
Jun 9, 2020
God bless Kinda Funny and Greg for speaking out like this. Things are too dire right now to play the neutral card.


Oct 26, 2017
I thought this image had been posted enough, but I guess not.

This picture does not apply to the situation in the US. The number or Trump voters is orders of magnitude bigger than the number of neo nazis all around the globe. In fact, the number of people voting for Trump is somewhere between 40-60% of the population (that is eligible for voting).

You can't just disregard half of a nation's society to 'defend tolerance'. This is an issue that is FAR BIGGER than anything else and it will split up the country for many, many years to come.


Oct 29, 2017
I would admit I'd have a hard time believing an actual anarchist running 15 homeless shelters, but yes, that would of course be fantastic!
You know that people with leftist politics still, like, exist in the world, right? And have things like jobs and families and friends and hobbies?


Oct 26, 2017
Biden is not as bad as Trump, so I kinda get why they do it. But they should have tried to get people to back the more progressive candidate on the ballot instead.

Haven't read the replies yet, but I bet it is full of angry GAMERS rising up to keep politics out of gaming?
We are where we are. The presidential choice now is binary. It's either trump or Biden. And trump is one of the worst things to happen to this country.
Last edited:


Prophet of Truth
Nov 10, 2017
Mallorca, Spain
You can't just disregard half of a nation's society to 'defend tolerance'. This is an issue that is FAR BIGGER than anything else and it will split up the country for many, many years to come.
It's regarding them as fascists, not disregarding them. Most probably aren't full blown fascists, just feel comfortable enough with several points as to turn a blind eye to the worse ones. maybe thinking it won't affect them, and only brown people from afar. but not thinking for yourself is what makes you an accomplice.
Jan 10, 2018
I'm sorry, but did you ignore what I've said? I'm every bit as concerned about Trump if not more! I've never said that they're both viable choices. I HAVE said that neither are good choices! And of course I've thought about things that don't affect me. You need to stop making assumptions about what I believe. I don't want Trump. I'm beyond concerned and scared about what will happen if he gets in. I'm also scared about what will happen if Biden gets in. Why do you have to twist that to make it seem like I support Trump? This site is awfully strange and accusatory sometimes.

'I have never said that both sides aren't the same' is exactly the kind shittake you would expect after 4 years of in your face fascism.


Oct 26, 2017
User Banned (1 Week): Hostility
The way a 3rd party is going to attain some measure of power in this country is through voting reform; ranked choice or some other method. It isn't going to gain popularity or acceptance because people stand on principle and throw their vote to a candidate with zero chance of winning. If you care about things like voting reform, and about having as many people being able to vote for the candidates they want as possible, then at least one of the candidates isn't actively dismantling voter rights and infrastructure.
Exactly. People seem to think voting for a third party will get the other parties to notice them. It won't. If Biden loses to trump you're going to see democratic candidates move to the right cause that's where they think the country is. They aren't going to look at the Green Party candidate and go "guess I should have gone that way!" Dude is literally throwing his vote away and the cherry on top is he's going to help elect a person who doesn't give a fuck about him "as a black man".


Nov 9, 2017
Funny seeing this cycle in this thread over and over

Poster 1: Trump and Biden are equally bad!
Poster 2: Why?
Poster 1: [effectively mumbles and trails off without saying anything]

Empyrean Cocytus

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Upstate NY
they go hard to get that Colin stink off them

I just found it hilarious that Colin felt like he had a shot to get hired by the Blaze or Fox News as a tech reporter.

I mean, I've never liked Colin anyway since he seems like one of the internet's many Nintendo-haters, aka those who criticize any decisions they make simply because they fly in face of the norm. I remember him swearing up and down that the Vita was going to be Nintendo's death knell. Also he lurked on GAF and went after any posters who criticized him.


Oct 26, 2017
Don't say you're in support of a democracy if you're going to waste precious energy yelling at third party voters. Like goddamn, let people support more progressive candidates if they want to and focus on the MUCH larger pool of people who don't even go.

