
Oct 25, 2017

As Kyle Rittenhouse took the stand to answer questions about the sequence of events before he shot and killed a man in Kenosha, Wisconsin, the jury was forced to watch the video evidence play out in miniature — because Rittenhouse's defense lawyer came up with the wild notion that Apple has "artificial intelligence" that manipulates footage when you pinch-to-zoom on an iPad, and Judge Bruce Schroeder totally bought into that possibility.
"iPads, which are made by Apple, have artificial intelligence in them that allow things to be viewed through three-dimensions and logarithms," the defense insisted. "It uses artificial intelligence, or their logarithms, to create what they believe is happening. So this isn't actually enhanced video, this is Apple's iPad programming creating what it thinks is there, not what necessarily is there," they added.

While it's unclear from a full video of the proceedings (via The Washington Post) whether the judge actually prohibited the prosecution from using an iOS device or otherwise zooming into the footage, the result was the same: instead of using an iPad, the jury wound up watching the original, zoomed-out clips on a Windows machine hooked up to a large TV in the courtroom. The images didn't fill the TV's entire screen.
Judge Schroeder argued that it was the prosecution — not the defense — that had the burden of proving that Apple doesn't use artificial intelligence to manipulate footage, demanding that they provide an expert to testify, and didn't allow the prosecution to adjourn to find that expert before bringing Rittenhouse up for cross-examination. The judge suggested that prosecutors could somehow find that expert in 20 minutes while they took a brief recess. "Maybe you can get someone to testify on this within minutes, I don't know," said the judge. No such expert was there by the time the trial resumed.

Just more nonsense from this trial-you can read in the main thread but I thought that this in and of itself was newsworthy considering how fucking ridiculous it is.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
This judge needs to be kicked off the bench. What an obviously biased piece of shit.


Oct 25, 2017
I like the meme image of when he looks like hes shitting himself.

That guy could have said anything to that idiot judge and have him go "oh yeah maybe youre right".


Oct 28, 2017
So failure from the prosecution again to remind said such judge none of that is true. What an utter fuck up?


Aug 14, 2021
The judge literally made the jury clap for a defense witness whilst he was on the stand.


Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
Don't forget about the judge's Trump ringtone.

This trial is a farce and that murderer is gonna walk away clean.


Oct 27, 2017
The judge probably knew the outcome of this trial the second it was assigned to him months and months back.
Oct 27, 2017
"iPads, which are made by Apple, have artificial intelligence in them that allow things to be viewed through three-dimensions and logarithms," the defense insisted. "It uses artificial intelligence, or their logarithms, to create what they believe is happening. So this isn't actually enhanced video, this is Apple's iPad programming creating what it thinks is there, not what necessarily is there," they added.

I wonder if they knew logarithms and algorithms are completely different concepts and just chose the former because they knew the judge wouldn't give a shit or was too uninformed to even understand


Oct 28, 2017
The judge gave them 20 minutes to find a credible expert witness to refute the bullshit he made up. It's not the prosecution's fault they aren't wizards.
20 minutes on the spot? For what is pure bullshit.

Guess I can wait to see how much worse this will become I have very little faith in this case.


Oct 27, 2017
The kid had the judge wrapped around his finger from the beginning.

Guy doesn't even try to hide that he's rooting for him.


Oct 27, 2017
Judge Schroeder argued that it was the prosecution — not the defense — that had the burden of proving that Apple doesn't use artificial intelligence to manipulate footage, demanding that they provide an expert to testify, and didn't allow the prosecution to adjourn to find that expert before bringing Rittenhouse up for cross-examination. The judge suggested that prosecutors could somehow find that expert in 20 minutes while they took a brief recess. "Maybe you can get someone to testify on this within minutes, I don't know," said the judge. No such expert was there by the time the trial resumed.



