTER did not get into the cop spirit unfortunately, playing the straight man to Santos and trying to coach the pair into sensible tag action. Santos and WALTER in deep conversation at the start of the match killed me for some reason.

I really enjoyed Kyle Fletcher vs Paul Robinson for the majority. The Proteus title matches are ko or submission only, and it started with Kyle using his height to keep robbo at arms length and toss him around. Kyle then made the mistake of going to the outside after Paul and got got with a chair, and Paul made it his kind of match. They slugged it out for the rest of what I was enjoying as a really good match, until Paul had Kyle in the corner firing shots, and the ref decides Kyle isn't defending himself, and calls for a TKO. Kyle is pissed, the crowd is pissed, and no one is satisfied
How's the attendance? I saw there was still seats available this morning.
Fine, there's seats available but it's not a ghost town or anything. Maybe 20 down from a sellout? It's a shame, it was a very solid card on paper


Oct 25, 2017
Modern WWE's Goldberg boner is absolutely bewildering to me.

Since he never was any good and could only do two moves they can roll him out since he's still big and can still do those two moves. I will say that sometime in those years off he learned how to be a decent promo (or maybe neither company really gave him the chance.)

Henry Hank

Jul 25, 2019
Modern WWE's Goldberg boner is absolutely bewildering to me.

Much of their current model is based around doing whatever one thing they can to provide a short term boost and bandaid over the gaping, festering wound that is their modern product.

What I wonder is, what are they going to do when these 90's/early 00's stars can't wrestle at all anymore, and they don't have anybody from the last decade to trot out for a nostalgia run since nobody has been a real star in forever?

I guess there's Cena, and Punk will inevitably come back for his WM main event, but this seems like another one of those things that will catch up to them eventually.

They could use somebody like Goldberg to help build new stars (eg Riddle) but using him against Ziggler and Wyatt and Reigns seems pointless.

Flammable D

Oct 30, 2017
Second half opened with Toni Storm out, followed by Evans with a leg brace on to distract from Millie attacking from behind. This was a good match with a deaaaad crowd which hurt it a lot. People in the ballroom not into this angle as of yet. Evans runs out near the end to distract Storm, and Millie gets the pin. Post match Evans and Millie attack Toni with the brace (I believe Charli's real injury is getting KOd by Brookes at Schadengraps). Jinny eventually runs out for the save and they hesitate on a handshake for too long in quiet.

Ilja Dragunov beats Malik in a match that was bashy as expected. Really nice to see someone like Malik who doesn't really get shots anywhere for whatever reason step up to a semi main with an established name and hang and have a good match. Really enjoyed this.

BUT WAIT! Post match Eddie Kingston comes out and beats up Ilja! Eddie proceeds to cut a great promo, as Eddie is want to do, decrying PROGRESS holding up "actors" instead of fighters, and how he makes stars yet he's sitting at home broke. He says he's better than Cole, he made him. Better than Riddle, he made him. He made LAX "now they're getting paid millions by some mark, I want 10%". He's better than everyone in NXT, let alone NXT UK. AEW too. He says he's going to put Ilja down, then he's going after "Ilja's boyfriend". PROGRESS can still book! The prospect of both Kingston vs Ilja and Kingston vs Cara has me salivating.

I had to leave for Babymetal, but got caught behind the action long enough to catch the opening of Cara vs Mandrews. Eddie Dennis kicks Cara's wings during his entrance, and Cara sacks off the entrance and goes right after Cara perfectly in time with the crescendo of his music. Cara is over, the match is heated. Great start, PROGRESS can still book sometimes!
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