
Herald of Stoptimus Crime
Oct 25, 2017
I strongly disagree with this. Given that the thread was in part about his Oscar win and given the tone of the Oscars last night, reminding people that Kobe is a part of that institution that is being railed against is very much on topic.
The thread was about Kobe and his accomplishments. Not about the Oscars and their tone.


Oct 28, 2017
That is literally the definition of rape. It was not consensual. He *may* have thought it was at the time, but he doesn't get to decide that. He is literally, precisely, admitting to rape in that statement.

No it's not. I dont even like Kobe nor do I believe him but what he said is not admitting to rape. That's a wild ass interpretation you have there.

Deleted member 16609

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Harlem, NYC
Neither of you have explained how it differs from the #MeToo movement? Something that was a huge focus this past year and at the awards. What's your opinion on all of the other accusations that have come out?

Because Kobe already proved his innocence in the court of law. Like it or not. We talking about Kobe here, not the Me Too movement.


Oct 25, 2017
East Lansing, MI
Is it really that hard to make a thread about it, dude

Like you can talk about it all you like, all I said was to keep it separate

To be honest dude if Casey Affleck won best actor and a thread was made about it celebrating his win, this is exactly what you'd see for responses.

Would that thread get requests to stop derailing? Probably not.

Be the best idea to close this honestly.


Oct 25, 2017
Because Kobe already proved his innocence in the court of law. Like it or not. We talking about Kobe here, not the Me Too movement.

How is it proving your innocence to bully someone into not testifying? Have you paid attention to the actual stories of #MeToo? The reasons they felt they couldn't report it for so long? The reasons that they're having to do this publicy instead of in a court of law?


Oct 27, 2017
Queens, NY
I had to google this since I don't watch the Oscars. Seems people are salty he won.

Only because he played for the lakers and won. Was texting one of my best friends about this prior to him winning and he said it was really well done. I joked it was because he's an LA figure, but this friend I take his movie advice above all others. And we're both born and raised New Englanders, I pay attention to sports, he barely does.


User requested permanent ban
Oct 25, 2017
Like I said in previous thread before it was closed, it's sad that we have armchair legal experts who apparently know more than the lawyers, judge, etc while ignoring concrete evidence against the accuser. Also trying to spin kobe's statement or interpret it as smoking gun is disengenous.

Also please no false equivalence to Ray Lewis or OJ.

Kobe at the very least is an adulterer and that is still despicable, especially during the time he was accused when he was a role model. However he has turned his life around and I wonder if the victim herself is doing well because I certainly I hope so.
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Jack Remington

Jack Remington

User requested permanent ban
Oct 25, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
Oh, I thought the A stood for Alleged rapist.


Oct 25, 2017
East Lansing, MI
Because Kobe already proved his innocence in the court of law. Like it or not. We talking about Kobe here, not the Me Too movement.

Actually that's not true at all. He was at a hearing to determine if there was evidence to go to trial. This is where his lawyers publicly named the accuser multiple times and dragged her completely through the mud. After receiving multiple death threats from LA fans, Faber refused to testify.

No testimony, no case. So the trial actually never happened. Kobe then went on to gaslight Faber publicly until she settled out of court.

The Me Too movement is all about men in power taking advantage of women and using their power to keep them in check. What Kobe and his lawyers did is exactly what the Me Too movement is rallying against.


Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
Be careful. You might get accused of "stanning for the guy".

Kobe admitted that the woman involved did not view the sex as consensual. I'm not sure what else there is to say besides congratulations to the people involved in this production sans Kobe.

I'm not sure why ERA is so different when it's an athlete or someone they like that's involved in sexual assault/rape/etc but it's pathetic and needs to stop.


Oct 25, 2017
White House
User Banned (1 Week): Misogyny. Using race to dismiss victims of sexual assault.
The evidence presented made it a pretty clear cut case. I believe women...but I also recognize white women have a long history of lying about rape in relation to having sex with black men. Which was the case here, based on the evidence.

