Uzumaki Goku

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
The hype for this was immense… how has it been almost 9 years?!

My feelings were mixed… and I still feel the same

I LOVE when the Avengers are on the farm. It feels so refreshing.

But there were some serious missteps.

It was supposed to be a smaller, more personal film but that didn't come across in the final product.

All the stuff with Black Widow gets so much worse with what's come out about Whedon.

Her relationship with Bruce is a baffling choice and does not work at all.

Also a friend of mine really hates Vision lifting Thor's hammer as he felt it took away from the big moment in Endgame a little bit. (I remember the theater laughing at this)


Oct 28, 2017
Loved Spader as Ultron.. but I had zero attachment to the character beforehand.

Movie isn't great but it's good enough to pass the time

Cat Party

Oct 25, 2017
Agree with all your points. It's not a great movie. Big let down after how incredible the Winter Soldier and GotG were. But the MCU went on a tear after that.
I kind of feel Ultron is only disappointing in hindsight because he represents another one of the MCUs big, obvious, wasted follow-ups.

The way Ultron's final destruction was framed, really pointed to a conscious effort to make the audience doubt what happened. Vision values him for his uniqueness. For years viewers had theories that Vision couldn't help but absorb the last copy of Ultron while destroying his body - see in a long shot to obscure exactly what happened.

This is after all, how Ultron is typically used in comics. His latest instance is usually outright destroyed, but the intelligence always returns.

But like a lot of character set-ups nothing was ever done with it in a timely manner.


Oct 25, 2017
Its my 3rd most favorite Avengers movie (Infinity War is #1 and Endgame is #2).

I liked it - especially moreso than the recent Marvel stuff.


Nov 1, 2017
The Rapscallion
Age of Ultron was needed. It's definitely messy, but it had some great moments and laid a lot of the seeds phase 3 sprouted. Introduced Scarlet Witch and Vision. First time we see Cap might be able to pick up the hammer. The destruction of Sokovia is one of the primary catalysts for the events of Civil War. Out of all the Avengers movie it's the only one with the core team together and already functioning as a well oiled unit before Thanos arrives.

These days I feel it's slightly underrated


Oct 27, 2017
saw it for the first time during the pandemic, when i caught up on MCU stuff

it was pretty fine i guess (James Spader definitely the standout) but like everything from Avengers 1 to Civil War it was kind of just a blur. yay 2010s hollywood spectacle woot


Oct 26, 2017
It's got some brilliant moments.

The party at the start.
Everything at the Barton ranch.
Everything with Vision.

But yeah it has some flaws for sure.


Oct 28, 2017
Age of Ultron I stand by as only half of a story, with the second half being Civil War. It starts showing the very real building conflict between Steve and Tony, as all of Civil War is him trying to fix what he caused all to happen in Ultron.

Hell, the ending of Age of Ultron almost directly leads into Civil War's opening sequence.

Both are fine spectacles on their own, but neither are good stories until you put them together.


Nov 14, 2017
White Plains, NY
Having Raymond Reddington fight the Avengers was pretty great, but since none of the other Blacklist characters crossed over, it felt like something was missing.

This is not so much a joke as how I actually felt. Spider basically played the same character lol


Oct 25, 2017


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I feel like the only two bad parts about Ultron is the highway chase action scene which is a monumental pace breaker without any interesting super heroics, and the fact that the final battle doesn't really reinforce the overarching theme of the movie outside of "they now have three more people on the crew".

Outside of that, I think it's alright. A few weird moments all around but also has some of the more underrated individual character moments in the MCU. Weakest of the four films, I'll admit.


GOTY Tracking Thread Master
Oct 26, 2017
All this movie (and What If) told me was that Ultron was wasted. Could have been a Thanos level threat from some of the comic book storylines I've seen.

Had some solid Avenger moments but it's hard to go back and rewatch, usually just watch some of the scenes on YouTube and move on.


Oct 25, 2017
I just hate how they wasted Ultron on this.

Then again, other classic villains like the Mandarin never got their proper due.


Oct 25, 2017
It's not great but far from awful. Probably the worst of the 5 avengers movies (don't kid yourself about Civil War).

Made retroactively better by how much exposition it provided tbh
Uzumaki Goku

Uzumaki Goku

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
All this movie (and What If) told me was that Ultron was wasted. Could have been a Thanos level threat from some of the comic book storylines I've seen.

Had some solid Avenger moments but it's hard to go back and rewatch, usually just watch some of the scenes on YouTube and move on.
Wasting villains is a common MCU problem

Rodney McKay

Oct 26, 2017
Hulkbuster was the main thing I like AoU for, I'd been wanting to see that in the MCU since the franchise started.

I always hated that they killed off Ultron at the end. I always thought they might have left a little ambiguity with Vision and the final copy and not show its death.

What If?... Season 1 did help take the sting off of that a bit.

The rest of AoU ranged from eh (some of that Whedon comedy that's aged like milk) to OK (I liked Vision being introduced, Klaue's introduction).


Oct 25, 2017
It's the biggest example of wasted potential in the entire series, in my opinion. We have Spader as Ultron and it's a let down. We have a good actor playing Quicksilver and he dies. We have Hemsworth at his peak as Thor, looks-wise but his actual writing hadn't turned the corner into the positive much yet, unfortunately. Iron Man as a whole is at his peak, with the best looking suits that were still plausible before the wholesale transition to nanotech. We have Cheadle there briefly and he should've had a bigger presence to add more weight to what happens eventually in Civil War.

That's also a big issue with the movie - there is a whole lot of set-up that eventually pays off (Civil War + Ragnarok being big parts) but at the time and even in hindsight AoU isn't great on its own.

