
Oct 27, 2017
Do any of the armchair psychologists want to actually drive into what about her behavior belies a mental illness?
No one should use "mental illness," but if you don't see that there's something else up then idk man. That's why you've got other people saying she also looks to be on something. As for the behavior, she seems to believe that she lives there or something. She argues with a person who lives there and tells them that he actually doesn't live there. She asks him what building as if there's another one (or maybe there is one Idk). Like, what? She goes from harassing the guy to trying to have a normal conversation with him and then back to harassing him within the span of a few seconds too. At some point she looked to be talking to herself. It was extremely bizarre. This is the behavior people are referring to when they say she's ill or she's on something. I agree no one should diagnose but I think it's fine to think to suspect SOMETHING based on some bizarre behavior. No one is even excusing it. No one is saying "hmm is she really racist? Maybe she's just mentally ill." No one that's bringing up mental illness or substance is talking about her actual racist behavior. They're talking about her strange behavior. Sure at the end of the day it doesn't matter if she's on some shit or not, she's still racist. It's just kind of a scary situation because holy shit she then tries to get inside somewhere she most likely doesn't even live. I wouldn't be surprised if the cops were called on her afterwards.

I'm a therapist (graduated a year and a half ago) and if you think I'm a bad therapist for thinking this then whatever. I don't like people saying the term "mentally ill" but I'm not gonna fault someone for thinking this lady is either on drugs or not all there. I'm not gonna come here and say "Hmm she seems to be displaying something of x mental health disorder" because there's absolutely no way of knowing that without proper testing. She could have something, she could be under the influence of a substance, or she pulled a galaxy brain move all so she could infiltrate this building for whatever reason. The world may never know. She's still racist. 100%. Fucking disgusting. And no racism isn't a mental illness lol. What the fuck? I hope no one truly believes this.


Oct 28, 2017
She honestly seems mentally ill. Like even for your normal racist ass Karen that interaction was so odd.

Doesn't mean she isn't racist or that the whole thing is acceptable but something seems wrong with that woman.


Oct 25, 2017
There's definitely something off about this lady, the way she talks about herself in the third person a few times, and her bouncing between not wanting the dude there and then trying to have a casual conversation - albeit a fucking weird one - is bizarre.

I'm noticing that this virus situation is making a lot of entitled white folks snap because they've never experienced this kind of adversity, it's fuckin crazy.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, I'm not a doctor of any kind so I'm not going to claim to know what's going on with her, but I'm not going to pretend her behaviour seems normal just because I can't give her an official diagnosis. Her manner of speaking reminds me of other people with mental illness.

We have no problem talking about, say, Trump's perceived mental deficiencies but none of us are using that to excuse him either.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I'm not fully convinced she lives there anymore. They probably took her name off the listing for a reason

"212 where?"

I...what? It's an apartment complex. They fuck do you mean where? You think the intercom connects to the building down the street?


One Winged Slayer
Oct 29, 2017
She 100% doesn't live there.

Projecting as hard as GOP that whole video lmfao
Oct 26, 2017
Damn, I'm gonna laugh extra hard when it turns out she didn't even live in that building.

She doesn't. Her name isn't on the intercom, and despite living there for 7 years doesn't know how to get into the building even asks the delivery person to enter it for her and when he refuses she tries to and asks "how does this work?"

Lobster Roll

signature-less, now and forever™
Sep 24, 2019
What is the origin of 'karen'?
The name Karen has the following ranks on the social security database for baby names.

1940s - 16th
1950s - 8th
1960s - 4th
1970s - 25th
1980s - 84th
1990s - 131st

Peak Karen years are 1950-1969. That age in 2020 would be 51 to 70. It's a very common name for a white woman born during this time period, so it's been assigned to white women acting like assholes. Most recently, it's been tied into white women showcasing overt racism.


Oct 25, 2017
I think there needs to be mod posts/warnings to stop reactive statements about mental illness when it comes to videos like this. It's tacky, minimizing and hurtful. It's no different than just calling her retarded. It will take time to curb this reflexive behavior but it's gotta start somewhere.

This type of hatred is not rational and if we accept that mental illness is not racism and visa versa, it should never require mental illness to explain hateful behavior that by definition will appear irrational.

It does not require mental illness to utterly hate black people and once that is established, following through with that hatred of black people through one's life on a moment to moment basis is not mental illness, it's racism. Calling that mental illness is racism. It's also crass ablism. Regardless of one's intentions.


Oct 26, 2017
What is the origin of 'karen'?

