
Oct 27, 2017
I enjoyed the beginning of the game. Young Aloy and the proving. Now i am in the real open world part and its not really clicking. Feel alot the NPC's are the same or act the same. Do i really need to climb tallnecks to open the world abit?
There is alot of hoarding resources. Do i need it all? Also the stealth feels pretty limited. So can i go full Brave and is that oke for later in the game? Can i focus more on main quests and some sidequests or do i miss some cool stuff?
Anymore tips are welcome. Thanks.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 8, 2017
I would move on with the main quest until you can leave the first main area. The game opens up a bit after that iirc.


Unshakable Resolve
Oct 27, 2017
It's a game my guy. Do the things that you enjoy! If climbing tallnecks isn't fun for you, do another thing.

Just try something else, main quests, side quests, etc.


Oct 27, 2017
Took me a bit to get into as well. I actually notched the game down to the easiest difficult just so I could enjoy the world/story/visuals, as I wasn't super crazy about the combat.


Oct 25, 2017
Tallnecks are basically towers. They don't open the world but they do show the surrounding areas.

IIRC there is like... 5 of them? Maybe 6?


Oct 25, 2017
Play the main storyline until you get to explore the open world. Then enjoy hunting some of the bigger game.


Chicken Chaser
Nov 22, 2018
Play it on easy and just enjoy the story (it's almost so bad it's good). The world and the sidequests are boring, so don't bother.


The Fallen
Nov 1, 2017
I've played the first five or so hours of this game three different times and always end up bailing on it. Stunningly beautiful game, but something about it just doesn't click for me.


Oct 27, 2017
I would focus on the main storyline and neglect some of the side quests. I found the main storyline involving the lore of how the world came to be a lot more engrossing then some of the present-day lore that gets peppered throughout the side quests.


Alt account
Aug 29, 2019
Don't bother much about the side-quests, you'll get a ton of items quickly, and yeah, stealth is limited. Armor doesn't change much, unlike better bows/equipment.


Oct 27, 2017
Dont get bogged down in sidequests. Go through the main storyline. The story and motivators for Alloy don't really come into their own until like maybe a 1/3rd of the way in once you reach a certain central destination, then it takes off and never lets up.


Jan 3, 2018
I felt the same after the intro. I pulled through and after a few hours I fell in love again. Try to have some variation in your gameplay. The game offers tons of it, so you might want to experiment with it. Exploration, although you won't find things too crazy was enjoyable as well I thought. Some great views at some mountains!


Oct 25, 2017
Don't play it on easy unless you really struggle.

The combat is the game's best feature, and you get lots of tools that work specifically to overcome the specific challenge of each creature type and encounter.

Playing on easy would rob a lot of the fun of working out the best way to beat each encounter.


Dec 14, 2017
Just play the game, at some point you will realize you need more resources to fight bigger machines... I think I only went on 2 half hour "resource hunt" during the entire game and it was enough to uograde most of the important stuff. It was also fun because you get some encounters while looking for resources.

Stealth is a bit meh, but it is enough for you to set up traps before starting a fight with a few big enemies. If you just go all in without any strategy/traps it might be difficult.


Oct 25, 2017
If you're still in the opening area, get outta there asap. It's just extended tutorial. Once you reach the first big city, it gets going and never stops.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
I felt the same way as you, OP. And then I played for a couple more hours, made it to the game's one and only town and realized it was going to be the exact same stuff over and over again until the end and gave up.

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
That's funny cause I hated the beginning of the game and only when I left the valley did I really start enjoying it.


Nov 21, 2017
I was the opposite enjoying the game until it opened up past the city and the everything just killed me instantly.

Note I'm pretty shit with a controller and have really struggled without aim assist so I'm probably atypical. The weapon upgrades seem to make little difference however.


Oct 25, 2017
I honestly played it on the easiest difficulty because I just wanted to enjoy the world and feel like a bad ass.. I did at times struggle to push through but there are a number of reasons to keep at it..


Oct 25, 2017
Ontario, Canada
It took me playing through the tutorial three times for it to really click for me. Once it did, I loved it and ended up Platinum'ing it and buying the DLC before finishing it just because I didn't want it to end. Your mileage may vary of course but for me it took a while for me to fall into a groove with their (very different) combat system.


Does not approve of this tag
Oct 25, 2017
I was hooked immediately, scraped every inch of the game for content. Just explore at your own pace, figure out your style when it comes to battles. I always enjoyed over prepping, setting up traps and whatnot.


