
volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
So the early take is that North Korea didn't make any concessions that they haven't made before and didn't actually stick to , but this time they got to meet in person with the US president.

In case you don't know, it's a big deal for another world leader that's not considered an ally to meet with the US president. It's major when the world leader is a dictator that's back by China. Major win for North Korea and China today.

Also got Trump to agree to halt joint SK exercises and got Trump to use the North Korean propaganda calling the exercises "provocative" instead of that the exercises were "defensive in nature" like every past President.


Oct 25, 2017
On top of Trump saying he would stop them. He also gave Ammunition to China and Russia. By saying US Military Exercises are provocations Russia can use that regarding NATO exercises. China can use the Presidents words in regard to the South China sea. This is more than Trump bumbling his way through North Korea.


Oct 27, 2017
So now that Trump has said that these war games are provocative, and is even open to withdrawing the US military presence in the region, does that mean Trump supporters will now claim that they've always loved North Korea, and that only libtards would want to suppress our Good Friends there, and support the despotic regime that is South Korea?


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt-account
Apr 19, 2018
What are the guesses on how long until we finally get an official clarification on what "drills" pertain to?
Oct 30, 2017

Now try and get them to define what antagonism actually is. First they'll say it's X, then they'll say it's Y, then they'll say it's both X and Y.


They're already talking about lifting sanctions during the period of good will. That's some chutzpah.


Oct 25, 2017

Now try and get them to define what antagonism actually is. First they'll say it's X, then they'll say it's Y, then they'll say it's both X and Y.

Honestly, to Trump, he probably thinks lying and kissing ass is normal for any meeting even if you don't think anything will come from it. He's a Real Estate guy. He thinks he can say the guy is great and that things went great and then walk away and think nothing he said matters because he didn't make a deal. The problem is that the pool of entities with which you can deal is very small in global politics, and you reputation can erode quickly.

I'd be SHOCKED if the US capitulated on sanctions and military exercises without some major major gesture by DPRK. I've said it before: Trump was always planning on meeting, getting a good photo-op, then saying 'we couldn't make a deal so I walked away from negotiations' and I still think that's what we're going to see. Who knew solving the NK problem was so difficult?


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt-account
Apr 19, 2018
Honestly, to Trump, he probably thinks lying and kissing ass is normal for any meeting even if you don't think anything will come from it. He's a Real Estate guy. He thinks he can say the guy is great and that things went great and then walk away and think nothing he said matters because he didn't make a deal. The problem is that the pool of entities with which you can deal is very small in global politics, and you reputation can erode quickly.

I'd be SHOCKED if the US capitulated on sanctions and military exercises without some major major gesture by DPRK. I've said it before: Trump was always planning on meeting, getting a good photo-op, then saying 'we couldn't make a deal so I walked away from negotiations' and I still think that's what we're going to see. Who knew solving the NK problem was so difficult?
Agreed. Halting the decapitation drills in the meantime, I get. But halting all joint exercises with SK (which we still don't have clarity on if it's the case or not) and lifting sanctions need to wait until after actual de-nuking has begun or been completed. If NK wants all that now, then they can fuck back off again. In fact, non-decapitation joint drills with SK should never cease, regardless.


Oct 25, 2017
Agreed. Halting the decapitation drills in the meantime, I get. But halting all joint exercises with SK (which we still don't have clarity on if it's the case or not) and lifting sanctions need to wait until after actual de-nuking has begun or been completed. If NK wants all that now, then they can fuck back off again. In fact, non-decapitation joint drills with SK should never cease, regardless.
Trump already bullshitted and said Denuking is like a 15 year process. What he did make sure to point out last night and again today was how great Hotels and condos would be in North Korea beaches etc. So we know his true motives


Oct 30, 2017
According to North Korean media Trump agreed to visit North Korea. He wasn't just invited by Kim, he fucking accepted it. Oh and he also invited Kim to Washington as well.
I mean fuck me Kim has played him like a fiddle. He now gets to look like a true world statesman thanks to Trumps ego and not the leader of a crazy, horrific regime.


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Apr 19, 2018
According to North Korean media Trump agreed to visit North Korea. He wasn't just invited by Kim, he fucking accepted it. Oh and he also invited Kim to Washington as well.
I don't have an issue with this. I just take issue with the complete vagueness of what is being conceded, and for what in return. I find it surprising that the WH hasn't cleared up the big questions yet.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't have an issue with this. I just take issue with the complete vagueness of what is being conceded, and for what in return. I find it surprising that the WH hasn't cleared up the big questions yet.
Trump made it very clear last night. He had a whole 5-10 minute rant on what the United States is getting. A whole lot of promises to cooperate and that is it. Trump then followed it up by saying he could get played for a fool but he will never admit it and just find a new excuse.


