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Oct 25, 2017
Really hope they have a decent sized campaign for Vergil. I dont mind them using Nero again, but I would much rather they focus on Dante and Vergil. Never played DMC but I kinda want to now before V gets announced lol.

According to the GiantBombcast, this exact thing has been kinda akward over at Sony lol. I wonder if they will be showing much TLoU2 until Days Gone comes out.

Either way, I want to believe!
They already said that TLoU is at E3. And they are getting Days Gone previews out of the way before E3. So it's not like they don't have a plan.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
How do you even post accidentally an image teasing a conference with some ???? on it lmaoooo, why would Sony or E3 would want to post this before the conf ahahah
Son of Sparda

Son of Sparda

"This guy are sick" says The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
Hi, that other thread made me think about a DmC sequel (!), and i have a few ideas were it could go and wrote an outline, Adam i would like if you read and review it !
Wrote it on my lunch breaks and used 100% of my imagination so be as harsh as you like is lots of editing left to do.i think some points are out of order

•its been 10 years since the ending of DmC1, the world is at war, and the demons are winning, human society is in crumbles, goverments have fallen, population is low, turns out humans are powerless against the supernatural power of demons and a single Nephilim was not enough to change their domination across world. They decided to enslave humanity the old fashioned way!

• Dante has changed too, he has a beautiful mane of long white hair and a manly black beard, he is in charge of the largest human settlement on earth, but something is seriously wrong inside him, he still remembers his woman 'Kat' who died back in the first years of the demon human demon war.

•Dante is colder and harsh but he knows he has to protect the humans in the settlement wich include his own child, named Nero. Nero is careless and barely remembers his mom, he is kinda sadistic in killing demons (wich he learned from Dante) gets into trouble sometimed but is a good hearted kid.

•In hell Vergil has been consolidating power this whole time, now many of the demon leaders/kings follow him and he is much stronger than before, his hatred against his brother and lust for power has made him unhinged, he plans to exterminate most of humanity, ensalve the rest, and then go to heaven and conquer it.

• Dante learns of Vergil from Phineas ( did he is survived the first game?) Phineas calls him "old friend" he comes one day and warns Dante Vergil is preparing to attack earth and humans won't stand a chance "Vergil is coming" he says, there might be a chance for humans if the angels intervene, but the heavenly world and earth are separated only a nephilim can open the gates, Dante refuces he says he doesn't "give a shit" and has enough with the humans there, Phineas says they will come for his kid too but Dante repeats he doesn't care, then Phineas mentions Dante could see Kat in heaven and finally agrees.

•the main point of the game more or less is to find the keys to open the gates to heaven and win the war (im not sure what these could be specifically, souls? Orbs? things :S) these are on both hell and the mortal realm

•Vergil's rule in hell is not without opposition, Dante learns there are demon forces opposed, this 'rebellion' is lead by a powerful demon named Trish, Dante decides to go to hell and find Trish so she can help him figure things out.

• There is a very emotive scene when Dante finds a paint can on the street and tells Nero his mom loved to paint graffiti on the walls , he lets out a single tear before moving on.

•Dante finds Trish who who has the appaerance of a beautiful woman with long red hair, wich surprises him but he mocks her looks saying she must be ugly as hell on the inside, Trish has heard of Dante and tells him Vergil's metods are out of control she doesn't want a nephilim ruling, and he plans to kill as many humans as possible when they just want to enslave them, finally Trish agrees to guide Dante through hell.

• the game has a hub wich is the human refuge(named Devil May Cry) the walls are all painted Dante can speak to humans some of them will upgrade weapons, others give sidequests or just say stupid things, Dante takes missions from there wich can vary from mainline story ones to liberate other settlements for example, puzzle/platforming challenges, boss battles etc. Some of them can be played
along with Nero or Trish (they have simplified special attacks ala God of War)

• Dante starts trusting Trish through his journey in part because he knows there are 'good' demons thanks to his friend and because in one mission she risks herself to help him and the kid

•Dante finds an old demon legend/myth that says the spawn born from fornication between a nephilim and a human will bring chaos to the realm.