Aaron Stack

Nov 13, 2017
This thread is pretty revealing about how people view sexual assault victims here.

"Always believe women until it affects your idol."

So we all cool with Aziz right.


Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
The evidence presented made it a pretty clear cut case. I believe women...but I also recognize white women have a long history of lying about rape in relation to having sex with black men. Which was the case here, based on the evidence.

You believe women but don't believe women? You contradicted yourself in the same sentence.


Nov 29, 2017
This mod post has been retracted.
Alright, stepping in here.

While the accusations against Kobe have merit, they have derailed this thread in record time. Please try to focus the thread on the particular points in the OP.

If you'd like to make a thread about the accusations him, you are more than welcome to do so.

Someone got intimidated...

Not a good sign.

Congrats to Kobe!


Oct 25, 2017
There is no contradiction, it's a recognition of a dynamic that exists in cases like this - which doesn't exist in most rape cases (be they celebrity related or otherwise). Race. White women wield white supremacy as well as white women.

I'm not going to pretend that doesn't happen, but why do you feel that's going on in this case?


Oct 25, 2017

The trial in To Kill a Mockingbird came from a real place. You can argue that this was a long time ago, but there are people still alive that lived through it and still feel the same forces in society.

I know that this happens. That's why I said I wouldn't pretend otherwise. I'm wondering why he feels that's what happened in this case.
Dec 12, 2017
Kobe admitted that the woman involved did not view the sex as consensual.

For the umpteenth time, that is not what that excerpt says. If Kobe was admitting that Ms. Faber didn't view the sex as consentual, the prosecution would have pounced all over that.

He is saying that he viewed it as consent and he NOW acknowledges she may have viewed things differently.

It is a specifically worded statement and hardly any kind of admission of anything.


Oct 26, 2017
Well, I finally watched the short and man, it's just him reading his shitty Player's Tribune retirement poem.
The animation is pretty decent, I guess, but the whole thing is pretty cringey, especially with that soaring John Williams music.


Nov 3, 2017
So much for staying on topic and not derailing the thread like the mods said.

Edit: well nevermind lmao
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Oct 25, 2017
Because Kobe already proved his innocence in the court of law. Like it or not. We talking about Kobe here, not the Me Too movement.

You do not "prove your innocence" in the America legal system. If you do get to the verdict, it's 'guilty' or 'not guilty' and 'not guilty' is not the same as being innocent. And the case being dropped because the accuser would not testify is hardly the standard of innocence when it comes to sexual assault cases given power dynamics and witness intimidation that typically comes with high profile cases like these.

Lord Brady

Oct 26, 2017

The trial in To Kill a Mockingbird came from a real place. You can argue that this was a long time ago, but there are people still alive that lived through it and still feel the same forces in society.
He said it was obvious it happened in this case. If it's that obvious, it should be easy to backup with evidence.


Gotham's Finest
Oct 28, 2017
Upon review we have retracted the previous mod post. You may discuss the allegations against Kobe in connection to the film and the award, but please keep the discussion civil. Do not attack other members.


Oct 26, 2017
Of all the things to try and hot take on...

Glen Keane is a living legend.

I suggest you Google him.
I know who he is, but have you seen the short?
There are some neat parts, but as a whole, it feels rather basic. I don't want to say crude since part of the style, but there's a lot of image tracing going on (not terrible on its own since it tries to recreate famous moments from Kobe's career) and reuse some frames and animations, and that's in 5 minutes videos.

I personally think there are videos on montages of Kobe clips on youtube set to the same retirement poem that are more effective.
Jack Remington

Jack Remington

User requested permanent ban
Oct 25, 2017
Upon review we have retracted the previous mod post. You may discuss the allegations against Kobe in connection to the film and the award, but please keep the discussion civil. Do not attack other members.