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt-account
Apr 19, 2018
Trump made it very clear last night. He had a whole 5-10 minute rant on what the United States is getting. A whole lot of promises to cooperate and that is it. Trump then followed it up by saying he could get played for a fool but he will never admit it and just find a new excuse.
lol Fair enough - but what we're conceded is still very vague. Especially the with the drills with SK. Trump said war games...does that mean just the blatant decapitation drills, or all drills with SK? The latter should be completely unacceptable.


Oct 25, 2017
lol Fair enough - but what we're conceded is still very vague. Especially the with the drills with SK. Trump said war games...does that mean just the blatant decapitation drills, or all drills with SK? The latter should be completely unacceptable.
I'm sure North Korea wants it all stopped. Trump probably agreed to stop it all but the reality is Trump will return to Washington with half of DC telling Trump that its not happening. Was reported that such a concession was not even discussed with Washington. Just one of those spur of the Moment sure things from Trump. Since there was no official note keeping of the event we will never really know anything of what was said. Trump just assures us it doesn't matter since he has an excellent memory


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt-account
Apr 19, 2018
I'm sure North Korea wants it all stopped. Trump probably agreed to stop it all but the reality is Trump will return to Washington with half of DC telling Trump that its not happening. Was reported that such a concession was not even discussed with Washington. Just one of those spur of the Moment sure things from Trump. Since there was no official note keeping of the event we will never really know anything of what was said. Trump just assures us it doesn't matter since he has an excellent memory
Last edited:


Oct 28, 2017
I have been disgusted by the left-wing response to this. Opposing our best shot at peace, denuclearization and perhaps reunification because its being conducted by Trump. Who the fuck cares if US makes some concessions? Ever heard of what diplomacy is, you give and you get - that's what happened with Iran and that worked out fine. To see those who are ostensibly pro-peace whip themselves into a frenzy because MSNBC told them so is so disappointing. So, so disappointing. I hope Trump and Kim succeed and we have peace.


Oct 26, 2017
Cool generalizing. Bonus points for MSNBC dig.

And ya about that Iran thing, Trump took a shit on it and tore it up so maybe that's not the best example to use.
Oct 27, 2017
Opposing our best shot at peace, denuclearization and perhaps reunification because its being conducted by Trump.

Stop lying to yourself.

And show some receipts for your hot-take. Who is opposing? How would "the left" even manage that with no institutional power over Trump, and certainly none over Un?

Stop sniffing your own farts long enough to explain what we expected from a hastily put together photo-op


Oct 25, 2017
I have been disgusted by the left-wing response to this. Opposing our best shot at peace, denuclearization and perhaps reunification because its being conducted by Trump. Who the fuck cares if US makes some concessions? Ever heard of what diplomacy is, you give and you get - that's what happened with Iran and that worked out fine. To see those who are ostensibly pro-peace whip themselves into a frenzy because MSNBC told them so is so disappointing. So, so disappointing. I hope Trump and Kim succeed and we have peace.
Ah yes that left wing response to the idea of peace


Oct 25, 2017
I have been disgusted by the left-wing response to this. Opposing our best shot at peace, denuclearization and perhaps reunification because its being conducted by Trump. Who the fuck cares if US makes some concessions? Ever heard of what diplomacy is, you give and you get - that's what happened with Iran and that worked out fine. To see those who are ostensibly pro-peace whip themselves into a frenzy because MSNBC told them so is so disappointing. So, so disappointing. I hope Trump and Kim succeed and we have peace.

Too bad he ended that deal?


Oct 28, 2017
Cool generalizing. Bonus points for MSNBC dig.

And ya about that Iran thing, Trump took a shit on it and tore it up so maybe that's not the best example to use.
"Cool generalizing" ok?

I'm sure you agree the Iran deal was a good thing - and most importantly Iran stayed within the terms of the agreement, it was the US who broke it. That's an indication we can broker a sustainable deal.

I also fail to understand the video posted, so right-wingers are terrible and hypocritical we all agree on that. Yet sometimes they can accidentally do good and we should support those actions, especially when the opportunity is so fleeting. You seem to imply we should oppose simply out of spite, which seems a little silly considering the stakes.


Dec 1, 2017
I have been disgusted by the left-wing response to this. Opposing our best shot at peace, denuclearization and perhaps reunification because its being conducted by Trump. Who the fuck cares if US makes some concessions? Ever heard of what diplomacy is, you give and you get - that's what happened with Iran and that worked out fine. To see those who are ostensibly pro-peace whip themselves into a frenzy because MSNBC told them so is so disappointing. So, so disappointing. I hope Trump and Kim succeed and we have peace.