Oct 25, 2017
There's not a lot worth doing in Horizon beside going through the main quest. Tallbacks are cool though and they open the map so you should do them.
Oct 25, 2017
I didn't enjoy the combat until I'd leveled enough to be really aggressive during encounters. As for the plot, that didn't get me until I found out what the game's subtitle referenced. Ended up being my GOTY, but yeah, it doesn't start out strong and if you're not enjoying yourself there's no harm in putting it away. Plenty of other stuff coming out.


Oct 28, 2017
While it's not a huge deal at the start, paying attention to machines' specific weak points and what types of weapons and status effects work best is a massive part of the combat later on. This makes the fights more interesting as you progress out of the starting area.


Oct 27, 2017
The first 2,3 hours of the game wasn't that great for me too. But then it became one of the best games of generation for me.


Prophet of Regret - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Taking pictures in photo mode made me enjoy this game a lot

Also when you upgrade your character the combat gets better


Oct 27, 2017
Thanks for all the tips guys. I read also somewhere that going west as fast as possible was indeed a good idea.
I am already upgrading alot of my satchels as i feel thats pretty important. Because you can pick up alot of resources.


Oct 30, 2017
I enjoyed the beginning of the game. Young Aloy and the proving. Now i am in the real open world part and its not really clicking. Feel alot the NPC's are the same or act the same. Do i really need to climb tallnecks to open the world abit?
You do not. Tallnecks are optional and only help reveal the map and points of interest. There are very few of them as well, but you don't have to go out of your way to track them all down. I just did them as I came across them while exploring.

There is alot of hoarding resources. Do i need it all?
Not even close. I would definitely hold onto animal skins and bones, but as your arsenal opens up, you'll be turning most of your resources into crafting materials to replenish your health and ammunition, and you'll still probably have more than enough left over to sell for money and trade for resources.

Also the stealth feels pretty limited. So can i go full Brave and is that oke for later in the game?
If anything, going full Rambo is far more enjoyable to me personally than stealth. While stealth was VERY useful on harder difficulties early on, anything beyond that isn't necessary. The combat can be the highlight of this game, so rushing out to take on a giant mech and dodge its attacks, counter, and use your resources to topple it and tear it apart is where the game shines best. So, yeah, don't be afraid to go all-in on the action and definitely ensure you try out EVERY weapon to see which ones work best for any given situation.

Can i focus more on main quests and some sidequests or do i miss some cool stuff?
Anymore tips are welcome. Thanks.
The main quest is where the game does its best narrative work, but there are some really good side quests to pick up along the way. You have a LOOONG time before the main story reaches any sort of "point of no return", so you can do almost all of the main game before returning to wrap up side quests. Don't be afraid to stick to either the main story or, if you want to just take a break from it, do some of the smaller story stuff that helps flesh out the world a bit.

Thanks for all the tips guys. I read also somewhere that going west as fast as possible was indeed a good idea.
It really is. The game has so many fast-travel points and diverse areas the further west you go.

Deleted member 17402

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I played through the game for the first time late last year. I'll say that I was not met with the high praise I heard sung regarding this game. Its presentation was beautiful but I realized that all the side quests SUCK and that the main story was ultimately disappointing. Over all I understand why people enjoy the game but it's missing a lot of things that I hope a sequel brings. I don't have any advice other than to finish the game as quickly as possible and to avoid side quests.

One of my biggest complaints is that there is far too little remaining of early civilization that I would have appreciated. I thought I was going to see significantly more, such as buried cities and more things protruding from the ground when I came across light post at one point in the game. But I realized that they probably set the game way too far in the future to have had Earth grow over these things. I want to explore really old dilapidated ruins of a city. Did the DLC have this?


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Oct 25, 2017
I wasn't feeling it either until I started getting the different arrow types and the hang of the tie-down ropes. Also the combat is pretty mundane until you get to the sabertooth/alligator/raptor type enemies.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
Stick to the main story until you get hooked. The narrative in this game goes to some pretty amazing places and you're going to want to see


Oct 25, 2017
Thanks for all the tips guys. I read also somewhere that going west as fast as possible was indeed a good idea.
I am already upgrading alot of my satchels as i feel thats pretty important. Because you can pick up alot of resources.

Game got so good. Especially when you get more and more skills. I enjoyed it so much that I Platinumed it. Don't rush and take your time. The story was excellent as well.

