julia crawford

Took the red AND the blue pills
Oct 27, 2017
Brick to the head is so strange. A real brick thrown from that up high would straight up crack the head open spill blood everywhere and most definitely kill the person instantly.


Oct 27, 2017
So these guys get bricks in the face from about 10 stories high, electrocuted, burned, smashed, even fall off a building with not so much as a scratch...

The true question here isn't Kevin's decent into madness, but what failed Super Soldier program were these guys part of?!?

Kevin could've shot Marv point blank in the chest, and Harry would've kicked him in the head and said 'Cmon get up already!'
It's supposed to be a live action cartoon. They just took Tom and Jerry antics and put people in the roles.


Oct 28, 2017
He had a taste for blood after the first movie. That's about it. Honestly I think he'd be a good CIA agent in an adult life. Maybe black ops.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
The whole sequence in the under contruction apartment is straight up brutal. Kevin gave no fucks.


Oct 25, 2017
So these guys get bricks in the face from about 10 stories high, electrocuted, burned, smashed, even fall off a building with not so much as a scratch...

The true question here isn't Kevin's decent into madness, but what failed Super Soldier program were these guys part of?!?

Kevin could've shot Marv point blank in the chest, and Harry would've kicked him in the head and said 'Cmon get up already!'

Maybe it's a secret Ubreakable prequel.



Nov 11, 2017
Definitely Batman levels of "actually worse than killing you as I severely brain damage you and destroy your body, but I kept my honor code!"


Oct 27, 2017
I remember distinctly disliking Home Alone 2 as a kid seeing it in the theaters...couldn't stand Kevin, largely because if I even attempted a fraction of the disrespect he dishes out I'd have the black beaten off of me. The beat-for-beat rehash feel didn't help, despite taking place in my hometown.

At least in The Good Son, Macaulay's character was a bit more mask-off and leaned into the crazy.

And shout out to the guy in this thread from Chile, that was a cool perspective. As someone who grew up in NY, loves Christmas and (for me) the cold weather associated with it...it's tough for me having to spend it sometimes in tropical Puerto Rico(as I am right now)...I try to make the best of it...but the "magic" is never replicated :-(

Man God

Oct 25, 2017
HA2 is worth it entirely for that brick scene. It's genius in an otherwise heartless sequel.

It's a live action cartoon, they'd be dead, kevin is a sociopath, other points made a million times.
Oct 25, 2017
Ya'll are a bunch of miserable fucks. This movie slayed ass as a little kid when it came out. Making elaborate maps with silly yet painful traps set up with friends and fantasy booking how the robbers would get fucked up was amazing.

and like others said: that brick throw is life.


Oct 25, 2017


Try to break in once, you get the silly traps.

Try it again, you get Saw.


Oct 29, 2017
Under my Hela Hela
HA2 is worth it entirely for that brick scene. It's genius in an otherwise heartless sequel.

It's a live action cartoon, they'd be dead, kevin is a sociopath, other points made a million times.

You can argue this in HA 1, but in HA 2 it's crystal clear that the Wet Bandits would straight up torture Kevin before they killed him. Wet Bandit defence force... fuck sake, Era.


Jun 29, 2019
And poor Harry and Marv afterwards tried to rob a museum in Paris. And that was the last they were ever seen.



Unshakeable One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
But the doctor said I'm su-...

Oh boy, here we go. Forgive me Professor Beef I held off as long as I could. It is time to bring back The Rant™.

Kevin McAllister is a rich, white, suburban American kid whose stupid family is obscenely wealthy. Not just his immediate family, but his extended family as well. Not only is the McAllister dynasty wealthy enough to support a Parisian vacation over the holidays with 11 horrible children, but the other McAllister terror cell they are visiting is rich enough to be kicking it back in Paris while their entire multifloor Manhattan townhouse undergoes extensive renovations. This is a family whose wealth knows no measure or limit. The financial security Kevin enjoys as an upper class young boy cannot be overstated. Kevin McAllister is a boy with no concept whatsoever of want besides superficial desires like cheese pizza.

In Home Alone 2, Kevin finds himself lost in Manhattan with his father's credit card. Kevin has unlimited money to do whatever he wants. So he does. He goes to The Plaza Hotel, one of the most luxurious hotels in the city, and tricks the staff in to giving him a room. While we are meant to be impressed with Kevin's antics, this is only the beginning of a long series of humiliations he exerts over the service workers at this hotel as Kevin lords over them all with his generational wealth.

While Home Alone 1 has Kevin defending himself from would be home invaders in a life threatening situation, the service staff at The Plaza poses no such threat to him. They are not invading his space, he is invading theirs. Every single one of them are there because it's their job to be. They are doing their jobs - over the holidays no less - as Kevin manipulates them to fulfill his luxurious whims. We are meant to find it hilarious how he degrades and debases them. He doesn't tip them, he subjects them to repeated embarrassment, and ultimately makes them afraid for their lives as he simulates a mass shooting. We saw a glimpse of this in Home Alone 1 with the pizza delivery boy, but in Home Alone 2, Kevin's treatment of the wage staff at this hotel is inhumane. What we see here is that upper class Kevin exerting unearned dominance over the working class with extreme prejudice.

There is not a single hotel employee that has done anything to earn Kevin's abuse beyond do their jobs. Yet he makes them afraid they will be murdered if they dare step out of line. This is shameful.