'left wing'


Oct 29, 2017
I have been disgusted by the left-wing response to this. Opposing our best shot at peace, denuclearization and perhaps reunification because its being conducted by Trump. Who the fuck cares if US makes some concessions? Ever heard of what diplomacy is, you give and you get - that's what happened with Iran and that worked out fine. To see those who are ostensibly pro-peace whip themselves into a frenzy because MSNBC told them so is so disappointing. So, so disappointing. I hope Trump and Kim succeed and we have peace.
ahahahah that Iran bit. This has gotta be a joke.


Dec 2, 2017
I'm sure North Korea wants it all stopped. Trump probably agreed to stop it all but the reality is Trump will return to Washington with half of DC telling Trump that its not happening. Was reported that such a concession was not even discussed with Washington. Just one of those spur of the Moment sure things from Trump. Since there was no official note keeping of the event we will never really know anything of what was said. Trump just assures us it doesn't matter since he has an excellent memory
It's the most scary part of the event. Trump made some concessions he didn't fully understand or will forget about. Trump can't explain to his staff what happened during the meeting.
Now the White House doesn't know how to handle this.

On the other hand, Kim can make up everything he wants, nobody will be able to know if he's telling the truth or not. The vagueness of the agreement signed makes things worse.

This will impact discussions with South Korean and China. Trump will say one thing, and Kim will say another thing. Normally nobody would trust Kim he's so unreliable, but we can say the same about Trump....

You can't act like that, this is not a game. What a moron!


Oct 25, 2017
"Cool generalizing" ok?

I'm sure you agree the Iran deal was a good thing - and most importantly Iran stayed within the terms of the agreement, it was the US who broke it. That's an indication we can broker a sustainable deal.

I also fail to understand the video posted, so right-wingers are terrible and hypocritical we all agree on that. Yet sometimes they can accidentally do good and we should support those actions, especially when the opportunity is so fleeting. You seem to imply we should oppose simply out of spite, which seems a little silly considering the stakes.

Ahahahahaha. Yes. America unilaterally breaking treaties thanks to its manchild president is certainly a sign that that we can broker a sustainable deal


Oct 28, 2017
Ahahahahaha. Yes. America unilaterally breaking treaties thanks to its manchild president is certainly a sign that that we can broker a sustainable deal
A deal that we can't be trusted to keep? Do go on...
You think Trump is as likely to renege on his own crowning foreign policy achievement as he would be on a piece of legislation crafted by Obama?

Secondly, this isn't some deal Trump is writing on a napkin, it involves the entire NatSec community and while I think they are bad people it is likely any agreement they create will work and be enforced


Oct 26, 2017
"Cool generalizing" ok?

I'm sure you agree the Iran deal was a good thing - and most importantly Iran stayed within the terms of the agreement, it was the US who broke it. That's an indication we can broker a sustainable deal.
Trump tearing up a deal because it happened on Obama's watch is an indication we can broker a sustainable deal? What? That's an example of how we can't sustain a deal and why no other country should trust us right now.

Ya, it was a good deal, and Trump shit all over it nonetheless. But I guess he's the right man for the job on this one.


Oct 25, 2017
You think Trump is as likely to renege on his own crowning foreign policy achievement as he would be on a piece of legislation crafted by Obama?

Secondly, this isn't some deal Trump is writing on a napkin, it involves the entire NatSec community and while I think they are bad people it is likely any agreement they create will work and be enforced

You're right... absolutely nothing was written down, so we should be even more worried.


Oct 25, 2017
Another snarky comment ignoring what I'm actually saying. Just disappointing. This conference may never happen again and we should not waste it. That's all I'm going say.

If I was ignoring what you were saying I wouldn't have replied. The fact that you think Donald Trump is going to bring peace to Korea is based on what past behavior? He is a petty con man, and has zero capabilities to undertake something this complex.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Nov 2, 2017
I'm sure you agree the Iran deal was a good thing - and most importantly Iran stayed within the terms of the agreement, it was the US who broke it. That's an indication we can broker a sustainable deal.

What? The U.S. entering into agreements that they back out of is an indication that they can enter into agreements that they won't back out of? I need some of whatever you're smoking because that is way too heady for me.


Oct 27, 2017
The tapping of the elbow is a common power move when shaking hands. The person who doesn't have their hand in front is ususally the one who taps the elbow. Another power move is being behind someone as they walk out. Every world leader is guilty of these tropes.

Here's a video of Obama, Bush, and Clinton doing the same thing. It's interesting.

That video is really interesting.


Al Jazeera:Kim Jong-un came out victorious from the summit
The Singapore summit has not done more than legitimise the North Korean regime.
While there was little substance in the summit declaration, Kim came out as the winner of this set of talks. He basked in global stardom and managed to enhance his regime's legitimacy by engaging in high-stakes diplomacy with the support of all major powers. Thus the summit undoubtedly helped the Korean regime partially lift the veil of its profound international isolation.

