
ƃuoɹʍ ʇᴉ ƃuᴉop ǝɹ,noʎ 'ʇɥƃᴉɹ sᴉɥʇ pɐǝɹ noʎ ɟI
Oct 27, 2017
Rip City
God, I'm loving this on Switch, please buy this guys so my dream of L.A. Noire 2 can come without me giving the devil a decade of my life, thank you.

Edit - Having the DLC cases come up randomly cause I never played them makes me swoon.
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Oct 30, 2017
Playing the Switch version I noticed achievement notifications popping up during gameplay. Is there a way to track/see them? Couldn't find anyting in the pause or main menu screens...


Oct 27, 2017
Just beat the final mission on the Switch version and the game crashed during the credits. Still a very enjoyable game and one that makes me hope a port of GTA is on the cards for the Switch.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
So patch 1.02 clocking in at 6gb began downloading as I turned on my PS4 today, I wonder what it could possibly entail.


ƃuoɹʍ ʇᴉ ƃuᴉop ǝɹ,noʎ 'ʇɥƃᴉɹ sᴉɥʇ pɐǝɹ noʎ ɟI
Oct 27, 2017
Rip City
Just finished this up on Switch, truly amazing game and I don't think we will see anything like it again for me L.A. Noire is my 2nd favorite game of all time and a blessing. playing all the DLC cases for the first time was a real treat especially the one in Arson. RIP Team Bondai
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Cole Phelps no lie is my favorite flawed protagonist of all time. It's really a shame more people don't appreciate this game or talk about this remaster will buy on PS4 in a couple years again.


Nov 1, 2017
It was a real surprise when I heard this game was being re-released. Is this game what people have been asking for? This is what people want Rockstar to be pouring their resources into?

When this game was first announced, I drank the kool aid. I love the early 20th century setting in entertainment; movies depicting this era automatically gets a few extra points from me. Upon hearing about a game that lets you become a detective from this era, I was instantly sold. With advanced motion capture techniques and revolutionary gameplay involving responding to emotive facial animations for interrogations, I was even more excited. I picked up the game on release day for the 360 and finished it in a few sessions. And to be honest, it was a complete let down.

As others have noted, the interrogations, which was one of the big selling points of this game, did not hit the mark. As a player, the options I chose and how I thought Cole would interact with suspects were always out of line with how Cole really responded to them. This made interrogations feel like a gamble and I felt instantly disconnected with this part of the game. The rest of the game was also a disappointment. As a cop, you had to do things like chase down suspects, respond to 911 calls and investigate crime scenes. Chasing down suspects was repetitive and rudimentary, but it was one of my more memorable aspects of the game. It was probably the only thing in the game that I felt like I knew what I was doing and I was good at it. A selling point of responding to 911 calls was that if you were fast enough the scene would play out differently. You drive like a maniac, arrive early to catch the bad guys in the act and then a fire fight ensued. There were obstacles to making this fun. To begin, driving sucked. Someone mentioned they always let their partner drive; I did the same. It was really difficult to get there on time because driving well was difficult and, also, it was hard to navigate with the map to find the quickest path. Even if you did all that, why did you want to? The game played out almost identically whether you made it there on time or not. You don't arrest anyone and potentially get more information, you just got more dead bodies. Finally, investigating crime scenes was basically a point and click adventure game. Every scene had certain points of interest, you walked over to them and examined them. Searching bodies was much the same thing, you had certain parts of the body to look at and you could just cycle through them until you hit every point and discovered everything there was to see.

My memories of this game revolves largely around disappointment, so I was really shocked to see this was being re-released. But there seems to be a lot of people on this forum that were really looking forward to this and have had a good time. That's great. I want to ask, if you had never played this game during its original release, heard about this re-release and was excited for it, what were you expecting? The luke-warm reception of this game originally is documented on the internet. So, what was enough to get you excited? Did the game deliver? Is the game better simply because it does not have the massive hype machine behind it from the original release?


Oct 27, 2017
Started this last night, and played through the first six story cases. The last one I did involved the car with the missing wheel. It'd been years since I'd played it during its first launch, and I really enjoyed what I played. I forgot how fun it is, even though it doesn't sound like it on paper.

The street crimes are fun, even if lots boil down to shootouts (sometimes based on play style, of course) and some take you way out of the way.

I don't think I'd make a great detective, though. I was doing well, but the last case ended with me getting several wrong.

Do you need to be signed up and logged into the Rockstar Social Club to ask the community? It wouldn't let me last night.


Oct 27, 2017
Just got my second promotion, and am still really enjoying it. Does the game change much from
on? Or have I pretty much seen what it has to offer outside of some slightly different case subject matter?

Even if the latter is true, that's fine, because though it has some repetition to it I'm enjoying it more than expected and quite a bit overall.


Oct 25, 2017
Just got my second promotion, and am still really enjoying it. Does the game change much from
on? Or have I pretty much seen what it has to offer outside of some slightly different case subject matter?

Even if the latter is true, that's fine, because though it has some repetition to it I'm enjoying it more than expected and quite a bit overall.

Yes, there are two more "tiers" after homicide and they get more elaborate.


