
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, so maybe you should read the last paragraph of my post?
I spedread through the middle chunk of that paragraph for sure. Ignore that last line. :) But this is actually a problem specific to them giving Abrams the gig in the first place. That was probably a mistake because of his long history of doing this w/ his IPs. (and given that they've signed B/W and Rian for full trilogies, I think they know it was one now.)


Oct 25, 2017
San Francisco, CA, USA
But this is actually a problem specific to them giving Abrams the gig in the first place. That was probably a mistake because of his long history of doing this w/ his IPs.
True! They could've had a core writing staff for the entire sequel trilogy -- which could have included or excluded JJ. (Given how insane the fandom gets about the "lore," this is probably a good idea anyway). Or, if JJ had done the entire trilogy he probably would've improv'd his way through a continuous story somehow. But continuous or no, it probably wouldn't have been any better, given how meandering Lost got and how Star Trek Into Darkness turned out. We're stuck with him for 2/3rd of this trilogy regardless, which seems like the worst of all worlds.

ANYWAY this is all a sidebar. Hope Keri Russell is ready for the bullshit. I bet her social media already has some questionable shit in it from the fandom. Welcome to Star Wars!


Oct 25, 2017
True! They could've had a core writing staff for the entire sequel trilogy -- which could have included or excluded JJ. (Given how insane the fandom gets about the "lore," this is probably a good idea anyway). Or, if JJ had done the entire trilogy he probably would've improv'd his way through a continuous story somehow. But continuous or no, it probably wouldn't have been any better, given how meandering Lost got and how Star Trek Into Darkness turned out. We're stuck with him for 2/3rd of this trilogy regardless, which seems like the worst of all worlds.
He's literally never ended anything before. "You only like the beginning of things" perfectly describes him.


Oct 25, 2017
After Laura Dern and Benicio del Toro I'm not really expecting much from supporting characters. I just really hope they do more with Finn's character. His whole arc in TLJ was such a letdown.


Oct 25, 2017
True! They could've had a core writing staff for the entire sequel trilogy -- which could have included or excluded JJ. (Given how insane the fandom gets about the "lore," this is probably a good idea anyway). Or, if JJ had done the entire trilogy he probably would've improv'd his way through a continuous story somehow. But continuous or no, it probably wouldn't have been any better, given how meandering Lost got and how Star Trek Into Darkness turned out. We're stuck with him for 2/3rd of this trilogy regardless, which seems like the worst of all worlds.

ANYWAY this is all a sidebar. Hope Keri Russell is ready for the bullshit. I bet her social media already has some questionable shit in it from the fandom. Welcome to Star Wars!
If JJ did the trilogy all those things he left open would still be unanswered at the end, lol

Deleted member 17092

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Well in Luke and Leias case their mother died in childbirth (sadness, force murdered) and their dad became an evil dictator and Obi Wan had to hide the children from him and the emperor, Leia was raised on Alderaan with good parents and Luke ended up with his closest family who took good care of him.

So calling Owen and Beru deadbeats when they seemed liked hardworking folks is kind of unfair

I didn't mean it that way, just that she may have been dropped off at such a young age she had zero memory of them, thus the hole in the ground didn't tell her anything, and Kylo was just saying what Snoke planted. Snoke orchestrated the kylo and Rey meetings so maybe he planted some ideas too.

I'm just saying it isn't very hard to create a different Rey parents story because we still don't really have much of anything.


Oct 25, 2017
San Francisco, CA, USA
He's literally never ended anything before. "You only like the beginning of things" perfectly describes him.
If JJ did the trilogy all those things he left open would still be unanswered at the end, lol
Right?? He's like Chloe Sevigny in that Portlandia plot where she's like "I love the *romantic* part of relationships" but has absolutely no follow-through. One thing you gotta give RJ is that he definitely makes decisions.

Deleted member 2229

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
JJ sets up a dramatic cliffhanger. RJ turns it into a gag. Original vision respected, definitely.
Moving goalposts. You said RJ abandoned thos plot point. Its still there, you didn't like how it was handled. It also wasn't a gag. It could have been filmed more seriously, but it wasn't slapstick humor. If JJ cared about his "original vision" he should have opted in to direct episode 8 (which he feels is a better film than 7

JJ sets up a shadowy and mysterious character who controls the FO from on high like Emperor Palpatine. We never see his face or know anything about him, but fans enjoy a few theories including one where he might in fact be Darth Plaguis (sp?). RJ gives him 2 throne room scenes where he is just generically evil and then cuts him in half. Mystery solved!
No one is under any obligation to appeal to fan theories or baseless speculation. That's not how filmmaking works. You see Snoke's face in his holograms and let's not pretend retreading ground is a good plotpoint either.