Not only does your entitled, self righteous whining change zero minds, it probably makes more people vote 3rd in order to spite you. And I'm saying this as a straight down the ticket Democrat. Stop wasting everyone's time with that shit.
Right. I'm entitled by not wanting to enable a trump admin that demonizes people who look like my wife and kid. People who don't vote are fucking idiots too, but I'm not giving third party voters a pass with their whole "but both are bad" bullshit. America is lying on a table with 9 gunshot wounds and is infected with corona virus. We have to stop the bleeding. That is THE MOST IMPORTANT THING RIGHT NOW. Voting for trump, voting 3rd party or not voting at all are all votes for the end of America and open season on everyone who isn't a white straight male. I won't stop screaming on people who are okay with this and post stupid ass false equivalencies and straw man arguments that hand wave away the situation we're in. Fuck that.


Oct 30, 2017
People that are protest voting by voting for a 3rd party that will obviously lose... what is their thought process here?

"I want a totally progressive government. I want a new form of government that isn't a binary choice. I don't like either Trump or Biden. I will vote for someone that has no chance of winning. Trump will probably win... and I'm sure that will lead to the more progressive government that I want in the future. Either that or I'M A FUCKING IDIOT"

Saying that people died in the past so that you have the right to vote... does that mean that they died so that you can vote like a fucking idiot? basically wasting your vote so that someone that is ACTIVELY BREAKING DOWN THE DEMOCRATIC PROCESS can be elected?

take steps towards progress, dont just sit it out and sulk ffs. You are voting for Trump if you dont vote for Biden.
Jan 10, 2018
Funny seeing this cycle in this thread over and over

Poster 1: Trump and Biden are equally bad!
Poster 2: Why?
Poster 1: [effectively mumbles and trails off without saying anything]

It always amuses me how we tend to clown those allegedly super dumb Republicans, but somehow they managed to figure out blatant differences between Biden and Trump, unlike and opposite to cynical wokes.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm sorry, but did you ignore what I've said? I'm every bit as concerned about Trump if not more! I've never said that they're both viable choices. I HAVE said that neither are good choices! And of course I've thought about things that don't affect me. You need to stop making assumptions about what I believe. I don't want Trump. I'm beyond concerned and scared about what will happen if he gets in. I'm also scared about what will happen if Biden gets in. Why do you have to twist that to make it seem like I support Trump? This site is awfully strange and accusatory sometimes.
What about Biden scares you?

*edit* never mind. Saw your responses. "Bad economic choices that will harm us in the future"

You are aware that Biden is the same Biden from the Obama Biden admin, right? The one that brought us back from the brink of economic collapse in 2008? You are aware that under trump, 50 million people lost their jobs because he bungled the response to COVID? You are aware that Trump led passing a tax cut that took even more money away from the average American?

I'm sorry but saying "I'm worried about the economy under Biden" is like saying you're okay with ray charles driving you around town. It's a bad idea and it's going to get people killed.


Oct 27, 2017
Keep politics out of gaming and gaming discussions please. Truly kills any joy of gaming.

Deleted member 2317

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Saying that, I find some of the tweets saying Trump voters aren't wanted as fans to be a bit... hypocritical, is it not the fact that we are, as people, better than trump and should take the high road rather than that? We should be setting the example rather than simply palming people away?
These are literally people who support detaining children at the border and separating families, who want to make women's choice illegal, and start keeping "certain groups out" of the country, who believe police authority excess is not excess but necessary, and encourages white violent nationalism openly- you know, people who hate every single thing that isn't white and male.

Those are not fucking people I want in a room beside me, and it's clear you're not American.

Keep politics out of gaming and gaming discussions please. Truly kills any joy of gaming.

Why so soft? Politics is involved in every aspect of existence in society.

