
Oct 27, 2017
kind of with her on this, the premise of a remake is fine and im excited for it... but, there were so many guys i knew who wouldn't even see the fucking movie because it was an all female cast. the movie wasn't great, but it was a fun watch... especially if you were a fan of the series. i'd feel bunt about it too and how the movie was handled for having a female cast. too many fans acted disgusting over it.

subpar spatula

Refuses to Wash his Ass
Oct 26, 2017
kind of with her on this, the premise of a remake is fine and im excited for it... but, there were so many guys i knew who wouldn't even see the fucking movie because it was an all female cast. the movie wasn't great, but it was a fun watch... especially if you were a fan of the series. i'd feel bunt about it too and how the movie was handled for having a female cast. too many fans acted disgusting over it.
Or the fact it got really mediocre "sure, yeah, go waste 2 hours, you could like it?" reviews and really bad marketing? I highly doubt the very large and influential mob of Ghostbusters fandom tanked this movie, it was a group, but if you want to see something else tanking look at BvS and that had the same issues as GB2016. At a point, we got to acknowledge how bad the movie is, why the general populace didn't want to see it, and just how screwed up the marketing / behind the scenes was about this movie. Like, Black Panther had a large ass hate group going into it but it smashed records and shattered some really fragile egos. Ghost Busters could have succeeded despite the angry man mob online. Like, all the angry Star Wars fans couldn't even tank The Last Jedi.


Oct 27, 2017
The people who harassed her and attacked the female casting were pathetic losers, but the movie was just bad. The new one will be too.
Oct 26, 2017
Imagine being an actress of color. Imagine being cast as one of the leads in a reboot of one of the most beloved movie franchises of all time.

Imagine how excited you are when you tell your parents, your siblings, your friends. Imagine the tears of joy streaming down your face when the people you love most in this world tell you how proud they are of you. Imagine seeing your name in the studio announcement.

Imagine reading about the backlash. Imagine being told you're ruining the franchise by simply being a part of it, before anyone has even seen a frame of the film. Imagine turning on your computer or looking at your social media and having countless people calling you every filthy racist, sexist name that exists. Imagine tears running down your face again—only this time, they're tears caused by sadness and shame and anger. Imagine trying to work on making a film with that kind of pressure. Imagine working your ass off to show all those who are against you how wrong they are.

Imagine your movie releasing. Imagine it doesn't do well at the box office. Imagine being mocked for having your movie "bomb," despite the hard work you put into it. Imagine that same harassment by those same people continuing every day for years, never fully giving you a chance to heal.

Imagine the studio behind your film announcing a new film in this major franchise. Imagine the new film forgets you exist. Imagine being told you don't matter; what you went through doesn't matter.

I wanted to be mad at Ms. Jones. I wanted to say she has no right to be upset because her movie didn't perform well and that's that. But the more I thought about it, I can't do that.

No, the studio doesn't owe her shit. But she also doesn't owe them her silence. She went through hell for that movie. She has every right to be upset.

Is she misguided to think that the new movie's direction is solely a response to the backlash to her movie? Maybe. But can you blame her? She went through more bullshit than most people will suffer in a lifetime only to have it "erased" from existence. A tidy happy ending for a studio and a giant turd in the face for her.

I'd be angry too.

Cup O' Tea?

Nov 2, 2017
They know they made a shit Ghostbusters movie right? You don't have to be a sexist to realise that film was an unfunny piece of shit. The next one will probably be just as bad too, regardless of the cast.


Oct 25, 2017
I feel bad for Leslie. I didn't think the movie was awful-but it definelty lacked in the script department. The cast was great-especially Leslie and Kate.
Oct 27, 2017
I had no interest in seeing her version, and I have no interest in seeing this new version either.

I don't think Ghostbusters works well outside of the original. It really didn't need to be a series.

Dizzy Ukulele

Oct 28, 2017
I gave the 2016 film a chance but the two things I remember about it today are one of them licking a weapon suggestively and a joke about one of them getting goo everywhere.
Oct 26, 2017
The movie has a 74% on RT and is declared fresh! It was a good movie. Stop saying it's not people, it ain't true just because you didn't like it.

