
Oct 27, 2017
I guess the takeaway is the guy believes that cops have a fixed kill quota, so if they don't kill PoC, they have to make ends meet killing mighty withies?
Idk man, it's early in Spain and haven't had my coffee, I'm slow processing lunacy.
Lol I hear you I'm in Sweden, still in bed trying to boot up my brain, and here comes this guy jumping through hoops with some OS level mental gymnastics ;p

Can't believe he has gained followers from this.


Oct 27, 2017
Los Angeles
Purposeful or not, this is like performance art level. I mean, the amiibo in the frame. The Batman tee on this nebulous lump of soggy Wonder Bread personage. It's just too much.

"Good conscience" is the funniest part, though.


Nov 16, 2017
he's borderline smirking the entire time, his facial expression makes it seem like a really, really, unfathomably bad joke.

You will give him views by clicking on this but he only has 9k. i think hes not that relevant anyway?

There It Is

the comments are wild.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017

You have to understand that some people out there don't realize that we live in a Shin Megami Tensei world.

....that's real and from today btw


They're onto our plan. Gamers, abort!


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 28, 2017
Of course it's satir! It's a character, the pauses he make during the speech are they to emphasis what he say, meaning it's obviously over exagerated


Unshakable Resolve
Oct 29, 2017
I'll only believe this is real when he burns his whole collection he's built up "for as long as he can remember". I mean if those companies are traitors why would you keep all that stuff.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I wonder how people like that react when they learn Kratos is voiced by a black man. Do they not play the game? Or platinum it and pretend they did not know? Probably the latter

Better yet when current Kratos is voiced by

a black man whose star making role was playing a character whose entire motivation was freeing his people from centuries of slavery.


You have to understand that some people out there don't realize that we live in a Shin Megami Tensei world.

....that's real and from today btw

...Well, I'm down for this plan. How we gonna dethrone god though? It better not require level grinding because ain't got time for that.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
Just read this "traitor" list. So at this rate, he's never going to buy anything from anyone ever again, and he will not consume any more media, news, etc. ever again? Nice. I'm sure he'll definitely stick to that plan.

Deleted member 46948

Account closed at user request
Aug 22, 2018
He looks like he's on the verge of crying at one point.
I'm not gonna say what I'm thinking because it's gonna get me banned, but what a chud.
Oct 27, 2017
My current questlog. What should I tackle first if I want to avoid grinding?

- Kill 10 beetles
- Talk to your mother before leaving
- Explore the sewers
- Attack and dethrone God
- Craft a Health potion


Dec 4, 2017

You have to understand that some people out there don't realize that we live in a Shin Megami Tensei world.

....that's real and from today btw

The fox news big brains may have found out. But with our newest ally on our side, they are nothing but fucked.



Oct 25, 2017
Gamers — the most oppressed group in history — need to RISE UP and fight for Basic Gamer Rights.

Subtitle toggle under audio settings and a standardized folder on PC for save games. For everyone!


Oct 25, 2017
Holy jiminy Christ that's dumb, and, perhaps even more depressingly, it puts into perspective why a good friend of mine said something lately that I found really dumb and immediately called out. I and my wife have been eating more soy as of late as I'm trying to bring down my meat consumption, (not going vegan, but it's a possibility in the future), as we're eating much, much, MUCH more protein than we're accustomed to as we've finally decided to adopt a more hardcore attitude towards strength training, and as a result we're eating more protein than we typically do. We eat healthy anyway, but lately we're just really turning up the protein intake as we're on a linear progression program, which means go up a bit in weight on every lift on every work out. It's pretty intensive training, and really requires a lot of protein intake to keep up with constantly moving up in weight like that as you might imagine. Anyway, I told my friend about this, and how all of my lifts have been going up consistently since starting the program, and that I've been getting the majority of my protein from egg whites and edamame, (soy beans), and he says, and I quote, "yeah but what are you going to do about the increase in estrogen?" .....I was dumbfounded lol. I just asked him, "does it look like my estrogen levels have gone up?" He sheepishly said, "well no"...... lol. Where did people get this idea that soy boosts estrogen, or perhaps lowers testosterone? It's utterly fucking absurd. I had no idea that my buddy was the type to believe this type of nonsense, and now I'm a bit worried that there may be a bit more to him than I know about. Lately he's been sending me conspiracy theory videos too, man I hope my buddy's not secretly a fucking creep.
I doubt your friend is a creep, but maybe he's been reading the wrong stuff for info. The notion that soy is bad for men is slowly making its way into the already confusing pool of diet recommendations through sheer spam.

There was even a thread here a while back where someone asked if soy was safe.