It has multiple origins.

The earliest recorded usage is probably by Dane Cook. He had a bit in his act about the "Karen" of a group that was recorded for a comedy album in 2005.

Black Twitter and Reddit have been using "Karen" pejoratively for about few years, creating memes and even famous subreddits around the fabled personality of the "Karen," including the popular "Karen Starter Pack" meme featuring Kate Gosselin's old Jon and Kate Plus Eight haircut.

As the Insider article I've linked below mentions, African Americans have taken a common white lady name and meme'd it since at least the Jim Crow era. This is a continuation of that tradition.

How the name 'Karen' became a stand-in for problematic white women and a hugely popular meme

The "Karen" meme depicting women who ask to "speak to the manager" has become nearly ubiquitous online. Here is the meme's history and origin.

Karen: The anti-vaxxer soccer mom with speak-to-the-manager hair, explained

How the name "Karen" became an insult — and a meme.


Oct 26, 2017
She doesn't. Her name isn't on the intercom, and despite living there for 7 years doesn't know how to get into the building even asks the delivery person to enter it for her and when he refuses she tries to and asks "how does this work?"


I'm guessing she saw a black kid on the sidewalk and decided to accost him. Someone needs to get their mother/grandmother and sit her down.


Dec 14, 2017
The exact origins of the term are unknown. The term may have originated on Black Twitter as a meme used to describe white women who "tattle on Black kids' lemonade stands"
Started as memes about wanting to speak to the manager, but then racism started to be a stronger emotion than getting they frappacino refunded.
The name Karen has the following ranks on the social security database for baby names.

1940s - 16th
1950s - 8th
1960s - 4th
1970s - 25th
1980s - 84th
1990s - 131st

Peak Karen years are 1950-1969. That age in 2020 would be 51 to 70. It's a very common name for a white woman born during this time period, so it's been assigned to white women acting like assholes. Most recently, it's been tied into white women showcasing overt racism.
It has multiple origins.

The earliest recorded usage is probably by Dane Cook. He had a bit in his act about the "Karen" of a group that was recorded for a comedy album in 2005.

Black Twitter and Reddit have been using "Karen" pejoratively for about few years, creating memes and even famous subreddits around the fabled personality of the "Karen," including the popular "Karen Starter Pack" meme featuring Kate Gosselin's old Jon and Kate Plus Eight haircut.

As the Insider article I've linked below mentions, African Americans have taken a common white lady name and meme'd it since at least the Jim Crow era. This is a continuation of that tradition.

How the name 'Karen' became a stand-in for problematic white women and a hugely popular meme

The "Karen" meme depicting women who ask to "speak to the manager" has become nearly ubiquitous online. Here is the meme's history and origin.

Karen: The anti-vaxxer soccer mom with speak-to-the-manager hair, explained

How the name "Karen" became an insult — and a meme.

I expect quite a few newborns being proudly named Karen in the next few years


Oct 27, 2017
I think there needs to be mod posts/warnings to stop reactive statements about mental illness when it comes to videos like this. It's tacky, minimizing and hurtful. It's no different than just calling her retarded. It will take time to curb this reflexive behavior but it's gotta start somewhere.

This type of hatred is not rational and if we accept that mental illness is not racism and visa versa, it should never require mental illness to explain hateful behavior that by definition will appear irrational.

It does not require mental illness to utterly hate black people and once that is established, following through with that hatred of black people through one's life on a moment to moment basis is not mental illness, it's racism. Calling that mental illness is racism. It's also crass ablism. Regardless of one's intentions.
The racist content of her words is not why people are wondering about her mental health... nor has anyone minimised the racism because of those concerns.


Oct 25, 2017
The racist content of her words is not why people are wondering about her mental health... nor has anyone minimised the racism because of those concerns.

Explaining her racist words and racist actions with mental illness is inherently minimizing the racism. It literally does not matter what the intent of the person doing it is. People are not at all equipped to even speculate on mental illness by a video and when it's done to explain extreme racism it is indeed minimizing the racism and also further stigmatizes mental illness.
Oct 29, 2017
Yup, she's racist.

I'm amazed at how well he took that whole exchange, but I suppose he was probably just so astounded at her behavior. Poor dude, just trying to do his damn job too.


Oct 27, 2017
Okay, this is the first one that I've seen that seems like the Karen has a mental issue. Either that, or she rehearsed what she was going to say very well.

And I say this as a black person thats enraged every time I see one of these exchanges. If I'm being honest, I WANT to be pissed at this woman, but I just...can't.