Oct 25, 2017
Is there any custom NA box art for the Switch version? That white box detailing a 14GB seperate download at the top really annoys me, and I'd rather something cleaner. Also just so I can print out some interior box art as opposed to a JK Tolkien novel of legalese that no one will read even if it held a solution to world peace


Weekend Planner
Oct 29, 2017
Wrexham, Wales
Holy shit this game becomes such a slog later on. I'm on like Mission 18 and I'm starting to get quite bored. Just want to get it finished now I think.


Oct 27, 2017
Beat it two nights ago on Switch. Had never played it before. I had some issues with certain character developments, but overall I loved my time with the game. Despite the terrible pop-in when driving sometimes, I would definitely recommend it on Switch. Can't approve of the extra $10 on the proce tag AND the huge download requirement. Hope that nonsense dies real quick.

¡Hip Hop!

Nov 9, 2017
My wife got me the Switch version for Christmas. I'm enjoying it so far. I own it on PC but my computer at the time couldn't do it justice so I stopped playing pretty early on. The Switch version is pretty good! I'm digging the HD Rumble so far. It's always nice to see games use that well. Hopefully more Rockstar games get this treatment next year.


Dec 3, 2017
I honestly just think I am going to finish this on PC with SGSSAA and 30FPS. It looked decent and ran fine plus I'm half way through or more. I can't do this all over again. I would like to see this in higher res, but it's not really all that important.

Are there any other amazing new features in the remaster worth waiting for?


Oct 27, 2017
Just had a weird bug playing this on Switch. I was playing undocked for a long time, then when I put it in the dock to keep playing it was running at what looked like 720p. The loading screen images were huge, lots of aliasing in the game itself driving around. At first I thought the game didn't get the signal to switch from undocked to docked and was running undocked mode on the TV, but I noticed some other strange things. For one, pausing the game to look over the dialogue was way zoomed in and off centre to the right, and the Good Cop/Bad Cop text was overlapping.

I ultimately had to close the game and start it again for it to render properly. Never had that happen before. Anyone else?
Dec 23, 2017
Glad you guys are enjoying the game. Very odd choice for a rockstar game on switch. Hopefully we get something else from them next year. Any word on sale performance for the game?


Oct 25, 2017
PlayStation Home
"This town is going straight to hell"

So what was up with The Golden Butterfly case?
I feel like I majorly fucked it up but it seems it's supposed to play out that way...?
In fact a few cases so far have been full of so many unresolved ends that even when I catch the guy (and often get 5* ranking) I'm not quite sure what even happened...


Oct 25, 2017
"This town is going straight to hell"

So what was up with The Golden Butterfly case?
I feel like I majorly fucked it up but it seems it's supposed to play out that way...?
In fact a few cases so far have been full of so many unresolved ends that even when I catch the guy (and often get 5* ranking) I'm not quite sure what even happened...
Keep playing


A King's Landing
Oct 25, 2017
Celle, Germany
Bought LA Noire for Xbox One a few days ago for 22€ and tried to install it now.

3GB installation from the disc and 14GB download? Are they fucking kidding me? What the hell?


Oct 25, 2017
Replayed this on PS4 and just finished it again. There's definitely flaws in the gameplay and how interrogations work, but man the story and writing is top notch.


Oct 28, 2017
So, I've been thinking about this game as I think I need to finally finish it. I think why this game will always standout to me is it's essentially a AAA big budget adventure game which isn't really a thing and it's just very unique in its design. I've always fallen off of it partly because the more the overarching narrative reveals itself the less interesting the game kind of becomes to me. I think the stories around the individual cases are well done and the interpersonal interactions between Phelps and his partners are also generally really good but the overarching narrative along with how it ties into some of the cases is just really uninteresting to me. Which is unfortunate as the game really seems to become squarely focused on that near the end.

As for the prompts, they're interesting, right? While I appreciate the teams' desire for keeping things simple their approach I think needed just a tiny bit more of variance or complexity added to it for it to really work. Basically, the three prompts are two methods for coaxing information out of someone and an option for accusing them.

So, how the original release ended up with "Truth", "Doubt", and "Lie" as the prompts is beyond me. When Aron Staton recorded his lines as Phelps the prompts were "Coax", "Force" and "Accuse" so, "Good Cop", "Bad Cop", and "Accuse" from the remaster line up with that original intention better but that's still overly vague or opaque. I think Accuse always just being Accuse generally makes sense in most scenarios but I think if one word contextually relevant descriptors were next to every Good Cop and Bad Cop choice in the game it would add at least some context for what the tone of that choice is going to be without just explicitly writing it out.

Though, to be honest, I never understood the aversion developers often have to explicitly writing out exactly what will be said for each option in a choice based story focused game. While Mass Effect generally does a good job in describing what the tone of your choice is there can still often be a significant disconnect between the choice you thought you were making and what you actually chose. It's a weird additional layer of gamification to something that really doesn't need that layer of gamification. Choosing something that is correctly depicted but which is ultimately the incorrect choice to make can be interesting and engaging but making choices that aren't really what you thought they would be isn't a particularly interesting challenge to engage with IMO.

That said, I still can't help but find it to be a fascinating game that I largely enjoy in-spite of its prompts often feeling annoyingly vague.