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Oct 27, 2017
No matter how anyone feels about Michael being innocent or guilty, I think everyone can feel the same that I really feel bad for his kids right now and hope they're doing ok.
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Oct 25, 2017
So you won't ignore whatever helps fit your own narrative but you will ignore anything that doesn't.

Got it.

I'm curious because I know from your posting that you're a reasonable guy, so I am not trying to put you on the spot. I'm reading reams of contradictory information about the events and his accusers' veracity.

I can think of lots of reasons false accusations are leveled - or making a documentary about them -- money or attention being two easy ones. Coercion from parents or other greedy or self interested parties. Granted. Those are all things that happen.

I'd balance those with the equally well documented false testimony from victims that happens because of shame, fear, humiliation, pressure, money and other deeper more troubling effects from the nature of abuse itself. I don't think you'd disagree with that as a blanket statement even if you see specifics in this case that you believe refute that thesis - that's fine and you actually have verdicts and contradictory statements to point to. But in general - the preceding phenomenon are very real and difficult victim experiences.

But Let's remove every crime and every contested allegation from the picture of his life at that time and stick to just the uncontested facts and testimony. This isn't a court, it's a conversation and an argument about what we do know.

How do you, if not defend, then at least frame the things that DID happen - sleeping with more than one pre-teen boy literally hundreds of times, collecting and hiding art featuring naked children and being surrounded by a staff and cadre of people who we know for a fact did enable and help him achieve some of his worst instincts on personal physical appearance, his inner circle, lifestyle and environment, medication and so on?

And assuming that there's a straightforward framing of those known events and circumstances - why is it so unreasonable for lay persons to be suspicious of him - distrusting of the legal verdicts at the time - and willing to entertain the new accusations from the individuals in the documentary?

Deleted member 26139

User requested account closure
Oct 30, 2017
Okay now find the video that justifies grown men cuddling in bed with lots and lots of little boys. You may need to hop on the dark web for that one.
Here's a YouTube link:

Mother Goose Story Time at Neverland

Edit: And Jackson's own words:
1995 interview with Diane Sawyer said:
DIANE SAWYER: Here is a man who is surrounded by things that children love. Here is a man who spent an inordinate amount of time with these young boys.

MICHAEL JACKSON: That's right.

SAWYER: What is a 36-year-old man doing sleeping with a 12-year-old boy or a series of them?

JACKSON: Okay, when you say boys, it's not just boys, and I've never invited just boys to come to my room. Come on, that's ridiculous, and that's a ridiculous question. But since people want to hear it, you know, the answer, I'll be happy to answer it. I have never invited anyone into my bed, ever. Children love me; I love them. They follow me. They want to be with me. But anybody can come into my bed. A child can come into my bed if they want.


LISA MARIE PRESLEY: Let me just--sorry. I just wanted to say, though, I've seen these children. They don't let him go to the bathroom without running in there with him. They won't let him out of their sight, so when he jumps in the bed--I'm even out, you know--they jump in the bed with him.

SAWYER: But isn't part of being an adult and loving children keeping children from ambiguous situations? And again, we're talking about over an intense period of time here. Would you let your son when he grows up and is 12-years-old do that?

PRESLEY: You know what, if I didn't know Michael, no way. But I happen to know who he is and what he is, and that makes it, you know--I know that he's not--I know that he's not like that and I know that he has a thing for children and I--go ahead, sorry.

SAWYER: I just wonder, is it over? You're gonna make sure it doesn't happen again? I think, this is really the--

JACKSON: Is what over?

SAWYER: --key thing people want to know. That there are not going to be more of these sleepovers in which people have to wonder.

JACKSON: Nobody wonders when kids sleep over at my house. Nobody wonders.

SAWYER: But are they over? Are you gonna watch out for it now--

JACKSON: Watch out for what?

SAWYER: --just for the sake of the children and everything that you've been through?

JACKSON: No, because it's all--it's all moral, and it's all pure. I don't even think that way. It's not what's in my heart.

SAWYER: So, you'll--

JACKSON: I would never, ever--

SAWYER: --you'll do it again?

JACKSON: Do what again?

SAWYER: I mean, you'll have a child sleeping over.

JACKSON: Of course, if they want. It's on the level of purity and love and just innocence, complete innocence. If you're talking about sex, then that's a nut. That's not me. Go to the guy down the street because it's not Michael Jackson. It's not what I'm interested in.
2003 interview with Martin Bashir said:
JACKSON: God knows in my heart how much I adore children.

MARTIN BASHIR: But isn't that precisely the problem that when you actually invite children into your bed you never know what's going to happen?

JACKSON: See, but when you say bed, you're thinking sexual, they make that sexual. It's not sexual. We're going to sleep. I tuck them in. We put--I put little like music on and do a little story time and I read a book. It's very sweet. Put the fireplace on, we give them hot milk, you know, we have cookies. It's very charming, very sweet. It's what the whole world should do.


BARSHIR: But is it really appropriate for a 44-year-old man to share a bedroom with a child who is not related to him at all?

JACKSON: That's a beautiful thing.

BASHIR: That's--that's not a worrying thing?

JACKSON: Why should it be worrying? Who's the criminal? Who's--who's Jack the Ripper in the room? This is a guy trying to help heal a child. I'm sleeping in a sleeping bag on the floor, I give [Gavin Arvizo] the bed because he has a brother named Star, so him and Star took the bed, and I'm on the floor in the sleeping bag.

BASHIR: Did you ever sleep in the bed with them?

JACKSON: No, but I have slept in the bed with many children. I sleep in the bed with all of them. When Macaulay Culkin was little, Kieran Culkin would sleep on this side, Macaulay Culkin's on this side, his sister's in there--we're all just jam in the bed. Then we'd wake up at dawn and go on the hot air balloon. You know, we would--we have the footage. We--I have all that footage.

BASHIR: But is it right, Michael?

JACKSON: It's very right. It's very loving. That's what the world needs now. More love, more--more heart.

BASHIR: The world--the world needs a man who's 44 sleeping in a bed with children?