There are a lot of good individual parts but as a whole, just very underwhelming.
Oct 27, 2017
Ultron could have been such a cool villain, but it felt like the concept was really underwritten. He should have been really terrifying but instead the team just keep defeating him every time they meet.

I think the film has some really good scenes and some good character building (the after party, the farm, Hulk vs. Hulkbuster) and it sets up their falling out nicely, but on the whole it's a bit of a mess that has some odd decisions and doesn't quite come together.


Apr 25, 2021
I get why it's an Avengers movie, but it almost felt like it shouldn't have carried the Avengers title. Not that it's bad but it just... I dunno. It's an odd duck. The marketing ahead of its release was amazing though; the whole "no strings on me" from Pinocchio being the the theme of Ultron breaking free as a rogue, sentient AI.

I still enjoyed it for what it was though, but when I think of Avengers movies that is the one that doesn't immediately come to mind. Plus... the killed off Quicksilver in the lamest of ways. Granted, Fox's Quicksilver from the X-Men movies was just better.


May 1, 2020
I don't even remember the movie, I felt like Civil War was much more an "Avenger" movie compared to this. Also Ultron is a great villain but they did him so dirty in this movie


Oct 27, 2017
I was hyped for this movie and Spader, and it let me down with such a weak Ultron.

I didn't see that coming.

The Quentulated Mox

Corrupted by Vengeance
Jun 10, 2022
the first MCU movie to really make me question whether i actually liked the whole project. i remember being excited for it and coming out of the theater feeling like it was all empty calories


The Fallen
May 9, 2018
This was the only MCU movie pre endgame that made me think it was "over". I left the theater hating it. Thank fuck they got rid of that hack whedon to at least wrap up the thanos storyline.

I remember liking the hulk vs hulk buster ironman fight tho


Mar 28, 2018
Far from awful but also far from great. Mostly wasted potential with some great scenes:

Ultron's intro in the busted armor sets him up super well as both menacing and threatening. The tone, the music, and James Spader being perfectly cast for the character. While Ultron himself doesn't hit the highs he could've, this was a great intro and Spader nailed what I'd always imagined he'd sound like.

Everything at the Barton farm. The character moments we get and the vibe rules. When the characters get to have more intimate, human moments, it's just so good.

Hawkeye giving encouragement to Wanda is a nice little moment.

Hulkbuster vs Hulk with the rapid fire beat down.

Ultron's last scene with Vision. The whole ordeal ending in a one on one conversation in a busted armor suit about how they both view humanity is a great idea that I wish was a little longer.

I still think Ultron could get another shot at being a big threat but wouldn't blame Marvel if they don't want to revisit that. What could've been...


Oct 27, 2017
I remember sitting in a theater and realizing very quickly that I was NOT enjoying this film. Something about it didn't click with me, and I fucking love the MCU.


Jan 24, 2024
Incredibly underrated movie, only gets better with the benefit of hindsight. It establishes so many great character dynamics, starts character arcs, does so much worldbuilding, and sets up so many story points. If Phase 3 is peak MCU, this is the movie that established that world. Before AoU the MCU was a bunch of separate movies crossing over; AoU made it a shared universe.
Jan 20, 2022
I think the Widow/Hulk relationship works in theory. I really like what she says about liking him specifically because he tries to avoid a fight. My main issue with it is Ruffalo and Johansson have absolutely zero chemistry. Which is bizarre because both of them are fantastic actors in their own right
Jun 9, 2023
Spades was awesome, Ultron was not. Him and the machines didn't kill anyone I think and felt like fodder. Cap took him on on top of a truck, very easily too.

The ending was tied up so nearly with a bow. Stark created this machine and there was no repercussions for him, not even anyone on the team scolding him, just a see you later buddy ending.

Vision picking up the hammer, sure I get it but it was a Whedon moment. Just didn't need to happen and takes away from Cap lifting it.

The team bonding scenes are the best parts of these movies, personalities clashing and interacting. Always the highlight. But I feel the pressure on Whedon cost this one a great story.

There was no sense of danger with Ultron and that was the biggest issue. He didn't kill anyone which they made sure to mention and even Cap had no issues fighting him. He looked silly in the train, as if the cg artists just shrunk him to fit and knew nobody would care.

Again, his dialogue was amazing and Spader killed it with what he had. But Ultron should've been more than he was, felt wasted.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
I sat here for five minutes trying to think of something I liked about Age of Ultron and I came up completely empty. That's my take.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Taking a long, 5 year post-Endgame look back, Ultron might be my pick for best Avengers movie?

They aren't forming, they aren't broken up, they're just the team.

Infinity War and Endgame are packed to the gills and while they work, they don't have time for the human aspects of the Marvel characters.

The party scene is the best MCU content that exists.


Zeboyd Games
Oct 26, 2017
I liked it a lot better than Civil War.

My ranking is Avengers 1 > Infinity War > Endgame > Age of Ultron > Civil War


Oct 28, 2017
It's the only time, ever - in the entire MCU - where we get to see the avengers acting like a team and working together, from beginning to end.

So for that reason AoU will always have a soft spot in my heart and I'll always rate it more highly than most peeps.

In avengers 1 they're assembling and don't know each other. In IW and Endgame they're broken up and only come together at the end.

AoU is just a pure fun team up through and through.

(Yes they argue and it sews the ideological seeds that would split them up in Civil War but in the context of AoU on its own they're all still a team at this point)


Oct 25, 2017
I still don't understand why they had to fuck up Ultron's face. Those Bayformers lips just didn't work. That's honestly my only major gripe with the movie lol.