No Depth

Oct 27, 2017
I enjoyed the beginning of the game. Young Aloy and the proving. Now i am in the real open world part and its not really clicking. Feel alot the NPC's are the same or act the same. Do i really need to climb tallnecks to open the world abit?
There is alot of hoarding resources. Do i need it all? Also the stealth feels pretty limited. So can i go full Brave and is that oke for later in the game? Can i focus more on main quests and some sidequests or do i miss some cool stuff?
Anymore tips are welcome. Thanks.

The world is its weakest asset honestly. It's a giant arena packed with pockets of combat depending on whatever nearby robot type patrols or grazes in the sector. It's pretty, but don't expect the sidequests or sense of discovery to improve or impress. It didn't for me and I worked my way to the plat.

Combat improves though, the tools you soon accumulate help make it feel a bit diverse and interesting. Stealth can feel broken and overpowered, but it's useful. The different elemental ammo, traps, and other equipment give the action flare and can be fun to topple more tricky encounters with constant swapping mid-fight. The start of the game feels limiting for sure. Only issue is that you fight soooooo much, you'll be a pro at killing anything long before the story ends. The surprises run out and it kind of turns to tedium in time.

It's pretty, the story is fine. One of the slightly more disappointing AAA releases that didn't grab me like the rest of the internet. Don't expect anything dramatic to change from the starting zone to the endgame really.


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Heh, this is the exact moment I noped out.

The beginning was cool, the story seemed great but once it threw me in the open world it lost me.


Oct 25, 2017
Play around with your gadgets. The robo dinosaurs are the sidequests. Screw around with em. Reach the major cities. Explore the "dungeons". Don't play on easy as that sucks the fun out of challenging the dinos.


May 13, 2019
Tallnecks definitely not required

I played basically the entire main story without doing a single one


Oct 25, 2017
I know some are saying skip the side quests but it should be noted that while ending itself doesn't change, the final mission does have aspects changed depending on what side quests you did or didn't do.

I'd say do them.


Feb 19, 2018
I felt the same way as you, OP. And then I played for a couple more hours, made it to the game's one and only town and realized it was going to be the exact same stuff over and over again until the end and gave up.
Heeey ... are you me? Did the very same, even spent some time in the world after that point but it never clicked with me. Don't know what it is about HZD, as it totally fits my criteria for being a masterpiece in my book. But somehow it just isn't.


Oct 25, 2017
The game actually does have some cool sidequests regarding certain NPCs. You just have to avoid the little fetch quests you get from random NPCs in the little towns for the most part.


Oct 29, 2017
Do i really need to climb tallnecks to open the world abit?

You don't if you prefer to uncover the map by yousrself while exploring, but if you go for it there are only 4 or 5 of them and it's a quick process for the most part (basically you only need to find the right place to jump on them).

There is alot of hoarding resources. Do i need it all?

They might come in handy so you can create some types of ammo and also upgrade stuff. You should also hunt some of the animals you see because their skin and bones are needed to upgrade your pouches allowing you to carry more resources and ammo. Give priority to upgrading the resources pouch because you are going to have a lot of stuff at some point and it will be full frequently.

Also when you look at your items it tells you what they are used for, some of them only have "trade with merchants" or something like that so sell them so they don't take space.

Also the stealth feels pretty limited. So can i go full Brave and is that oke for later in the game?

Stealth is quite boring, basically hide in a bush and whistle, wait for them to come to you and kill them. I didn't use it that much but it can be useful when there are a lot of enemies and you want to trim them down a bit.

Can i focus more on main quests and some sidequests or do i miss some cool stuff?
Anymore tips are welcome. Thanks.

Sidequests aren't that great story wise overall but they do provide some good moments regarding combat. Some of them stand out and are quite good, so it's worthy going for them imo.

Some general tips:
- buy different types of weapons from vendors, the ropecaster is extremely usefull against a lot of enemies because you can pin down some of them while you focus on others.
- check you enemies weak points, combat is way more interesting when you attack them with the right type of ammo
- frozen enemies take a lot more damage
- unlock the abilites to slow down time while aiming, shoot more arrows and also the longer dodge which will be useful against larger machines
- already mentioned above but kill some wildlife to upgrade your pouches


Oct 25, 2017
The game blows. It's the worst PS4 exclusive I've played this gen other than Infamous Second Son.