JACKSON: No, you're making it--no, no, you're making it all wrong. That's wrong.
This is a wild thought, I know, but maybe he's telling the truth?
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Big One

Oct 25, 2017
But Let's remove every crime and every contested allegation from the picture of his life at that time and stick to just the uncontested facts and testimony. This isn't a court, it's a conversation and an argument about what we do know.

How do you, if not defend, then at least frame the things that DID happen - sleeping with more than one pre-teen boy literally hundreds of times, collecting and hiding art featuring naked children and being surrounded by a staff and cadre of people who we know for a fact did enable and help him achieve some of his worst instincts on personal physical appearance, his inner circle, lifestyle and environment, medication and so on?

And assuming that there's a straightforward framing of those known events and circumstances - why is it so unreasonable for lay persons to be suspicious of him - distrusting of the legal verdicts at the time - and willing to entertain the new accusations from the individuals in the documentary?
Just the fact that kids were allowed around a drug addict like Michael and the staffers enabled and aided him to suppress this information is extremely disturbing in of itself. Children shouldn't be around that lifestyle, period.


User Requested Ban
Jan 21, 2019
Yes, the accusers say MJ sexually molested them.

Sex crimes are incredibly difficult and arduous to investigate. The further back they are the more difficult they are to prosecute and the less willing victims are willing to come forward in fear of not being believed or having a stigma attached.

I really have no interest in discussing these specific two individuals, as the general skepticism of sexual abuse victims, especially on this forum of all places, leaves a really bad taste in my mouth. I'm never going to speculate or attempt to discredit individuals who say they have been sexually abused.

As to the proof of him being a pedophile? Again, there's no way to provide definitive proof or a method to clinically diagnose someone who's dead.

There's a cornucopia of circumstantial evidence, witness testimony, that provides enough insight into MJ's relationship with children to warrant criticism and mistrust.

I believe any adult who has shown such a disturbing affinity for children and has acted as inappropriately as Michael Jackson did is a pedophile.

My personal barometer isn't the same as yours, and my personal barometer isn't adherent to the same evidentiary limits as a court of law.
First and foremost I would like to thank you to have a good discussion. That is very important in these days I think. I agree with most of what you say. I don't really know if I agree if he is a pedophile (with the information I saw), it is clearly wrong to have slept with these children in my view. But with that information alone I don't know if he had sexual attraction to these kids.
Again it was wrong and he should have been penalized for that, and from the very beginning he admitted to that (or would have to been investigated from the first minute someone knew about that).
If that would have happened then I think it would have been a big benefit to everyone.
The case would not be so difficult and it would have been faster to know if he was such a horrible person as some say or if he is innocent of being a pedophile and/or molester. So in that case Michael failed and also those around him. If these two speak the truth I don't know and I will not accuse them. Like everyone they have the right to be heard, to be believed and to have their case investigated.


Oct 27, 2017
Do you honestly believe this

"This was a letter MJ sent to a relative when he was worried about his nephew being molested. He clearly did not think child molestation was ok. "

Is proof of anything.

Have you ever looked into any rapist in the entire world.

Do you think Jackson not raping one child is proof in favor of him having never raped other children.

Do you really think these things or are you arguing in bad faith to defend a dead pop star.
I don't think me answering you is going to stop you making straw man arguments or calling me unwell or anything, but I thought I should answer to make a general point for the rest of the people here.

The letter and the fact that Michael didn't rape Macaulay Culkin aren't proof of anything. I never said they were. But I do believe that both of these weaken both the argument that he was a pedophile and perhaps more importantly specific points brought up in this new documentary.

What Wade Robson and James Safechuck are saying now is that Michael didn't understand that a sexual relationship was harmful to a child. That he thought it really was innocent and good.

It's interesting going back and re-evaluating Michael Jackson's statement about how he would never hurt a child.
He's telling the truth — to himself.
Because he really thinks so. Even the kids would say, "We weren't hurt. We were in love."
Yeah. And that's why Wade says, "I didn't consider this to be abuse. I loved Michael and Michael loved me." That persisted for many years, because that was embedded in his psyche when he was seven. And when we're that age, we're so malleable and we form our ideas of normality, right? So, for them, this was a normal, healthy thing. And it's not until many years later — this is so typical of child sexual abuse — that that structure falls apart and they can no longer hold it together.

There's also the song that another user posted on the previous page that he wrote, Do You Know Where Your Children Are, in which he specifically writes/sings about the evil of people in the business preying on children and sexually abusing them.

She wrote that she is tired of step daddy using her
Saying that he'll buy her things, while sexually abusing her
Just think that she's all alone somewhere out on the street
How will this girl survive?
She ain't got nothing to eat!

Now she's on the move, she's off to Hollywood
She says she wanna be a star, she heard the money's good
She gets off from the train station, the man is waiting there
"I'll show you where the money is, girl just let down your hair"
He's taking her on the streets, of Sunset Boulevard
She's selling her body hard, girl that will take you far
The police come 'round the corner, somebody there they told
He's arresting this little girl, that's only twelve years old!

So we have written evidence through a private letter and a song written in 1987 by Michael that clearly show that he knew child molestation was wrong. That just doesn't gel for me, at all, with the idea that Wade Robson says Michael didn't realize what he was doing was wrong.

Secondly, as I said, if he really was a pedophile his relationship with Macaulay Culkin could reasonably be seen as an incredibly high risk situation. Moreover, the new documentary itself heavily implies that Robson and Safechuck were replaced by Macaulay Culkin and Brett Barnes as Michael's newest victims. While both have been incredibly adamant, both over the years and recently, that there was no sexual abuse whatsoever and that their relationship with Michael was completely innocent. Barnes has been vocal to on Twitter to defend Michael and to say that Robson and Safechuck are lying. As I said in another post way back too, among many other people who Robson harassed to support him, Robson went after Jonathan Spence, a kid who befriended Michael in the 80s, to join him in his allegations. Per official court documents: "Plaintiff Wade Robson and his counsel have treated Spence in the most abominable manner – without the slightest regard for Spence's concerns and objections regarding Spence's unilaterally-noticed deposition" and "[Robson's] bullying behavior toward a non-party is inexcusable and speaks for itself."(Legal document in question):

On another note, the documentary also mentions the seemingly damning testimony of Michael's former maid Blanca Francia - she had said in a tabloid that she had seen Robson and Jackson together nude in a shower. What isn't mentioned is that Francia admitted in her 1994 and 2016 depositions that she admitted she never saw them together like this, and she only saw Jackson alone in the shower.
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The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
Burn it down.




