Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
It doesn't exactly sound like he's crying about it, though. He compared jokingly compared it to Auschwitz. The point of the bit isn't 'pity me for my terrible life', it's 'being me right now is going exactly as well as you think'.

It just feels like people are pretending this is particularly out of character for him, when instead it feels like a pretty direct continuation of his previous comedic voice.
Didn't the comedy club that he was invited to and defended at was in NYC? And the person criticizing him was kicked out?


Oct 25, 2017
I don't give a shit about this idiot and never found him funny. But I do wonder when we started taking stand up comedy literally.


Oct 27, 2017
After discussing his own misconduct, he observed that in sexual situations women sometimes act as though everything is OK when they are actually fearful or disgusted — and that men mistake this for consent. He compared it to listening to African-American slave spirituals and mistaking them for an expression of contentment.

Seems mildly self aware. I chuckled at this bit.


Oct 31, 2017
The joke seems fine honestly.

The shitty gender identity joke from a while back was both in bad taste and painfully unfunny.


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
"We don't support what he did to those women, but we like him as a comedian," said Asaf, who came to the show with his wife, Tal. They declined to give their last name out of privacy concerns. "It's not like he raped someone," he added.
So, you do support what he did to those women. Amazing how people can justify almost anything in their own minds.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
Fuck this prick. Let him spew this shit to the assholes that want to listen and leave the rest of the world untainted by his nonsense. Deplatforming works.


Oct 29, 2017
You pathetically masturbated in front of unsuspecting women. Anytime anyone meets or interviews him, this should be the only refrain. The first and last thing said to the scumbag.

So, you do support what he did to those women. Amazing how people can justify almost anything in their own minds.
I dare these people to just explain why a single comedian is worth supporting after that. Like they have the burden of convincing the rest of us who have values that rank higher than the feelings & career of a middle aged comic.


Nov 6, 2017
Experience of being afraid to show his face in NYC because he's a sexual offender > Jewish victims being sent to Auschwitz

I don't know. Seems like pretty poor taste to me.

well it's pretty clear it was a self aware joke and he says obviously NOW as opposed to when it was actually open. It's a shitty joke, but if he wasn't hated it wouldn't even register. The bigger issue as others have pointed out is him talking about his life as a "victim". Such an asshole.


Oct 25, 2017
"We don't support what he did to those women, but we like him as a comedian," said Asaf, who came to the show with his wife, Tal. They declined to give their last name out of privacy concerns. "It's not like he raped someone," he added.
Yes you do


Oct 27, 2017
I mean, it's been clear what crowd he plays to now.

Why go half terrible, when you can go full?

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
well it's pretty clear it was a self aware joke and he says obviously NOW as opposed to when it was actually open. It's a shitty joke, but if he wasn't hated it wouldn't even register. The bigger issue as others have pointed out is him talking about his life as a "victim". Such an asshole.
But the joke is part of his schtick as playing the victim


Oct 25, 2017
Doesn't sound like he still quite gets it yet. Oh well. He could stay right where he is.


Oct 25, 2017
A comedian's ultimate nightmare has to be being judged on a second hand recollecting of his jokes on a website headline.


Oct 25, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
I think Louis CK's ultimate nightmare is people not talking about him
I don't even think he wants that attention honestly. He's just doing shows, he doesn't promote anywhere, he hasn't been seen publicly in years. The only attention he gets is from people that go to his shows to report on it on their own accord.
Oct 27, 2017
I mean, he's always had dark stuff like that. There is a place for dark and offensive comedy.

What makes Louie a piece of shit is what he did in real life to actual people and how he has responded to it being made public.

This is what bothers me. This is unfortunately how many people view sexual assault. "Well, I mean, he didn't rape her or anything."

What the fuck.
Took the comment out of my mouth. Yes there's a place for dark comedy and the Aushwitz part of his bit isn't crazy controversial, because this is taken from his stand-up set, but the way he's reacted to the shit he HAS done is suuuuuper wack.

Really disappointing to hear his fans' take on it.


Oct 25, 2017
Can't believe Louis CK is trying the Cosby and Roseanne speedrun challenge simultaneously.

I hope he succeeds because political correctness has prevented all laughter for a decade now.


Oct 29, 2017
"It's like a little bit complicated," Tal said. She noted that C.K. had reportedly asked permission before masturbating in front of the women and said it shouldn't end the career of a "genius." But she also acknowledged the pervasiveness of sexual misconduct.