Weltall Zero

Game Developer
Oct 26, 2017
This picture does not apply to the situation in the US. The number or Trump voters is orders of magnitude bigger than the number of neo nazis all around the globe. In fact, the number of people voting for Trump is somewhere between 40-60% of the population (that is eligible for voting).

You can't just disregard half of a nation's society to 'defend tolerance'. This is an issue that is FAR BIGGER than anything else and it will split up the country for many, many years to come.

This is a profoundly weird argument to make. Intolerance is intolerance regardless of how many people vote for it. Reminder that the Nazi party was democratically elected into power. I really have no clue what argument rationally supports "if it's popular, it's acceptable".

Deleted member 8257

Oct 26, 2017
I'm voting green. I vote because as a black man people literally died for my right too, but I also won't vote for "the lesser of two evils" if I have a third option.

How Republicans Are Trying to Use the Green Party to Their Advantage (Published 2020)

The G.O.P. has sought to help Green Party candidates in previous election cycles to siphon votes from Democrats. This year is no different — but it hasn’t always worked.
Four years ago, the Green Party candidate played a significant role in several crucial battleground states, drawing a vote total in three of them — Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania — that exceeded the margin between Donald J. Trump and Hillary Clinton.

This year, the Republican Party has been trying to use the Green Party to its advantage again, if not always successfully.

In Wisconsin, a G.O.P. elections commissioner and lawyers with ties to Republicans tried to aid attempts by Howie Hawkins, the current Green Party presidential candidate, to get on the ballot there, which were ultimately unsuccessful. In Montana, state regulators found that the Republican Party violated campaign finance laws as part of an effort to boost the Greens in five down-ballot races, including for senator and governor.
You got duped. There is still time for you to step away from the ledge and make your vote really count.


Oct 26, 2017
I mean I'm uk so cant vote but there are a lot of things wrong with Biden, it should have been Bernie, but given the choice you have right now in the US.... Please vote for Biden.

Saying that, I find some of the tweets saying Trump voters aren't wanted as fans to be a bit... hypocritical, is it not the fact that we are, as people, better than trump and should take the high road rather than that? We should be setting the example rather than simply palming people away?
Nope. I'm not going to tolerate people who are okay with kids in cages, sterilizing immigrant women, a giant rise in white nationalism, shitting on our military brothers and sisters who have decided to serve rather than serve themselves, tear gassing protesters, destroying the post office, and the million other things Trump supporters have enabled. Fuck that and fuck them.


Oct 27, 2017
Keep politics out of gaming and gaming discussions please. Truly kills any joy of gaming.
You literally have the Kojima Productions logo in your avatar 😂
If you think Death Stranding didn't have politics in it then I don't even know what to say.

And it's on top of the CD Project Red logo. Fucking hell this has to have been a joke post 😂


User requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
Bigots and sexists get fucked. Good on kf for taking a stand. Not that i think the politics of video game youtubers is relevant, unless they are straight up ass bag biggots, but, they have a younger fan base, so hopefully this pushes them in the right direction

Deleted member 2317

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
If shutting down a fascist government doesnt "energise" someone at this point and it's not relevant to their lives, I dunno what that might say about them. They're not my allies.

A vote for Biden is a show of support for women, Black people, trans people and LGBTQ+, immigrants and refugees, children, 200k+ dead people, the climate, protesters, free press, muslims, free democracy and so much more. I'm sorry if none of that "energises" you or is relevant to your life.

Like, is a COVID and healthcare policy not at all relevant to you? At the very least, your own survival?
People who think this way- well the Democrats just lost me, they're not much better- are de facto fucking children lacking basic empathy skills, and literally live in bubbles if they cannot see who's been hurt the past four years. They are the epitome of Good Germans, fucks that are so selfish and infantile they can't even fathom helping others, they only see "what am I getting out of it? nuuuthinnnng...." it's fucking embarrassing that adults could be so low, but the lowest common denominator in America has always been an acquiescent fucking "go along to get along, eh neighbor, nothing to see here right, it's not so bad pal!".

