
Oct 25, 2017
I don't think anyone is saying the clone things doesn't make sense just that it was pointless besides the ending whicb can easily be rewritten or poorly handled
Oct 28, 2017
The narrative was stupid to begin with. People are worried about endangered species when the technology exists to negate the very concept. The action was safe and boring. there's nothing new being introduced to make any films action stand out. The CGI and child actor were not distractions thankfully. But this film was hollow with characters painted in broad strokes, given just enough characterization to make their motivations clear and plausible. Dino doctor and IT nerd were diversity checkboxes.

But what pushed me over the edge was when Gordon Gecko was going nuts over selling dinosaurs for 30 million.


Oct 25, 2017
Everyone is being so hyperbolic it's hilarious. I think I get it, it's the same as with Star Wars, the new movie kicked your dog and ruined your childhood. No, Fallen Kingdom is not nearly as terrible as people are saying. I can rattle off ten truly bad summer blockbusters that were highly praised, like, oh i don't know, Kong Skull Island.

Unrealistic dinosaur pricing? That's the thing people are hung up on? Come on!

Kong Skull Island came out in March, so that isn't a summer movie. And it was way more enjoyable than this garbage, IMO.


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
I'm also completely surprised for peoples hatred of this movie. This is NOWHERE near a Prometheus, Covenant, Krystal Skull,TLJ, Rogue One, Batman v Superman, Justice League, Ready Player One, The Prequels, Godfather 3, Suicide Squad level of shit sandwich. The narrative flowed relatively well, the characters stayed in character, the action was fun (albeit goofy), the child didn't ruin the movie, and the CG was fantastic. It's like a lot of people just like to complain.. like it gives them purpose. This wasn't a hollow, stitched together cash grab.. far from it. It was COHESIVE.. Something missing from ALOT of franchise sequels.

lmao @ putting TLJ and Rogue One and even Ready Player One anywhere near Suicide Squad and BvS.

Can't even have a Jurassic World thread without people taking ridiculously hyperbolic shots at TLJ.


Jun 20, 2018
via the Dinosaur Protection Group website



It also said they left the carnivores on Sorna to take care of themselves. The Spino wasn't anywhere so it's probably dead.

I do strongly dislike how they never mention Sorna in the later movies. It seems like nostalgia pandering at this point. 99% of the people will be left wondering what happened in Sorna. With how Fallen Kingdom ended I am afraid we will never see Sorna again.


Oct 26, 2017
99% of the people will be left wondering what happened in Sorna.
99% of the people wont care about Sorma. I dont even think most people do remember that there are two island with dinosaurs.

lmao @ putting TLJ and Rogue One and even Ready Player One anywhere near Suicide Squad and BvS.

Can't even have a Jurassic World thread without people taking ridiculously hyperbolic shots at TLJ.


Oct 25, 2017
What happened in the after credits scene? I made the mistake of drinking all my drink during the movie and had to run for the urinal.. i'm not proud but I wuasi-shoved an old man to make it to the restroom in time


Oct 25, 2017
Had a look at RottenTomatoes and the film is getting beat up so badly. Bizarre to me how this movie is apparently so much worse than the garbage tier of the Marvel films that still score in the 90s on RT but ok nerds whatever.


Oct 28, 2017
Had a look at RottenTomatoes and the film is getting beat up so badly. Bizarre to me how this movie is apparently so much worse than the garbage tier of the Marvel films that still score in the 90s on RT but ok nerds whatever.
If you can't tell the difference between the marvel movies and this god help you.


Oct 25, 2017
How many dinosaurs are there that them escaping even matters in the slightest

I think the film handles this badly because the explanation is the "blink and you'll miss it" shot of bad dudes slamming a briefcase of dino embryos. They weren't just selling individual dinosaurs at the auction they were selling wholes species and the tech to build them. It's less about an environmental disaster of a few dinosaurs getting lose and more about a nuclear proliferation style disaster of bad dudes getting their hands on the ability to clone dinosaurs.


Dec 22, 2017
Was there a man with a long cigarette, striped shirt and black beret yelling "SACRE BLEU!"?
It was actually just the one in Vegas like in the gif above. Wich was kinda lame to me since the idea that the Pteranodons reaching Europe would have shown much better how they would be able to reach the whole world, not just the next state.


Oct 25, 2017
If you can't tell the difference between the marvel movies and this god help you.

They're all bad braindead popcorn flicks but the differentiation for me is that the worst marvel movies are boring and often obnoxiously too long. For all the faults of Fallen Kindom at the very least it wasn't that. I could actually see myself watching Fallen Kingdom again at some point, but hell no way am I going to carve out the time to watch the worst 2h+ Marvel films.


Oct 25, 2017
MLB player, Carl Everett, made more money in his career than those fucking dinosaurs.

This is important.
I want to know how much it costs to transport those damn dinosaurs, hire a pmc that can be discrete with the risks of getting their face eaten and build a secret laboratory that can house strong and dangerous animals

The Artisan

"Angels are singing in monasteries..."
Oct 27, 2017
Movie was fantastic. The direction, cinematography and use of light and dark were revaltory. This is cutting edge stuff imo.

My only complaint is the pacing at around the halfway mark as it transitioned from the island to the mansion.

Otherwise I was extremely happy as a 25 year fan (now 33 years old).

People are so nitpicky and boring these days.
I liked it too but some people have higher standards than others.


Oct 25, 2017
I want to know how much it costs to transport those damn dinosaurs, hire a pmc that can be discrete with the risks of getting their face eaten and build a secret laboratory that can house strong and dangerous animals

I know a guy paid about $200 grand to have his boat placed in the water after a repair nearby.

