
Feb 2, 2018
(megapost incoming, careful on 56k!)

So this is disappointing...Radical Reggie (most known for his involvement on MetalJesusRocks' channel) recently did a video on the viral footage of the Gamestop tiff with a transgendered woman.

With this thumbnail:


With the title "Transgender person* threatens gamestop employee"

*later changed to woman


And of course throughout the video he misgenders her repeatedly. He seemed to come at it from the angle of having worked in retail and not liking staff treated poorly, which is fair...but it still come across as clickbaity and exploitative, especially with the emphasis on the customer being a transgender person.

Of course he got a little bit of blowback (and I do mean little, this was alongside a mountain of unbelievably gross transphobic comments as you can imagine), and the MJR crew responds as such:


Credit where credit's due, Kinsey+both Johns were very reasonable and supportive here, Kelsey was too although I couldn't find her reply (EDIT: Here we go). MJR seemed to tackle it more from a PR angle, which further felt a bit gross with this tweet:

"I was saddened to see how many people took the opportunity today to try and create drama and try and tear us apart. "

The only concern he seemed to express from this is having to exert any kind of damage control, with no consideration seemingly given to the topic at hand. Framing it as someone just trying to cause drama feels super disingenuous, and of course that rallying of the troops has lead to the video's critic receiving a death threat.

Reggie's doubled down himself, not really making much of an effort to apologise, liking tweets that agreed with him which usually bemoan people are too sensitive these days (yep, including an SJW dropping one ._.) and then tweeting this:

So yeah, bummer eh? :/ Probably not as extreme as many examples posted in this thread but as a big MJR fan I'm really disappointed with how this was handled. Was super hopeful on Reggie tackling it with grace as he always seems so chill...
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Apr 12, 2018

Probably should have posted it when it was new, but people here might be interested anyway. A good retrospective of the one serious and respectful trans anime, by a trans girl herself.

I'd recommend watching the series itself, though - not only because the vid spoils it (duh), but it's genuinely amazing. It's on Crunchy, although they only have the TV version, which had episodes 10 and 11 edited into one due to the programming block being shorter than standard 12 eps and there's no legal option to see them in the west.

Do you know if you can watch it on crunchyroll without a sub? I'm not sure I can afford one right now
Oct 25, 2017
(megapost incoming, careful on 56k!)

So this is disappointing...Radical Reggie (most known for his involvement on MetalJesusRocks' channel) recently did a video on the viral footage of the Gamestop tiff with a transgendered woman.

With this thumbnail:


With the title "Transgender person* threatens gamestop employee"

*later changed to woman


And of course throughout the video he misgenders her repeatedly. He seemed to come at it from the angle of having worked in retail and not liking staff treated poorly, which is fair...but it still come across as clickbaity and exploitative, especially with the emphasis on the customer being a transgender person.

Of course he got a little bit of blowback (and I do mean little, this was alongside a mountain of unbelievably gross comments as you can imagine), and the MJR crew responds as such:


Credit where credit's due, Kinsey+both Johns were very reasonable and supportive here, Kelsey was too although I couldn't find her reply. MJR seemed to tackle it more from a PR angle, which further felt a bit gross with this tweet:

"I was saddened to see how many people took the opportunity today to try and create drama and try and tear us apart. "

The only concern he seemed to express from this is having to exert any kind of damage control, with no consideration seemingly given to the topic at hand. Framing it as someone just trying to cause drama feels super disingenuous and of course that rallying of the troops has lead to the video's critic receiving a death threat.

Reggie's doubled down himself, not really making much of an effort to apologise, liking tweets of people agreeing with him while saying people are too sensitive these days (yep, including an SJW dropping one ._.) and then tweeting this:

So yeah, bummer eh? :/ Probably not as extreme as many examples posted in this thread but as a big MJR fan I'm really disappointed with how this was handled. Was super hopeful on Reggie tackling it with grace as he always seems so chill...

Oh jeez, that's pretty awful.
I used to watch MJR content when I was more into game collecting. Haven't really hit it up in a while, but I'd have to avoid any Reggie content from now on.
and yeah, that's a pretty shitty response from MJR himself.


Dec 11, 2017
I honestly might have stumbled upon this video somewhere on here but I added it to my Watch Later queue at some point and I watched it with my coffee this morning. Never seen anything from this guy's channel before but it was great.