Oct 27, 2017
The fact that the prosecution's been otherwise fumbling this whole trial only makes shit like this even worse. Gonna just go as all-in as possible on making this even more of a giant farce.
Every time I see Rittenhouse, I keep thinking this is going to be one of those cases where everyone conspires to insure a comically guilty person walks - then in six months shows up at another protest and shoots a bunch of people again.


Oct 27, 2017
Let's listen to the guy that confuses algorithms with logarithms 😄 is that even a word?


Oct 25, 2017
Every time I see Rittenhouse, I keep thinking this is going to be one of those cases where everyone conspires to insure a comically guilty person walks - then in six months shows up at another protest and shoots a bunch of people again.
Not to worry. Even after that happens, he'll still have "legal experts" ready to defend his case on era.


Oct 27, 2017
The fact that the prosecution's been otherwise fumbling this whole trial only makes shit like this even worse. Gonna just go as all-in as possible on making this even more of a giant farce.
Is it really the prosecution fucking up? The judge has been plainly on Rittenhouse's side since day one, what can you do when shit is rigged right from the jump?


Alt account
Jan 17, 2020
The judge is going to let him walk.
Doesn't the Jury decide the verdict?

That being said, no way this guy gets convicted. Rittenhouse is an obvious dickhead, he took an assault rifle across state lines to intimidate people. Unfortunately he killed two people and wounded another. He belongs in prison but our gun laws will allow him to claim self defense and the video backs it up. Also, didn't his own fucking mother drive and drop him off, in a different state, with an AR-15, when he was like 17? How is that not some sort of crime? I really hate our idiotic gun laws.


Aug 25, 2020
How does one ask for a new judge in court like this? He's such a piece of shit. Do we even know if the Jury is also THIS biased?


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
At this point a mistrial and starting the whole thing over is probably the best option we have of actually getting justice.

Does the prosecution have any ability to get a new judge when it's blatantly obvious there's bias here?

You're assuming the prosecution actually wants to win the case. I have my doubts.


Oct 25, 2017
He is 100% going to walk from this and the worst part is that this will set a clear precedence that other gun lunatics will try to exploit.


Oct 25, 2017
And it's going to embolden all White Supremacists in the future to instigate confrontations so they can commit mass shootings with impunity under the guise of "self-defense". The upcoming civil/race war is going to be so wonderful.

This is what scares me

We are normalizing arming and driving teens to hotspots to practice being a vigilante

Its fucked up and this self defense argument is only going to go so far. Future Kyles won't get so lucky unless everything unravels.

These gun toters seem to think that their opposition won't choose to arm themselves as well in the future and send those bullets back. These civil war circle jerkers might change their tune then and the rest of us will lament that this ever got this far as America crumbles


Aug 1, 2018
And it's going to embolden all White Supremacists in the future to instigate confrontations so they can commit mass shootings with impunity under the guise of "self-defense". The upcoming civil/race war is going to be so wonderful.

This assumes white supremacists haven't been doing shit like this since the country was founded. They have.


Oct 27, 2017
Is it really the prosecution fucking up? The judge has been plainly on Rittenhouse's side since day one, what can you do when shit is rigged right from the jump?

Shit's been rigged from the jump but the prosecution has repeatedly shot themselves in the foot. Kyle was breaking curfew? No proof beyond the word of a single officer. One of the guys Kyle shot brought in as a key witness? Guy basically admits that he started the skirmish. Kyle's motive and background? Duhhhh how about all them violent video games amirite.

Even a fully impartial judge and jury would likely throw out everything but the gun charge at the rate this is going. Which only makes the judge's behavior all the more egregious. He does not need to do this shit, but he's gonna do it anyway because lol get triggered libz.


Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
looks like this is a done deal for the defense

gun laws in America are strange

guns have more rights than people lol


Oct 27, 2017
The Netherlands
saw this one on Twitter:



Nov 6, 2017
The judge has so many double standards I'm amazed he was ever appointed and retains his job to this day. Guy is not mentally stable.