However, where the movie is really beyond the pale is in regards to Kevin's relationship with "the pigeon lady." This homeless woman isn't even given the dignity of a name in this film. At first, Kevin perceives her with fear and disgust. He attempts to run from her but fumbles and becomes stuck. She helps him and Kevin momentarily shows a glimmer of humanity as he realizes it was wrong to be afraid of her. This moment of empathy is brief however as Kevin's selfishness and sociopathy does not allow for any actual understanding of anyone below his social class.

This woman explains that she wasn't always homeless. She once had a home and a man she loved very much but it ended badly. This incident gave her PTSD and now she is distrustful of others and is unable to function in society. She calmly and bravely opens up to Kevin about her past trauma and her subsequent dehumanization in an uncaring society that forsakes the mentally ill. And do you know how Kevin responds? He says yeah, he gets it, because he's the youngest in his disgusting family. He then tells her to get over it and that only by opening herself up to love again will she ever not be a homeless lady covered in bird shit again. Straight up, to her vulnerable face, Kevin tells a homeless woman that she is responsible for her own prolonged destitution and that if she wants people to treat her better she needs to get over her mental illness. Kevin then goes home to his luxury hotel where he has every whim of his indulged by service workers he humiliates.

Seriously, he has unlimited money. He couldn't have gotten her a place to stay? Or invited her to stay with him? He couldn't share his unlimited food with her? He didn't even offer to let her take a shower. He descends from his nearly-llteral ivory tower, blames a shit covered mentally ill homeless woman who suffers nonstop dehumanization that she needs to get over her PTSD, and at the end of a movie he gives her a fucking bird ornament to show her how much he cares about her. How does he sleep at night in his king size bed at The Plaza Hotel knowing that someone who opened up to him about her inescapable poverty and trauma is sleeping on the street in the cold? What is wrong with this monster?

Home Alone 2 is a perverse Christmas Carol. It is the story of a spoiled rich young boy whose time with the working class and the poor motivates him to torment or abandon them. Even his supposedly virtuous gesture of preventing the toy store robbery costs him nothing. It's not his money. It's not his donation. Kevin does nothing except take a tour of what it's like to be less fortunate than him and live it up in a Trump Hotel.

The Wet Bandits were right to want to kill Kevin and I always hope they catch him. 😡

Where is she even supposed to put that bird ornament?? She doesn't have a Christmas tree. She is homeless. She is surrounded at all times by actual, living birds. What does she want a fake one for?? Fuck you Kevin.
I love this post


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
It's supposed to be cartoonish and like the Looney Tunes. If we want to get realistic and serious, they are going to straight up murder him if they catch him. Kevin is in his right to fuck them up.
Exactly this. Its like a live action take of the Wylie coyote and the roadrunner. Except his traps are not made by ACME and thus work all the time.


Oct 27, 2017
I get that it's slapstick, it's meant to be unrealistic for the sake of comedy, all that stuff but the second movie isn't very fun to watch. Just kind of a meaner retread.... except for the brick scene. Which is hilarious comedic timing.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
OP thank you for making this thread, as much as I loved this movies as I kid I had completely forgotten all about them. I'm definitely watching both movies tonight.


The Fallen
Jul 28, 2018
There is not a single hotel employee that has done anything to earn Kevin's abuse beyond do their jobs. Yet he makes them afraid they will be murdered if they dare step out of line. This is shameful.
This isn't true. Tim Curry's character suspects Kevin from the very beginning and treats him as a criminal (he isn't a criminal, he's a child using his father's credit card). He then pretends to be housekeeping (he's not, he's concierge) and uses a key when he thinks no one is there to enter Kevin's (or Mr. McAllister's, as far as Tim Curry's character knows) room and start snooping around. He then accesses the financial records (!) of the hotel (he doesn't own the hotel, remember-- he is concierge) finds out Kevin's card has been reported stolen (so his parents can find him, not because he's a criminal) and when Kevin pleads for help after Harry and Marv begin chasing him, instead of listening Tim Curry threatens Kevin with the police. He goes way beyond what is his job. Entering rooms while unattended is not his job (the police, if they have a valid reason to evict), accessing financial records isn't his job (concierge), chasing a child into his room isn't his job (again, the police). Chasing someone you suspect to be a thief is grounds for termination in nearly any service-level job.


Nov 13, 2017
Got a really vivid memory of seeing this in the cinema with my dad and I said 'I dont think marv would have survived the electric shock' and my dad sad 'son, he'd be dead as soon as the first brick hit him'


Oct 27, 2017
While Home Alone 1 has Kevin defending himself from would be home invaders in a life threatening situation, the service staff at The Plaza poses no such threat to him. They are not invading his space, he is invading theirs. Every single one of them are there because it's their job to be. They are doing their jobs - over the holidays no less - as Kevin manipulates them to fulfill his luxurious whims.

The concierge actually invades his room, however, without a courtesy call, or knocking, hoping to find a naked kid all alone in the bath. Seems pretty invasive to me.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
I get that it's slapstick, it's meant to be unrealistic for the sake of comedy, all that stuff but the second movie isn't very fun to watch. Just kind of a meaner retread.... except for the brick scene. Which is hilarious comedic timing.
Indeed, Marv's pitiful protests while Harry keeps inviting more bricks to be thrown kill me.
Apr 25, 2020
Did Joe Pesci really retire from acting, or was it really that he made so much money from these movies he never needed to act again