Oct 25, 2017
Do you know if you can watch it on crunchyroll without a sub? I'm not sure I can afford one right now
There's supposed to be a 14-day trial. Not sure if it requires adding a payment option from the get-go like some do, tho.

Although it's region-locked here in Poland, so YMMV in the EU. Might need to jump some hoops if you want to watch it legally.


User Requested Ban
Oct 25, 2017
There's supposed to be a 14-day trial. Not sure if it requires adding a payment option from the get-go like some do, tho.

Although it's region-locked here in Poland, so YMMV in the EU. Might need to jump some hoops if you want to watch it legally.
There are browser extensions against the region locking.


Oct 25, 2017
(megapost incoming, careful on 56k!)

So this is disappointing...Radical Reggie (most known for his involvement on MetalJesusRocks' channel) recently did a video on the viral footage of the Gamestop tiff with a transgendered woman.

With this thumbnail:


With the title "Transgender person* threatens gamestop employee"

*later changed to woman


And of course throughout the video he misgenders her repeatedly. He seemed to come at it from the angle of having worked in retail and not liking staff treated poorly, which is fair...but it still come across as clickbaity and exploitative, especially with the emphasis on the customer being a transgender person.

Of course he got a little bit of blowback (and I do mean little, this was alongside a mountain of unbelievably gross transphobic comments as you can imagine), and the MJR crew responds as such:


Credit where credit's due, Kinsey+both Johns were very reasonable and supportive here, Kelsey was too although I couldn't find her reply (EDIT: Here we go). MJR seemed to tackle it more from a PR angle, which further felt a bit gross with this tweet:

"I was saddened to see how many people took the opportunity today to try and create drama and try and tear us apart. "

The only concern he seemed to express from this is having to exert any kind of damage control, with no consideration seemingly given to the topic at hand. Framing it as someone just trying to cause drama feels super disingenuous, and of course that rallying of the troops has lead to the video's critic receiving a death threat.

Reggie's doubled down himself, not really making much of an effort to apologise, liking tweets that agreed with him which usually bemoan people are too sensitive these days (yep, including an SJW dropping one ._.) and then tweeting this:

So yeah, bummer eh? :/ Probably not as extreme as many examples posted in this thread but as a big MJR fan I'm really disappointed with how this was handled. Was super hopeful on Reggie tackling it with grace as he always seems so chill...

Having a tantrum and kicking over displays isn't a reasonable reaction. The employees in the video are also all very young, and with Gamestop hiring policies, this might even be their first job. Being misgendered is shitty, but the overreaction in the video does nothing but feed the alt-right. On the topic of RadicalReggie, I don't particularly care, but this looks like the left eating their own again.


Feb 2, 2018
Oh jeez, that's pretty awful.
I used to watch MJR content when I was more into game collecting. Haven't really hit it up in a while, but I'd have to avoid any Reggie content from now on.
and yeah, that's a pretty shitty response from MJR himself.

Disappointing eh? I don't collect any more but I still enjoyed the vibe of their videos. Really hoping Reggie reflects on this a bit but I'm doubting it based on recent behaviour. Still got much time for the rest of the crew, they all seem super decent

Having a tantrum and kicking over displays isn't a reasonable reaction. The employees in the video are also all very young, and with Gamestop hiring policies, this might even be their first job. Being misgendered is shitty, but the overreaction in the video does nothing but feed the alt-right. On the topic of RadicalReggie, I don't particularly care, but this looks like the left eating their own again.

The point of contention isn't the customer's behaviour in the video though, it's generally agreed she acted out of line. These tweets from a longer thread articulate it better than I could:

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Apr 12, 2018
Pretty much. It's just another typical example of "Person X of Minority Group Y acts out of line; therefore that gives us an excuse to mock and deride Minority Group Y".
It's old, it's tired, and it's rubbish.


Oct 25, 2017
Can't wait to see his take on Night in the Woods. That game has a special place in my heart and I finished my first playthrough only a few days ago. Maybe he can add to my thoughts on the game.


Oct 25, 2017
Oh, another one of those folks running along with the "Great Replacement" narrative, thinking they are so clever. Now I've heard of at least 3 big Youtubers that promote that conspiracy theory, along with Southern and Molyneux.


Oct 27, 2017
How do y'all think about kristi winters and kevin logan? I have been listening to their live streams and they seem to focus on keeping tabs on the alt-right and conservative skeptic youtubers.
Oct 26, 2017
How do y'all think about kristi winters and kevin logan? I have been listening to their live streams and they seem to focus on keeping tabs on the alt-right and conservative skeptic youtubers.
I like Kristi but haven't kept up with her stuff as of late. She was one of the first YouTubers I noticed to basically dunk on Dave Rubin (in a nice way of course).


