
GOTY Tracking Thread Master
Oct 26, 2017
Narrator: "But they did"
They went back to it because there was going to be dry period between Halo 5 and Infinite. X was most likely a huge reason they went back to it.


Oct 27, 2017
Are the still inferior ports?

Yes. Halo CE for PC has a lot of missing effects and is not accurate to the original Xbox version - it's also the version that is in MCC more or less. It does have the custom edition, though. Halo 2 is a broken mess these days and no Xbox Live online.


Oct 27, 2017
On top of that, Halo Infinite is coming to PC and every other major Microsoft Studios Xbox One game (including Sunset Overdrive but excluding Halo 5: Guardians and Crimson Dragon) is on PC.
It's coming. It's a matter of "when," not "if," and it has nothing to do with "eating into Xbox sales." I have no idea where that console warrior mindset comes from.
Yeah now. Because MS has shifted focus. Prior to that is why they were not on PC or in very bad ports. MS had no intentions of eating into Xbox sales then.


Oct 27, 2017
Mad props to MS. At this point, there is very little direct monetary incentive for them to keep working on it, but they care about the fanbase and/or are thinking longterm (both in terms of the Halo franchise in general and as a game that will be on Gamepass for the indefinite future).


Prophet of Regret
Sep 28, 2018
Mad props to MS. At this point, there is very little direct monetary incentive for them to keep working on it, but they care about the fanbase and/or are thinking longterm (both in terms of the Halo franchise in general and as a game that will be on Gamepass for the indefinite future).

They couldve easily moved on from it. But they did this for gamers with little monetary investment on the gamers part for themselves. Good on em, I say.


Unshakable Resolve
Oct 27, 2017
Glad they finally finished their product, after their extremely long, full retail priced "early access" period.


Oct 27, 2017

They couldve easily moved on from it. But they did this for gamers with little monetary investment on the gamers part for themselves. Good on em, I say.

I think it's more likely they discovered MCC was completely broken on their in-development Xbox One X and couldn't afford yet another shitstorm about it so finally gave 343 the go ahead/funds.

343 deserve all the credit for the state the game is in now, though. It is extremely good now.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 28, 2017
All in all, I enjoyed MCC. Regardless of their reason for constantly going back to it, they did and they ultimately polished it up, gotta respect that.

Combining 4 online focused games like that had to be a complicated mess, so kudos to them for sticking with it.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
I think it's more likely they discovered MCC was completely broken on their in-development Xbox One X and couldn't afford yet another shitstorm about it so finally gave 343 the go ahead/funds.

343 deserve all the credit for the state the game is in now, though. It is extremely good now.

The intelligent download is a game changer. I was able to download only the multiplayer of Halo 3 and 2, and left the SP portions and other multiplayer out, then went into matcakong with the downloaded multiplayer.

It's level of control I've never experienced, blew my mind, and definitely needs to be on all games.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
No they didn't: in their internal testing the game was fine. You're getting angry over a conspiracy that never happened.

Option 1 - They have the worst QA since software development started in the history of humanity.
Option 2 - That is a lie.

Pick one.

The amount of playtime needed to see how broken the game was, was in single digit hours. Not even rigorous testing. Joe schmoe off the street would have found bugs in a normal playthrough of any of the games in it. And that is ignoring multiplayer.

It is hilarious that people actually believe that a game as fucking broken as this was fine in QA.


Nov 2, 2017
Do they still sell disc copies in store? Curious if they updated those copies or if it's the old build and they require a massive download once you put the disc in.


Prophet of Regret
Sep 28, 2018
They shouldn't be applauded. It should be more of a stern "good, this is what it should have been when it launched". I enjoy seeing games turn it around such as siege or battlefront 2 but I still say they deserved the shit show and all the sales they lost as a result.
Maybe you missed the post where the mod said the game ran fine for 343i before it went into the wild to gamers?


Oct 26, 2017
I love how some people in here try to deflate other people's arguments by acting like pointing out they added a few months more or less on the clock makes this whole mess in any way better or devalues their argument. Oh no so it has been 4 instead of 5 years. Now everything is alright I guess and any criticism towards the game, studio or article are unwarranted. Give me a break.


Oct 27, 2017
Option 1 - They have the worst QA since software development started in the history of humanity.
Option 2 - That is a lie.