Snoke shows up in the flesh, directly influences many aspects of the plot and pulls off a number of things using the force. Whilist also delivering more dialogue and character in a few scenes than the emperor had in the entirety of the OT

Snoke isn't a main character in the film, he serves the purpose of furthering Kylo's development as a character. He fulfils this purpose by being the catalyst that allows Kylo to take his destiny into his own hands and ultimately ascend to the position of being the true main antagonist of the trilogy.

And seriously, complaining about Snoke being generically evil in the same paragraph you're bringing up Darth Plaguis fan theories?

JJ sets up Han talking about Luke making a spiritual return to sacred ground. RJ shows he has abandoned any interest in Jedi, has closed himself off from the force, and spends his days milking monster teats and wasting time. Rey even says, "I've seen your daily routine, you are NOT busy." So spiritual!
That's your own personal interpretation of the line and another bit of "I didn't get what I wanted". The fact of the matter is the only things established are:
Kylo destroyed Luke's new generation of Jedi
Luke left everyone behind
And Han stating that Luke walked away from it all.

Yeah, having your nephew turn evil, destroy your lifes work then go on to destroy the galaxy because of a mistake you made depresses a guy, who knew?

JJ spends a whole movie showing Finn thirsting for Rey and asking if she has a "cute boyfriend" and the movie ends with him having gotten under Rey's skin a little, kissing his forehead. RJ decides "none of that needs follow-up whatsoever, in fact I think I'll have some new character indirectly confess their love for Finn, kiss him, and then have Finn caring for her while Rey watches at the end of the movie." Rey and Finn: practically a couple!
No follow up?
You mean like when Finn tries to leave the Resistance so he can find Rey?
Or the fact that he picks up Rey's beacon when Leia drops it?
Or the fact that Rey looks over at him and smiles when theyre reunited on the Falcon?

Also just because one person expresses feelings for someone doesn't mean the two are in love. Unrequited feelings exist.

JJ sets up Rey as someone hurt by and obsessed with the location of her parents -- where are they? Are they coming back? WHO are they -- she has force powers, and Luke's story was he was dropped off on a desert planet to be kept safe, just like her! I... Oh, you don't even try to counter that yes, RJ abandoned that thread. Cool.
Are Obi Wan and Qui Gon Jinn related because they have force powers and are white?

Maz tells Rey in TFA to move on because she already knows her parents aren't coming back. Who they are isn't inherently important. No one is clammoring to know who Poe's parent's are. They abandoned her and they're not coming back, Rey didn't set out to find them, she set out to find her own purpose in the universe rather than be shackled to Jakku forever. Rey wasn't "dropped off" on Jakku to be kept safe, she just lives there and her parents sold her for money.

You can't abandon what was never established in the first place, its headcanon.

Yeah, so, whatever, I don't really care about the integrity of JJ Abrams' vision or something. It's not like I regard him as any more worthy an auteur than RJ; he's a poppy/mainstream director for sure. But pretending that there weren't major detours from the original direction is really unnecessary. None of this even means the film was bad, just that it veered away from TFA. In fact, given what we know about how TFA and TLJ was written -- that JJ didn't have a "plan" and was intentionally "mysterious," and RJ didn't use any of JJ's notes for Episode 8 -- it's a pretty natural result of two different directors trying to tell different chapters of a continuous story.

Lets be real, if you didn't care you wouldn't be in this thread making multiparagraph responses about how TLJ "abandoned" plot threads from TFA. Im not going to deny that JJ and RJ had different things in mind, but at the end of the day TLJ followed up on everything JJ set up. You just didn't like the answers it gave you.


Oct 25, 2017
San Francisco, CA, USA
Moving goalposts. You said RJ abandoned thos plot point. Its still there, you didn't like how it was handled. It also wasn't a gag. It could have been filmed more seriously, but it wasn't slapstick humor. If JJ cared about his "original vision" he should have opted in to direct episode 8 (which he feels is a better film than 7

No one is under any obligation to appeal to fan theories or baseless speculation. That's not how filmmaking works. You see Snoke's face in his holograms and let's not pretend retreading ground is a good plotpoint either.