Oct 27, 2017
Sigh. I only have time right now to refer to one of the points by quoting an earlier post of mine but no, Jordie Chandler's drawing was not a match.

That was the rumour going around then but law enforcement sources came out and said around the time of the case that the photos of his stuff did not match the description. The description referenced vague brown blotches, which would be common on someone with vitiligo. Most importantly, the description described him as being circumcised when he was confirmed by policy and autopsy to not be.


Oct 31, 2017
And yet here we have two men who say he molested them. And you're calling them liars.
This isn't the Bill Cosby shit where there was mountains of evidence against him and people still denied it.
The fucking MJ child abuse/pedophile circus has been RIFE with lies, falsehoods, lawsuits, and the very people themselves repeatedly stating that they made shit up to get rich quick. Hell even the kids who were supposedly molested have said years later that their parents set the whole shit up for fame.
It's a fucking musical chairs at this point. I'm tuning out of this documentary.

Deleted member 26139

User requested account closure
Oct 30, 2017
Are you referring to the Chandler case? It isn't necessarily that cut-and-dry. You might have to confirm the details for yourself but my understanding was a Hollywood dentist pushed to create a friendship between his son and Michael Jackson, made large financial requests (the funding of a movie?), and proceeded with a civil lawsuit based around sexual abuse allegations when those were denied. There's a recording that's supposed to be of him, which makes it sound like extortion. Apparently he drugged his son (with drugs available to him as a dentist) to solicit a confession. There are sketchy circumstances surrounding that case.

When it comes to a payout I can see how a group of people trying to protect Michael Jackson's career could come to that decision, perhaps more than I can understand a parent knowing that their son was abused and settling out of court. Then in a later court case allegations went through a full court case and Michael Jackson was found not guilty.

Yes, people should read the transcripts of the those secretly recorded phone conversations with Jordan's father Evan Chandler. The calls took place before any sexual allegations were made and it was Jordan's then-stepdad Dave Schwartz who secretly taped the calls. (I wonder why Dave was discretely recording Evan?) Here are some excerpts from those phone conversations. It's all Evan speaking to Dave, and again, this is just prior to the first sexual allegations materializing.

1993 - Evan Chandler pre-allegations said:
Let me put it to you his way: I have a set routine of words that I'm going to go in there that have been rehearsed and I'm going to say. Okay? Because I don't want to say anything that could be used against me. So I know exactly what I can say. That's why I'm bringing the tape recorder. I have some things on paper to show a few people—and that's it.

My whole part is going to take two or three minutes, and I'm going to turn around [tape irregularity], and that's it. There's not going to be anything said, other than what I've been told to say—and I'm going to turn around and leave, and they're going to have a decision to make, and based on that decision, I'll decide whether or not we're going to talk again or whether it's going to go further. I have to make a phone call. As soon as I leave the house, I get on the telephone. I make a phone call. Say "Go" or I say, "Don't go yet," and that's the way it's gonna to be.

I've been told what to do, and I have to do it. I'm not—I happen to know what's going to be going on, see? They don't have to say anything to me. [Tape irregularity] "you have refused to listen to me. Now you're going to have to listen to me. This is my position. Give it a thought. Think it over." I'm not saying anything bad about anybody, okay? I've got it all on paper. I'm going to hand out the paper so that I don't inadvertently [tape irregularity], handing out the paper, "Michael [Jackson], here's your paper. [My ex-wife] June, here's your paper. Compare papers. Read this whole thing. This is my feelings about it. Do you want to talk further? We'll talk again. If you don't" [tape irregularity]—but, see, all I'm trying to do now, they have forced me to go [tape irregularity] on paper and give it to them to read because [tape irregularity]. I mean, isn't that pitiful? Now, why would they want to cut me out, to go this far, spend this much money, spend so much time in my life crying, being away from my practice, not paying [tape irregularity] everybody else? Why would they want to put me through that?


I've already told you I have—I'm not allowed to say anything more than I've already prepared. It's on paper.


[My attorney is] willing to meet with them. Right now he'd like to kill them all. I picked the nastiest motherfucker I could find. The only reason that I'm meeting with them tomorrow is, the real fact of the matter is because of [my wife] Monique. Monique begged me to do it. She said, "You're out of control."


I'm only going there because of Monique, because, to tell you the truth, Dave, it would be a lot easier for me and a lot more satisfying to see everybody get destroyed—like they've destroyed me, but it would be a lot easier. And Monique just kept telling me, "You don't want to really do this," and she finally [tape irregularity] for the sake of everything that we've all had in the past to give it one more try, and that's the only reason, because this attorney I found—I mean, I interviewed several, and I picked the nastiest son of a bitch I could find, and all he wants to do is get this out in the public as fast as he can, as big as he can—and humiliate as many people as he can, and he's got a bad [tape irregularity]—he's costing me a lot of money.


I have to get their attention. If I don't get it, if I haven't gotten it on the phone and I don't get it tomorrow, this guy will certainly get it. That's the next step. And you want to know something? I even have somebody after him if he doesn't [tape irregularity]. But I don't want [tape irregularity]. I'm not kidding. I mean what I told you before. It's true. I mean, it could be a massacre if I don't get what I want. But I do believe this person will get what he wants.

So [my attorney] would just really love [tape irregularity] nothing better than to have this go forward. He is nasty, he is mean, he is very smart [tape irregularity], and he's hungry for the publicity [tape irregularity] better for him. And that's where it'll go—totally humiliate him in every way.