Oct 25, 2017
Would have been so awesome, if the guy that came down picking up his food invited the delivery guy in for a cold drink or something.... I would love to see that racist pos reaction to that


I can say DEI; you can't.
Oct 24, 2017
The most frustrating thing about the mental illness debate when it comes to conversations about why can't Black people just live their fucking lives without being harassed? is that it moves the conversation away from the people who are the actual victims of this violence. In this case, it's the Black delivery man just trying to do his job. The only way we're even discussing him at this point is in the form on afterthought compliments on how calm he was, ignoring the fact that it's completely fucked up that Black people have to make mental/emotional space for encounters like these whenever we leave the house. Oh, and if you're a Black cis woman/queer/trans person? Fuck...

I don't care if this lady has a mental illness or not. What is going on in her hand, or what factors caused her to arrive at the logic that she did, is completely immaterial to me. Fuck her. Fuck the racist horse she rode in on. She can kick rocks. Period Pooh. There's no reason why discussions of her don't stop and end there.

I am more concerned about the Black people who have to face the mental slings and arrows of active racism at the hands of people like this woman, and then the passive racism of a society that will waste so much fucking time victimizing the aggressor by trying to make the irrational rational.


Oct 27, 2017
Explaining her racist words and racist actions with mental illness is inherently minimizing the racism. It literally does not matter what the intent of the person doing it is. People are not at all equipped to even speculate on mental illness by a video and when it's done to explain extreme racism it is indeed minimizing the racism and also further stigmatizes mental illness.
But no one is explaining her racist words and actions with mental illness. She literally said "your kind" or some shit like that, obviously referring to his race. Something like that is not why people are questioning whether she's mentally well or even sober.


Oct 25, 2017
United States
I think there needs to be mod posts/warnings to stop reactive statements about mental illness when it comes to videos like this. It's tacky, minimizing and hurtful. It's no different than just calling her retarded. It will take time to curb this reflexive behavior but it's gotta start somewhere.

This type of hatred is not rational and if we accept that mental illness is not racism and visa versa, it should never require mental illness to explain hateful behavior that by definition will appear irrational.

It does not require mental illness to utterly hate black people and once that is established, following through with that hatred of black people through one's life on a moment to moment basis is not mental illness, it's racism. Calling that mental illness is racism. It's also crass ablism. Regardless of one's intentions.

Agreed. Quality post. I like the bolded bit in particular. Also I love your avatar, lol.

Mental illness or even drug abuse does not make someone racist. It can be awfully tempting to think that "normal" people would never act like this and therefore the virulent racism on display must be tangent to "something else" going on, but that's just white privilege and ableism talking.

PoC been telling us for generations that this IS normal. And if that's not enough, we have actual mental health professionals in this very thread asking us to stop pointing to mental illness as the culprit in these situations.

Not every deplorable racist is mentally ill, and not every mentally ill individual is a deplorable racist. AFAIK, bigotry isn't a fucking diagnosis.

Lobster Roll

signature-less, now and forever™
Sep 24, 2019
Oct 27, 2017
Racist gonna racist. Fuck her.

Also, I wish that could be the end of my most right there and it's sad I'm going to not only have to keep going but spend the majority of this on something completely unrelated instead, but regardless, as a psych major, I'm both disturbed but not surprised the subject of mental illness has come up in another one of these topics.

First off, it's completely irrelevant to anything and doesn't change anything at all, so why even go there to begin with? What's the purpose of even speculating about such things to begin with? It serves no purpose and doesn't change anything at all, so why go there in the first place?

Secondly, you flat out CANNOT diagnose people based on videos like this. It's not only completely unprofessional and against medical ethics even by actually qualified psychologists/psychiatrists to do such a thing, but it's also flat out impossible.

As to be diagnosed with a mental illness requires one to show a consistent pattern of behaviors and symptoms OVER A MINIMUM PERIOD OF TIME. That last bit is terribly important. It needs to be a persistent pattern.

Meaning, you can't do it based off one-off videos. That's not how mental health or diagnoses of such works.

Obviously, since all we have is this one video, there's no way of knowing if this person would or would not meet that threshold for any particular illness.

In addition, not only do we not know if this is a pattern or a one off-thing, we also don't know the WHY of any hypothetical symptoms.

That is, could it be mental illness?


Then again, perhaps this individual, in addition to obviously being racist, could perchance just be... what's the word I'm looking for..

Ah yes.


That would just as easily explain those alleged "symptoms" of mental illness people seem to see.

