Oct 27, 2017
Honestly it's a good game but not really one of the all time greats. You get some new abilities but I'd say it's one of those games that makes it pretty clear what it's all about early on. If you're not enjoying it now I'd venture to say that you probably won't later. There isn't some major paradigm shift halfway through or anything like that.


Oct 30, 2017
I am another one of those who couldn't finish. Maybe I put it down for too long and forgot how to fight when I came back to it. But I'm pretty far into the game I think, past Meridian in what looks to be approaching the final area. I can't remember what quest I was on but I just fought a corrupter in the snow inside a cultist outpost but I can barely remember what's happening in the story. Something about Alloy looking like her mother...

Anyway, I feel like I've seen most of what the game has to offer in terms of fresh locations and enemies, and while it's the most beautiful game I've ever laid eyes on I don't know if I can continue. How far away from the end am I, and should I bother to push forward at this point?
If you're where I think you are, it's the turning point of the story. About 60% in. I actually dropped the game for over a year right before the quarry mission with the corruptors, lol. After I pushed through the first several missions tied to Meridian, I was hooked again.

If I recall, there are at least five really cool areas tied to the main quest that you haven't seen yet. The first, and least cool, is up north. A tall building. You can't miss it because a mission takes you there.

From there the backstory quickly takes shape. The audio and text logs scattered through the missions add a lot, and even if you ignore them the plot gets much more interesting.


Oct 25, 2017
Ya wasn't for me either. Dropped it pretty quick. Had that ass creed formula. Sad because I loved the whole robot Dino idea.


Feb 28, 2018
1) Play on Hard
2) Set HUD to dynamic so it shuts off when not needed
3) Turn off enemy notifications and the open eye icon on top of your hud
Oct 27, 2017
Engage with all the systems.

I bounced off the game hard on my first playthrough. I ended up being under levelled and got really frustrated. I knocked the game down to story difficulty just so I could get my money's worth.

Then something weird happened. I really enjoyed the story and the world that had been created. Once I finished the game, I felt bad about playing it on such an easy difficulty.

So I started a new playthrough on hard and really paid attention to all the systems, enemy types and side quests.

I ended up getting the core game platinum and really enjoying the whole experience. It was a very strange turn around.


Nov 12, 2017
If you're where I think you are, it's the turning point of the story. About 60% in. I actually dropped the game for over a year right before the quarry mission with the corruptors, lol. After I pushed through the first several missions tied to Meridian, I was hooked again.

If I recall, there are at least five really cool areas tied to the main quest that you haven't seen yet. The first, and least cool, is up north. A tall building. You can't miss it because a mission takes you there.

From there the backstory quickly takes shape. The audio and text logs scattered through the missions add a lot, and even if you ignore them the plot gets much more interesting.
Alright then. I'll see if I can push through again. It's hard to get back into the combat after not playing a while... forgot about all the trip wire/arrow types. It's just a game that I really want to like, because it's just so damn beautiful and the concept is so fascinating but somehow the story just drags.


Oct 30, 2017
Alright then. I'll see if I can push through again. It's hard to get back into the combat after not playing a while... forgot about all the trip wire/arrow types. It's just a game that I really want to like, because it's just so damn beautiful and the concept is so fascinating but somehow the story just drags.
Yeah, I couldn't care less about the tribal stuff honestly. I'm all about the futuristic elements and the sad haunted remnants of a world brought to ruin. There's a lot more of that in the last third of the story. And The Frozen Wilds' campaign too.

At a certain point, when the game was dragging, I switched to combat to Easy, put some high level damage mods on my Hunter's Lodge blast sling, and simply nuked everything in my path. The other sling's ice bombs combined with those blast bombs tear through almost everything, including Thunderjaws. And the sharpshooter bow's precision arrows with triple shot deal with everything else.

The combat is one of HZD's highlights though, so I wouldn't recommend that approach for the entire last stretch of the game.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I ended up never feeling it, and dropped it around the time you get into the desert or whatever zone.

Felt extremely boring to me.


Nov 11, 2017
If you're going brave, level up your melee quickly so your strong attack knocks over/staggers bigger bots. I didn't use stealth much after I did that. Bow/sling and strong attack all you need. Though did find the stealth while running perk was really useful.


Mar 13, 2019
Horizon has great world design and a story that's way, way better than it initially seems. But it's not a terribly fun game to play, mechanically speaking - or at least I didn't enjoy playing it. I finished it, but that was because I wanted to know more about the world and what happened.


Oct 27, 2017
this is one of the few games i played beginning to end, putting in a good 60+ hours. what really kept me coming back was discovering the story of what horizon zero dawn was really about, learning about its characters, spelunking into old ruins and delving deep into the deeply un-human cauldrons.

one of my favourite things was slinking through moonlight jungle, pale light poking through the canopy, listening to the murmur of wildlife and the forest, feeling uncomfortable as i hid in undergrowth because i knew i was being stalked by something but i couldn't work out what it was (it was a stalker, they're absolutely the worst).

imo try to mainline the main story so you can go and explore the world. it's a beautiful place.


Oct 27, 2017
Was literally about to make a LTTP for this and Witcher 3. Played through this early this year and just started Witcher. Horizon while it got better it never really clicked fully for me after feeling pretty much the same as OP. Concentrating on the main story did keep me engaged enough and resulted in some great moments from the narrative. But the side quests, harvesting, and crafting wasn't fully my cup of tea. Now that I'm playing Witcher 3, while it feels at least initially superior to Horizon a lot of the same mechanics are at play so I'm hoping to stay on board though as the story is engaging. These two games are my first real forays into western rpgs so I may just not be used to this style of game yet.