
Alt Account
Sep 26, 2019
I think it's a combination of this and the fact that he has more star power than the rest of the EZA crew. Brandon Jones is the other member with a bit of an x-factor, but Gametrailers was already his big "main focus" life pursuit so at this point he's probably fine with the direction of EZA.

Giantbomb selling themselves to CBS was a smart call even though it sort of went against their independent history. It's one thing to run a small site or host a podcast when you're in your early 20s, but once you start to approach your late 30s you start to worry about long-term financial security.
Yep. He joined GT in 2013 was it? He was 27 at the if so and I doubt he saw himself earning less and stagnating if not outright regressing career wise 7 years later by his 30s. As rochellepaws pointed out with the MTV links GT had he probably saw a pathway to progression instead of ending up on what amounts to a modest youtube channel.


Oct 28, 2017
No RE3 playthrough with Kyle and Huber
He's not leaving till the end of April, so he'll probably still be around for RE3 and FF7R.


Oct 25, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
:( Kyle, to me, felt like the glue to the whole thing. Might not be the nicest thing to say but it's how I felt. I listened to so much Easy Allies but I just can't see it sustaining my interest anymore without him. Damn


Oct 27, 2017
Sad to hear Kyle is leaving, but not entirely surprised. Reading between the lines the last few months it seemed he's been thinking about it for a while. So I am happy for him to do so on (what seems to be) good terms with everyone.

I love Kyle's particular brand of creativity, but think they are all creative in their own ways. Obviously, I will still follow the rest of the guy and continue being a patron.

Who knows, maybe Kyle will move back to the East Coast, maybe if he's close enough to his parents he won't even only eat junk food any more.

Anyway, Godspeed Kyle, and only the best to the other Allies.


Keeper of the White Materia
Nov 4, 2017
Damn this makes me sad. But I respect his decision and wish him the best.

Just realized he won't be around when FF7 finally comes out after their famous E3 reaction. :(

Edit: Oh I read end of this month but looks like he'll be on group streams up until April at least.

Deleted member 9857

user requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
but Bosman & Huber are my favorite parts of EZA :( it's not going to be the same without Kyle

I hope he can figure out what he wants to do though, I can't imagine leaving something without having something else lined up but he needs to do what's best for himself


Dec 3, 2018
The french fries analogy is perfect. This is something I have senses about Kyle for a while. A gaming channel on youtube just isn't the right platform for all that man's creative energy and wit.

While I like Kyle and been following gaming pretty much thanks to him, I'm happy that he has decided to take things to another level and do something that is truly fulfilling and meaningful for him. Not everybody has that much bravery, but to take a chance in life is always better than to remain wondering what if...

Thank you for all and wish you best of luck!


Nov 17, 2017
Kyle helped me find GT and fall in love with the future Easy Allies crew well before GT closed down.
It's been a great 4y of EZA with Kyle but I don't begrudge him for wanting to do something else with his life.
We can't always eat french fries.

Deleted member 14377

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Wow, kinda heartbroken, not gonna lie. It's like a great relationship that just ends one day. I never met you Kyle, but I have nothing but love and respect for you, if you even read this. Thank you for all the years of entertainment and laughs. Your brand of comedy and more importantly, you as a person will be sorely missed. The future is bright for you, you offer so much.

Nov 14, 2017
I don't even know what to say... Props to Kyle for making such a courageous move. Knows he wants something different and will try to find it.

But it makes me truly sad, EZA is one of the only podcasts I listen to and the only youtube I follow from the 'gaming' section. Very sad.


tag reference no one gets
Oct 25, 2017
He was always my favourite person from GT and that continued with EA

I wish him all the best for the future, but he will be missed


Oct 25, 2017
I'm actually shocked. I just finished watching the latest Hall of Greats, and I guess Kyle got tired of seeing Megaman Legends get the snub.

Best of luck, Kyle, may the search for your Main Thing be smooth sailing and that it fulfills you when you get there.


Oct 28, 2017
I'm with him. EA getting worse all the time while he kept it somehow watchable. Wish him all the best.


Oct 28, 2017
Come to think of it, makes sence that he brought MegaMan Legends to Hall of Greats again...he tried to get it in one last time before he exits the building.


Oct 27, 2017
Kindaaa sounds that their was not everything good the last few weeks behind closed doors?
Anyway, wish the best of luck for him

And that I would to replace him, LUL


One Winged Slayer
Jan 24, 2018
Such a bummer but I have to admit that their output for me has been replaced by streamers on twitch more or less. Kyle really was the only one I'd bother to watch stream but by the time I'd notice I'd usually be listening to someone else. It sucks because he's just as good if not better than anyone I do listen to but I'm pretty much loaded on games-focused content producers.

Really hope to see whatever he does next blow up like crazy, a guy like him just has to have something great in store.


Oct 28, 2017
Bismarck, ND
Found a comment I made on YouTube a while back... I feel like it's relevant to today's news... :'(


He's leaving before someone big notices him... but I feel that will only expedite the inevitable.


Nov 3, 2018
Damn what a week.

A real bummer honeslty, all the EZA personalities worked so well together and losing Bosman is simply sad.

I wish him and the EZA team the best.


Oct 30, 2017
Probably not the best time to open this up, but I do feel it. And Ben also said he felt there's been more tension in the group than usual. Huber also commented that helping Kyle out on TGA last year he realized, like Kyle has often referred to, that EZA has no over-"Boss" that decides what they do. And tbh, as much as I think they have a lot of fun I think working at EZA must sometimes feel like you're just working your way into the unknown. Kyle also reflected that in his goodbye letter, that they never know what's ahead but have to create it for themselves, which isn't always as fun as it sounds.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 7, 2017
Huber's tweet calling him brother and bloodworth playing Megaman Legends for Kyle's last Hall of the greats are just the most sweet things I've ever seen.

Lady Bow

Nov 30, 2017
Definitely a bittersweet moment right now. Sad one of my favorite EZA figures is leaving but I'm glad Kyle will hopefully be able to hit future endeavors that satisfy his creative hunger.

It's Kyle popping the cherry on leaving essentially. There might be other Allies that had thoughts of leaving beforehand but were hesitant to follow through with it so this kind of opens the door for future departures and makes it less uncomfortable since they won't be the first anymore. That's how I take it anyway. Like it seems pretty common when a key figure leaves that others follow suit from what I've seen over the years.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 27, 2017
It's Kyle popping the cherry on leaving essentially. There might be other Allies that had thoughts of leaving beforehand but were hesitant to follow through with it so this kind of opens the door for future departures and makes it less uncomfortable since they won't be the first anymore. That's how I take it anyway. Like it seems pretty common when a key figure leaves that others follow suit from what I've seen over the years.

This is exactly how it felt with Videogamer a few years ago. One person left and then the whole squad dropped out over the course of another year. It was heartbreaking at the time, and I really hope EZA don't follow the same path.
Oct 27, 2017
I think there is a merit to the idea that making your hobby your job may not always be the best.

I can't read the mind of Kyle, so I can't assume why EZA has ran it's course for him, but he's the reason why I followed EZA after gametrailers went under. I've recently become a fan of Michael Huber, but I losing Bosman is huge. Wish him the best!


Oct 27, 2017
End of an era.

Podcast, time around E3, big announcements and betting specials won't be the same.

Sucks of course, but I'm sure we'll see or hear from him when he settles.
