
Oct 26, 2017
Concerning this racism/mental illness debate, I can tell you that when the circle that defines someone's general worldview shrinks around them, they can tend to lash out in a way that resembles what we call "unstable" or whatever. However, what it really amounts to is that they're so sick of something they heard or saw on the internet or on the news (probably Fox News), that they've just today found a target to vent all that frustration. This is why the lady is like "You have a hat? Why do you have a hat? You're one of those YOUNG people." and all that. It might even be that their last relative has told them to fuck off.

She clearly doesn't have the consequences that would dissuade someone from acting this way. It's just pure and simple racism.


Oct 27, 2017
Related, I encountered my first Karen last night at the local drug store. While I was standing in line, she was berating one of the clerks from Ghana (we've spoken numerous times, I know him pretty well and many customers call him "G"). He is one of the kindest, most patient people I've ever met, and she was laying into him because her debit card wouldn't work.

So another clerk tries to come to his rescue in the second aisle, she says maybe her machine will work. The Karen still can't get her card to work, starts complaining loudly calling her names, complaining about Democrats out of the fucking blue. The entire time she's not wearing a mask. I told her I would pay for her pittance of purchases (it was like a bottle of soda and some toilet paper) if she'd just stop abusing the poor young women. She ignores me, or maybe she didn't hear me, I don't know.

I would have recorded it if I hadn't left my phone in the car plugged into the console, but you get the gist; I'm sure you've seen the behavior in countless videos. I didn't know I'd actually ever experience it in person though. I already feel for those having to work in customer-facing jobs during these times, but that experience made me realize just how much these kinds of people put them through. I used to work retail and in the hospitality biz back in the day, and while we would get the rare difficult customer we never saw stuff like this back then. This feels like a weird new phenomenon of cruel people.