
Feb 17, 2021
Posted by Super

We could see some DLC for it as a way for mid to long term growth




Oct 25, 2017
Nioh series as a whole or Nioh on Playstation? I hope it the former, love everything they are doing right now and want them more success.

Hoping for the PC version of Ronin gets announced someday.


May 3, 2023
Man I still regret getting FF7 Rebirth over this, I'm just not in the mood for it at the moment but RotR looks so fun
Mar 19, 2020
Well deserved. Just got the platinum last night. Really enjoyed how snappy everything felt. Game did not waste your time at all.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 21, 2021
Does that mean it did well? Sales charts wise it always seemed to be on the lower end.


May 17, 2018
Wow, that's fantastic. Wasn't sure how this game was doing, so this is great to see.

Rise of the Ronin really has some of Team Ninja's best enemy design, AI behavior, and weapon movesets they've had in a long time. Wonderful accomplishment for the team.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 30, 2017
Thank goodness. Loved the game wanted more, was worried it didn't do well. Seems it had good worth and mouth given high valuation from players. Think once pc port happens, games going to do even better with positivity. Really overlooked game. Best combat system so far this year and I've played a lot of action games nothing comes close to its depth and variety.


Oct 27, 2017
Wasn't expecting it to fare better than Nioh, but glad for them, and deserved with the qualities of the game. Really loved it.


Oct 28, 2017
Good. For what it's worth, I am liking it way more than I liked any Nioh game. While it may not be a masterpiece, I think it has been generally underrated by critics.


Oct 27, 2017
I wasn't ever able to get into NiOh or Team Ninja's similar titles, but I'm really starting to want to try this out, wish there was a demo or trial. The setting seems really cool.


Oct 30, 2017
Hell yeah. If there's DLC, I'm there.

Still prefer that it didn't drop the same day as Dragon's Dogma 2 but it's great to hear that sales are surpassing Niohs. Hopefully Team Ninja takes the time to overhaul their engine to get the visual quality on par with most of the competition for future Ronin games.


Mar 12, 2020
I still need to finish it but I've absolutely LOVED my time with the game so it's great to see it selling well. Would greatly welcome and any all DLC.


Associate Game Designer
Oct 25, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
That's great news!

I'm so glad that it seems like word of mouth is doing this game some good.

The game is quite good, and deserves lots of success.

It may not be ticking off all of the latest graphical buzzwords, but it's still a good looking, and playing game, with some video game ass video game stuff in it that just makes it a joy to play. I know some Team Ninja diehards may not feel the same, but it's easily my favorite of their games that I've played, and by a significant margin.

I set it aside to play some other games, but I'll dive back into it perhaps this weekend.

I'm all for some DLC, even though I haven't beaten the game yet. I'm about 90+ hours into it, still in the second map (and not close to 100% completing it either), but I'd gladly take even more, and hopefully this bodes well for a sequel that improves on the very solid foundations even more!


Keeper of the White Materia
Oct 27, 2017
Huh, interesting. I'm assuming this game sold around 1 million copies worldwide. I guess Nioh 1 and 2 did worse than that? I thought they were very popular with how highly everyone on here speaks of them.

Anyway, the rest of the slides are interesting. Looks like most of their console games (I'm assuming Ronin too) haven't hit their targets.
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Teyvat Traveler
Oct 28, 2017
Hell yeah high valuation, it's my effin' GOTY so far.

Glad to see sales didn't get snuffed out completely by releasing it next to DD2, the OT was really just a small group of passionate weebs :D


Fallen Guardian Corrupted by Vengeance
Dec 18, 2021
We will most likely get a DLC. Usually Team Ninja announces DLC plans before release and sells season passes, but I think because of the scope of the game we'll only see one expansion instead of multiple DLCs like the Horzion games. Probably won't be released until the end of the year or even early next year.
Does that mean it did well? Sales charts wise it always seemed to be on the lower end.
Well, if they say the game will make a "significant step for the medium and long-term growth of the company", you would like to think it's selling well enough to archive that :D
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Oct 25, 2017
Huh, interesting. I'm assuming this game sold around 1 million copies worldwide. I guess Nioh 1 and 2 did worse than that? I thought they were very popular with how highly everyone on here speaks of them.

Anyway, the rest of the slides are interesting. Looks like most of their console games (I'm assuming Ronin too) haven't hit their targets.

Nioh 1 and 2 together sold 7 million.
Nov 21, 2017
Oh wow that's good I had assumed based on its position ranking on the sales chart it underperformed but I guess word of mouth is helping. Also its funny that 2024 was supposed to be a smaller year for SIE but Helldivers 2, Rise of the Ronin, and Stellar Blade all seem to be surpassing sales expectations.


May 12, 2018
Huh, interesting. I'm assuming this game sold around 1 million copies worldwide. I guess Nioh 1 and 2 did worse than that? I thought they were very popular with how highly everyone on here speaks of them.