Oct 25, 2017
He misunderstood, the equality people are fighting for is to start treating black people as white people are treated, not to start treating white people as black people are.


Oct 25, 2017
He misunderstood, the equality people are fighting for is to start treating black people as white people are treated, not to start treating white people as black people are.
He didn't. He is part of the group that is explicitly against minorities achieving equal rights because that means they lose their supremacy.


Oct 27, 2017
I doubt your friend is a creep, but maybe he's been reading the wrong stuff for info. The notion that soy is bad for men is slowly making its way into the already confusing pool of diet recommendations through sheer spam.

There was even a thread here a while back where someone asked if soy was safe.
Right on, yeah he's such a good fella, generally speaking, it's just that he's been getting into this conspiracy shit as of late and that worries me when people start digging into that shit, as most of these conspiracy theories have some type of anti semitic slant to them for some reason.


Oct 28, 2017
Egyptian residing in Denmark
Not to defend it at all, but I think it's a mixture of things. A lack of information regarding what BLM actually means/does and a disbelief that systematic racism and racism in general is as prevalent as it is. As a result, I assume they only see the name "black lives matter" as meaning something like "if they're saying they specifically matter they must also mean we don't".

It's a stretch of course and born from a place of ignorance and bias/racism, but that's what my guess would be.
The meaning behind BLM and the movement is not rocket science.


Oct 25, 2017
Right on, yeah he's such a good fella, generally speaking, it's just that he's been getting into this conspiracy shit as of late and that worries me when people start digging into that shit, as most of these conspiracy theories have some type of anti semitic slant to them for some reason.
I think that's how this stuff works. It has stuff that sounds normal and probable, mixed in with completely crazy stuff to make it hard to tell what's normal and what's not. I've looked at some redpill stuff before when I was first wondering what all that stuff was about, and it was perfectly normal self-help advice like "watch what you eat" mixed in right next to complete nonsense misogynistic garbage.

I think it's important to keep talking to him as a source of reason so that he still asks you for your perspective if something sounds off to him. If you shut him down or make him feel dumb for asking, he'll just stop asking and rely more heavily on whatever crap he's reading.


Oct 27, 2017
I think that's how this stuff works. It has stuff that sounds normal and probable, mixed in with completely crazy stuff to make it hard to tell what's normal and what's not. I've looked at some redpill stuff before when I was first wondering what all that stuff was about, and it was perfectly normal self-help advice like "watch what you eat" mixed in right next to complete nonsense misogynistic garbage.

I think it's important to keep talking to him as a source of reason so that he still asks you for your perspective if something sounds off to him. If you shut him down or make him feel dumb for asking, he'll just stop asking and rely more heavily on whatever crap he's reading.
Ya know.....I appreciate you. Thanks for helping me to look at it like that. I'll be honest with you, he's a good bit older than me, (about twenty years older), and I was starting to get a bit worried about him as of late. I kind of feel bad for him, ya know? He's older and jaded, but he's kind of a hopeless romantic who never found the right person, while I've been married for over ten years now. He occasionally says really backwards misogynistic shit and then immediately claims it's a joke as he knows it's out of line, and that along with the conspiracy shit and other stuff as of late had me wondering if our business relationship was going to eventually come to a head as I was thinking I may eventually lose my patience and say something or do something, and he's quick to drop people when they've told him off. I think you're right though man; he doesn't have anyone. He calls me and texts me on occasion to have me look at the dumbest shit, or just to send me some pervy pic, and I think it may be because he doesn't have anyone else to talk to, and maybe that's why he's gotten so damn bitter and jaded. The man's in his 50's, and I worry that he's letting all his bitter, lonely, hate get to him sometimes......I try to do fun stuff with him whenever we get together, and sometimes we do, but it seems like he just can't disconnect from work and that's all he wants to talk about, which can be kind of grating. I need to get him outside, get him moving and exercising again, show him that the world's not such a bad place. Hard to do that these days though.

Anyway, sorry to side track or derail, and I appreciate you talking to me. Gave me some stuff to think about and reflect on :D.


Oct 27, 2017
I just watched the video, wow it's peak GAMER culture and I hoped it was a parody. Is it like the comic that is like "Gamers are nice and nonviolent, SO DON'T FUCK WITH US!"?

Since Soy was mentioned I always feel it's helpful to link to Hbomberguy's video that brings up that very talking point.

Soy contains what are called phytoestrogens. The Right only remember the second part of that "Estrogen", which is a common hormone for female characteristics in the human body. In other words, if you have any soy (Or plant based products that contain soy, which would be most of them) you are feminising yourself and not being a TRUE MAN. Total high quality bullshit at it's finest.