Deleted member 835

User requested account deletion
Oct 25, 2017
This is a sad reality that football as a whole has a huge racism problem that isn't taken seriously enough. Yeah in this case it was a racist twat from Liverpool, but shit like this happens all the time all over the football world. All the racist abuse spewed out by racist white men is now happening at nearly every game.

Fuck this dude and fuck FIFA etc for doing fuck all. Handing out shit fines etc does nothing


Chicken Photographer
Oct 25, 2017
There's no comparing the two, American sports fans are generally extremely civilized and relaxed compared to soccer fans in many places around the world.

Years ago I went drinking across Europe and I wasn't even following any team, I just like to drink on baloney cafes and I incidentally watched them do so many insane things, bottle fights, bottle fights between buses like capital ships squaring off with everybody inside of each bus lobbing bottles at the other bus, bottle fights contained completely within a singular bus, fighting cops, driving Italian cops past the point of sanity where they just ran around screaming and hitting everybody they saw with billy clubs, hitting each other with car antennae, trash fights, trash can fights, trash and trash can fights with cops, what appeared to be an organized mass spitting, dueling jason vorhees (I think), stealing deployed teargas canisters as souvenirs, fighting over stolen teargas canisters while they're still hot, and so much more drunken stupidity.
And at the games themselves, personal space does not appear to exist and I kept hearing children screaming for help, but I never saw any.

but have any of the eaten horse shit off the ground?

Subpar Scrub

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017

It'll be a shame when he does that to the wrong person and gets beaten to death or something. People like this will just keep pushing their luck until someone goes off though.

In any case, hope those responsible for throwing the people into the fountains get arrested.


Oct 25, 2017
There's no comparing the two, American sports fans are generally extremely civilized and relaxed compared to soccer fans in many places around the world.

Years ago I went drinking across Europe and I wasn't even following any team, I just like to drink on baloney cafes and I incidentally watched them do so many insane things, bottle fights, bottle fights between buses like capital ships squaring off with everybody inside of each bus lobbing bottles at the other bus, bottle fights contained completely within a singular bus, fighting cops, driving Italian cops past the point of sanity where they just ran around screaming and hitting everybody they saw with billy clubs, hitting each other with car antennae, trash fights, trash can fights, trash and trash can fights with cops, what appeared to be an organized mass spitting, dueling jason vorhees (I think), stealing deployed teargas canisters as souvenirs, fighting over stolen teargas canisters while they're still hot, and so much more drunken stupidity.
And at the games themselves, personal space does not appear to exist and I kept hearing children screaming for help, but I never saw any.

Oct 27, 2017
Nottingham, UK
It seems a European ban might be worth reinstating for English clubs

That said, the free passes many continental fans (and by extension the teams) regarding vile racism is unacceptable (as I'm on the subject of bans)

(I'm not saying there are racist football fans in the UK)


Oct 28, 2017
Guy in the second video should bludgeon the guy who flipped him into the fountain with his 6 pack.

Deleted member 14649

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Oh yes, because if a small percentage of the supporters are trash, the team should not deserve to win the league?
What kind of argument is this lol

While I agree with this, you would think that supporters of Liverpool would be mindful of their checkered history of incidents in Europe and go out of their way to behave.


Oct 25, 2017

Never forget a Newcastle fan punched a horse.

Some football "fans" are just twats
Oct 27, 2017
Nottingham, UK
There's no comparing the two, American sports fans are generally extremely civilized and relaxed compared to soccer fans in many places around the world.

Years ago I went drinking across Europe and I wasn't even following any team, I just like to drink on baloney cafes and I incidentally watched them do so many insane things, bottle fights, bottle fights between buses like capital ships squaring off with everybody inside of each bus lobbing bottles at the other bus, bottle fights contained completely within a singular bus, fighting cops, driving Italian cops past the point of sanity where they just ran around screaming and hitting everybody they saw with billy clubs, hitting each other with car antennae, trash fights, trash can fights, trash and trash can fights with cops, what appeared to be an organized mass spitting, dueling jason vorhees (I think), stealing deployed teargas canisters as souvenirs, fighting over stolen teargas canisters while they're still hot, and so much more drunken stupidity.
And at the games themselves, personal space does not appear to exist and I kept hearing children screaming for help, but I never saw any.
I know you left a caveat with generally, but still worth highlighting...


Oct 27, 2017
I'd punch both those guys teeth in if they did that to me. I'm a 250lb white guy though, so they probably wouldn't come after me, feel for that guy and the racist trash he's having spewed at him too.
Probably not a good idea. People often end hurt bad when it comes to hooligans. And the english aren't even the worst anymore.


Oct 27, 2017
look at all that fucking trash on the ground.

Football fanatics can be the worse. Isn't a team being forced to play in a empty arena because fans wouldn't stop chanting racist shit.


Oct 26, 2017
Clemson, SC
Oct 25, 2017
United Kingdom
As a local Liverpool lass, I've seen shitty behaviour from football hooligans all the time, but this really takes the cake. Usually they're dickheads to each other, but this is just unforgivable. Hope the scumbags gets banned from participating in any future matches if they find out who they are.