•after finding the last key Vergil appears! He says his betrayal won't be forgiven and his foolish quest is meaningless, humanity is dying and all that will be left is a dead world,

•Dante and Vergil fight in hell, Vergil wins but says he is not gonna kill him yet, Vergil laughs and reveals Trish has been working with him all this time! He calls her his 'bitch' they explain is a plan to lure him out and trap him to suffer for all time, Trish and Vergil french kiss in front of a shocked Dante ,Trish mentions Vergil has a 'big dick' and they dissapear.

• Dante finds his way out and rushes to take on Vergil, after using the key , finally they meet again, Dante says he is here to stop him Vergil says he has become a God even brighter than Mundus ever was, and soon will become the strongest being in the universe. They battle amongs flames , then comes Nero and Vergil notices him , Vergil realizes Kat is dead, and stops for a minute before trying to kill him, Dante goes full rage mode and gets Devil Triggered (a real one not the red and white thing) the fight continues, Dante barely gets the upper hand for a few seconds. Vergil is shocked, he decides if he can't defeat his own worthless brother effortlessly he will never take the place of God, he retreats saying he is not prepared yet.

As the hordes of demons appear a light appears from the sky, Dante asks Kat if humanity still has hope left as they watch the big portal opening above.
This is truly amazing haha


Oct 27, 2017
Hi, that other thread made me think about a DmC sequel (!), and i have a few ideas were it could go and wrote an outline, Adam i would like if you read and review it !
Wrote it on my lunch breaks and used 100% of my imagination so be as harsh as you like there is lots of editing left to do.i think some points are out of order

•its been 10 years since the ending of DmC1, the world is at war, and the demons are winning, human society is in crumbles, goverments have fallen, population is low, turns out humans are powerless against the supernatural power of demon kind and a single Nephilim was not enough to change their domination across the world. They decided to enslave humanity the old fashioned way!

• Dante has changed too, he has a beautiful mane of long white hair and a manly black beard, he is in charge of the largest human settlement on earth, but something is seriously wrong inside him, he still remembers the painful loss of his woman 'Kat' who died back in the first years of the demon human demon war.

•Dante is colder and harsh but he knows he has to protect the humans in the settlement wich include his own child, named Nero. Nero is careless and barely remembers his mom, he is kinda sadistic in killing demons (wich he learned from Dante) gets into trouble sometimes but is a good hearted kid.note he swears a lot

•In hell Vergil has been consolidating power this whole time, now many of the demon leaders/kings follow him and he is much stronger than before, his hatred against his brother and lust for power has made him unhinged, he plans to exterminate most of humanity, ensalve the rest, and then go to heaven and conquer it.

• Dante learns of Vergil from Phineas ( did he survived the first game?) Phineas calls him "old friend" he comes one day and warns Dante Vergil is preparing to attack earth and humans won't stand a chance "Vergil is coming" he says, there might be a chance for humans if the angels intervene, but the heavenly world and earth are separated only a nephilim can open the gates, Dante refuces he says he doesn't "give a shit" and has enough with the humans there, Phineas says they will come for his kid too but Dante repeats he doesn't care, then Phineas mentions Dante could see Kat in heaven and finally agrees.

•the main point of the game more or less is to find the keys to open the gates to heaven and win the war (im not sure what these could be specifically, souls? Orbs? things :S) these are on both hell and the mortal realm

•Vergil's rule in hell is not without opposition, Dante learns there are demon forces opposed, this 'rebellion' is lead by a powerful demon named Trish, Dante decides to go to hell and find Trish so she can help him figure things out.

• There is a very emotive scene when Dante finds a paint can on the street and tells Nero his mom loved to paint graffiti on the walls , he lets out a single tear before moving on.

•Dante finds Trish who who has the appaerance of a beautiful woman with long red hair, wich surprises him but he mocks her looks saying she must be ugly as hell on the inside, Trish has heard of Dante and tells him Vergil's metods are out of control she doesn't want a nephilim ruling, and he plans to kill as many humans as possible when they just want to enslave them, finally Trish agrees to guide Dante through hell.

• the game has a hub wich is the human refuge(named Devil May Cry) the walls are all painted Dante can speak to humans some of them will upgrade weapons, others give sidequests or just say stupid things, Dante takes missions from there wich can vary from mainline story ones to liberate other settlements for example, puzzle/platforming challenges, boss battles etc. Some of them can be played
along with Nero or Trish (they have simplified special attacks ala God of War)

• Dante starts trusting Trish through his journey in part because he knows there are 'good' demons thanks to his friend and because in one mission she risks herself to help him and the kid

•Dante finds an old demon legend/myth that says the spawn born from fornication between a nephilim and a human will bring chaos to the realm.