This is literally argumentum ad populum and an incredible misunderstanding of the RT scoring system. Just because it rates 74% (a rating which only means 74% of critics give the movie a fresh score. Furthermore, there are issues with reviewers who rate movies as a 2/5 as a fresh and 3/5 as not fresh. In other words, inconsistency), doesn't mean that it's automatically a good movie. RT is infamous for how varied its aggregate scores are with each film that it's ridiculous to use it as a barometer for assessing a film's quality.

A film's quality will always be assessed based on acting quality, the strength of the script, and production values. Some are objective and some are subjective.


user requested ban
Oct 28, 2017
Leslie along with the entire cast and crew were doxxed and harassed over the mere existence of this remake ever since Salon made the initial announcement article with no images or footage attached to even judge it by. The entire reception to the marketing was plagued with toxic fandom and misogyny which is subsequently inseparable from the film's place in the pop culture landscape regardless of if you personally dislike it because you didn't find it funny. Her feelings of abandonment are understandable. She's not acting like she owns the franchise. She's acting like the whole debacle is being swept under the rug and people are pretending it never happened, which is indeed what usually happens in industries involved in producing geek content for men.

I liked her film but it tanked and so Reitman and his son are going a different way. Ivan supported her and the cast throughout the filming and promotion of the reboot and as I understand it Reitman Jr. wrote/said some very complimentary things about their film when announcing his own.

Her attitude seems to be one of entitlement or ownership in the sense that she is angry that they are making a direct sequel to the earlier films and that's ridiculous. Nobody is pretending GB 2016 didn't happen anymore than she and Feig were pretending the original film never got made when they did the reboot.

And yes, she was treated horribly by scumbags on the net but that has nothing to do with the production of this film.
Oct 26, 2017
Is she misguided to think that the new movie's direction is solely a response to the backlash to her movie? Maybe. But can you blame her? She went through more bullshit than most people will suffer in a lifetime only to have it "erased" from existence. A tidy happy ending for a studio and a giant turd in the face for her.

I don't get this idea at all. Actors and actresses get recast all the time whether it's because contractual obligations fell apart, or because the film rights holder(s) wanted to do a remake/sequel/etc. Leslie's harassment didn't get "erased", the history is still there and the tweets are still out there even if users tried to delete them. Her harassment had no bearing on whether a company was going to continue with the GB2016 or not. That's why so many people are pointing to box office and other measurable elements to show the flaws that the film had. You can't link these two as if it's common knowledge when it's not.

The one thing I don't see being discussed is I'm fairly certain when GB2016 was announced, that there was another another announcement for a GB project that was going to be a nostalgia trip, as opposed to the remake direction that 2016 went in. Having said that, how do you know this will be a happy ending? What if GB3 ends up being a colossal failure?


When the music hits, you feel no pain.
Oct 25, 2017
Her attitude seems to be one of entitlement or ownership in the sense that she is angry that they are making a direct sequel to the earlier films and that's ridiculous.
Her attitude is that she is deathly afraid that the casting of men will justify the misogyny and harassment she endured during production, and she is not wrong to think that.


Nov 22, 2017
Her movie was bad even for Scooby Doo standards, they got a lot of hate from the usual suspects but the movie still was really bad.


Dec 18, 2017
the vast majority didn't want her version of the Ghostbusters and a direct sequel was always the plan even during the filming of her flop so i don't really see a problem with it.
Oct 30, 2017
It's not. It's a solid movie. Not amazing but certainly not atrocious. That is hyperbole.

No, it's not.

The film is garbage. It's easy to tell that the film is garbage because the best people who are invested in it are able to come up with in its defence in such a highly charged situation is "well, it's not really worth seeing I guess"

It's a bad movie
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Oct 27, 2017
Her franchise? HER franchise? Wtf! She was a supporting actor in one film. A terrible film at that. But now it's her franchise?

To be fair, she was a costar. They all (the actual ghostbusters) kind of shared top billing. And also, for a terrible film, her part was one of the better ones IMO. She made me chuckle several times, which a few of the others failed to do even once.


May 11, 2018
I really dug a lot of her flick, it had issues but it was fun in more places than not.
But the crap she went through during the first she is more invested that most in the franchise
Oct 25, 2017
Forgettable, except maybe two scenes.

Her toxic response is pretty ironic, given the toxic response of the fans of the original film to her film.