I can't stop and think "Who wins and who loses?" All I can think about is I only have one goal, and the goal is to get their attention—so that [tape irregularity] concerns are, and as long as they don't want to talk to me, I can't tell them what my concerns are, so I have to go step by step, each time escalating the attention-getting mechanism, and that's all I regard him as, as an attention-getting mechanism.

Unfortunately, after that, it's totally out of [tape irregularity]. It'll take on so much momentum of its own that it's going to be out of all our control. It's going to be monumentally huge, and I'm not going to have any way to stop it. No one else is either at that point. I mean, once I make that phone call, this guy's just going to destroy everybody in site in any devious, nasty, cruel way that he can do it. And I've given him full authority to do that.

To go beyond tomorrow, that would mean I have done every possible thing in my individual power to tell them to sit down and talk to me; and if they still [tape irregularity], I got to escalate the attention-getting mechanism. He's the next one. I can't go to somebody nice [tape irregularity]. It doesn't work with them. I already found that out. Get some niceness and just go fuck yourself. Basically, what they have to know, ultimately, is that their lives are over, if they don't sit down. One way or the other, it'll either go to the next step or the [tape irregularity]. I'm not stopping until I get their attention.


I told you, it's all on paper. That's why I'm bringing a tape recorder. I have nothing to say. I'm not going to be calm. I'm not going to be anything. I'm not going to be—I'm going to be totally void of anything. I'm just going to say, "Look. Here's something for you guys to read. You read it. You think it over. If you want to sit down and talk, we can all meet in my attorney's office. If you want to tell me to go fuck myself, then just let me know that and I'll let him know that's what your feelings are." And that has—that has to happen before 12:00 o'clock tomorrow. They have to make that decision—(inaudible) don't hear from them about it, then the wheels start...

I tried to explain that to you. Because I explained that to you. I want [my son Jordy] to see how I'm behaving. I want him [present at the meeting] to see how I'm acting.

What's that beeping going on? Do you hear that? Are you recording this? Do you hear the beeping. Well, let's hang up. Okay.


They all have to be there. [...] Michael has to be there. Michael has to be there. He's the main one. He's the one I want.

Michael? He's an evil guy. He's worse than bad. Huh? I have the evidence to prove it. [...] Let me put it to you this way, Dave. Nobody in this world was allowed to come between this family of June, me and Jordy. That was the hard [tape irregularity]. That's evil. That's one reason why he's evil. I spoke to him about it, Dave. I even told him that [tape irregularity] the family. [...] Months ago. When I first met him I told him that. That's the law. That's the first thing he knew. Nobody's allowed to do that. Now there's no family anymore.


Michael can come with all his bodyguards and his lawyer if he wants to. I don't really care, as long as everything gets aired out. That's it. And if I walk away dissatisfied, then I'll take it to the next step. That's all. If they walk away dissatisfied, they have the right to do that, too. At least [tape irregularity] nothing will get resolved except for the fact that we'll agree to meet again and talk about it.

I don't know where it'll go, but I'm saying is that when people—when you—when people cut off communication totally, you only have two choices: To forget about them, or you get frustrated by their action. I can't forget about them. I love them. That's it. I don't like them. I still love Jordy, but I do not like them because I do not like the people that they've become, but I do love them, and because I love them I don't want to see them [tape irregularity]. That's why I was willing to talk. I have nothing to gain by talking.

If I go through with this, I win big time. There's no way that I lose. I've checked that out inside out. I will get everything I want, and they will be totally—they will be destroyed forever. They will be destroyed. June is gonna lose Jordy. She will have no right to ever see him again. That's a fact, Dave. [...] Michael's career will be over.


The bottom line to me is, yes, June is harming [Jordy], and Michael is harming him. I can prove that, and I will prove that and if they force me to go to court about it, I will [tape irregularity], and I will be granted custody. She will have no rights whatsoever. Now, I'm willing to sit down and talk to her. If she wants to tell me to go fuck myself after that, she's welcome to do it, and then she'll either be right or wrong. [Tape irregularity] I'll win, maybe I'll lose. I have the [tape irregularity]. Forget the custody thing. It's gonna go further than that.


Why? Because [Michael] broke up the family, that's why. And he was put on notice from the first sentence out of my mouth was, "Michael, I think you're really a great guy. You're welcome into the family, as long as you are who you seem to be, but don't take anything [tape irregularity]." I mean, that to me was the worst thing anybody could do to me.

Well, Dave, if [Michael] wasn't in the picture, everything would be as it was. I'm not saying that he did it premeditatively, and I'm not saying he did it on his own. I'm saying that he might have—it might have just evolved that way, and it might have evolved that [tape irregularity] desire, so I'm blaming all three of them [Michael, June, and Jordy], but when I come to that [tape irregularity], it really makes me hate June because the family was inviolate, [tape irregularity] felt about it. There was nothing I had.

I mean, you came in this family [by marrying my former wife June] and made it better. It was great. Someone else comes along and breaks it up. [...] Michael divided and conquered, Dave. He divided and conquered. He did, Dave. He did. June and I agreed on the issue, whether it was her side or my side. If we both thought the same way [tape irregularity] any frustration. The fact is we both do not think the same way, and he—and I sincerely believe that he either consciously [tape irregularity] manipulated that. I think he consciously manipulated that because Michael Jackson [tape irregularity] the smartest streetwise people that I've ever met, and if you sit down and have any long conversations with him, [tape irregularity] that guy is extremely bright.


The bottom line is—the bottom line is [Michael] took Jordy out of the family with June's help.


You know, you gotta forgive me for one thing, but I have been told by my lawyer that if I say one thing to anybody, don't bother calling him again. He said this case is so open [tape irregularity] "You open your mouth and you blow it," he said, "just don't come back to me."


And let me tell you this, by the way: What harm would it be to you, what harm would it be to your relationship to June, if Michael wasn't around anymore? [...] She's going to come back to you. She doesn't need you anymore. She doesn't even want you around anymore. She's told me and she's told you. I'm sure she's told you that if [tape irregularity] Michael she'll get rid of you. She's told me that. She means it.

Now let's return to the Diane Sawyer interview from a few years later and see what Jackson had to say about the Chandler allegations.