•after finding the last key Vergil appears! He says his betrayal won't be forgiven and his foolish quest is meaningless, humanity is dying and all that will be left is a dead world,

•Dante and Vergil fight in hell, Vergil wins but says he is not gonna kill him yet, Vergil laughs and reveals Trish has been working with him all this time! He calls her his 'bitch' they explain how this a plan to lure him out and trap him to suffer for eternity, Trish and Vergil french kiss in front of a shocked Dante ,Trish mentions Vergil has a 'big dick' and they dissapear.

• Dante finds his way out and rushes to take on Vergil, after using the key , finally they meet again, Dante says he is here to stop him Vergil says he has become a God even brighter than Mundus ever was, and soon will become the strongest being in the universe. They battle amongs flames , then comes Nero and Vergil notices him , Vergil realizes Kat is dead, and stops for a minute before trying to kill him, Dante goes full rage mode and gets Devil Triggered (a real one not the red and white thing) the fight continues, Dante barely gets the upper hand for a few seconds. Vergil is shocked, he decides if he can't defeat his own worthless brother effortlessly he will never take the place of God, he retreats saying he is not prepared yet.

As the hordes of demons approach a light appears from the sky, Dante asks Kat if humanity still has hope left as they watch (Nero not Kat Kat is still dead) the big portal opening above.

edit: a few corrections
Well, except for the fridging (and some of the forced stuff like "bitch", "big dick" and so on) this is an interesting read, thanks for taking the time to write it. I do remain staunchly in the "I'd love to see what Ninja Theory would come up with for a DmC2 game" camp, but I do think it could have some semblance to this.

Sub Boss

Nov 14, 2017
Well, except for the fridging (and some of the forced stuff like "bitch", "big dick" and so on) .
But, how in the world its forced? Its literally dialogue from the game, i tried to fit the tone of DmC somewhat, but go in a more serious path for the apocalyptic setting.

I liked the idea of taking the Trish relationship from the classic games and turn it upside down, now Trish is Vergil's companion but they have a different dynamic because they are antagonists, Trish is only Dante's partner at the start.its also supposed to reflect Lilith and Mundus ironically

thx thats a 7 from you right <3


Oct 25, 2017
Hi, that other thread made me think about a DmC sequel (!), and i have a few ideas were it could go and wrote an outline, Adam i would like if you read and review it !
Wrote it on my lunch breaks and used 100% of my imagination so be as harsh as you like there is lots of editing left to do.i think some points are out of order

•its been 10 years since the ending of DmC1, the world is at war, and the demons are winning, human society is in crumbles, goverments have fallen, population is low, turns out humans are powerless against the supernatural power of demon kind and a single Nephilim was not enough to change their domination across the world. They decided to enslave humanity the old fashioned way!

• Dante has changed too, he has a beautiful mane of long white hair and a manly black beard, he is in charge of the largest human settlement on earth, but something is seriously wrong inside him, he still remembers the painful loss of his woman 'Kat' who died back in the first years of the demon human demon war.

•Dante is colder and harsh but he knows he has to protect the humans in the settlement wich include his own child, named Nero. Nero is careless and barely remembers his mom, he is kinda sadistic in killing demons (wich he learned from Dante) gets into trouble sometimes but is a good hearted kid.note he swears a lot

•In hell Vergil has been consolidating power this whole time, now many of the demon leaders/kings follow him and he is much stronger than before, his hatred against his brother and lust for power has made him unhinged, he plans to exterminate most of humanity, ensalve the rest, and then go to heaven and conquer it.

• Dante learns of Vergil from Phineas ( did he survived the first game?) Phineas calls him "old friend" he comes one day and warns Dante Vergil is preparing to attack earth and humans won't stand a chance "Vergil is coming" he says, there might be a chance for humans if the angels intervene, but the heavenly world and earth are separated only a nephilim can open the gates, Dante refuces he says he doesn't "give a shit" and has enough with the humans there, Phineas says they will come for his kid too but Dante repeats he doesn't care, then Phineas mentions Dante could see Kat in heaven and finally agrees.