Pick one.

The amount of playtime needed to see how broken the game was, was in single digit hours. Not even rigorous testing. Joe schmoe off the street would have found bugs in a normal playthrough of any of the games in it. And that is ignoring multiplayer.

It is hilarious that people actually believe that a game as fucking broken as this was fine in QA.

Relevant post from their forums:

I don't think they lied. The big issue to me was how long it took to fix. For a time it was a big stain on the franchise.


Oct 27, 2017
The intelligent download is a game changer. I was able to download only the multiplayer of Halo 3 and 2, and left the SP portions and other multiplayer out, then went into matcakong with the downloaded multiplayer.

It's level of control I've never experienced, blew my mind, and definitely needs to be on all games.
This. It is an amazing feature.
Mad props to MS. At this point, there is very little direct monetary incentive for them to keep working on it, but they care about the fanbase and/or are thinking longterm (both in terms of the Halo franchise in general and as a game that will be on Gamepass for the indefinite future).


Prophet of Regret
Sep 28, 2018
I hate to be that guy but...
I wonder what the status of this thread (hypothetically) would be like if it were a game from that "other" camp? 10:1 the narrative would be much, much more forgiving but, I digress. Just an observation


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah now. Because MS has shifted focus. Prior to that is why they were not on PC or in very bad ports. MS had no intentions of eating into Xbox sales then.
And every other game from that era, like D4 and Sunset Overdrive, has been released on PC now too. It's still a matter of when and not if.


Oct 25, 2017
What does "Microsoft could have abandoned it" mean? It's a buggy product, they have obligation to fix it. Gamers' standard is shockingly low.

Imagine a car model has malfunction, and the car company just ignores it cuz "people can buy other cars".
Car malfunctioning can cause injuries. A game being bad is just a bad game. Gamers are responsible for not buying crap.

I hate to be that guy but...
I wonder what the status of this thread (hypothetically) would be like if it were a game from that "other" camp? 10:1 the narrative would be much, much more forgiving but, I digress. Just an observation
An observation based on what exactly? Just throwing shit into the air, or actual receipts?
Oct 25, 2017
I hate to be that guy but...
I wonder what the status of this thread (hypothetically) would be like if it were a game from that "other" camp? 10:1 the narrative would be much, much more forgiving but, I digress. Just an observation

Don't mince words? Which camp? If you're gonna make an accusation at least make it.


Oct 25, 2017
San Diego County
The Master Chief Collection Is What Happens When A Studio Gives Up On A Game But Then Several Years Later Un-Gives-Up On It And I Guess We're Sorta Thankful Anyway


Nov 10, 2017
I hope every studio now will release unfinished games so we can thank them for fixing it after couple years

Lmao this.

I hate to be that guy but...
I wonder what the status of this thread (hypothetically) would be like if it were a game from that "other" camp? 10:1 the narrative would be much, much more forgiving but, I digress. Just an observation

You are not wrong on this.


Oct 25, 2017
San Diego County
In all seriousness, even though I'm not an Xbox head, I was disappointed with how the MCC turned out. I've always held a respect for the early Halo titles and the collection sounded golden on paper, so to see it mishandled and seemingly abandoned felt wrong. I mean, this is the flagship franchise of the Xbox. Gears and Forza are up there next to it, but I don't think there's an honest debate to be had as to which has historically been viewed as leader of the pack. MS even named their helper AI Cortana for goodness sake.

Glad they turned it around in the end. As much as it should have happened sooner, and that games really shouldn't be released in these busted states, I still believe in 'better late than never'.


Oct 29, 2017
Yeah. MCC was easily the most disappointing game of all time for me. I preordered the game day one and literally spent days downloading the game back when my internet was 2 mbps. As soon as the game launched, I went into matchmaking with my friends to find that the game wasn't working and I couldn't find a game. So we ended up playing custom games for the night. It was disappointing, but I understood that bad launches happen. The next day... the same thing. I couldn't get into any games, and if I did it was lagging or I would get kicked out of the game. This went on for weeks. Eventually, the game was playable but still pretty broken and just not what we were promised. I was so disappointed. They eventually fixed the game to where I thought it was, and have been adding some really awesome features. They revamped the menu system and it feels like a celebration of the series. It really hurt the name brand, but what they have done to the game outside of just fixing the game is really impressive.