Fuck me I despise this mentality. Fame and fortune isn't Louis' god given right. People don't owe him their support. And it's HIS OWN ACTIONS that would have (should have) ruined his career. Nobody else has put their fingers on the scale. Being a "comedy genius" doesn't mean he's exempt from being a decent human being. A "genius'" career should be fucking ruined if they decide to act like a monster off-stage. This is the exact opposite of complicated but I guess pretending it is gives you an excuse to "dwell on all of the complexities" while still supporting the funny sexual harasser.

It all goes back to the gross and wrong-headed mentality I've never identified with, which is people putting their own self-worth and personal investment in individuals, particularly celebrities. From MJ to R Kelly to Louis, there isn't and has never been a moment where I valued artists I liked enough to ignore my morals or excuse/defend their heinous actions. I don't need Louis CK specifically to make me laugh so much that I'd use "it wasn't exactly rape" to justify my perpetual support.

There are other funny comedians. There are a wealth of them that are vehemently against sexual harassment at all. You could find replacements in a heartbeat if the comedy is all that mattered. These people barely consider this though because all of themselves is tied up specifically to this pathetic limp dick "comedic genius" and any self-reflection as to why that is or if that's healthy is barely entertained.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
Era: We need more nuance and people need to understand context.

Also Era: Why are people upset about a joke? It's so tame!


Oct 25, 2017
After discussing his own misconduct, he observed that in sexual situations women sometimes act as though everything is OK when they are actually fearful or disgusted — and that men mistake this for consent. He compared it to listening to African-American slave spirituals and mistaking them for an expression of contentment.

There is definitely a discussion to be had around men being terrible at understanding when consent can truly be considered unspoken, and the comparison of false assumption he made is slightly apt, as there are people who make such wrong-headed assumptions about slave spirituals...

... but I would rather those kinds of discussion originate from almost ANYONE else. It just comes off as yet another excuse coming from him.


Oct 27, 2017
This piece of shit never felt an ounce of remorse, it's sickening how he even integrated it into his act. Disgusting trash excuse for a human being.

Astro Cat

Mar 29, 2019
Goddamn, I don't think there's a single comedian that went from my favorite to a worthless piece of shit so quickly.

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
There is definitely a discussion to be had around men being terrible at understanding when consent can truly be considered unspoken, and the comparison of false assumption he made is slightly apt, as there are people who make such wrong-headed assumptions about slave spirituals...

... but I would rather those kinds of discussion originate from almost ANYONE else. It just comes off as yet another excuse coming from him.
Especially when the dude was jacking off in front of people in professional situations.

Yeah I'm sure that's really easy to misinterpret, tons of women actually wanted that to happen!


Oct 29, 2017
Especially when the dude was jacking off in front of people in professional situations.

Yeah I'm sure that's really easy to misinterpret, tons of women actually wanted that to happen!
Hell guys who entered into the exact same situation as the women he victimized would have the exact same reaction. But Louis' agenda is to frame it as a female-specific consent issue. "Why can't women be more clear when they want guys to jack off in front of them?" Consent as a phrase shouldn't even exist in the conversation around this dude because from the ground up these meeetings were about professional networking and not sexual intimacy. Louis using consent implies at some point sexual interest was suggested and his victims just "randomly changed their minds about that". His cards weren't on the table but his supporters and himself want to pretend they were and that sadly there was just a "misunderstanding" along the way that was the singular fault of his victims.


Oct 27, 2017
It's worth noting that he probably could have told this exact joke a few years ago and absolutely nobody would have thought twice about it.
Seriously. I normally hate it when people characterize reactions to this kind of stuff as 'outrage culture policing' but the handwringing over Louis CK of all people telling an ~edgy joke~ is ridiculous. "I'm surprised the audience wasn't offended" lol

The actual problem with Louis is his real misconduct and his seeming refusal to do anything about it or even acknowledge it. Not telling jokes about Auschwitz -- which, in the slightly fuller context that the OP left out, is even tamer.

This piece of shit never felt an ounce of remorse, it's sickening how he even integrated it into his act. Disgusting trash excuse for a human being.
That's interesting, because Aziz Ansari has also made this a part of his new act. Now what Aziz was guilty of doesn't compare to Louis' misconduct, and it sounds like from second-hand accounts of both sets, the way Aziz tackles his is more self-reflective and thoughtful than Louis' is. But even that aside, what would be worse -- not acknowledging past wrong-doing and your own thoughts about it, or ignoring it altogether and treating this like another typical standup tour? Is the former more exploitative than the latter is whitewashing, or is it the reverse? Personally, if guys like Louis and Aziz are going to continue performing, I'd rather hear them tackle their shit and address it honestly and thoughtfully, as they do any other part of their lives, rather than pretend it didn't happen. Granted it doesn't sound like Louis isn't really doing that yet either, but I don't think it's "sickening" for a comic accused of misconduct to make it a part of the standup, at least not the idea of it.