
Nov 13, 2017
I posited this months ago, but I wouldn't be surprised if a significant part of making every red state unbearable for anyone with more than two brain cells to rub together to live in is to consolidate every non-chud into a handful of states, thereby legitimately and permanently solidifying Republican control of the Senate and the Electoral College.

Exactly. That's their plan.

Genius from a GOP perspective.

I used to think there was a high amount of hyperbole here but not any more.


Oct 27, 2017
If they do go after gay marriage, that would completely nullify my marriage to my husband? What about insurance and tax stuff related to being marriage too?


Oct 25, 2017
Am I in tinfoil territory for thinking this is convenient timing to drop this now with all the Jan 6th bombshells hitting this week? Especially as heat is ramping up on this exact motherfucker and his wife?

King Alamat

Nov 22, 2017
I mean, with the hearings getting renewed for a second season, I'm not sure how (in a sane world) the 14th Amendment getting invalidated by three judges installed by a president who staged a coup on his own government and a fourth judge who's married to one of the architects of said coup is an effective smokescreen. Then again, we don't live in a sane world and gas is still above $4 where I live.


Very low key
Oct 25, 2017
I believe it would depend on the state too , but insurance and taxes are Federal level right?

It wouldn't surprise me if taking down Obergefell would remove all insurance and tax benefits even if you live in a blue state. I'd like someone more knowledgeable to chime in though.
It wouldn't surprise me if taking down Obergefell would remove all insurance and tax benefits even if you live in a blue state. I'd like someone more knowledgeable to chime in though.
I *think* it is Windsor, the case before Obergefell, which overturned the government discriminating at the federal level. That means immigration, federal income tax, ACA rules, etc.

Obergefell prevented individual states from refusing to recognize marriage equality. I notice Windsor isn't being mentioned much as a target because, presumably, it can't be argued as a state's rights issue.

I am sure though, if republicans take control of the federal government they will immediately push through what is effectively Super DOMA, to enshrine federal/national persecution of LGBTQ persons.


Oct 26, 2017
It's amazing the right are bluntly sabotaging human rights and the left are just sitting there.

God, this country is a failure.


Oct 25, 2017
Someone needs to "Correct the error" of this sexual assaulter and treasonous harboring asshat from being on the court.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm not sure if I should call it irony or what, that Clarence Thomas doesn't seem to understand--or simply somehow doesn't care-- that the people he most caters to with these sorts of opinions, if they had their way, would also "correct the error" of him and anyone else of his skin color being able to hold the position he currently has. It's like the ultimate living example of the "first they came for..." fascism poem happening right before our eyes.


Aug 13, 2020
As an outsider looking in on the US, my heart goes out to all of you who have to suffer if this comes to pass. Don't know what I can do personally, but would love to do anything I can. Is there any thing outsiders can do to help right now?


Feb 22, 2018
Fucking vile. I just have no more words left.

On a side note: can the US just change their fucking name already? 'United' my ass. Never have been, just 50 different countries pretending to be one.

heathen earth

Mar 21, 2020
As an outsider looking in on the US, my heart goes out to all of you who have to suffer if this comes to pass. Don't know what I can do personally, but would love to do anything I can. Is there any thing outsiders can do to help right now?
Lobby your government to accept LGBT refugees from the US. They do not want us to exist.

Dr. Monkey

Oct 25, 2017
They will push for everything they want unless we do something about the court. That's it. This was endgame. With the court they can do anything. It's ridiculous.

The Namekian

Nov 5, 2017
New York City
They will push for everything they want unless we do something about the court. That's it. This was endgame. With the court they can do anything. It's ridiculous.
I actually agree with you fully. I don't think it's packing the court that will get resolved but I have a feeling term limits will get set. Something has to give and if it isn't accomplished legally it's going to resolved some other way.


Oct 31, 2017
Correct me if I'm wrong… but should SCOTUS justices not opine on cases that might be before them?

By stating that gay marriage was a mistake, shouldn't Thomas recuse himself because he has already stated how he would vote without hearing any arguments?


Oct 25, 2017
This brings a matter into sharp focus: no rights are true rights until they are actual concrete laws. The supreme court allowing progress is just step 1.

And I would say rights need to be constitutional amendments before we can rest.
Oct 25, 2017
"Civility" will get us fucking no where, and escalation will be necessary. This shit is well beyond a "vote" problem. (but also, for the love of God still vote regardless)


Oct 27, 2017
Correct me if I'm wrong… but should SCOTUS justices not opine on cases that might be before them?

By stating that gay marriage was a mistake, shouldn't Thomas recuse himself because he has already stated how he would vote without hearing any arguments?

Thomas' wife was planning to overthrow the government and he voted in an attempt to hide her emails from scrutiny.

The Founding Fathers could have never imagined scenarios like this where a Supreme Court Justice is corrupt and now beholden to no one. They might as well be kings at this point.


Jun 12, 2018
So at what point can I flee the US to another country like Canada or in Europe and claim amnesty from persecution?
Oct 28, 2017
Not to be a doomer about this - but yes. From the moment RBG died this was going to happen.

Have to remember gay marriage impacts a smaller fraction of the population than abortion rights. Nullifying those rights will happen, there will be protests. Republicans will hide behind the cover of "states rights".

I'm happy not to be in America. Disgusting women today have less rights than their mother or grandmother. Disgusting after the recent fight for gay marriage, back to the drawing board.

Pressure the political left. Organise, fund act blue. Or leave if you can. Awful. Awful situation.

Deleted member 8257

Oct 26, 2017
I feel like Clarence Thomas is the most unqualified person ever. He's just a contrarian troll. Even ACB has more weight in her opinions than this sex pest.

Of course he's married to an insurrectionist.


Oct 25, 2017
Not to be a doomer about this - but yes. From the moment RBG died this was going to happen.

Have to remember gay marriage impacts a smaller fraction of the population than abortion rights. Nullifying those rights will happen, there will be protests. Republicans will hide behind the cover of "states rights".

I'm happy not to be in America. Disgusting women today have less rights than their mother or grandmother. Disgusting after the recent fight for gay marriage, back to the drawing board.

Pressure the political left. Organise, fund act blue. Or leave if you can. Awful. Awful situation.

RBG wouldn't have changed anything. Kennedy retiring to give Trump his pick cemented this outcome. He was the occasional swing vote on abortion and gay rights. Even wrote Obergeffel and Lawrence. Considering Robert's scathing dissent in Obergefell, I'm surprised they haven't gotten around to stripping gay rights already.


Oct 27, 2017
And the dominos begin to fall, which was always the intent. It certainly doesn't have to do with babies, whom conservatives hate. It's just about oppression and cruelty, nothing else.


Oct 27, 2017
So if they ban contraception, so when all of the adoption agencies get full, what's our countries next plan for this?

Are they going to force the mother to come to terms and force them to raise the child? I'm not understanding the end game of reversing the last 70 + years of human rights back unless republicans really want a Civil War 2 so they can use their "toys" and ppl killing each other?

If so, then let me get my out of the country visa started. I'll fight politics, but I'm not fighting with guns and mass violence.