Oct 27, 2017
I hope every studio now will release unfinished games so we can thank them for fixing it after couple years

It's been fixed and also vastly improved. I thank them for the improvements, not the fixes that should've happened anyways. It is a far better product now than it ever would have been even if it had launched with MP working as it should've.


Oct 25, 2017
Is it possible to make distinction of what is improvement from what has been fixed in this case? Honest question

-Match Composer
-Better Aiming
-NEW skulls
-Custom Game Browser
-Full UI rework
-Halo CE getting updated to Custom Edition (and fixes on the way to bring back missing features/effects from the PC release)
-More to be announced features (hinted at adding new Forge objects to H3, potential Custom Edition map importing)


"This guy are sick"
Oct 27, 2017
While it's mentioned in the OP, I would say that No Man's Sky is technically a better example, as they literally never gave up at any time - always tirelessly working on the game to make it better since release. They may leave their fans in silence every once in a while, but it was always worth it when the next big update hits.
They've been quiet for over a month now, I wonder what they have in store this time...

On topic, I do need to try the Halo MCC one day though, I've only ever played half of Halo CE on the original Xbox, PAL at that. Nothing else. If this is good for single player and has 4K enhancements now I guess I should make some time for it.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Milky Way Ghetto
I hate to be that guy but...
I wonder what the status of this thread (hypothetically) would be like if it were a game from that "other" camp? 10:1 the narrative would be much, much more forgiving but, I digress. Just an observation
Ah yes, just like how Driveclub came out a broken mess just like MCC yet was fixed before it. Both got deservedly clowned for how they released.


Oct 27, 2017
Watertown, NY
Neither do I since I don't know what MSC is.

MCC on the other hand plays great now!

EDIT: Seriously, you can give them props and be happy with the state of the game is now without forgetting the shape it launched in. Meanwhile, how many of those holding it against 343i continue to support Destiny, COD, EA, Ubisoft, ect after they release buggy/incomplete games or microstransaction them to hell and back?

Destiny had a content issue, it still was a working game. MCC was unplayble for alot of people. And everytime they tried to fix it for match making it broke it even further. So they left it alone for a long time, then finally came back to it to fix it.

And honestly it's one of the biggest Iconic franchises, no way MS let that be when there were issues people had with Halo 5.

They should be given props for the support, but also note HALO is their bread and butter, it had to get fixed or it would have had irreparable damage done to the brand.


Nov 2, 2017
I hate to be that guy but...
I wonder what the status of this thread (hypothetically) would be like if it were a game from that "other" camp? 10:1 the narrative would be much, much more forgiving but, I digress. Just an observation

Driveclub was rightfully raked over the coals for its broken MP.

Your post is console wars bullshit.


Shamed a mod for a tag
Oct 27, 2017
It's absurd that anyone would congratulate Microsoft like this for waiting four years to patch a game collection that shipped in a thoroughly busted state.


Nov 4, 2017
Personally I think that should go to No Mans Sky, that's what happens when a studio doesn't give up on a game.

MCC got incremental updates but wasn't exactly looked after, it wasnt until MS threw out the X that they bothered to go back because they now had the power to do what they wanted.


One Winged Slayer - Shinra Employee
Nov 20, 2017

-Match Composer
-Better Aiming
-NEW skulls
-Custom Game Browser
-Full UI rework
-Halo CE getting updated to Custom Edition (and fixes on the way to bring back missing features/effects from the PC release)
-More to be announced features (hinted at adding new Forge objects to H3, potential Custom Edition map importing)

This is the big one, we might see some fan made maps in MCC. Also those missing effects, please I hope to Stinkles they fix the fog on AotCR!


Oct 26, 2017
I'm happy they've fixed it. I am, but the shit state they released MCC in and the pricing of the Xbone showed how out of touch MS was under Mattrick. I feel if they didn't fix it then it would be a giant stain that MS would have never been able to wash away and it would be the thing that people kept pointing to when they talked about how badly MS fucked up the launch of this generation.


Oct 25, 2017
This is the big one, we might see some fan made maps in MCC. Also those missing effects, please I hope to Stinkles they fix the fog on AotCR!
If we do get the Custom Edition map import option, it's going to be big time news. Right now it's a maybe and seems to depend on how they get the pipeline for it working.