Now, all key players, from China to South Korea, Singapore and the US, have a direct stake in ensuring that the peace negotiations move forward and as smoothly as possible. As a reward for the summit, Trump is expected to suspend joint military exercises with South Korea and contemplate the prospect of drawing down US military presence in the Korean Peninsula.

The announcement has provoked displeasure in Seoul, but it is music to the ears of the North Korean regime, which has managed to secure concessions from the US without necessarily agreeing to a clear denuclearisation plan. The summit was, in many ways, war by other means.

With Trump constantly heaping praise on the North Korean leader and dangling the prospect of full normalisation of bilateral ties, the reclusive regime is gradually and stealthily dispensing with its "axis of evil" pariah status. There is even talk of a Nobel Peace Prize for Trump and Kim.

As a result, the regime change agenda is definitively off the table for now. This could, over time, also weaken international resolve and the willingness of many nations, particularly outside the West, to implement international sanctions against North Korea.
Oct 27, 2017
Why the fuck is anyone holding out hope that a doddering asshole who needs about 60-million translators giving 60-million versions of 'what he really meant is...', has the ability to lead people?

Real presidents know what the fuck they're talking about. Game-show hosts with cult followings mumble some shit on Twitter and then call their life-coach Sean Hannity.

Stop pretending a hastily planned play-date between two morbidly obese villains was going to break a multi-generational civil conflict between trading tips on torture and comparing hand sizes
Jan 10, 2018
Trust in Trump. And trust in the IC community who I think are bad people.

This is amusing.

Btw... we should not waste it? Who is we? You joke? And who else?


Feb 3, 2018
Yeesh, Hannity pretty much mopped the competition. Second is MSNBC with less than half of his total for the summit coverage.
Hannity delivers No. 1 show on cable with North Korea summit coverage

Fox News's Sean Hannity delivered the most viewers of any show on broadcast or cable television Monday night, drawing 5.9 viewers for his broadcast from Singapore while covering the summit between President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

According to Nielsen Media Research, Hannity beat "The Bachelorette" on ABC, which was interrupted by a special report by ABC News to cover the first handshake between Trump and Kim shortly after 9 p.m. ET.

For Hannity, the Monday broadcast marked an all-time high in total viewers and in the key 25-54 demographic that advertisers covet most since the host moved to the 9 p.m. ET slot from 10 p.m. in September. In that demographic, 1.486 million viewers watched.


Oct 30, 2017
Another snarky comment ignoring what I'm actually saying. Just disappointing. This conference may never happen again and we should not waste it. That's all I'm going say.

I agree with all of your posts so far 100%, but liberals dont want any win for Trump. And they love to pretend to be tough guys on foreign policy.

Broken clock, twice a day, etc. For whatever reason, our brain addled president has bumbled his way into a major win for world peace and the people of the Korean peninsula. Natsec idiots and rightwing psychopaths in SK & Japan are hyperventilating, which can only be a good thing.

Am I supposed to cry that we cant conduct stupid military exercises in the Yellow Sea or something? lmao
Oct 30, 2017
For whatever reason, our brain addled president has bumbled his way into a major win for world peace and the people of the Korean peninsula. Natsec idiots and rightwing psychopaths in SK & Japan are hyperventilating, which can only be a good thing.

It says a lot about the merits of your position that you have to resort to hyperbole like this. They haven't even signed the mostly symbolic end to the Korean conflict yet and you're acting like it's the ending scene of Independence Day.


Oct 27, 2017
I have been disgusted by the left-wing response to this. Opposing our best shot at peace, denuclearization and perhaps reunification because its being conducted by Trump. Who the fuck cares if US makes some concessions? Ever heard of what diplomacy is, you give and you get - that's what happened with Iran and that worked out fine. To see those who are ostensibly pro-peace whip themselves into a frenzy because MSNBC told them so is so disappointing. So, so disappointing. I hope Trump and Kim succeed and we have peace.

For a new page

Nobody is against peace with North Korea. This is being handled spectacularly sloppy and could back fire as easily as all the other diplomacy efforts have.


Dec 1, 2017
Am I supposed to cry that we cant conduct stupid military exercises in the Yellow Sea or something? lmao

This is the thing... people are calling cancelling the war games a 'concession.' Like, America practicing bombing the shit of a country is just normal status quo baseline stuff, and if you want it to end then you're asking for some kind of a favour from the Americans. Incredibly fucked up imperialist worldview imo.


Oct 27, 2017
Southern California
Imagine looking at a nuclear standoff and seeing steps being taken towards disarmament and thinking "oh no we can't give them a propaganda win let's just keep up the plainly unsustainable status quo"

And you're just as much an armchair negotiator as anyone else, don't pretend to be an expert just because you agree with Rachel Maddow or some shit

You should probably argue honestly.