
Oct 25, 2017
The internet really brings out the worst of people sometimes. If you don't have anything nice to say about a dead person, don't say anything at all. Behaviour like seen in this thread makes you folks and this forum look really despicable.
Really pulling this out for the guy who laughed about LGBTQ suicide on television? The guy who spent decades denying the Nanjing Massacre?

Why should we show respect for this dead guy when he clearly didn't respect other dead people?

Hope you got the little elation from trying to be sanctimonious that you wanted though.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
I do wish one day we can separate the content from the person

I loved his music. It was incredibly emotional for me.
I have his old OSTs which I have collected and treasured.
Some of my best memories playing these dragon quest games are listening to the music afterwards..
You can do that and it's perfectly fine. Don't let some people on the internet making you think otherwise.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
While I'll always appreciate the amazing music he wrote, he was an awful person who treated minority groups like shit. He also had a negative impact on both the franchise he helped create and it's worldwide appeal due to his selfishness. Hopefully going forward more people will be able to appreciate DQ as a franchise and it's music without needing to feel guilt over lining this man's pockets anymore.


May 16, 2020
Rio de Janeiro
The internet really brings out the worst of people sometimes. If you don't have anything nice to say about a dead person, don't say anything at all. Behaviour like seen in this thread makes you folks and this forum look really despicable.


Oct 31, 2017
I think it was that and a reason to move tickets for his concerts.

As for how much he composed of XII i'll 100% assume he would've composed the entire thing himself, just wonder how much of it is done.

Well 90% of it is done judging by how much they overuse the main theme 😂


Oct 27, 2017
So much for the tolerant left! Obviously if you're happy about a homophobic war crime denier being dead at 90 you're just as bad and hypocritical 🥴


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
The internet really brings out the worst of people sometimes. If you don't have anything nice to say about a dead person, don't say anything at all. Behaviour like seen in this thread makes you folks and this forum look really despicable.

Yeah okay, I'll just say nothing and let this person be celebrated for some music instead. Actually no, fuck this guy, they were an absolutely abhorrent human being for a multitude of reasons and I'm sorry I don't give a flying fuck about a bigot who hated a group so much that they went as far as laughing at their suicide rates. Bad people shouldn't be celebrated.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
The internet really brings out the worst of people sometimes. If you don't have anything nice to say about a dead person, don't say anything at all. Behaviour like seen in this thread makes you folks and this forum look really despicable.

Oooorrrrr... stop moral grandstanding for a person that was an actual piece of human garbage. I cannot imagine how one could come to the defense of a person who has said and done the things he has.

Fuck off with this and stay out of the thread.


Oct 30, 2017
End of an era. One of the most legendary composers in games but, unfortunately, a piece of shit humanbeing


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017
dude fucking lived to 90

he got his, both in age and cash

he's due what he's due now that the worm hath turned


Unshakable Resolve
Jul 22, 2019
I'm not a DraQue fan, I really enjoy IV, hated IX and I never felt bored about the music but I never was amaze by any of the tracks.

I'm not sad because of his impact for me was nearly non-existent but because this man wasn't a good human being.

So, like others I'm looking at XII and thinking that the OST will probably be very different from what the fans have been used.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
The internet really brings out the worst of people sometimes. If you don't have anything nice to say about a dead person, don't say anything at all. Behaviour like seen in this thread makes you folks and this forum look really despicable.
Should have told the prick himself first maybe rather than finger wagging. See its fine if he mocks suicidal LGBT people but tasteless to do it back? Transparent


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
I gotta wonder how many folks here are rushing to the "buh buh stop being mean uwu" train because they like Dragon Quest and can't square (fnar fnar) the idea of enjoying these games knowing this total douchebag got a life of paydays out of it he used to make life worse for the marginalized.

Like they can't accept that An Actual Video Game they enjoyed was contributed to by a huge piece of shit, it makes them feel like a bad person who contributed to a shitfucker, so they're not at fault for this thing nobody is blaming them for, it is the children who are wrong.


From the mirror universe
Oct 25, 2017
His contributions to video game music were nothing short of extraordinary.

His other contributions to the world were reprehensible and despicable.

Sad to see the end of an era in regards to the former.


Oct 28, 2017
Dragon Quest is so traditionalist that i wonder if DQXII will actually have a new composer or they would just recycle old soundtracks for the series forever or something.

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
I agree with the people who say that he was a great composer and an awful human being, except that I think he phoned in most of his work on the Dragon Quest series anyway.

But at least it's easier to listen to these without concern of what you're supporting now:

Last edited:


Jul 19, 2019
Won't celebrate his death, but I can also understand why some might. Rest in peace, he really was talented. I just hope someone with better morals takes over from here.

Ninja edit: I didn't like him or anything he stood for, for the record. I just find it hard to celebrate any death.
Agreed. I find it uncomfortable to publicly celebrate deaths. He might have had decent family members, for all we know. He was a bad person, but his music has had a positive effect on my life.

One of my favorite video game compositions:


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
Rest In Peace, hope his loved ones are okay.

I'll hold my tongue on my other feelings regarding this, don't know what era's policy is lol
I'll take care of it for ya; fuck that guy. Enjoy the sudden halt of life and the rush of eternal silent darkness, Sugiyama. Hope hell is real so that you enjoyed a straight shot to fire and misery.


Oct 25, 2017
Legendary composer, shit human being.

His music will live on but he won't be missed.