•the main point of the game more or less is to find the keys to open the gates to heaven and win the war (im not sure what these could be specifically, souls? Orbs? things :S) these are on both hell and the mortal realm

•Vergil's rule in hell is not without opposition, Dante learns there are demon forces opposed, this 'rebellion' is lead by a powerful demon named Trish, Dante decides to go to hell and find Trish so she can help him figure things out.

• There is a very emotive scene when Dante finds a paint can on the street and tells Nero his mom loved to paint graffiti on the walls , he lets out a single tear before moving on.

•Dante finds Trish who who has the appaerance of a beautiful woman with long red hair, wich surprises him but he mocks her looks saying she must be ugly as hell on the inside, Trish has heard of Dante and tells him Vergil's metods are out of control she doesn't want a nephilim ruling, and he plans to kill as many humans as possible when they just want to enslave them, finally Trish agrees to guide Dante through hell.

• the game has a hub wich is the human refuge(named Devil May Cry) the walls are all painted Dante can speak to humans some of them will upgrade weapons, others give sidequests or just say stupid things, Dante takes missions from there wich can vary from mainline story ones to liberate other settlements for example, puzzle/platforming challenges, boss battles etc. Some of them can be played
along with Nero or Trish (they have simplified special attacks ala God of War)

• Dante starts trusting Trish through his journey in part because he knows there are 'good' demons thanks to his friend and because in one mission she risks herself to help him and the kid

•Dante finds an old demon legend/myth that says the spawn born from fornication between a nephilim and a human will bring chaos to the realm.

•after finding the last key Vergil appears! He says his betrayal won't be forgiven and his foolish quest is meaningless, humanity is dying and all that will be left is a dead world,

•Dante and Vergil fight in hell, Vergil wins but says he is not gonna kill him yet, Vergil laughs and reveals Trish has been working with him all this time! He calls her his 'bitch' they explain how this a plan to lure him out and trap him to suffer for eternity, Trish and Vergil french kiss in front of a shocked Dante ,Trish mentions Vergil has a 'big dick' and they dissapear.

• Dante finds his way out and rushes to take on Vergil, after using the key , finally they meet again, Dante says he is here to stop him Vergil says he has become a God even brighter than Mundus ever was, and soon will become the strongest being in the universe. They battle amongs flames , then comes Nero and Vergil notices him , Vergil realizes Kat is dead, and stops for a minute before trying to kill him, Dante goes full rage mode and gets Devil Triggered (a real one not the red and white thing) the fight continues, Dante barely gets the upper hand for a few seconds. Vergil is shocked, he decides if he can't defeat his own worthless brother effortlessly he will never take the place of God, he retreats saying he is not prepared yet.

As the hordes of demons approach a light appears from the sky, Dante asks Kat if humanity still has hope left as they watch (Nero not Kat Kat is still dead) the big portal opening above.

edit: a few corrections

ah. this is certainly a DmC fic tameem would be prouda ya.


Nov 6, 2017
Hi, that other thread made me think about a DmC sequel (!), and i have a few ideas were it could go and wrote an outline, Adam i would like if you read and review it !
Wrote it on my lunch breaks and used 100% of my imagination so be as harsh as you like there is lots of editing left to do.i think some points are out of order

•its been 10 years since the ending of DmC1, the world is at war, and the demons are winning, human society is in crumbles, goverments have fallen, population is low, turns out humans are powerless against the supernatural power of demon kind and a single Nephilim was not enough to change their domination across the world. They decided to enslave humanity the old fashioned way!

• Dante has changed too, he has a beautiful mane of long white hair and a manly black beard, he is in charge of the largest human settlement on earth, but something is seriously wrong inside him, he still remembers the painful loss of his woman 'Kat' who died back in the first years of the demon human demon war.

•Dante is colder and harsh but he knows he has to protect the humans in the settlement wich include his own child, named Nero. Nero is careless and barely remembers his mom, he is kinda sadistic in killing demons (wich he learned from Dante) gets into trouble sometimes but is a good hearted kid.note he swears a lot

•In hell Vergil has been consolidating power this whole time, now many of the demon leaders/kings follow him and he is much stronger than before, his hatred against his brother and lust for power has made him unhinged, he plans to exterminate most of humanity, ensalve the rest, and then go to heaven and conquer it.