Snoke shows up in the flesh, directly influences many aspects of the plot and pulls off a number of things using the force. Whilist also delivering more dialogue and character in a few scenes than the emperor had in the entirety of the OT

Snoke isn't a main character in the film, he serves the purpose of furthering Kylo's development as a character. He fulfils this purpose by being the catalyst that allows Kylo to take his destiny into his own hands and ultimately ascend to the position of being the true main antagonist of the trilogy.

And seriously, complaining about Snoke being generically evil in the same paragraph you're bringing up Darth Plaguis fan theories?

That's your own personal interpretation of the line and another bit of "I didn't get what I wanted". The fact of the matter is the only things established are:
Kylo destroyed Luke's new generation of Jedi
Luke left everyone behind
And Han stating that Luke walked away from it all.

Yeah, having your nephew turn evil, destroy your lifes work then go on to destroy the galaxy because of a mistake you made depresses a guy, who knew?

No follow up?
You mean like when Finn tries to leave the Resistance so he can find Rey?
Or the fact that he picks up Rey's beacon when Leia drops it?
Or the fact that Rey looks over at him and smiles when theyre reunited on the Falcon?

Also just because one person expresses feelings for someone doesn't mean the two are in love. Unrequited feelings exist.

Are Obi Wan and Qui Gon Jinn related because they have force powers and are white?

Maz tells Rey in TFA to move on because she already knows her parents aren't coming back. Who they are isn't inherently important. No one is clammoring to know who Poe's parent's are. They abandoned her and they're not coming back, Rey didn't set out to find them, she set out to find her own purpose in the universe rather than be shackled to Jakku forever. Rey wasn't "dropped off" on Jakku to be kept safe, she just lives there and her parents sold her for money.

You can't abandon what was never established in the first place, its headcanon.

Lets be real, if you didn't care you wouldn't be in this thread making multiparagraph responses about how TLJ "abandoned" plot threads from TFA. Im not going to deny that JJ and RJ had different things in mind, but at the end of the day TLJ followed up on everything JJ set up. You just didn't like the answers it gave you.
Aw, bro, give it a rest man. I explained myself to the best of my energy/time/ability, whatever you want to take from that is up to you. I really am not going to go back through the minutia of all these points again, I'm sorry. I'm just tired. You win.
Oct 25, 2017
Can't believe she went into actor hiding after Felicity and came back with The Americans and Star Wars.

What a 1-2 punch

Deleted member 2229

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Aw, bro, give it a rest man. I explained myself to the best of my energy/time/ability, whatever you want to take from that is up to you. I really am not going to go back through the minutia of all these points again, I'm sorry. I'm just tired. You win.
If you didn't want to reply you could have just, not replied lol
Oct 25, 2017
The only thing that's been dropped is the whole where did Maz get Luke's lightsaber from. And we still know the answer to that.

TFA and TLJ bridge perfectly.

Deleted member 2229

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
But then that would be denying you victory! Wasn't it fun to read "you win?" A little? :)
Nah, I don't do it to win arguments or anything. Im fully aware that these discussions and the subject matter are ultimately nonsensical and entirely unimportant so "winning" doesn't really bring me any satisfaction. I just like the franchise and its always nice to have a place to discuss it that's (usually) respectful, even with people I don't agree with.

Deleted member 5666

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Yo, we get it some of you dont like TLJ. But do you really have to rant about it in EVERY STAR WARS THREAD.

This is a thread about Keri Rusell being cast in IX, this has nothing to do with venting about not liking TLJ for the millionth time.


Feb 26, 2018
Let's not say what's feasible and what isn't in Star Wars mumbo jumbo science and lore. Disney has thrown the rulebook out.

I recall seeing Ahsoka Tano not only jump across the galaxy, but timetravel 2 years into the future, in a canon storyline.

Deleted member 2229

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Let's not say what's feasible and what isn't in Star Wars mumbo jumbo science and lore. Disney has thrown the rulebook out.

I recall seeing Ahsoka Tano not only jump across the galaxy, but timetravel 2 years into the future, in a canon storyline.
Anything thats happened in canon thus far pales in comparison to old EU, including that.

There was never any rulebook lol


Oct 27, 2017
AHAHAHAHA, I love Rian's cheeky humor. He just liked this tweet:

Needless to say, that should give you an idea what he thinks about Rey's mom showing up in Episode IX.