Oct 27, 2017
I like Kristi but haven't kept up with her stuff as of late. She was one of the first YouTubers I noticed to basically dunk on Dave Rubin (in a nice way of course).

Maybe she should be added to the list. In particular I found a number of videos she did on how intersectional feminism can help with issues facing men in our society.

I think that is really useful having resources showing men an alternative to patriarchy that helps them as well.


Oct 25, 2017
Kristi stomped Sargon so bad in their first debate that even his idiot fans thought he got wrecked.
Not sure if I want to watch the whole thing but I do remember seeing a clip from the aftermath where he claimed he was "over-prepared". Not sure where I saw that clip included but they pointed out that he definitely wasn't prepared at all.

Oh, and a new ThoughtSlime video just got uploaded. Yay.



Jan 23, 2018
Thought Slime has been growing on me. Good to see someone say ACAB publicly and proudly. Plus he's Canadian, and it's always nice to see perspectives from home.
Oct 26, 2017

Davos is a family reunion for the people that broke the world.
This was a great interview. I'm surprised they let Anand on the air. He's very outspoken about the negative impacts of modern day capitalism. Also his bit about how there is no "world" seemed like a straight shot at Pinker and his constant chants about the world is getting better and we should stop complaining.


Oct 26, 2017
I gotta say I was mislead into thinking Jack Saints videos were alt-right but his videos are tight.

I still love Sky High though.


Oct 25, 2017
I should rewatch the Sky High vid again. It's an interesting take, one that I hadn't considered at the time. And yeah, Jack Saint is not a Nazi.


Oct 25, 2017
Another Destiny video that I think is worth sharing for some of the stuff he talks about here. Using spoiler tags so as not to clog up the thread for those who just don't want to see his stuff posted here.
Closer to the end, he talks about stopping himself from using slurs that he used to use a lot. I remember when I first started watching his videos, he mentioned that he shouldn't say certain things, but didn't have the willpower/care to stop. Looks like he's actually made the effort, which is... the bare minimum. But good I guess. I don't think it's worth 'praise' or anything, but hey... he gets it.
Peterson stuff: he talks about descriptive claims vs. normative claims and how Lobster man makes a ton of the former and leads his audience to making the latter, so when anyone accuses him of making a normative claim, he can say, "I didn't say that!" or "I don't know!" He also talks about his objection to C-16, as if that topic hasn't been beaten to death...
Overall... not a bad one and worth listening to I think.
CW for the usual Destiny stuff... note that the racist/homophobic/ablist slurs are discussed so he and his guest use them in the context of discussing them but his guest seems to fall on the side of "it's still ok if the intent isn't bad" which is lame. Destiny pushes back on that, though.

Deleted member 23212

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
UGH!!!! I was trying to make my own video, but man is it hard to even get started. I essentially wanted to make a video on how leftists should use video games to attempt to broaden their appeal/horizon, in much the same way that the right use video games as a way to gain entry into many "gamers" emotions/interests. However, I have a really hard time formulating what I want to say and what I should use for visual appeal to accompany my clip. I guess I am going to have to write a script and come up with specific aids or something.


The Fallen
Mar 13, 2018
So, I went to watch Rent Live for the sole reason as to watch Lindsey Ellis' critique of the musical she made a while back. While I think most of it checks out, I devised a theory of my own: that Rent indeed encompasses the typical version of Generation X. It depicts a group who are either alright with playing along with the system or those who fight it but are not sure how to do it properly.

With that said, what happened in the AIDS epidemic is really making me hate Reagan. First PATCO and now this. Is everything that's wrong in America today his fault?


Dec 26, 2018
With that said, what happened in the AIDS epidemic is really making me hate Reagan. First PATCO and now this. Is everything that's wrong in America today his fault?

Him and Nixon. They're like competitors over who is the most evil president which defined the country for decades. A lot of the horrible things today can be laid at their feet to one degree or another.

Oct 26, 2017
I'd much rather he debate Steven Crowder because I think his whole shtick is really insidious (debating people who may be speaking from their heart but have no experience dealing with someone more media savvy), but I'd take Dave Rubin as a close second.
After he embarrassed Charlie Kirk (after Kirk embarrassed himself during his debate with Piker) I'm down for Sam to dunk on anyone.