• Dante learns of Vergil from Phineas ( did he survived the first game?) Phineas calls him "old friend" he comes one day and warns Dante Vergil is preparing to attack earth and humans won't stand a chance "Vergil is coming" he says, there might be a chance for humans if the angels intervene, but the heavenly world and earth are separated only a nephilim can open the gates, Dante refuces he says he doesn't "give a shit" and has enough with the humans there, Phineas says they will come for his kid too but Dante repeats he doesn't care, then Phineas mentions Dante could see Kat in heaven and finally agrees.

•the main point of the game more or less is to find the keys to open the gates to heaven and win the war (im not sure what these could be specifically, souls? Orbs? things :S) these are on both hell and the mortal realm

•Vergil's rule in hell is not without opposition, Dante learns there are demon forces opposed, this 'rebellion' is lead by a powerful demon named Trish, Dante decides to go to hell and find Trish so she can help him figure things out.

• There is a very emotive scene when Dante finds a paint can on the street and tells Nero his mom loved to paint graffiti on the walls , he lets out a single tear before moving on.

•Dante finds Trish who who has the appaerance of a beautiful woman with long red hair, wich surprises him but he mocks her looks saying she must be ugly as hell on the inside, Trish has heard of Dante and tells him Vergil's metods are out of control she doesn't want a nephilim ruling, and he plans to kill as many humans as possible when they just want to enslave them, finally Trish agrees to guide Dante through hell.

• the game has a hub wich is the human refuge(named Devil May Cry) the walls are all painted Dante can speak to humans some of them will upgrade weapons, others give sidequests or just say stupid things, Dante takes missions from there wich can vary from mainline story ones to liberate other settlements for example, puzzle/platforming challenges, boss battles etc. Some of them can be played
along with Nero or Trish (they have simplified special attacks ala God of War)

• Dante starts trusting Trish through his journey in part because he knows there are 'good' demons thanks to his friend and because in one mission she risks herself to help him and the kid

•Dante finds an old demon legend/myth that says the spawn born from fornication between a nephilim and a human will bring chaos to the realm.

•after finding the last key Vergil appears! He says his betrayal won't be forgiven and his foolish quest is meaningless, humanity is dying and all that will be left is a dead world,

•Dante and Vergil fight in hell, Vergil wins but says he is not gonna kill him yet, Vergil laughs and reveals Trish has been working with him all this time! He calls her his 'bitch' they explain how this a plan to lure him out and trap him to suffer for eternity, Trish and Vergil french kiss in front of a shocked Dante ,Trish mentions Vergil has a 'big dick' and they dissapear.

• Dante finds his way out and rushes to take on Vergil, after using the key , finally they meet again, Dante says he is here to stop him Vergil says he has become a God even brighter than Mundus ever was, and soon will become the strongest being in the universe. They battle amongs flames , then comes Nero and Vergil notices him , Vergil realizes Kat is dead, and stops for a minute before trying to kill him, Dante goes full rage mode and gets Devil Triggered (a real one not the red and white thing) the fight continues, Dante barely gets the upper hand for a few seconds. Vergil is shocked, he decides if he can't defeat his own worthless brother effortlessly he will never take the place of God, he retreats saying he is not prepared yet.

As the hordes of demons approach a light appears from the sky, Dante asks Kat if humanity still has hope left as they watch (Nero not Kat Kat is still dead) the big portal opening above.

edit: a few corrections

shakespearean level of story


Oct 30, 2017
Probably a mistake given the Xbox One version listed there.
might be a timed only. but anyways this website has any potential unannounced games listed . so not much to read into.

of course our savior and lord, walmart, might spill the beans

This year E3 was brought to all of us by walmart haha


Oct 25, 2017
They're reportedly co-funding the game like SFV, its obviously not developed with 100% of Sony's budget. GoW was a burned franchise. DMC is the opposite.

Deleted member 11093

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I had a god fucking awful nightmare about DMC5 yesterday that I feel the need to share, the game turned out to be a huge reskin of DMC4 with some new gameplay elements and story cutscenes, it looked too much like DMC4 it felt like it was DMC4.5, same engine and assets, just everything.
I remember feeling an immense feeling of disappointment at how cheap the game looked like for a 2018 title, wondering how big the meltdown would be on this forum and on other gaming sites and how bad I felt for Itsuno getting Capcom'd, and then I woke up, realized that we're still less than two weeks away from E3 and felt relieved as fuck.
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