So, let me just be clear - you're officially equating, even slightly, the harassment campaign Jones faces (including people faking bigoted tweets in order to hurt Jones' career) with her being bothered by this movie


Oct 28, 2017
I understand her frustration but... Her movie was bad... It didn't felt like it was a Ghostbusters movie, and it wasn't because of the all female cast.

So... It was to be expected. It's as simple as that.


Oct 25, 2017
I think it'll do better because it'll likely be a better movie. The last Ghostbusters suuuuucked (not because of the cast, who are good actresses. The movie just sucked.)


Oct 31, 2017
You people act as if this was the last Jurassic World movie or something.

Oct 30, 2017
No idea what this even means.

People who are invested in the movie defend it by saying it's not worth seeing?

"Not amazing but not atrocious" is just a way of dancing around giving the movie a recommendation while still maintaining your endorsement of it

When I go and see movies, I hope that they will be worth my time. I root for movies, and I rooted for ghostbusters. When I saw it in the theater I even told a pair of mouthbreathers trying to rifftrax it gamer-gate style to fuck off - but as the credits rolled I walked out of the movie with a viscerally bad taste in my mouth.

There is nothing in the film worth seeing. The script is bad, the pacing is bad, the comedy is bad, the performances are offensively awful - I would go so far as to say that the character Jones plays is a borderline racist caricature - and the visuals are nothing to write home about.

It's junk.
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Dec 2, 2017
The last Ghostbusters was dreadful. I understand Jones' feelings on the matter. But frankly I didn't think her movie needed to be made in the first place and certainly not done in the way that it was. Not with an all-woman cast, mind you. But with virtually no script. No wordplay. Relying on practical jokes, gross out humor, and general "dumb" comedy which came a lot from improvising on the spot, which was something talked about by the movie's producers in their "Making of" feature.

And look I still don't think they should be doing a "Ghostbusters 3" at all, especially after Harold Ramis dying. The one thing Jones' movie had going for it was that it was basically a reboot of the franchise that for the most part ignored the previous films. The fact that she went through hell for that movie and they likely didn't even float the idea of a sequel to her or her costars I'm sure feels like an insult. On the same token her movie suffered from bad producing and bad writing which reflected in its box office numbers. Paul Feig said the movie needed to gross $300 million to break even and fell $70 million short. No studio is going to make a sequel to a movie that I'm sure in their heads they thought was a "sure thing" that they ended up losing money on.

Now look if they're going to make this third movie, with all due respect to Jones, I'd hope they'd go with possibly an "Extreme Ghostbusters" lineup. Pretty diverse cast and someone can still be gender swapped. But that's just me. Hopefully Ghostbusters doesn't keep Jones from getting a lead role in a different film.


Oct 31, 2017
She was the best character in the reboot but it was still a trainwreck of a movie.

It's not the cast's fault but the director's. I'd be happy to see that cast of characters be given a new chance with a new director at the helm, but this sounds overall incredibly bitter.


Oct 25, 2017
Her attitude is that she is deathly afraid that the casting of men will justify the misogyny and harassment she endured during production, and she is not wrong to think that.
Nothing will ever justify the harassment and those harassers already feel "justified". The movie being bad didn't justify it. Another Ghostbusters movie getting more positive reception wouldn't justify it either. Nobody who condemned the harassment (so anyone decent), won't be saying now "maybe the misogynists were right!".
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Jul 14, 2018
Ghost Busters 2016 was trash, this movie is also most likely going to be trash. Leave old series' alone, make something new.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Imagine being an actress of color. Imagine being cast as one of the leads in a reboot of one of the most beloved movie franchises of all time.

Imagine how excited you are when you tell your parents, your siblings, your friends. Imagine the tears of joy streaming down your face when the people you love most in this world tell you how proud they are of you. Imagine seeing your name in the studio announcement.

Imagine reading about the backlash. Imagine being told you're ruining the franchise by simply being a part of it, before anyone has even seen a frame of the film. Imagine turning on your computer or looking at your social media and having countless people calling you every filthy racist, sexist name that exists. Imagine tears running down your face again—only this time, they're tears caused by sadness and shame and anger. Imagine trying to work on making a film with that kind of pressure. Imagine working your ass off to show all those who are against you how wrong they are.