Oct 28, 2017
Liverpool Football Club is working with Merseyside Police and the authorities in Spain, who are endeavouring to identify those involved in the incident.

Such behaviour is clearly totally unacceptable and will not be tolerated.
It would be inappropriate to comment further while the situation is ongoing other than to confirm the club will follow due process in any and all cases of this nature.
Oct 29, 2017
This is a sad reality that football as a whole has a huge racism problem that isn't taken seriously enough. Yeah in this case it was a racist twat from Liverpool, but shit like this happens all the time all over the football world. All the racist abuse spewed out by racist white men is now happening at nearly every game.

Fuck this dude and fuck FIFA etc for doing fuck all. Handing out shit fines etc does nothing
Aye and I doubt there'll be as much condemnation as there was against Montenegro, given that those were a bunch of uncivilised Europeans but these are proud Brits who have genuine economic anxiety about Barcelona games.

Deleted member 835

User requested account deletion
Oct 25, 2017
Aye and I doubt there'll be as much condemnation as there was against Montenegro, given that those were a bunch of uncivilised Europeans but these are proud Brits who have genuine economic anxiety about Barcelona games.
Way it works, fans and news etc always side with their clubs/nations more instead of calling it out.

It's time racist abuse was taken seriously, no banning one dude for 3yrs crap.

Deleted member 19218

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Working in Japan can be tough but stories like this make me glad I'm no longer in England. The "lout" behaviour is just appalling, and it doesn't seem like this is an isolated event either. There's a reason why football fans have a reputation for hooligan behaviour in England, because things like this happen too often.


Oct 27, 2017
Fucking disgusting. I don't like to condone this, but I hope internet detectives find these racist scumbags and give them a taste of their own medicine.
Oct 25, 2017
User Banned (1 Month): Celebrating violence and repeated history of inflammatory commentary across a variety of topics
Man I just remembered why I was so conflicted when the Russians beat the shit out of the English in france

Deleted member 14649

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
It's time racist abuse was taken seriously, no banning one dude for 3yrs crap.

I mean, I grew up in an era where bananas were thrown at black footballers by spectators, and I naively believed things had improved, at least in England, however we seem to be returning to those dark days. It's not in any way exclusive to the UK and football though - if anything racist abuse is far bigger a problem in European football. We even had a case recently in Italy where Juventus' Moise Kean was blamed for inciting racist abuse against himself, by celebrating too vigorously - he was accused of that by his own team mate!


Oct 25, 2017
Of course it's an old cunt. Is there any generation worse than the baby boomer cunts who think they are entitled to do whatever the fuck they want?

Piss poor response.

I honestly expected better of Liverpool fans, at least compared to the rest of the UK football fannys. Although maybe it's not fair to put this at Liverpool's door, could just be some other team cunts coming along to stir shit up.


Oct 28, 2017
Of course it's an old cunt. Is there any generation worse than the baby boomer cunts who think they are entitled to do whatever the fuck they want?

Piss poor response.

I honestly expected better of Liverpool fans, at least compared to the rest of the UK football fannys. Although maybe it's not fair to put this at Liverpool's door, could just be some other team cunts coming along to stir shit up.
How is this a poor response? The club are actively working with the police to identify the cunt and bring him to justice.

Deleted member 835

User requested account deletion
Oct 25, 2017
I mean, I grew up in an era where bananas were thrown at black footballers by spectators, and I naively believed things had improved, at least in England, however we seem to be returning to those dark days. It's not in any way exclusive to the UK and football though - if anything racist abuse is far bigger a problem in European football. We even had a case recently in Italy where Juventus' Moise Kean was blamed for inciting racist abuse against himself, by celebrating too vigorously - he was accused of that by his own team mate!
Yeah, the punishmenta for racism are way too tame


Oct 25, 2017
Ah yes. Another story about a handful of [Sports Team Here] fans behaving badly and the "Not surprised because [Sports Team Here] is awful and so are their fans" responses.


Feb 25, 2018
People just think that football is an excuse to basically be a cunt.

Really just makes the club and the good fans seem worse.


Nov 15, 2017
Ah yes. Another story about a handful of [Sports Team Here] fans behaving badly and the "Not surprised because [Sports Team Here] is awful and so are their fans" responses.
That's basically the summary. Could have been any prominent team and there would be a response like this.
Hope that idiot gets a ban. One day he's hopefully tossing the wrong person...


Oct 30, 2017
Hope he enjoys his ban for life. What an idiot. Football clubs do not like that kind of shit on social media.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm a Liverpool fan,this is utterly shameful.Hope they ban the shit out of those responsible
Edit: We're not all like this btw


Oct 27, 2017
As a ManU fan, I want to say, "Yeah sounds about right", however, while I despise everything about Liverpool, this is a sad reality across all fandoms. Anyone can be a fan, including assholes. The best Liverpool can do right now is ensure that the victims are okay and attempt to identify and ban the asshole forever. Imagine traveling for what should be one of the greatest two matches of the season...and deciding that this is a good idea?


Oct 25, 2017
I'm a Liverpool fan. I've never had to desire to treat other human beings with disrespect.

I can smell some Everton or City fans in here with their gross generalization though.