1995 - Interview with Diane Sawyer said:
DIANE SAWYER: Did you ever--as this young boy [Jordy] said you did--did you ever sexually engage, fondle, have sexual contact with this child or any other child?

JACKSON: Never, ever. I could never harm a child or anyone. It's not in my heart. It's not who I am. And it's not what--I'm not even interested in that.

SAWYER: And what do you think should be done to someone who does that?

JACKSON: To someone who does that--what I think should be done? Gee, I think they need help in some kind of way, you know?

SAWYER: How about the police photographs, though? How was there enough information from this boy about those kinds of things?

JACKSON: The police photographs--

SAWYER: [Inaudible] police photographs.

JACKSON: --that they took of me?


JACKSON: There was nothing that matched me to those charges. Nothing.

LISA MARIE PRESLEY: There was nothing. There was nothing that concurred--

JACKSON: That's why I'm sitting here talking to you [Sawyer] today!

PRESLEY: It was nothing.

JACKSON: Every--there was not one iota of information that was found that can connect me to these charges.

SAWYER: So when we've heard that there was a marking of some kind--

JACKSON: Nothing. No markings.

SAWYER: No markings?

JACKSON: No. Why am I still here then?

SAWYER: Why did you settle--

PRESLEY: You're not gonna ask me about that, are you? Sorry, about the markings. [Inaudible]

SAWYER: You can volunteer.

PRESLEY: No, I'm just--the point is, is that when that finally got concluded that there was no match up, then it was printed this [small in the news] as opposed to how big it was--what the match up was supposed to be. And it never--

JACKSON: It didn't work, and it isn't so! The whole thing is a lie.

SAWYER: Why did you settle the case then? Why did you settle the case, and it looks to everyone as if you paid a huge amount of money--

JACKSON: No, that's--most of that's folklore.

SAWYER: --to get silence.

JACKSON: I talked to my lawyers and I said, "Can you guarantee me that justice will prevail?" And they said, "Michael, we cannot guarantee you that a judge or a jury will do anything," and with that I was like catatonic. I was outraged--

SAWYER: How much money--

JACKSON: --totally outraged. So what I said, I have got to do something to get out from under this nightmare. All these lies and all these people coming forward to get paid and these tabloid shows--just lies! Lies, lies, lies. So what I did, we got together again with my advisors and they advised me--it was hands down a unanimous decision to resolve the case. This could be something that could go on for seven years! We said let's get it behind us. Get it--

SAWYER: How much money was it? Can you say how much?

JACKSON: It's not what the tabloids have printed. It's not all this crazy, outlandish money. No, it's not at all. I mean, terms of agreement are very confidential.

PRESLEY: He's been barred to discuss it. They--

SAWYER: The specific terms?

PRESLEY: --the specific terms [inaudible] specific amounts.

JACKSON: You know, but the idea--it just isn't fair what they put me through, because there wasn't one piece of information that says I did that in any way. They turned my room upside down, went through all my books, all my videotapes, all my private things, and they found nothing. Nothing. Nothing that can say that Michael Jackson did this. Nothing!

SAWYER: But let me ask you a couple of questions--

JACKSON: To this day nothing. Still nothing. Nothing, nothing, nothing.
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Dizzy Ukulele

Oct 28, 2017
My take is that Michael Jackson wasn't this innocent Peter Pan character, he was a sexually active adult and the parents are as much to blame as him for ever allowing their kids to spend the night with him in a bedroom. The same with the people around him. He was surrounded by enablers. At the most innocent of levels, at no point during his lifetime was what he did considered appropriate. It shouldn't have been legal either.

But he also suffered abuse as a child and was evidently as messed up as a person could be as an adult. I don't think he was evil like some of these predators. Whether it's as a child performer or the This Is It rehearsals, when I see footage of him, I still feel a degree of sympathy and sadness at what the world did to him. He needed help that never came in many aspects of his life and this ultimately ended with his doctor killing him.

Deleted member 26139

User requested account closure
Oct 30, 2017
Do better, Vanity Fair.

That sixth "fact"... People like the VF writer continue to use art books and perfectly legal porno as a bogus substitute for child pornography that simply didn't exist in Jackson's homes or personal computers. Investigators were unable to find anything damning after multiple raids, so hey, let's just scrutinize two photography books that can be purchased on Amazon.

No, that doesn't cut it.
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Oct 27, 2017
I mean, isn't that abuse? Dude was sleeping with kids, holding their hands, bribing and begging their parents so he could keep seeing them. What kind of effect do you think that has on a child and their development?
That's the bottom line, but people keep arguing. I don't doubt that MJ thought he was innocent, but that doesn't mean he actually was. He was a toxic individual for these kids to be around, and without a doubt the way he treated them had a detrimental effect on their development. Just look at his own kids.

Compare him to someone like Mr. Rogers who actually had healthy and beneficial interactions with kids.
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Big One

Oct 25, 2017
Do better, Vanity Fair.

That sixth "fact"... People like the VF writer continue to use art books and perfectly legal porno as a bogus substitute for child pornography that simply didn't exist in Jackson's homes or personal computers. Investigators couldn't find anything, so hey, let's just scrutinize two photography books that can be purchased on Amazon.
So as long as nude pictures of children are legal - a collection of then mind you - its morally ok to have them? Especially in the vicinity of children? If so for what purpose would Michael have it stashed away in a lock box in his bedroom that was innocent?


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
lmfao, how the fuck do people square away the fact that he regularly slept in beds alone with pre-teen boys (which alone is a huge red flag) and then had an elaborate security system put in place to signal if people were coming? This wasn't for his security since he lived in a heavily secured ranch-estate, this was for other obvious reasons...