It's fucking disgusting.

Deleted member 5666

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Keep politics out of gaming and gaming discussions please. Truly kills any joy of gaming.
Yeah lets keep out the fact there is a fascist wannabe dictator who is responsible for 200k deaths this year and is locking minorities' in concentration camps.

Are you really this numb to the countless deaths the fascist leading our country is causing all around you?


Oct 28, 2017
I bet the Twitter and Youtube comment section must be full of lovely people. Definately not the worst of what our society has to offer.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Honestly you all better vote Biden. As a Canadian the idiocy your current administration spouts off is spreading into Canadian politics through our own right wing parties and nutjobs.


Oct 25, 2017
You literally have the Kojima Productions logo in your avatar 😂
If you think Death Stranding didn't have politics in it then I don't even know what to say.

And it's on top of the CD Project Red logo. Fucking hell this has to have been a joke post 😂
IIRC, doesn't it even make reference to Trump as part of the reason the world went to shit before everything happened?


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Keep politics out of gaming and gaming discussions please. Truly kills any joy of gaming.

If this bothers you, good.

There's a fascist government about to overthrow democracy in one of the nuclear powers in the world and it's affecting everyone, both in and out of that country. You and everyone else needs to be reminded that you have a responsibility to do something about it every day until the election passes.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Keep politics out of gaming and gaming discussions please. Truly kills any joy of gaming.
Thread ignore exists for a reason if it bothers you that much, but people aren't going to stop talking about it. It's pretty consequential to their lives.

Also I do laugh whenever people talk about voting green (in the US, to clarify) and wonder whether they ever interfaced with their local green party chapter. I guarantee they wouldn't be as willing to throw their vote to such a blatant grift if they did. Picture your average local party but 10 times as disorganized.

Deleted member 8257

Oct 26, 2017
Yeah lets keep out the fact there is a fascist wannabe dictator who is responsible for 200k deaths this year and is locking minorities' in concentration camps.

Are you really this numb to the countless deaths the fascist leading our country is causing all around you?
I bet you $100 the person you quoted is not even American.
Oct 28, 2017
I really respect KF for doing this. I am not a super huge fan, but I watch their content off and on. I have been following Greg since 2010-ish, and he made a point in this podcast how he has grown and his perspective on issues has changed. He said he regrets being so silent or passive in 2016, and I have to agree it felt like a lot of outlets were. But now is not the time to be passive. Huge props to KF, and Greg. If you're reading this, Greg, know I notice how much you've grown as someone who began watching you do tours of your desk at IGN.


Jun 9, 2020
Keep politics out of gaming and gaming discussions please. Truly kills any joy of gaming.

You have to be very young, very privileged, or both to feel like gaming, or any form of entertainment should exist in a non-political bubble. Politics affect your entire life and you shouldn't ignore them just because you live in a situation where you "can".

Deleted member 8257

Oct 26, 2017
People that are protest voting by voting for a 3rd party that will obviously lose... what is their thought process here?

"I want a totally progressive government. I want a new form of government that isn't a binary choice. I don't like either Trump or Biden. I will vote for someone that has no chance of winning. Trump will probably win... and I'm sure that will lead to the more progressive government that I want in the future. Either that or I'M A FUCKING IDIOT"

Saying that people died in the past so that you have the right to vote... does that mean that they died so that you can vote like a fucking idiot? basically wasting your vote so that someone that is ACTIVELY BREAKING DOWN THE DEMOCRATIC PROCESS can be elected?

take steps towards progress, dont just sit it out and sulk ffs. You are voting for Trump if you dont vote for Biden.
Third Party voters gave us Ralph Nader in Florida, where Bush won by 500 votes and Nader claimed what, 50,000? We know the rest of story. 9/11, establishment of DHS, ICE, patriot act, Abu Ghraib, Iraq war, million Iraqis dead, rise of ISIS, etc.