Oct 26, 2017
I was just wondering earlier this week when this would happen because it'd be nice to buy anything related to DQ guilt free.

Anyway, rip or whatever

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
I gotta wonder how many folks here are rushing to the "buh buh stop being mean uwu" train because they like Dragon Quest and can't square (fnar fnar) the idea of enjoying these games knowing this total douchebag got a life of paydays out of it he used to make life worse for the marginalized.

Like they can't accept that An Actual Video Game they enjoyed was contributed to by a huge piece of shit, it makes them feel like a bad person who contributed to a shitfucker, so they're not at fault for this thing nobody is blaming them for, it is the children who are wrong.
He also fought against anti-smoking efforts, referring to them as fascism (despite his efforts to whitewash an actual authoritarian regime). Which I guess doesn't seem as bad since it's not specifically targeted to the vulnerable or victims of some kind of abuse, but it's still part of how he was destructive overall. Probably to himself too, seeing as how the man smoked 20-30 cigarattes a day since he was 20.

King Alamat

Nov 22, 2017
He also fought against anti-smoking efforts, referring to them as fascism (despite his efforts to whitewash an actual authoritarian regime). Which I guess doesn't seem as bad since it's not specifically targeted to the vulnerable or victims of some kind of abuse, but it's still part of how he was destructive overall. Probably to himself too, seeing as how the man smoked 20-30 cigarattes a day since he was 20.
Wow, smokers being assholes, who would've thought?


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I do wish one day we can separate the content from the person

I loved his music. It was incredibly emotional for me.
I have his old OSTs which I have collected and treasured.
Some of my best memories playing these dragon quest games are listening to the music afterwards..
One perk of his death is that it makes this much easier to do.


Jun 22, 2018
The internet really brings out the worst of people sometimes. If you don't have anything nice to say about a dead person, don't say anything at all. Behaviour like seen in this thread makes you folks and this forum look really despicable.
Sugiyama should follow that piece of advice for the LGBTQ teens in japan that committed suicide

Iva Demilcol

Oct 25, 2017
Iwatodai Dorm
The first dragon quest that I played was DQVIII. The OST was amazing…

then I learned about him, what he did, what he said, what he believed. Would you ask for respect if truly awful people like Trump died? I bet you wouldn't, well, that same thing can be said about this vile person.


Nov 27, 2018
He was talented and lived a long good life. DQs soundtracks are amazing. All of this is unfortunate considering he was not a good person.


Corrupted by Vengeance
Nov 23, 2017
He was a piece of shit who hated LGBTQIA+ people like me and I'm not sad he's gone. He actively contributed to organizations in Japan who were anti-LGBTQIA+, so you know what, not sad at all that he died. Hopefully Dragon Quest as a franchise can finally move forward.


Oct 28, 2017
Dude happened to get a job back in the 80s that became retroactively iconic because the games got so huge. Any composer on that project would have.

I dunno. Never saw anything particularly special in his tunes. It's fine RPG music I guess. Whatever.

RIP I guess. His impact on the world was overall negative, so I won't celebrate his life. Hopefully they can now move forward without being shackled to this guy's legacy.


has a title.
Oct 25, 2017
It's hard to wrap my head around how someone with such awful points of view and acceptance of generally hateful theories just happened to compose some of the best music you'd ever hear in a video game. I hope that in his final moments he found peace with the world as it actually is and not what he cooked it up to be in his brain. Thank you for the music.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
My main thought now is what happens to the music rights - I assume there's some sort of trust or estate or whatever that inherits them? Hopefully one with a less, uhh, notably evil agenda.

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
Dude happened to get a job back in the 80s that became retroactively iconic because the games got so huge. Any composer on that project would have.
For what it's worth, he was already working with film and anime scores before Dragon Quest. He probably wouldn't have gotten this level of praise and success (and so much opportunity to abuse it), but I imagine he was sought out due to his previous work.


Oct 25, 2017
The internet really brings out the worst of people sometimes. If you don't have anything nice to say about a dead person, don't say anything at all. Behaviour like seen in this thread makes you folks and this forum look really despicable.

Imagine coming into this thread to whine about people laughing at a dead guy who, when alive, put so much effort and money into flagrantly disrespecting thousands of other dead victims of war crimes and suicide.


Dec 4, 2017
Dude happened to get a job back in the 80s that became retroactively iconic because the games got so huge. Any composer on that project would have.

I dunno. Never saw anything particularly special in his tunes. It's fine RPG music I guess. Whatever.

RIP I guess. His impact on the world was overall negative, so I won't celebrate his life. Hopefully they can now move forward without being shackled to this guy's legacy.

He was terrible and him dying doesn't affect me one bit. I'm glad he's gone but come on...that music is incredible.


Oct 26, 2017
Dude happened to get a job back in the 80s that became retroactively iconic because the games got so huge. Any composer on that project would have.

I dunno. Never saw anything particularly special in his tunes. It's fine RPG music I guess. Whatever.

RIP I guess. His impact on the world was overall negative, so I won't celebrate his life. Hopefully they can now move forward without being shackled to this guy's legacy.

Yeah no, his music was way way more classic oriented and reminiscent of brams and saint saens sometimes, it's not just "like any rpg music" and he had the strongest musical background (he arranged all the orchestral music concert of snes games in the 90's)

That said the music became old, like him and he's a piece of shit.
I'm especially happy we can now discuss who's gonna replace him :p he should have quitted 15 years ago for ethical AND musical reasons...
The successor should be openly LGBT! (i doubt it happens lol)