Like come the fuck on here. Connect the obvious dots instead of trashing these victims. The fact that there are NUMEROUS boys saying something happened establishes that he was a serial abuser and that he had a pattern of preying on boys in open sight. The porn was 100% definitely a part of that too in terms of grooming and normalizing sex with his young victims who didn't know any better.
Myung-Ho Lee, who was at Neverland on many occasions, describes the layout of Jackson's bedroom:

"You enter the main door on the right-hand side, and there is a small hallway of about six feet to another door on the left. As soon as anyone comes through the first door, an alarm goes off, and the camera mounted above the second door shows on the monitor in his bedroom who is approaching." A visitor first enters a large sitting room, a sort of throne room, "of about 500 square feet, where he has a chair where the King sits with other chairs grouped around." Lee says of the bedroom, "Nobody's allowed in there, even guests."

According to a confidential report prepared for the Chandler suit, electric eyes were installed in the ceiling 10 feet from the bedroom door, and the system was always active when Jackson was at the ranch. "The alarm was loud enough to be heard in the bathroom, even with the shower running." The alarm was not installed to deter prowlers or kidnappers. The security outside was sufficient for that: "Infrared beams planted every 20 feet in concrete beams sunk 17 feet into the ground." The bedroom alarm was strictly to alert Jackson to the presence of anyone outside the door.

Inside the bedroom closet was a special cedar closet, built to hold the original owner's furs. Five vertical stainless-steel panels between the two closets would lower when a five-digit secret code was triggered. In case of a security risk, a ranch supervisor would "alert Jackson by intercom and tell him, 'Michael, go to your room.'" This was the signal for Jackson to lock himself in the fur vault. Once things were under control, the supervisor would let him out.

As for other surveillance, Myung-Ho Lee says, "Michael has a very bad habit of videotaping and recording everyone. His entire house is wired so he can hear conversations anywhere." A similar situation is set up when Jackson travels. Security has a monitoring room with cameras trained on the hallway to his hotel suite and on the interior of the suite.

One of the largest bills in the expense reports filed in Lee's case was from a local audiovisual store, for hundreds of thousands of dollars. "One time in New York I got a $150,000 bill for surveillance equipment," says Lee's sister, So-Yung, who was the chief legal officer for Jackson International between 1998 and 2001. She was often frustrated because the store's invoices never specified what the money actually went to purchase, but she thought that was the way Michael wanted it. "Once, Michael bought $70,000 worth of merchandise, and they were very difficult to deal with, because they were very secretive about what it was Michael bought. I heard it was mostly surveillance equipment to watch his own staff."

Myung-Ho Lee, who traveled the world with Jackson, observed his behavior at first hand. "He had a number of guests in his suite for the night—they were always boys in the 10- to 13-year-old range." Lee adds, "I've never seen him share a suite with an older teen boy, a girl, or an older female. I thought it very strange." A family from the Netherlands with two young boys stayed with Jackson in his suite in Sun City, in South Africa, when Lee was along. The parents stayed, just as June Chandler, Jordie's mother, had, in the suite, but in a different bedroom. Lee paid the bills for the family's first-class holiday and gifts. Jackson's own children often stayed in rooms away from the suite, and security and staff usually slept in a different part of the hotel altogether.

Deleted member 26139

User requested account closure
Oct 30, 2017
So as long as nude pictures of children are legal - a collection of then mind you - its morally ok to have them? Especially in the vicinity of children? If so for what purpose would Michael have it stashed away in a lock box in his bedroom that was innocent?
I'm not doing this morality police bullshit on art books. They were legal. That's it. Where was the actual child pornography? Why was he never charged with possession? Dude's supposed to be a giant pedophile, so where is it all?


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
Lmao if someone said there's a dude down the street who likes to sleep in bed with 12yo boys, plies the parents with expensive gifts and has a fucking alarm system so he's alerted to anyone coming to the bedroom you'd have the fucking authorities there in a heartbeat.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
I'm not doing this morality police bullshit on art books. They were legal. That's it. Where was the actual child pornography? Why was he never charged with possession? Dude's supposed to be a giant pedophile, so where is it all?
That you have no issues finding the fingerprints of child boys on legal porn material and bondage books in the bedroom of a grown man is fucking weird.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm not doing this morality police bullshit on art books. They were legal. That's it. Where was the actual child pornography? Why was he never charged with possession? Dude's supposed to be a giant pedophile, so where is it all?
It's not about the fucking legality of the fucking books, it's what he used them for... and it wasn't for him. It was to show his young victims and to help coerce them into sex.

Big One

Oct 25, 2017
I'm not doing this morality police bullshit on art books. They were legal. That's it. Where was the actual child pornography? Why was he never charged with possession? Dude's supposed to be a giant pedophile, so where is it all?
Why is the legality important when the content is still bad to have?


Oct 27, 2017
Lmao if someone said there's a dude down the street who likes to sleep in bed with 12yo boys, plies the parents with expensive gifts and has a fucking alarm system so he's alerted to anyone coming to the bedroom you'd have the fucking authorities there in a heartbeat.
You don't get it! He's just a special snowflake that loves kids!

I still don't get why people argue over investigation details when the basic information we have strongly suggests he was a pedo.

Deleted member 26139

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Oct 30, 2017
That you have no issues finding the fingerprints of child boys on legal porn material and bondage books in the bedroom of a grown man is fucking weird.
13-year-old Gavin Arvizo is running around Neverland Ranch and comes across Mike's porn stash. Uh-oh, time to call the police. You got 'em.

Why is the legality important when the content is still bad to have?
One of the two photography books had the following note written in it:

Look at the true spirit of happiness and joy in these boys' faces. This is the spirit of boyhood, a life I never had and will always dream of. This is the life I want for my children, MJ.

Could it be that you're misconstruing this stuff? Could it be that it's just another benign art book out of thousands in Jackson's vast library?
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The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
13-year-old Gavin Arvizo is running around Neverland Ranch and comes across Mike's porn stash. Uh-oh, time to call the police. You got 'em.
Yeh, again, that you have no issue finding the fingerprints on that in his room is worrying. That you seem to ignore everything else surrounding that, like the fucking security system, means I find it really weird.


Nov 6, 2017
It was stated earlier in the thread that the fingerprints on those books were the result of the police giving the boy the magazine to hold in order to create "evidence", wasn't it?