Imagine your movie releasing. Imagine it doesn't do well at the box office. Imagine being mocked for having your movie "bomb," despite the hard work you put into it. Imagine that same harassment by those same people continuing every day for years, never fully giving you a chance to heal.

Imagine the studio behind your film announcing a new film in this major franchise. Imagine the new film forgets you exist. Imagine being told you don't matter; what you went through doesn't matter.

I wanted to be mad at Ms. Jones. I wanted to say she has no right to be upset because her movie didn't perform well and that's that. But the more I thought about it, I can't do that.

No, the studio doesn't owe her shit. But she also doesn't owe them her silence. She went through hell for that movie. She has every right to be upset.

Is she misguided to think that the new movie's direction is solely a response to the backlash to her movie? Maybe. But can you blame her? She went through more bullshit than most people will suffer in a lifetime only to have it "erased" from existence. A tidy happy ending for a studio and a giant turd in the face for her.

I'd be angry too.
I swear if you say imagine one more time... but I'm with you on this.


Oct 26, 2017
Imagine being an actress of color. Imagine being cast as one of the leads in a reboot of one of the most beloved movie franchises of all time.

Imagine how excited you are when you tell your parents, your siblings, your friends. Imagine the tears of joy streaming down your face when the people you love most in this world tell you how proud they are of you. Imagine seeing your name in the studio announcement.

Imagine reading about the backlash. Imagine being told you're ruining the franchise by simply being a part of it, before anyone has even seen a frame of the film. Imagine turning on your computer or looking at your social media and having countless people calling you every filthy racist, sexist name that exists. Imagine tears running down your face again—only this time, they're tears caused by sadness and shame and anger. Imagine trying to work on making a film with that kind of pressure. Imagine working your ass off to show all those who are against you how wrong they are.

Imagine your movie releasing. Imagine it doesn't do well at the box office. Imagine being mocked for having your movie "bomb," despite the hard work you put into it. Imagine that same harassment by those same people continuing every day for years, never fully giving you a chance to heal.

Imagine the studio behind your film announcing a new film in this major franchise. Imagine the new film forgets you exist. Imagine being told you don't matter; what you went through doesn't matter.

I wanted to be mad at Ms. Jones. I wanted to say she has no right to be upset because her movie didn't perform well and that's that. But the more I thought about it, I can't do that.

No, the studio doesn't owe her shit. But she also doesn't owe them her silence. She went through hell for that movie. She has every right to be upset.

Is she misguided to think that the new movie's direction is solely a response to the backlash to her movie? Maybe. But can you blame her? She went through more bullshit than most people will suffer in a lifetime only to have it "erased" from existence. A tidy happy ending for a studio and a giant turd in the face for her.

I'd be angry too.
I can blame her for bringing up Trump in regards to the cast of the new movie. She pretends like it's an all male cast when it isn't just so she has a strawman to get angry at and bring in freaking Trump comparisons. Which is stupid since she has actual valid reasons for being angry at some people.

I get where she's coming from, I really do, but there are valid criticisms and then there are those tweets.


Oct 27, 2017
I'll defend Jones from the unfair and disgusting flack she took around the movie's release, but the criticism of her for this outburst, and the criticism of the movie itself is fair game. The comments she's made here are a bit silly.


Oct 28, 2017
They had their chance and blew it (mostly that hack Paul Feig). Your improvisation comedy failed miserable for this movie. I know the actors are not responsible for the mess soley but geez at some point they should´ve asked themself "are vagina farts really something that should be in a Ghostbuster movie?". The Ghostbuster reboot is an abomination of a comedy film and should be banned for life.
Nov 18, 2017
Ghost Busters 2016 was trash, this movie is also most likely going to be trash. Leave old series' alone, make something new.

The Dark Knight Rises was trash, the SW prequel trilogy was trash, Amazing Spider-man 2 was trash, Thor 2 was trash, X-Men 3 was trash, Terminator: subtitle was trash, Jurassic Park 3 was trash...
...leave old series' alone and make something new.
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Oct 26, 2017
After all, did people not like Ghostbusters 2016 because it wasn't a good movie (fair point) or did they not like it cus it starred women (unfair point).

Both. If the assholes who were against the movie because oh no teh womens stopped being assholes and gave it a fair chance, they probably still wouldn't have liked it because it was not a good movie on so many levels.