We had T-Rex fucking flying.


Oct 25, 2017
There is a lot of silly things, but I think arguably it might be the best JP successor. The absurdity of this one helped in a lot of scenes.

Cow Mengde

Oct 26, 2017
T.rex to Velociraptor blood transfusion. Like you getting a blood transfusion from King Kong. LMAO. Must have either 2 or 3 fingers for it to work. They didn't try to get it from the lava proof Barynoyx because...?


Oct 25, 2017
JP3 had the Pteranodon scene, but yeah I agree with you.

Yeah, that wasn't too bad. I just feel like it didn't accomplish anything and wasted Grant's return.

In all honesty it's JP > LW / JW / JW2 > JP3. I don't think anyone could make a strong enough argument only one of those three films, because they all offer something different enough.


Oct 26, 2017
Well, time to share my thoughts/experience. This was a "popcorn flick" by the highest definition. I enjoyed it cause dinosaurs, in fact the movie felt short to me cause I wanted to see more dinosaurs >_>

Funny thing, my friends and I were the only ones that stayed (or even knew about?) the post credit scene. Everyone else silently left (and no standing ovations like some screens I heard about). My friends all throught it was dumb and written awful, and one friend said he probably won't even be back to watch the 3rd in theaters.

This really WAS a case of "the trailer showed the WHOLE movie" off... I was really hoping it wasn't. The voice-overs in it were from other scenes, but imposed to key scenes that go all throughout the movie. They really got to stop doing that. That final trailer too, that I saw during Solo WAS the whole movie. The ONLY surprise in the whole thing was the clone.

Ok, thoughts...

This felt like TLW all over again:
-going back to the island for a type of rescue operation
-old sick man in bed in a mansion
-scientists vs poachers (sort of)
-an injured dino needs to be treated on a med table in a truck
-dinos get brought back to the mainland
-dinos get out, havoc insues

But, there were tons of call backs to the original. Where World went the nostalgic "remember this?" this went all out (and we kept pointing them all out throughout the movie):
-mirror with "objects may seem closer than they appear"
-dino shadow against the wallpaper
-raptor opening a door with its claws
-dino saves the day at the end (raptor fighting with a larger carnivore)
-bring the power back up (I was waiting to hear "we're back in business!")
-"there will be a large red button... push it"
-there's plenty others but I can't remember them all right now...
EDIT: a Brachy being the first dino shown when they get to the island

The BIGGEST criticisms my friends had, especially since we come from one of the most expensive places to live in the country (Bay Area) and the movie took place up north (I think?) "those dinosaurs sold for sooooo cheap! 4 million for an Ankylosaurus?! wtf?!?! Selling that mansion on that land would've made WAY more than that now that the old guy died!!" Also "how much are those military vehicles that they were using? Oh, way more than 4 mill..." They may not be the ultimate weapon/tool, and there's still might be DNA vials left, but there's NO WAY that a dinosaur would realistically go for that little, in this country, in this economy.

Anyways, in the end it really was a "turn off my brains cause dinos". I never expected something on par with JP and never will, because there was a certain level of special that movie was that can't be reproduced. The Stan Winston efforts, the "Spielburgization" of it, the movie magic of it all as seeing it as a little kid in theaters... Yeah, you just can't do that again. But they don't like doing dinosaurs in movies and games much, so I'll take what I can get :x (And I hated the VERY short-lived Terranova on tv...)

EDIT: Oh and it still wasn't worse than 3. The annoying screaming Kirbys ruined the whole thing for me.


Oct 25, 2017
I see marvel snobbery has reached new lows lol

Edit: we got claps in my theater. Oh, what was the post credits scene about?


Oct 26, 2017
This was another simple and lackluster Jurassic movie. People just need to let go of the hope of any future Jurassic movie being anything remotely similar to the first movie. That movie hit perfect strides with the first reveal of the T-Rex, the stalking moments of the raptors and the amazing kitchen scene.

This was a movie that just tried too hard. The cliche appearance of the T-Rex. The child not being able to close the elevator door just before the last second. The first appearance of the Brachiosaurus.

It just felt that the director borrowed too much from the first movie, just because those moments had the most impact. It did, but it will not have the same impact once you have seen these dinosaurs in 5 movies after that. There is no surprise for the audience anymore. You have to use a different approach.

This is a 6/10 movie from me. I even enjoyed the first Jurassic World more.


Oct 25, 2017
This was another simple and lackluster Jurassic movie. People just need to let go of the hope of any future Jurassic movie being anything remotely similar to the first movie. That movie hit perfect strides with the first reveal of the T-Rex, the stalking moments of the raptors and the amazing kitchen scene.

This was a movie that just tried too hard. The cliche appearance of the T-Rex. The child not being able to close the elevator door just before the last second. The first appearance of the Brachiosaurus.

It just felt that the director borrowed too much from the first movie, just because those moments had the most impact. It did, but it will not have the same impact once you have seen these dinosaurs in 5 movies after that. There is no surprise for the audience anymore. You have to use a different approach.

This is a 6/10 movie from me. I even enjoyed the first Jurassic World more.

See, I don't see the problem in that. T-Rex is great. If anything, Goldblum was a more cliche return.


Oct 25, 2017
Man the writing in this was garbo, but thought the directing was great. Tons of neat shots throughout the movie. Don't think I've seen anything else from the director, but hats off to him.

If the writing was better, this could've been aces.