Anyway, the rest of the slides are interesting. Looks like most of their console games (I'm assuming Ronin too) haven't hit their targets.
Nioh reached a million copies sold after two weeks so we can assume RoTR did better. By how much? Probably not a lot.


Oct 27, 2017
I think they mean Rise of the Ronin is selling better than Nioh in same time (first month of release).


Feb 10, 2021
That's some good news.

Picked it up last week and while it isn't blowing me away (it's not remotely on the same level as Nioh 2 imo), it's a pretty solid open world relaxathon checklist game with great combat, and I'm enjoying it a whole lot more than Dragon's Dogma 2.


Jul 16, 2019
It's a really fun game and I think making it more accessible has made it more interesting for other people (myself included) who were worried about the difficulty of Nioh.


Associate Game Designer
Oct 25, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
I wasn't ever able to get into NiOh or Team Ninja's similar titles, but I'm really starting to want to try this out, wish there was a demo or trial. The setting seems really cool.

I am similar, in that I've played most of Team Ninja's games (Ninja Gaiden on OG Xbox, Black on PS3, Nioh 1 and 2, Ultimate Alliance 3, but only played demos of Strangers of Paradise and Wo Long), and for me, this game is my favorite, and the one I've sunk the most time into out of all of them.

Adding difficulty options went a long way from keeping me from burning out like I did Nioh 1 and 2. If the setting of the game interests you, and you enjoy Team Ninja combat, I say it's worth picking up!

I started on Normal difficulty, then dropped it down to Easy when I felt too frustrated, and once I got more familiar with the combat and gameplay systems, I bumped it back up to Normal, and drop it back down to Easy when I'm not in the mood to deal with difficult combat.

The Normal mode isn't that bad, and is probably about on par with most other game's Hard mode, and Easy is probably on par with a Normal mode in other games. I haven't bothered to try the Hard difficulty, but I imagine it'll probably be somewhere along the lines of Nioh, and if not, I think there's an even harder mode you can unlock after you beat the game? Eh, no thanks. Lol.

Huh, interesting. I'm assuming this game sold around 1 million copies worldwide. I guess Nioh 1 and 2 did worse than that? I thought they were very popular with how highly everyone on here speaks of them.

Anyway, the rest of the slides are interesting. Looks like most of their console games (I'm assuming Ronin too) haven't hit their targets.

I think I heard Nioh 1 and 2 sold a combined 7 million units, so perhaps Ronin is doing as well, or tracking to hit or surpass that, which would be wonderful. I admit I was shocked to hear that Nioh 1 and 2 only sold 7 million units total. It explains why Team Ninja has such a high output of games; they need to constantly be releasing titles to keep the studio running. I think their numbers are referring to initial sales compared to Nioh 1 and 2, which is promising, and hopefully continue to rise.

My hope is that they'll bring on whatever support teams they need to improve the visual fidelity for a Ronin sequel. Personally, i think the game looks great, especially in motion (screenshots never really capture how good it actually looks while playing, even though many of the screens posted in the OT looks very good), but if they can increase graphical fidelity, at least it will be one less thing for people to fixate on. Everything else about the game mostly just needs the usual QoL improvements you get in a sequel, but the QoL features and function in this one is already really, really good.

The game respects your time to an impressive degree (this really stood out to me, as I was bouncing between it and Dragon's Dogma 2, and, I'm sorry, as much as I enjoy DD2, it really does not respect my very limited time), and there are other little things it does that keeps you in the game and playing. Even with all the weapons and loot and skills you get, they've done some good stuff to keep the pace of the game moving, despite how large the game is.

These slides were very interesting, and I hope that Koei-Tecmo are able to continue to be successful and reach the audiences they're trying to reach. Not every game they release is my cup of tea, but I do love Team Ninja, and want them especially to find that major hit that gives them a bit more breathing room. I think Ronin might end up being that, especially if they release it on PC and it does well there. I know my best friend has been waiting for a PC release, despite me trying to get him to pick up the PS5 version to support the team lol


Jul 25, 2021
It's good that they're seeing that the game is appreciated more by players even if critics missed the appeal.

Game is sick asf. DLC hope would just be a roguelite mode and just bring in all the old Nioh demons with maybe a new zone. Make it non-canon and have an excuse for Ryoma Sakamoto do go slice up fiends. Also more interesting set bonuses and gear. Maybe some new weapons with more elaborate movesets, and give us the moves that are exclusive to other playable characters.

Goddamnit I want a new Ninja Gaiden

Do a good PC port at launch please though. As good as Nioh 2. Not a Wo Long deal where the game takes a few months to get to a good spot.

Interested to see what TN's 2025 project is as well.


Oct 31, 2017
Oh wow, Glad to hear it's been doing well. It's on my to play list after FF Rebirth.