
Oct 25, 2017
Redactions might explain this ultimately, as might the remaining criminal referrals, but can anyone glean from this report why so many people were offered sweetheart cooperation deals by the Mueller team?

It seems ridiculous to me that someone like Flynn is getting a lighter sentence if he couldn't offer up any evidence to indict someone "higher up" than himself.


Oct 27, 2017
Look - I'm not saying never impeach - the "Now what?" was more asking, "What is the actual plan after the Senate puts him on trial, finds him not guilty, and then attempts to take a victory lap" ?? Since we know that's what will happen, you can't just say "IMPEACH" without an actual plan in place. They need to be more politically savvy than that.

Okay, that's fine.

First, I think that any "moderates" in the Senate can and should be pressured in their states if and when the House considers impeachment. If Indivisible can go for them at town halls over ACA repeal, let these senators hear from people who don't want to be governed by a criminal. Even if a two-thirds majority isn't possible, imagine the horrid damage to the Trump administration if a majority of the Senate buckles and votes to convict. If the darlings vote the wrong way? Then the Blue challenger should go no-holds barred: they voted for a liar and a thief and should be considered guilty at the ballot box. Call them traitors and co-conspirators.

Every single piece of evidence and testimony from a subpoenaed Trump aide can be aired or put on YouTube. Every time they denied an order from the president because they thought the president was ordering something illegal. Every time Sarah Sanders has to say she fucking lied at a press conference and has no basis in reality, under oath. Every time a co-conspirator doesn't remember why he deleted texts asked for by the Special Counsel.

And I think the 2020 manifesto is pretty easy. Sure, talk about M4A. Talk about the environment, inequality, justice reform. All that. But the core is clear - we can't survive a justice system that lets a president bully and lie to us. We can't survive a Republican Party that forgot its reason to exist and aids acts of injustice and theft. This government is Donald Trump fucking stealing from us EVERY DAY and now we know how. He's corrupt. He's a hoe. He's a casual traitor. The Republicans are too because they'll tolerate ANYTHING.

Remember that a lot of voters wanted a Democrat BECAUSE they think Trump is a criminal and want someone to stand up to him. If the Democrats follow Hoyer's lead, and they stand for nothing, then they have no authority to govern and no right to ask for my vote again. That's also supposed to be the core of the Democratic message: "we believe in truth, justice and the American way" and the Republicans don't. The alternative is a Republican Party that's feckless and a Democratic Party that's gutless.

Wanna play for time? Then a clear roadmap at least needs to come from Team Blue: "we're subpoenaing for the full report, we're subpoenaing the AG for lying his ass off, and we're not ASKING Mueller, we're ordering him to fill in the blanks. We're done asking and we're done fucking around and you can call us whatever you want. And we will not rule out impeachment."
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Oct 25, 2017
Lol at the admin's response being "he could have fired all these people but he didn't. He's clear!" Such weak shit, the people he told to do the firing just never followed through.

Right... and him ordering illegal acts is still obstruction of justice, regardless of whether or not his lackeys follow through.


Oct 25, 2017


Oct 29, 2017
Oct 26, 2017
South Carolina
Slowly going through it now... The report says relatively early on that there was no established connection between the Russian government and Trump campaign officials.

Does this also include individuals who are believed to be close to Putin or the Russian government? Is there a distinction later on which separates the two?

People like Oleg Deripaska and Dimitri Simes aren't Kremlin officials per se, more like MOBSTERS.


Jul 25, 2018
If you can't impeach him for crimes, and there are far more than just what this report covers, then impeach him for being such a terrible leader he can't get his aides to follow his orders, or impeach him for being such a terrible judge of character that the "best people" he knows are all going to jail. Unfit to be Pres, no matter what the criteria.


Oct 27, 2017
Bill Clinton was impeached for less. Its so hypocritical of people to say something like this is off the table.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017

Illegitimate investigation and impeachment over unrelated sex scandal of a democrat


Legitimate investigation and no impeachment over masses of evidence on criminality of a Republican


Oct 27, 2017
It's frustrating. Taking into account all that Trump has done, if impeachment isn't applicable here, then when is it honestly?
Precisely, there needs to be a strict level of standards imposed if we want to take the office of presidency seriously. If we have the bar set so low for a democratic president to be impeached because an intern sucked him off, then where does everything else fall?


Oct 28, 2017
Fuck all of this "let the people vote him out". He wins the election in 2020, and then what?! You see what happened when we left the Supreme Court seat to the "election".

We are acting like this is a given or something. The same powers that helped put him in office are still out there, and fuckery is still a possibility.

The people who voted for the Democrats to control the house, did so with the thought that they would provide checks and balances. This is where they need to step up and do their part. If the shoe was on the other foot, and Obama did one tenth of what you see in this report, Jim Joyce and his boys would have the unredacted report in their hands and sent to the senate for Mitch and his boys to pounce.

Dems love playing fair and its gonna cost them.

Also... this president is still in office doing horrible shit every day. Yea he is embarrassed about what was let out today, but once the initial shock wears off, he will still be out fucking our country up.


Oct 27, 2017
Not acting on this will enable trump to do the exact same shit next election cycle. Hell, im sure hes already planning on it.

We arent going to get a second investigation into what he does in 2020. They need to act regardless of if it ends in impeachment or not. Do not allow this shit to happen without repercussion.


Oct 25, 2017
The idea that many could read the stuff in this and conclude "eh there's nothin really here, let's go home" is evidence of just how bizarro world our modern politics has become.