Deleted member 26139

User requested account closure
Oct 30, 2017
READ: Magazine and Fingerprints

WILLIAM WAGENER: Don't you think something went very wrong there when they falsified the fingerprint evidence and Tom Mesereau caught him and said, "See the date on the magazine? You were last at Neverland when?" And he got his fingerprints on the evidence at the grand jury.

BRIAN OXMAN: That was my discovery. See, I got all the magazines. I went and I bought them and I think that was a Hustler magazine and Larry Flint personally got me those magazines. I met him at the Four Seasons Hotel and he got me every single one of Hustler's magazines. And when I saw that magazine and that the date was utterly impossible--it was after the so-called event.


OXMAN: Larry Flint and I sat there and we looked at this and I said, "Larry, you have no idea what you've done for me." That was the magazine that disclosed the nonsense.

WAGENER: That was the October issue, wasn't it?

OXMAN: It was the October issue, correct.

WAGENER: October issue and Gavin [the accuser] had said many times on stand that he had last been there what, December, January?

OXMAN: He was last there March.

WAGENER: March, and this magazine came out in October, and it was at the [inaudible] grand jury indictment he got his fingerprints on it. Now let me ask you, you've been an attorney for how many years?

OXMAN: 30 years.

WAGENER: 30 years, and Tom Sneddon's been a prosecutor for how many years, at least 25?


WAGENER: Does an experienced prosecutor give the evidence to the boy with no gloves on?

OXMAN: Never.

WAGENER: But he did, didn't he?

OXMAN: But what you have to understand--

WAGENER: He did that, didn't he?

OXMAN: Yes, he did. But what you have to understand, nobody--nobody figured that we would go--that I would go and get the copy of the magazine. Because, you see, when the evidence was turned over to us, all that was turned over was the photograph of the page. And unless you went and got the magazine itself, you couldn't tell that there was a date discrepancy. I got Larry Flint to get me that magazine and I was the one who saw the date discrepancy. It takes hard, dogged work to expose fraud.


OXMAN: It just didn't work right for the prosecution. They got caught with their hands in the cookie jar.
Looks like falsified prints and a magazine that wasn't even published until months after the accuser had last visited Neverland Ranch. Way to go on that reporting, Vanity Fair.
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Oct 25, 2017
Lmao if someone said there's a dude down the street who likes to sleep in bed with 12yo boys, plies the parents with expensive gifts and has a fucking alarm system so he's alerted to anyone coming to the bedroom you'd have the fucking authorities there in a heartbeat.

Exactly! But people are still attempting to argue tooth and nail about semantics when admissions from this own man's mouth are indicative of activity that is typical of an individual who is a pedo.
Oct 26, 2017
Guys, it's just a super big coincidence that the grown man who admitted to sleeping and cuddling in bed with random young boy had pictures of naked boys in books in his bedroom.

And they're art books. Not porn. It's not like it's some weird pedo Playboy or something.

In Playboy, it's women posing naked in tasteful layouts that showcase their naked bodies.

In these art books, it's young boys posing naked in tasteful layouts that showcase their naked bodies. Totally different.

A secret pedo would have no use for some artsy fartsy books that display the genitalia of young boys. There's literally no way a pedophile could get sexual gratification from looking at those pictures. It's ridiculous to suggest such a thing.

Just like it's ridiculous to suggest they were in his bedroom to serve the dual purpose of sexual gratification and plausible deniability. Books like that only ever serve one purpose: So that a famous art and photography lover could admire the artistic merit of naked young boys' penises.

It's like when I was thirteen or so and my mom found a collection of Victoria's Secret catalogs under my bed. She insisted I was using them as masturbatory aids. I tried to tell her I had them because I love quality advertising, and that the pages were all stuck together because I also love quality glue, but she didn't buy it.

All you anti-MJ people are just like my mom: Haters.


Oct 25, 2017
Lmao if someone said there's a dude down the street who likes to sleep in bed with 12yo boys, plies the parents with expensive gifts and has a fucking alarm system so he's alerted to anyone coming to the bedroom you'd have the fucking authorities there in a heartbeat.

Exactly. Remove the name Michael Jackson from all of this and look at it. No grown man sleeps with random kids in his bed.


Oct 25, 2017
Guys, it's just a super big coincidence that the grown man who admitted to sleeping and cuddling in bed with random young boy had pictures of naked boys in books in his bedroom.

And they're art books. Not porn. It's not like it's some weird pedo Playboy or something.

In Playboy, it's women posing naked in tasteful layouts that showcase their naked bodies.

In these art books, it's young boys posing naked in tasteful layouts that showcase their naked bodies. Totally different.

A secret pedo would have no use for some artsy fartsy books that display the genitalia of young boys. There's literally no way a pedophile could get sexual gratification from looking at those pictures. It's ridiculous to suggest such a thing.

Just like it's ridiculous to suggest they were in his bedroom to serve the dual purpose of sexual gratification and plausible deniability. Books like that only ever serve one purpose: So that a famous art and photography lover could admire the artistic merit of naked young boys' penises.

It's like when I was thirteen or so and my mom found a collection of Victoria's Secret catalogs under my bed. She insisted I was using them as masturbatory aids. I tried to tell her I had them because I love quality advertising, and that the pages were all stuck together because I also love quality glue, but she didn't buy it.

All you anti-MJ people are just like my mom: Haters.

Are you being sarcastic?

Tha' Lunatic

Oct 27, 2017
Yeh, again, that you have no issue finding the fingerprints on that in his room is worrying. That you seem to ignore everything else surrounding that, like the fucking security system, means I find it really weird.
The security system could be explained as Neverland having hundreds of employees walking in and out his house and him wanting to know if someone was nearby his private bedroom. Also combined with his deep rooted paranoia (he once stopped eating and has to be hospitalized in 2005 due a belief that someone was trying to poison him), it would make sense he would have an alarm. Here it is in action:

Deleted member 26139

User requested account closure
Oct 30, 2017
Nah I'm with you. They're just photography books. Full of pictures of naked young children. In Jackson's bedroom.

