
Oct 25, 2017
I have only played PSVR but I must say this game looks wow graphically. I didn't know things had progressed to this level. I'm interested in PC VR but haven't looked into it cost wise yet...


Nov 21, 2017

huh, upcoming leaks on breath of the wild ii and metroid prime iv



Oct 25, 2017
This is why I just upgraded my pc. Also, love these screenshots but I'm going on a blackout after this since release isn't that far out anymore. It's still so surreal to realize we're getting more HL finally.


#1 Waluigi Fan! Current Status: Crying
Oct 25, 2017
Awwww yeah. That bathtub headcrabless headcrab zombie (right?) will give me nightmares!

Also I NEED to see the good old ERROR asset in VR.

Deleted member 2840

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
alyx is so cute
ive been replaying hl2/ep1 etc and merles voice adds a lot. hopefully shes not gone forever
Merle's relationship with Valve recently is so weird.
She does a character in Dota called Tresdin. Then in Artifact she was replaced by another VA for that character.
Then in UNDERLORDS she came back for Tresdin.
Now this stuff with Alyx.


Oct 25, 2017
Orlando, FL
This game looks so amazing.

It is the game that made me buy an Oculus quest and just now upgrade my PC to a ryzen 3600 from my i5-6600k. My 1660ti is the weakest link in this build but good enough to play half life alyx. I will just play it again when I sell this card for the 3070.


Wonder from Down Under
Oct 27, 2017
It is absolutely surreal sitting here in the year 2020 looking at superb modern Half-Life screenshots after 13 years of absence.


Oct 27, 2017
This game is going to be pants shittingly good...bring on the horror segments full blast Valve. I still think about that one dark basement area filled with zombies, iirc it was in Episode 1. Valve knows how to build atmosphere through level design better than most, shit's gonna feel cranked to 11 in VR. Knock on wood for no delay.


Oct 25, 2017
I wonder how far Valve is going to go in terms of horror - as someone who was delightfully creeped out by HL2 but couldn't make my way through F.E.A.R. the addition of VR may push this into pant shitting territory for me


Dec 28, 2017
I wonder how far Valve is going to go in terms of horror - as someone who was delightfully creeped out by HL2 but couldn't make my way through F.E.A.R. the addition of VR may push this into pant shitting territory for me
Imagine a Headcrab just lunging at you. Even thinking about it is giving me shivers, whew.

Deleted member 8579

Oct 26, 2017
Will play this game in my dreams or maybe one day when pigs fly.


Jul 17, 2018
The fidelity that Valve can push with Alyx in a physics based world while running games at above 1440p resolution at 90Hz is quite astonishing. I really need to consider if I'm going to wait a few months after launch for a 3080 just to supersample the hell out of it.

I literally cannot wait until the day eye-tracked foveated rendering ships in a new Valve headset so that they can have a graphics leap as high as Half Life 2 compared to the competition at the time.


Dec 9, 2017
Looks really good for a VR game. I wonder if we'll see any more games in this engine anytime soon.


Oct 27, 2017
I wonder how far Valve is going to go in terms of horror - as someone who was delightfully creeped out by HL2 but couldn't make my way through F.E.A.R. the addition of VR may push this into pant shitting territory for me

Playing various VR horror games and proof of concept demos over the years actually gave me more of an aversion to going into dark or dimly lit areas in even pancake games for a time, it's like VR was rewiring my lizard brain's survival instincts or something. At certain times I simply couldn't go any further though that was mostly in VR. Dark hallway? Nope!

As an aside one of the better VR demos I played during the DK1/DK2 days was a recreation of parts of The Overlook Hotel from The Shining. At one point you're walking down a long hallway with that classic hexagon carpet pattern and a door beside you cracks open just a bit for the red ball to come rolling out right by your feet. I did not go into that room :P

There's so much potential for good horror in VR, obviously REVII did a great job but something utilizing motion controls is ideal. A Chair in a Room: Greenwater and that dev's followup The Exorcist: Legion VR are probably the best we have for that, though at times it feels somewhat like a glorified hidden object game to trigger the next sequence. I'm hopeful HL: Alyx has a decent amount of well designed spooky areas and its success drives more devs to experiment with horror in VR as the genre has been pretty light lately for new releases.


Dec 9, 2017
I could see valve releasing their other 2 vr games in yearly increments after Alyx. So like HLA 2020, 2nd flagship VR game 2021, and final flagship game 2022.

I was thinking more along the lines of other devs using Source 2 as their game engine, assuming that is or will be an option anytime soon.


▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Headcrabs jumping on you in VR while crawling through a vent.

That is the true horror.
Oct 25, 2017
The headcrab-less person is the thing of nightmares. The detail in Alyx is going to be really, really insane. I can't wait to get my Index and start diving into VR on PC.


Jul 14, 2018
I have 3 questions.

1. Which headset should I buy, I don't want to spend more than 500 for it. Is the Oculus Rift a worthy choice?

2. What specs should I shoot for to play VR games, I am upgrading to a new system next month. Is an i7 Intel cpu and an Nvidia 2070 Super with 16GB of memory good enough or do I need to push past that and go for the i9 and the 2080 Super? I don't want to spend over 2000 on a new PC.

3 In VR gaming do you need a lot of room, do you always have to stand and move around the room? Can you sit down during a game like this one?


Oct 31, 2017
Is that the Hydra on the logo?

It does look like the Hydra which has spots running up its side and a small barbed head like the tentacle in the art. We may finally see it again. There's also a slightly tentacle looking thing in the HL:A trailer, but it doesn't quite match the look of the thing on the sign.

I hope they're not just using a tentacle monster as a generic alien cartoon, and it is actually the return of the Hydra. It would be such a throwback.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm going to wait to play this until the right vr set appears on the market.

But I was looking at headsets yesterday...

Just looking.


Dec 2, 2017
Man I really hope I'll be able to build a new rig before this comes out, while my laptop is pushing VR games pretty good right now I doubt my 1060 will give me a proper experience.


Oct 25, 2017
Interesting implications from that Zombie model I would say. Most writers and HL theorists assumed that the Headcrabs broke into their hosts brains from the Back, but the state of that head seems to imply that they instead access it from the front of the cranium instead.

Note how most of the head is fine-ish and clean, maybe just a bit sweaty, but the face is almost completely liquefied and completely bloodied.
Oct 25, 2017
I wonder if there's any chance this gets delayed. I'd rather jump into this (and CP 2077) after Nvidia releases their Ampere lineup.

This game looks so sick. Head crabs are going to be terrifying in VR.
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Oct 26, 2017
I have 3 questions.

1. Which headset should I buy, I don't want to spend more than 500 for it. Is the Oculus Rift a worthy choice?

2. What specs should I shoot for to play VR games, I am upgrading to a new system next month. Is an i7 Intel cpu and an Nvidia 2070 Super with 16GB of memory good enough or do I need to push past that and go for the i9 and the 2080 Super? I don't want to spend over 2000 on a new PC.

3 In VR gaming do you need a lot of room, do you always have to stand and move around the room? Can you sit down during a game like this one?

The Oculus Rift S.

An i7 with 2070 SUPER and 16GB ram is definitely good enough. My older GTX1070 can run all VR games well so far. Any current average mid end PC can run VR well now.

There are some games which require lots of room, and some which can be play seated or standing. Half-Life: Alyx can be played seated down, standing or walk around.
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