Man... I really strongly disagree with this decision, but okay.
Dec 12, 2017
I know who he is, but have you seen the short?
There are some neat parts, but as a whole, it feels rather basic. I don't want to say crude since part of the style, but there's a lot of image tracing going on (not terrible on its own since it tries to recreate famous moments from Kobe's career) and reuse some frames and animations, and that's in 5 minutes videos.

I found it to be solid work by Keane on the whole. It's not on the God tier level of the stuff he did with Beast and Tarzan but what is?

What I'm saying is, he's still got it. :)


Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
There is no contradiction, it's a recognition of a dynamic that exists in cases like this - which doesn't exist in most rape cases (be they celebrity related or otherwise). Race. White women wield white supremacy as well as white women.

That recognition exists and I won't deny it. However, it doesn't apply to every case, and based on what happened in this particular case, I don't believe it happened here. What happened here was Kobe Bryant throwing his fame and money around to pressure this woman not to testify. And it worked.

Man... I really strongly disagree with this decision, but okay.

I guess we all strongly disagree with things. In my case, that would be sexual assault and rape.

I mean, it's easier to dog pile and offer hot takes than actually do the work of reading and understanding.

Either respond directly or don't but these types of vague criticisms are so pointless and lazy.
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Oct 26, 2017
That's really cool and unexpected, lol

He was a personal favourite of mine back in the day, along with Vince Carter.

Kinda wanna go back in time and rewatch this dude play in his prime.


Oct 26, 2017
I found it to be solid work by Keane on the whole. It's not on the God tier level of the stuff he did with Beast and Tarzan but what is?

What I'm saying is, he's still got it. :)
Of course he got it, and you can see in flashes just how great of an eye he has, but as a whole, I donno, that animation is nothing to write home about.

And don't get me wrong, I get why Kobe fans love it, I am personally can be brought to tears with nothing but the right basketball clip and soaring music (fuck, the music is optional), but on a cinematic merit, it kinda looks like the vanity project meets failing streaming service short that it is.
Dec 12, 2017
Of course he got it, and you can see in flashes just how great of an eye he has, but as a whole, I donno, that animation is nothing to write home about.

And don't get me wrong, I get why Kobe fans love it, I am personally can be brought to tears with nothing but the right basketball clip and soaring music (fuck, the music is optional), but on a cinematic merit, it kinda looks like the vanity project meets failing streaming service short that it is.

I don't disagree.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
After I followed the mod instructions and made a thread specifically to discuss those allegations, now the mod instructions are retracted and my thread closed. That's unfortunate but I understand.

Seem's like your thread is only temporarily closed? They just need to catch up and make sure everything is civil.


Oct 25, 2017
I wonder if this will motivate LeBron to make Space Jam 2 an Oscar worthy movie.

Upon review we have retracted the previous mod post. You may discuss the allegations against Kobe in connection to the film and the award, but please keep the discussion civil. Do not attack other members.

I disagree with this but whatever *shrug*

Lord Brady

Oct 26, 2017

I thought Diana Moskovitz's piece on this was really good and worth the read. Regardless of your feelings on whether Kobe was innocent or guilty, the way his legal defense treated his accuser was unacceptable, and I'd wager that is why she ended up settling.
They painted a huge target on her and then acted like they did nothing wrong. Then Kobe pays her a ton of money (assumed) and as part of the deal issues an embarrassing statement acknowledging he didn't have consent. Totally the actions of an innocent man, no doubt. But he's a good basketball player in the NBA's biggest market, so he gets a pass.
Jack Remington

Jack Remington

User requested permanent ban
Oct 25, 2017
The poem the film is based on is kind of sad reading it over. By 2016 he had been injured for like 3 years straight and just couldn't come back. He was elite for so long, and then boom, Achilles tear. Then he came back from that and boom, knee injury. It's got to be hard to just not be able to do what you love doing because your body can't stay healthy anymore.