There's nothing at all odd about that.
Right. Absolutely zero child pornography, not even a suspicious Internet search on Mike's computer, but two photography books that were legally published in the United States and at least one of which was sent to Jackson from a fan. Again, awesome job. I tip my pitchfork to you.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
The problem is with there being so many fucked things with this is that you get people that focus on disproving each little thing instead of the large picture and how fucked a landscape it paints.

Like I said:
Lmao if someone said there's a dude down the street who likes to sleep in bed with 12yo boys, plies the parents with expensive gifts and has a fucking alarm system so he's alerted to anyone coming to the bedroom you'd have the fucking authorities there in a heartbeat.

Not "but the police doctored the fingerprints", "but the security could be because he was paranoid", "but they were just legal pornography and art books".

No, you have an adult male who repeatedly slept with little boys in his (or their) bed, sometimes for days on end. That in itself is worthy of rebuke without the mountain of dodgy shit around it.

The fathers of two boys committing suicide, the security system, the extravagant gifts to the parents. More.

Also paranoia? If I was molesting little boys in my bedroom and elsewhere over the course of years I might be a little paranoid too.

The attacking of the small bits around the outside to ignore and detract from the very real issues is disgusting.

Focusing on the minutae like "they were art books" to make the situation seem normal when, to any normal functioning adult, there's an immediately alarming situation occurring.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
Right. Absolutely zero child pornography, not even a suspicious Internet search on Mike's computer, but two photography books that were legally published in the United States and at least one of which was sent to Jackson from a fan. Again, awesome job. I tip my pitchfork to you.
Dude had access to children on tap and repeatedly slept with them in his or their beds for days at a time.

Then you're all here like "where's the child porn".


Oct 30, 2017
Nah I'm with you. They're just photography books. Full of pictures of naked young children. In Jackson's bedroom.

There's nothing at all odd about that.
That fits the narrative that he was a pedo. It also fits the unlikely but, at worst, conceivable narrative that he was telling the truth.

The whole situation is deeply weird and alarming but I don't see how a reasonable person can be absolutely positive MJ was manufacturing the image of a disturbed but innocent man. A screwed up childhood can do a real number on a person. It's not impossible that he really was fixated on this idea of the childhood innocence he was never allowed to experience. Doesn't that seem at least plausible?

Humans can go really damn weird, and that weirdness doesn't always manifest as sexual perversion. I'm not saying I actually buy this, but it does give me pause.
Oct 27, 2017
Right. Absolutely zero child pornography, not even a suspicious Internet search on Mike's computer, but two photography books that were legally published in the United States and at least one of which was sent to Jackson from a fan. Again, awesome job. I tip my pitchfork to you.
Just a man who pleaded, begged and gave expensive gifts to parents to allow him to sleep with their boys. Totally normal behavior. Pack it up, guys, nothing to see here.
Oct 27, 2017
Having just watched Abducted in Plain Sight, it's hard not to see similarities between MJ's behaviour with young boys and Berchtold with Jan Broberg.
Oct 26, 2017
Right. Absolutely zero child pornography, not even a suspicious Internet search on Mike's computer, but two photography books that were legally published in the United States and at least one of which was sent to Jackson from a fan. Again, awesome job. I tip my pitchfork to you.

Evidence Item #508 Book with images of 'nude teenagers and/or young adults'

Located in upstairs library area of video/game room. The book was titled, The Fourth Sex: Adolescent Extreme, with no listed author.

The investigator noted that this book focuses on 'adolescents and counter culture,' contained lots of images of semi-clothed or naked 'teenagers and/or young adults'

Evidence Item #509. Book with pictures of nude children.

The hard cover book is titled Cronos, by author Pere Formigeura, contains images of nude children of both sexes, as well as adults. Same location as item #508.

Evidence Item #510. Disneyland plastic bag containing underclothes and bloodied bed linens.

Evidence Item #505. Books with pictures of nude children.

Three books, containing 'photographs of nude and partially clothed children'. The investigator noted that the books contained images of partially clothed or naked children, as well as images of nude adults with children's faces morphed on top.

Evidence Item #303. Three books containing nude photographs, including those of teenagers and pre-teenagers.

Evidence Item #304. Two pornographic magazines, two 'nude art books'

Magazines were Barely Legal and Girls of Penthouse, with one book titled, The Gynoids Genetically Manipulated.

Other items described in court filings (contained within the same document stack):
Book: 'Boys Will be Boys,' contains full frontal nudity of boys under the age of 14; personally inscribed by Michael Jackson.

Book: 'In Search of Young Beauty,' containing pictures of children, boys and girls, some nude.

Book: 'The Boy, a Photographic Essay,' containing images of boys, some nude.

Photograph: Noted in the document as 'believed to be Jonathan Spence; fully nude.'

Photograph: young boy holding an umbrella, with bikini bottoms partially pulled down.

Evidence Item #365: Pornographic books, including images of naked children.

'The Christy Report', nude images from the 1940s, some described as sadomasochistic.

'Robert Maxwell Photographs,' various images, including those of children.

Evidence Item #366: Several books, containing images of nude men and children.

Nude images of a nude male couple, another contained nude images of men from the 1800s. Photos of teenage males nude, images of adults with childrens' faces morphed on top, some nude photos of children.

But yeah, totally normal. There's no way a pedophile would buy these specific things so he could plausibly claim he just had them because he loved art. I tip my blinders to you.

We should test this. You go ahead and buy all these same books. Then scan the images and save them to your computer hard drive. When you're done, I'll call the police on you. Then you can convince the cops that you're simply an art lover. We'll see how far you get without access to Jackson's expensive lawyers and millions of dollars.


Oct 25, 2017
But yeah, totally normal. There's no way a pedophile would buy these specific things so he could plausibly claim he just had them because he loved art. I tip my blinders to you.

We should test this. You go ahead and buy all these same books. Then scan the images and save them to your computer hard drive. When you're done, I'll call the police on you. Then you can convince the cops that you're simply an art lover. We'll see how far you get without access to Jackson's expensive lawyers and millions of dollars.
Look at all that evidence

Hmmm I wonder how he got a not guilty veridict when everyone wanted his head at the time
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