Or perhaps yes, there's the possibility of illicit substances such as any number of hard drugs.

Or perhaps she's just playing a character for whatever reason she may have.

Or perhaps she's recovering from a major surgery or some such and is still under the effects of powerful analgesics of some sort.

Or it could just be some fluke one-off thing.


There's simply no way of knowing.

That's why actual psychologists (at least any one actually worth their salt anyway) don't diagnose people based off fucking one-off videos.

Instead, they get to know their patients, run batteries of tests and diagnostic tools to become aware not just of their current mental state, but their recent and not-so-recent past to know how long any symptoms have persisted and then, only by putting all of that information together, reaching a conclusion on whether or not they do or do not have any particular condition.

The TL;DR of this being, don't diagnose people over the incident, not only when you're not qualified to do so, but especially not based off one-off videos which are impossible even for professionals to get any information from because it's just not how anything works and, even when well-intentioned, the only thing that can possibly lead to is further stigmatization of mental illness, which already has quite enough as it is.

All the more so, to go back to my original point, WHEN THERE'S ABSOLUTELY NO REASON TO GO THERE TO BEGIN WITH.
It doesn't change anything, it doesn't provide any more illumination to the story, and it's a pure unknowable even to professionals (who, even if they could do such a thing, which they can't, would go against all kinds of ethics nonetheless on so many levels) and would just be endless speculation leading nowhere, so what's the purpose?

There is none.

It's not knowable, it doesn't change anything, there's no reason to go there or bring it up in the first place in any way.

So please, to anyone talking about mental illness at all in this thread, please stop because that's not a thing anyone can know one way or the other and serves no purpose, so please, just don't, no matter how sure you may think you are, just don't, alright? Thanks.


I thought mods were going to crack down on this "mental illness" stuff in threads about racists but I guess it's back in full force.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
These people are so insufferable. Holy shit. Fuck off and mind your own goddamn business.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm convinced this is genetic. There's no other explanation for why white people just can't stop acting this way.


Oct 27, 2017
Don't act cute. You know what I mean. Every time a we have a topic about white person being a massive racist, people ALWAYS bring up mental illness.
I'm genuinely not trying to be cute... let me say it now: these dumb racist women who keep popping up to stir trouble are gross and annoying, and need to fuck off and mind their own business. And when they get their comuppence by being named and shamed (and hopefully fired), I enjoy it as much as anyone else.

I don't call every racist mentally ill and if someone does that they should be called out on it, because that's obviously not true. This lady seems to be a dumb racist AND something else seems to be going on with her. Not going to claim I know what it is, but mentioning it is doesn't mean I'm trying to troll or that I think she's harmless.

Mental illness should not be stigmatized but I'm not going to pretend not to see signs if I think I do. No problem if you disagree with that, but then I'm sure there are people who disagree who also have no problem talking about it when it comes to prominent figures.


I can say DEI; you can't.
Oct 24, 2017
I'm genuinely not trying to be cute... let me say it now: these dumb racist women who keep popping up to stir trouble are gross and annoying, and need to fuck off and mind their own business. And when they get their comuppence by being named and shamed (and hopefully fired), I enjoy it as much as anyone else.

I don't call every racist mentally ill and if someone does that they should be called out on it, because that's obviously not true. This lady seems to be a dumb racist AND something else seems to be going on with her. Not going to claim I know what it is, but mentioning it is doesn't mean I'm trying to troll or that I think she's harmless.

Mental illness should not be stigmatized but I'm not going to pretend not to see signs if I think I do. No problem if you disagree with that, but then I'm sure there are people who disagree who also have no problem talking about it when it comes to prominent figures.

I think the question then is what does focusing on this women's perceived mental illness contribute?

How does understanding her sooth the Black delivery man, or the scores of other Black people who have to deal with racist aggression every day? How does focusing on her perceived mental illness center him?


Oct 27, 2017
I think the question then is what does focusing on this women's perceived mental illness contribute?

How does understanding her sooth the Black delivery man, or the scores of other Black people who have to deal with racist aggression every day? How does focusing on her perceived mental illness center him?
Nothing. It does nothing to bring comfort to the hundreds or thousands of black people who experience vitriol from people like her everyday. It wasn't originally meant to be the main focus of my posts, I just wanted to push back on the idea that the people bringing up mental health are trying to make excuses for her.

But then, black people probably hear stuff like that a lot. Being white I will never really understand. So I apologise if it seemed like I was trying to focus on feeling bad for the woman instead of the man for having to put up with her.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
Bay Area